#!/bin/sh # Nico Schottelius # Date: Sun Oct 16 16:57:03 CEST 2005 # cLinux/cinit # Automagically convert Debian-Sysv-Iinit # THIS IS NOT CLEAN. # THIS IS NOT EVEN INTENTED TO BE CLEAN. # This is just a small hack, because my girlfriend wants her notebook back. # -- She's not my girlfriend anymore, but now I want to test cinit-0.3pre15 on # my notebook echo "***> $(basename $0): converting Debian-Sys-V-Init" # read standard values, may be overwritten from outside . $(dirname $0)/cinit-conf.read-conf echo "***> Finding standard config ..." # variables, which can be set from the outside ROOT_DEV=${ROOT_DEV:-$(awk '$2 ~ /^\/$/ { print $1 }' /etc/fstab)} ROOT_FSCK=${ROOT_FSCK:-$(awk '$2 ~ /^\/$/ { print $6 }' /etc/fstab)} ROOT_FS=${ROOT_FS:-$(awk '$2 ~ /^\/$/ { print $3 }' /etc/fstab)} RUNLEVEL=${RUNLEVEL:-$(runlevel | awk '{ print $2 }')} echo "***> Detecting keymap (this may take some time)" if [ -z "$C_KEYMAP" ]; then echo "Please set the variable C_KEYMAP to your keymap." echo "It is impossible to detect reliable your keymap in Debian." exit 1 fi echo "***> Configuration" echo "Hostname (\$HOSTNAME): $HOSTNAME" echo "Keymap (\$C_KEYMAP): $C_KEYMAP" echo "Root device (\$ROOT_DEV): $ROOT_DEV" echo "Root fsck (\$ROOT_FSCK): $ROOT_FSCK" echo "Root FS (\$ROOT_FS): $ROOT_FS" echo "Runlevel (\$RUNLEVEL): $RUNLEVEL" echo "Destdir: (\$DESTDIR): $DESTDIR" echo "Config-Dir: (\$CINIT_DIR): $CINIT_DIR" read -p "Is this correct (Y/n) " correct if [ "$correct" != "y" -a "$correct" != "Y" ]; then echo "***> Abort." exit 1 fi if [ -d "${DESTDIR}${CINIT_DIR}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Configuration already exists at ${DESTDIR}${CINIT_DIR}." exit 1 fi echo "***> Installing standard structure and dependencies" set -e $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.config-dir $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.standard.dirs $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.standard.init.deps echo "***> Adding mount / r/w" $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.service.mount-root if [ "$ROOT_FSCK" = "1" ]; then echo "***> Adding fsck for $ROOT_DEV ..." $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.fsck root "$ROOT_DEV" "$ROOT_FS" echo "***> Adding dependency" $(dirname $0)/cinit.add.dependency mount/root needs fsck/root else echo "***> Skipping fsck for $ROOT_DEV ..." fi echo "***> Setting up standard mounts ..." $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.service.hostname.generic "$HOSTNAME" echo "***> Setting up hostname: $HOSTNAME" $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.service.hostname.generic "$HOSTNAME" echo "***> Setting up keymap" $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.service.keymap.c_keymap echo "***> Creating getties (tty1-8)" for i in `seq 1 8`; do $(dirname $0)/cinit.add.getty # each getty needs: # - root r/w $(dirname $0)/cinit.add.dependency getty/$i needs mount/root # - hostname $(dirname $0)/cinit.add.dependency getty/$i needs network/hostname done echo "***> Enabling getties (tty2-8)" for i in `seq 2 8`; do # add getties to getty/ $(dirname $0)/cinit.add.dependency getty wants getty/$i done # # Convert services: check /etc/rcS.d and /etc/rcX.d # echo "***> Converting services ..." for script in $(cd /etc/rcS.d/; ls S*; cd /etc/rc${RUNLEVEL}.d/; ls S*); do echo -n "$script: " case $script in # SCRIPTS READY *ntpdate) $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.service.ntpdate.debian $(dirname $0)/cinit.add.dependency local-tuning/ntpdate needs network ;; *udev*) $(dirname $0)/cinit.install.service.udev # SCRIPTS NEVER READY *glibc.sh|*module-init-tools|*modutils|*procps.sh|*hotplug-net|*bootmisc.sh|*nviboot|*screen-cleanup|*x11-common|*sudo|*makedev|*rmnologin) echo "Ignoring (useless)." ;; # SCRIPTS NOT YET READY *mountvirtfs|*checkroot.sh|*ifupdown-clean|*checkfs.sh|*mountall.sh|*ifupdown|*hostname*|*mountnfs.sh|*alsa|*rsync|*ssh|*fam|*cron|*gdm) echo "converting planned later." ;; # SCRIPTS LATER TO DO *bootlogd|*keymap.sh|*hwclock*|*discover|*pppd-dns|*dns-clean|*networking|*portmap|*console-screen.sh|*urandom|*klogd|*apmd|*dbus-1|*exim4|*pcmcia|*nfs-common|*stop-bootlogd) echo "unsupported currently (FIXME PLEASE)." ;; *sysklogd|*ppp|*inetd|*lpd|*aumix|*atd) echo "unsupported (choose a better alternative)." ;; *initrd-tools.sh|*libdevmapper*|*hotplug) echo "Ignoring (general or bloated script)." ;; *) echo "Ignoring (unknown)" ;; esac done echo "***> Finished."