Thorsten Elle, Dr.-Ing. Hallo, auf der Suche nach einer Lösung für meine Backups (Debian/amd64) bin ich auf ccollect gestoßen. Ist wirklich ein tolles Skript / System und mein Favorit. [...] Folken thx for an uncomplicated, easy and straightforward backup solution. Matteo Contri Hi Nico, first of all: congratulation for ccollect, a really lovely script! i've tried a lot of backup solution (veritas netbackup, rsnapshot, bacula) but no other software is so simple and effective. ccollect resolves 93% of backup problems in few minutes with standard tools. Benedikt Köppel Hi Nico, thank you very much for your great software ccollect. I just started using it to backup my notebook, my server and all computers of my family. Norbert Titko works like charm (just upgraded to 0.7.1) John Lawless Dear Nico Schottelius, I have started using ccollect and I very much like its design: it is elegant and effective. Patrick Drolet Hello, Thank you for making ccollect public; it is a very nice and well written utility. I am using it to backup two NAS (DNS323 and QNAP TS-209) across the Internet, where bandwidth and upload/download quota is limited. 三宅 兼人 (Kanehito Miyake) P.S. Thanks you for offering a nice & pretty backup tools. It is very fit in me. Derek Moore Hey, Nico, I've used rsnapshot in the past, but recently decided to switch to using your ccollect. I like that it's implemented in sh. ccollect is AWESOME & very handy!