The following is an incomplete list of news and articles about my projects and those I wrote: * February 2005: [[Linux-Magazin about monotone and gnu arch (tla)|dokumentationen/linux-magazin-monotone-gnu-arch-tla/]] * 26\. August 2004: [OpenNET (russia)]( about the [[!unixso blacksheep]] project * 9\. July 2004: [Pro-Linux]( about the [LinuxDistributionen Wiki]( * 14\. April 2004: [The Linux Documentation Project]( about the document explaining [why cryptoloops offer only partial security]( * 22\. August 2003: [Newsforge]( about the [[!unixso blacksheep]] project * 31\. July 2003: [Pro-Linux]( about the [[!unixso blacksheep]] project Please [[notify me|contact]], if you find an article not listed here. [[!tag net schottelius unix]]