[[!meta title="Cdist 3.1.11 released"]] Here's a short overview about the changes found in version 3.1.11: * New type: __staged_file: Manage staged files (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __config_file: Manage configuration files and run code on change (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul: install consul (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_agent: manage the consul agent (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_check: manages consul checks (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_reload: reload consul (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_service: manages consul services (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_template: manage the consul-template service (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_template_template: manage consul-template templates (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_checks: manages consul checks watches (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_event: manages consul event watches (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_key: manages consul key watches (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_keyprefix: manages consul keyprefix watches (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_nodes: manages consul nodes watches (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_service: manages consul service watches (Steven Armstrong) * New type: __consul_watch_services: manages consul services watches (Steven Armstrong) * New Type: __rsync (Nico Schottelius) * Type __start_on_boot: Support Ubuntu upstart (Nico Schottelius) * Type __timezone: Added support for FreeBSD (Christian Kruse) For more information visit the [[cdist homepage|software/cdist]]. [[!tag cdist config unix]]