cdist(1) ======== NAME ---- cdist - Usable Configuration Management SYNOPSIS -------- :: cdist [-h] [-d] [-v] [-V] {banner,config,install,inventory,preos,shell,trigger} ... cdist banner [-h] [-d] [-v] cdist config [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-c CONF_DIR] [-i MANIFEST] [-j [JOBS]] [-n] [-o OUT_PATH] [--remote-copy REMOTE_COPY] [--remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-A] [-a] [-f HOSTFILE] [-p] [-s] [-t] [host [host ...]] cdist install [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-c CONF_DIR] [-i MANIFEST] [-j [JOBS]] [-n] [-o OUT_PATH] [--remote-copy REMOTE_COPY] [--remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-A] [-a] [-f HOSTFILE] [-p] [-s] [-t] [host [host ...]] cdist inventory [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] {add-host,add-tag,del-host,del-tag,list} ... cdist inventory add-host [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-f HOSTFILE] [host [host ...]] cdist inventory add-tag [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-f HOSTFILE] [-T TAGFILE] [-t TAGLIST] [host [host ...]] cdist inventory del-host [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-a] [-f HOSTFILE] [host [host ...]] cdist inventory del-tag [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-a] [-f HOSTFILE] [-T TAGFILE] [-t TAGLIST] [host [host ...]] cdist inventory list [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-I INVENTORY_DIR] [-a] [-f HOSTFILE] [-H] [-t] [host [host ...]] cdist preos [-h] preos cdist preos debian [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-a ARCH] [-B] [-C] [-c CDIST_PARAMS] [-e REMOTE_EXEC] [-i MANIFEST] [-k [KEYFILE [KEYFILE ...]]] [-m MIRROR] [-p PXE_BOOT_DIR] [-r] [-S SCRIPT] [-s SUITE] [-t TRIGGER_COMMAND] [-y REMOTE_COPY] target_dir cdist preos ubuntu [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-a ARCH] [-B] [-C] [-c CDIST_PARAMS] [-e REMOTE_EXEC] [-i MANIFEST] [-k [KEYFILE [KEYFILE ...]]] [-m MIRROR] [-p PXE_BOOT_DIR] [-r] [-S SCRIPT] [-s SUITE] [-t TRIGGER_COMMAND] [-y REMOTE_COPY] target_dir cdist shell [-h] [-d] [-v] [-s SHELL] cdist trigger [-h] [-d] [-v] [-b] [-c CONF_DIR] [-i MANIFEST] [-j [JOBS]] [-n] [-o OUT_PATH] [--remote-copy REMOTE_COPY] [--remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC] [-6] [-H HTTP_PORT] DESCRIPTION ----------- cdist is the frontend executable to the cdist configuration management. It supports different subcommands as explained below. It is written in Python so it requires :strong:`python`\ (1) to be installed. It requires a minimal Python version 3.2. GENERAL ------- All commands accept the following options: .. option:: -h, --help Show the help screen .. option:: -d, --debug Set log level to debug .. option:: -v, --verbose Set log level to info, be more verbose .. option:: -V, --version Show version and exit BANNER ------ Displays the cdist banner. Useful for printing cdist posters - a must have for every office. CONFIG/INSTALL -------------- Configure/install one or more hosts. .. option:: -A, --all-tagged use all hosts present in tags db .. option:: -a, --all list hosts that have all specified tags, if -t/--tag is specified .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. .. option:: -c CONF_DIR, --conf-dir CONF_DIR Add a configuration directory. Can be specified multiple times. If configuration directories contain conflicting types, explorers or manifests, then the last one found is used. Additionally this can also be configured by setting the CDIST_PATH environment variable to a colon delimited list of config directories. Directories given with the --conf-dir argument have higher precedence over those set through the environment variable. .. option:: -f HOSTFILE, --file HOSTFILE Read additional hosts to operate on from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each host on separate line). If no host or host file is specified then, by default, read hosts from stdin. For the file format see below. .. option:: -I INVENTORY_DIR, --inventory INVENTORY_DIR Use specified custom inventory directory. Inventory directory is set up by the following rules: if this argument is set then specified directory is used, if CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var is set then its value is used, if HOME env var is set then ~/.cdit/inventory is used, otherwise distribution inventory directory is used. .. option:: -i MANIFEST, --initial-manifest MANIFEST Path to a cdist manifest or - to read from stdin .. option:: -j [JOBS], --jobs [JOBS] Specify the maximum number of parallel jobs; currently only global explorers are supported (currently in beta) .. option:: -n, --dry-run Do not execute code .. option:: -o OUT_PATH, --out-dir OUT_PATH Directory to save cdist output