I am thinking about restructing gpm, for the following reasons: - the code is old - the code is huge - the code is next to unmaintainable - the code is linux specific What I think one could reach: - create gpm, that runs on any Unix? - create gpm that is easy to extend - create gpm that is easy to maintain What ways are possible? - rewrite everything from scratch * takes a long time and much motivitation - migrate old code to clean codebase * takes some time to analyse old code * seems to me some way one could go How to do it? - new functions / code references 'gpm2' instead of gpm - perhaps some people want to sponsor me for creating a clean mouse driver for the console? => thus I got more time to focus on gpm2 - motivate other foss developers to take part into it Let's see what happens! -- Nico Schottelius, 2007-05-11 2245 CEST in a train in Zurich