[[!meta title="My Bash and Zsh prompt"]] This article is for those who wonder how my very simple but helpful prompt in the shell are created and the motivation behind it. ## How it looks like [[!img bash-zsh-prompt-screenshot-20111125.png alt="Bash/Zsh Prompt"]] ## How it is created Bash: PS1='[\t] \[\033[1m\]\h\[\033[0m\]:\W\$ ' Zsh: PS1="[%T] %B%m%b:%c%# " ## Motivation # I need the hostname to know on which box I am working # Time is helpful for copy & paste in logs (and to not waste space with ***xclock***) # Short directory name (\W, %c) is helpful, long paths make the prompt unusable and I usually know which tree I am in (if not: pwd helps) # No need for **username@** like most distros do: If I am a user, I am ***nico*** (***$*** in bash, ***%*** in zsh). Otherwise I am root (***#***). [[!tag config sysadmin unix]]