in .. option:: -p, --parallel Operate on multiple hosts in parallel .. option:: -s, --sequential Operate on multiple hosts sequentially (default) .. option:: --remote-copy REMOTE_COPY Command to use for remote copy (should behave like scp) .. option:: --remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC Command to use for remote execution (should behave like ssh) .. option:: -t, --tag host is specified by tag, not hostname/address; list all hosts that contain any of specified tags HOSTFILE FORMAT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOSTFILE contains hosts per line. All characters after and including '#' until the end of line is a comment. In a line, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are ignored. Empty lines are ignored/skipped. Hostfile line is processed like the following. First, all comments are removed. Then all leading and trailing whitespace characters are stripped. If such a line results in empty line it is ignored/skipped. Otherwise, host string is used. INVENTORY --------- Manage inventory database. Currently in beta with all sub-commands. INVENTORY ADD-HOST ------------------ Add host(s) to inventory database. .. option:: host host(s) to add .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. Beta functionalities include inventory command with all sub-commands and all options; config sub-command options: -j/--jobs, -t/--tag, -a/--all. .. option:: -f HOSTFILE, --file HOSTFILE Read additional hosts to add from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each host on separate line). If no host or host file is specified then, by default, read from stdin. Hostfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -h, --help show this help message and exit .. option:: -I INVENTORY_DIR, --inventory INVENTORY_DIR Use specified custom inventory directory. Inventory directory is set up by the following rules: if this argument is set then specified directory is used, if CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var is set then its value is used, if HOME env var is set then ~/.cdist/inventory is used, otherwise distribution inventory directory is used. INVENTORY ADD-TAG ----------------- Add tag(s) to inventory database. .. option:: host list of host(s) for which tags are added .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. Beta functionalities include inventory command with all sub-commands and all options; config sub-command options: -j/--jobs, -t/--tag, -a/--all. .. option:: -f HOSTFILE, --file HOSTFILE Read additional hosts to add tags from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each host on separate line). If no host or host file is specified then, by default, read from stdin. If no tags/tagfile nor hosts/hostfile are specified then tags are read from stdin and are added to all hosts. Hostfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -I INVENTORY_DIR, --inventory INVENTORY_DIR Use specified custom inventory directory. Inventory directory is set up by the following rules: if this argument is set then specified directory is used, if CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var is set then its value is used, if HOME env var is set then ~/.cdist/inventory is used, otherwise distribution inventory directory is used. .. option:: -T TAGFILE, --tag-file TAGFILE Read additional tags to add from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each tag on separate line). If no tag or tag file is specified then, by default, read from stdin. If no tags/tagfile nor hosts/hostfile are specified then tags are read from stdin and are added to all hosts. Tagfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -t TAGLIST, --taglist TAGLIST Tag list to be added for specified host(s), comma separated values INVENTORY DEL-HOST ------------------ Delete host(s) from inventory database. .. option:: host host(s) to delete .. option:: -a, --all Delete all hosts .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. Beta functionalities include inventory command with all sub-commands and all options; config sub-command options: -j/--jobs, -t/--tag, -a/--all. .. option:: -f HOSTFILE, --file HOSTFILE Read additional hosts to delete from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each host on separate line). If no host or host file is specified then, by default, read from stdin. Hostfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -I INVENTORY_DIR, --inventory INVENTORY_DIR Use specified custom inventory directory. Inventory directory is set up by the following rules: if this argument is set then specified directory is used, if CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var is set then its value is used, if HOME env var is set then ~/.cdist/inventory is used, otherwise distribution inventory directory is used. INVENTORY DEL-TAG ----------------- Delete tag(s) from inventory database. .. option:: host list of host(s) for which tags are deleted .. option:: -a, --all Delete all tags for specified host(s) .