#### ccollect - (pseudo) incremental backup with different exclude lists using hardlinks and rsync
ccollect backups data from local and remote hosts to your local harddisk. Although ccollect creates full backups, it requires very less space on the backup medium, because ccollect uses hardlinks to create an initial copy of the last backup. Only the inodes used by the hardlinks and the changed files need additional space. ccollect uses [rsync](http://www.samba.org/rsync/) for synchronisation. Since ccollect-0.2 there is [asciidoc](http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/) based documentation included in the distribution (see below). You should also be able to configure ccollect with the help of the example configuration in conf/. ### Documentation You can read * the ccollect handbook as text, HTML, HTML (docbook), * the ccollect manpage as text, troff HTML HTML (docbook) * or view some screenshots. There used to be a German translation of the handbook, but it is outdated and thus removed. ### Portability As ccollect is written in simple sh-script, it should run on any POSIX compatible OS. It is known or reported to run on:
git clone git://git.schottelius.org/cLinux/ccollect.git or git clone http://git.schottelius.org/cLinux/ccollect.gitAlternatively, you can look at the current status in gitweb.
ccollect is included into gentoo portage. Thanks to René Nussbaumer.
Marcus Wagner makes ccollect available as Debian packages.
To get ccollect insert the following line into your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://deb.notestc.de/ clinux/
deb http://debian.syhosting.ch/ software/
After adding one of the above sources.list entries do
apt-get update && apt-get install ccollect