/* * cinit * (c) 2005 Nico Schottelius (nico-linux at schottelius.org) * We are called by signal to reboot */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cinit.h" /*********************************************************************** * sig_reboot * Shutdown the system */ void sig_reboot(int signal) { struct listitem *tmp; struct timespec ts; char **cmd; int i; D_PRINTF("sig_reboot() startet"); tmp = list->before; do { /* kill service watcher, which will kill processes itself */ if( tmp->status == ST_RESPAWN) { D_PRINTF("Bringing down respawn watcher"); kill(tmp->pid,SIGTERM); } /* execute shutdown service */ D_PRINTF("Executing off-service"); exec_svc(tmp->abs_path,0); tmp = tmp->before; } while( tmp != list ); /* Let's disappear */ close(sock); if(umount(CINIT_TMNT) == -1) { perror("umount"); } /* now: all services are down, lets kill all other processes */ if( kill(-1,SIGTERM) == -1) { perror(MSG_TERMKILL); } D_PRINTF("SIGTERM GESENDET"); ts.tv_sec = SLEEP_KILL; /* defined in conf/ */ nanosleep(&ts,NULL); if( kill(-1,SIGKILL) == -1) { perror(MSG_KILLBILL); } D_PRINTF("SIGKILL GESENDET"); /* now: we are completly alone. umount everything, go to bed */ /* THIS IS FUCKING UNCLEAN AND SHOULD BE CLEANED UP VERY MUCH!!! */ #define CMD_CNT 5 #define SWAP_OFF_CMD "/sbin/swapoff" #define SWAP_OFF_ARG1 "-a" #define UMOUNT_CMD "/bin/umount" #define UMOUNT_ARG1 "-a" #define MOUNT_CMD "/bin/mount" #define MOUNT_ARG1 "-o" #define MOUNT_ARG2 "remount,ro" #define MOUNT_ARG3 "/" cmd = (char **) malloc( (CMD_CNT+1) * ( sizeof (char*) ) ); if(cmd) { // cmd[0] = (char *) malloc(strlen(SWAP_OFF_CMD) +1); // cmd[1] = (char *) malloc(strlen(SWAP_OFF_CMD) +1); /* /sbin/swapoff -a */ cmd[0] = SWAP_OFF_CMD; cmd[1] = SWAP_OFF_ARG1; cmd[2] = NULL; i = fork(); if(i == 0) { execv(cmd[0],cmd); _exit(1); /* if exec fails in child */ } /* /bin/umount -a */ cmd[0] = UMOUNT_CMD; cmd[1] = UMOUNT_ARG1; cmd[2] = NULL; i = fork(); if(i == 0) { execv(cmd[0],cmd); _exit(1); /* if exec fails in child */ } /* /bin/mount -o remount,ro / */ cmd[0] = MOUNT_CMD; cmd[1] = MOUNT_ARG1; cmd[2] = MOUNT_ARG1; cmd[3] = MOUNT_ARG1; cmd[4] = NULL; i = fork(); if(i == 0) { execv(cmd[0],cmd); _exit(1); /* if exec fails in child */ } } switch(signal) { case SIGUSR1: /* halt */ reboot(RB_HALT_SYSTEM); break; case SIGTERM: /* power off */ reboot(RB_POWER_OFF); break; case SIGHUP: /* reboot */ reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT); break; } _exit(0); }