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. Beta functionalities include inventory command with all sub-commands and all options; config sub-command options: -j/--jobs, -t/--tag, -a/--all. .. option:: -f HOSTFILE, --file HOSTFILE Read additional hosts to delete tags for from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each host on separate line). If no host or host file is specified then, by default, read from stdin. If no tags/tagfile nor hosts/hostfile are specified then tags are read from stdin and are deleted from all hosts. Hostfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -I INVENTORY_DIR, --inventory INVENTORY_DIR Use specified custom inventory directory. Inventory directory is set up by the following rules: if this argument is set then specified directory is used, if CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var is set then its value is used, if HOME env var is set then ~/.cdist/inventory is used, otherwise distribution inventory directory is used. .. option:: -T TAGFILE, --tag-file TAGFILE Read additional tags from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each tag on separate line). If no tag or tag file is specified then, by default, read from stdin. If no tags/tagfile nor hosts/hostfile are specified then tags are read from stdin and are added to all hosts. Tagfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -t TAGLIST, --taglist TAGLIST Tag list to be deleted for specified host(s), comma separated values INVENTORY LIST -------------- List inventory database. .. option:: host host(s) to list .. option:: -a, --all list hosts that have all specified tags, if -t/--tag is specified .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. Beta functionalities include inventory command with all sub-commands and all options; config sub-command options: -j/--jobs, -t/--tag, -a/--all. .. option:: -f HOSTFILE, --file HOSTFILE Read additional hosts to list from specified file or from stdin if '-' (each host on separate line). If no host or host file is specified then, by default, list all. Hostfile format is the same as config hostfile format. .. option:: -H, --host-only Suppress tags listing .. option:: -I INVENTORY_DIR, --inventory INVENTORY_DIR Use specified custom inventory directory. Inventory directory is set up by the following rules: if this argument is set then specified directory is used, if CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var is set then its value is used, if HOME env var is set then ~/.cdist/inventory is used, otherwise distribution inventory directory is used. .. option:: -t, --tag host is specified by tag, not hostname/address; list all hosts that contain any of specified tags PREOS ----- Create PreOS. Currently, the following PreOS-es are supported: * debian * ubuntu PREOS DEBIAN ------------ .. option:: target_dir target directory where PreOS will be bootstrapped .. option:: -a ARCH, --arch ARCH target debootstrap architecture, by default 'amd64' .. option:: -B, --bootstrap do bootstrap step .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. .. option:: -C, --configure do configure step .. option:: -c CDIST_PARAMS, --cdist-params CDIST_PARAMS parameters that will be passed to cdist config, by default '-v' is used .. option:: -d, --debug Set log level to debug .. option:: -e REMOTE_EXEC, --remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC remote exec that cdist config will use, by default internal script is used .. option:: -h, --help show this help message and exit .. option:: -i MANIFEST, --init-manifest MANIFEST init manifest that cdist config will use, by default internal init manifest is used .. option:: -k [KEYFILE [KEYFILE ...]], --keyfile [KEYFILE [KEYFILE ...]] ssh key files that will be added to cdist config; '``__ssh_authorized_keys root ...``' type is appended to initial manifest .. option:: -m MIRROR, --mirror MIRROR use specified mirror for debootstrap .. option:: -p PXE_BOOT_DIR, --pxe-boot-dir PXE_BOOT_DIR PXE boot directory .. option:: -r, --rm-bootstrap-dir remove target directory after finishing .. option:: -S SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT use specified script for debootstrap .. option:: -s SUITE, --suite SUITE suite used for debootstrap, by default 'stable' .. option:: -t TRIGGER_COMMAND, --trigger-command TRIGGER_COMMAND trigger command that will be added to cdist config; '``__cdist_preos_trigger http ...``' type is appended to initial manifest .. option:: -v, --verbose Set log level to info, be more verbose .. option:: -y REMOTE_COPY, --remote-copy REMOTE_COPY remote copy that cdist config will use, by default internal script is used PREOS UBUNTU ------------ .. option:: target_dir target directory where PreOS will be bootstrapped .. option:: -a ARCH, --arch ARCH target debootstrap architecture, by default 'amd64' .. option:: -B, --bootstrap do bootstrap step .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. .. option:: -C, --configure do configure step .. option:: -c CDIST_PARAMS, --cdist-params CDIST_PARAMS parameters that will be passed to cdist config, by default '-v' is used .. option:: -d, --debug Set log level to debug .. option:: -e REMOTE_EXEC, --remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC remote exec that cdist config will use, by default internal script is used .. option:: -h, --help show this help message and exit .. option:: -i MANIFEST, --init-manifest MANIFEST init manifest that cdist config will use, by default internal init manifest is used .. option:: -k [KEYFILE [KEYFILE ...]], --keyfile [KEYFILE [KEYFILE ...]] ssh key files that will be added to cdist config; '``__ssh_authorized_keys root ...``' type is appended to initial manifest .. option:: -m MIRROR, --mirror MIRROR use specified mirror for debootstrap .. option:: -p PXE_BOOT_DIR, --pxe-boot-dir PXE_BOOT_DIR PXE boot directory .. option:: -r, --rm-bootstrap-dir remove target directory after finishing .. option:: -S SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT use specified script for debootstrap .. option:: -s SUITE, --suite SUITE suite used for debootstrap, by default 'xenial' .. option:: -t TRIGGER_COMMAND, --trigger-command TRIGGER_COMMAND trigger command that will be added to cdist config; '``__cdist_preos_trigger http ...``' type is appended to initial manifest .. option:: -v, --verbose Set log level to info, be more verbose .. option:: -y REMOTE_COPY, --remote-copy REMOTE_COPY remote copy that cdist config will use, by default internal script is used SHELL ----- This command allows you to spawn a shell that enables access to the types as commands. It can be thought as an "interactive manifest" environment. See below for example usage. Its primary use is for debugging type parameters. .. option:: -s SHELL, --shell SHELL Select shell to use, defaults to current shell. Used shell should be POSIX compatible shell. TRIGGER ------- Start trigger (simple http server) that waits for connections. When host connects then it triggers config or install command, cdist config is then executed which configures/installs host. Request path recognies following formats: * :strong:`/config/.*` for config * :strong:`/install/.*` for install .. option:: -6, --ipv6 Listen to both IPv4 and IPv6 (instead of only IPv4) .. option:: -b, --beta Enable beta functionalities. .. option:: -c CONF_DIR, --conf-dir CONF_DIR Add configuration directory (can be repeated, last one wins) .. option:: -d, --debug Set log level to debug .. option:: -H HTTP_PORT, --http-port HTTP_PORT Create trigger listener via http on specified port .. option:: -h, --help show this help message and exit .. option:: -i MANIFEST, --initial-manifest MANIFEST path to a cdist manifest or '-' to read from stdin. .. option:: -j [JOBS], --jobs [JOBS] Specify the maximum number of parallel jobs, currently only global explorers are supported .. option:: -n, --dry-run do not execute code .. option:: -o OUT_PATH, --out-dir OUT_PATH directory to save cdist output in .. option:: --remote-copy REMOTE_COPY Command to use for remote copy (should behave like scp) .. option:: --remote-exec REMOTE_EXEC Command to use for remote execution (should behave like ssh) .. option:: -v, --verbose Set log level to info, be more verbose FILES ----- ~/.cdist Your personal cdist config directory. If exists it will be automatically used. ~/.cdist/inventory The home inventory directory. If ~/.cdist exists it will be used as default inventory directory. ~/.cdist/preos PreOS plugins directory, if existing. cdist/conf The distribution configuration directory. It contains official types and explorers. This path is relative to cdist installation directory. cdist/inventory The distribution inventory directory. This path is relative to cdist installation directory. cdist/preos The distribution PreOS plugins directory. EXAMPLES -------- .. code-block:: sh # Configure with debug enabled % cdist config -d # Configure hosts in parallel and use a different configuration directory % cdist config -c ~/p/cdist-nutzung \ -p # Use custom remote exec / copy commands % cdist config --remote-exec /path/to/my/remote/exec \ --remote-copy /path/to/my/remote/copy \ -p # Configure hosts read from file loadbalancers % cdist config -f loadbalancers # Configure hosts read from file web.hosts using 16 parallel jobs # (beta functionality) % cdist config -b -j 16 -f web.hosts # Display banner cdist banner # Show help % cdist --help # Show Version % cdist --version # Enter a shell that has access to emulated types % cdist shell % __git usage: __git --source SOURCE [--state STATE] [--branch BRANCH] [--group GROUP] [--owner OWNER] [--mode MODE] object_id # Install with debug enabled % cdist install -d # List inventory content % cdist inventory list -b # List inventory for specified host localhost % cdist inventory list -b localhost # List inventory for specified tag loadbalancer % cdist inventory list -b -t loadbalancer # Add hosts to inventory % cdist inventory add-host -b web1 web2 web3 # Delete hosts from file old-hosts from inventory % cdist inventory del-host -b -f old-hosts # Add tags to specifed hosts % cdist inventory add-tag -b -t europe,croatia,web,static web1 web2 # Add tag to all hosts in inventory % cdist inventory add-tag -b -t vm # Delete all tags from specified host % cdist inventory del-tag -b -a localhost # Delete tags read from stdin from hosts specified by file hosts % cdist inventory del-tag -b -T - -f hosts # Configure hosts from inventory with any of specified tags % cdist config -b -t web dynamic # Configure hosts from inventory with all specified tags % cdist config -b -t -a web dynamic # Configure all hosts from inventory db $ cdist config -b -A # Create default debian PreOS in debug mode with config # trigger command $ cdist preos debian /preos/preos-debian -b -d -C \ -k ~/.ssh/ -p /preos/pxe-debian \ -t "/usr/bin/curl" # Create ubuntu PreOS with install trigger command $ cdist preos ubuntu /preos/preos-ubuntu -b -C \ -k ~/.ssh/ -p /preos/pxe-ubuntu \ -t "/usr/bin/curl" # Start trigger in verbose mode that will configure host using specified # init manifest % cdist trigger -b -v -i ~/.cdist/manifest/init-for-triggered ENVIRONMENT ----------- TMPDIR, TEMP, TMP Setup the base directory for the temporary directory. See for more information. This is rather useful, if the standard directory used does not allow executables. CDIST_PATH Colon delimited list of config directories. CDIST_LOCAL_SHELL Selects shell for local script execution, defaults to /bin/sh. CDIST_REMOTE_SHELL Selects shell for remote script execution, defaults to /bin/sh. CDIST_OVERRIDE Allow overwriting type parameters. CDIST_ORDER_DEPENDENCY Create dependencies based on the execution order. CDIST_REMOTE_EXEC Use this command for remote execution (should behave like ssh). CDIST_REMOTE_COPY Use this command for remote copy (should behave like scp). EXIT STATUS ----------- The following exit values shall be returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 One or more host configurations failed. AUTHORS ------- Nico Schottelius CAVEATS ------- When operating in parallel, either by operating in parallel for each host (-p/--parallel) or by parallel jobs within a host (-j/--jobs), and depending on target SSH server and its configuration you may encounter connection drops. This is controlled with sshd :strong:`MaxStartups` configuration options. You may also encounter session open refusal. This happens with ssh multiplexing when you reach maximum number of open sessions permitted per network connection. In this case ssh will disable multiplexing. This limit is controlled with sshd :strong:`MaxSessions` configuration options. For more details refer to :strong:`sshd_config`\ (5). When requirements for the same object are defined in different manifests (see example below) in init manifest and in some other type manifest and they differs then dependency resolver cannot detect dependencies right. This happens because cdist cannot prepare all objects first and then run objects because some object can depend on the result of type explorer(s) and explorers are executed during object run. cdist will detect such case and write warning message. Example for such a case: .. code-block:: sh init manifest: __a a require="__e/e" __b b require="__f/f" __c c __e e __f f require="__c/c" __d d __g g __h h type __g manifest: require="__c/c __d/d" __a a Warning message: WARNING: cdisttesthost: Object __a/a already exists with requirements: /usr/home/darko/ungleich/cdist/cdist/test/config/fixtures/manifest/init-deps-resolver /tmp/tmp.cdist.test.ozagkg54/local/759547ff4356de6e3d9e08522b0d0807/data/conf/type/__g/manifest: set() /tmp/tmp.cdist.test.ozagkg54/local/759547ff4356de6e3d9e08522b0d0807/data/conf/type/__g/manifest: {'__c/c', '__d/d'} Dependency resolver could not handle dependencies as expected. COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2011-2013 Nico Schottelius. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+).