17. Inventory

17.1. Introduction

cdist comes with simple built-in tag based inventory. It is a simple inventory with list of hosts and a host has a list of tags. Inventory functionality is still in beta so it can be used only if beta command line flag is specified (-b, --beta).

17.2. Description

The idea is to have simple tagging inventory. There is a list of hosts and for each host there are tags. Inventory database is a set of files under inventory database base directory. Filename equals hostname. Each file contains tags for hostname with each tag on its own line.

Using inventory you can now configure hosts by selecting them by tags.

Tags have no values, as tags are just tags. Tag name-value would in this context mean that host has two tags and it is selected by specifying that both tags are present.

This inventory is KISS cdist built-in inventory database. You can maintain it using cdist inventory interface or using standard UNIX tools.

17.3. cdist inventory interface

With cdist inventory interface you can list host(s) and tag(s), add host(s), add tag(s), delete host(s) and delete tag(s).

17.4. Configuring hosts using inventory

config command now has new options, -t, -a and -A.

-A means that all hosts in tag db is selected.

-a means that selected hosts must contain ALL specified tags.

-t means that host specifies tag - all hosts that have specified tags are selected.

17.5. Examples

# List inventory content
$ cdist inventory list -b

# List inventory for specified host localhost
$ cdist inventory list -b localhost

# List inventory for specified tag loadbalancer
$ cdist inventory list -b -t loadbalancer

# Add hosts to inventory
$ cdist inventory add-host -b web1 web2 web3

# Delete hosts from file old-hosts from inventory
$ cdist inventory del-host -b -f old-hosts

# Add tags to specifed hosts
$ cdist inventory add-tag -b -t europe,croatia,web,static web1 web2

# Add tag to all hosts in inventory
$ cdist inventory add-tag -b -t vm

# Delete all tags from specified host
$ cdist inventory del-tag -b -a localhost

# Delete tags read from stdin from hosts specified by file hosts
$ cdist inventory del-tag -b -T - -f hosts

# Configure hosts from inventory with any of specified tags
$ cdist config -b -t web dynamic

# Configure hosts from inventory with all specified tags
$ cdist config -b -t -a web dynamic

# Configure all hosts from inventory db
$ cdist config -b -A

17.6. Example of manipulating database

$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-host -b localhost
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-host -b test.mycloud.net
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-host -b web1.mycloud.net web2.mycloud.net shell1.mycloud.net shell2.mycloud.net
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-tag -b -t web web1.mycloud.net web2.mycloud.net
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-tag -b -t shell shell1.mycloud.net shell2.mycloud.net
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-tag -b -t cloud
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
localhost cloud
test.mycloud.net cloud
web1.mycloud.net cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net cloud,web
shell1.mycloud.net cloud,shell
shell2.mycloud.net cloud,shell
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-tag -b -t test,web,shell test.mycloud.net
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
localhost cloud
test.mycloud.net cloud,shell,test,web
web1.mycloud.net cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net cloud,web
shell1.mycloud.net cloud,shell
shell2.mycloud.net cloud,shell
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory del-tag -b -t shell test.mycloud.net
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
localhost cloud
test.mycloud.net cloud,test,web
web1.mycloud.net cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net cloud,web
shell1.mycloud.net cloud,shell
shell2.mycloud.net cloud,shell
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-tag -b -t all
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory add-tag -b -t mistake
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
localhost all,cloud,mistake
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,mistake,test,web
web1.mycloud.net all,cloud,mistake,web
web2.mycloud.net all,cloud,mistake,web
shell1.mycloud.net all,cloud,mistake,shell
shell2.mycloud.net all,cloud,mistake,shell
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory del-tag -b -t mistake
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
localhost all,cloud
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,test,web
web1.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
shell1.mycloud.net all,cloud,shell
shell2.mycloud.net all,cloud,shell
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory del-host -b localhost
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,test,web
web1.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
shell1.mycloud.net all,cloud,shell
shell2.mycloud.net all,cloud,shell
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b -t web
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,test,web
web1.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b -t -a web test
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,test,web
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b -t -a web all
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,test,web
web1.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
$ python3 scripts/cdist inventory list -b -t web all
test.mycloud.net all,cloud,test,web
web1.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
web2.mycloud.net all,cloud,web
shell1.mycloud.net all,cloud,shell
shell2.mycloud.net all,cloud,shell
$ cd cdist/inventory
$ ls -1
$ ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r--  1 darko  darko  16 Jun 24 12:43 shell1.mycloud.net
-rw-r--r--  1 darko  darko  16 Jun 24 12:43 shell2.mycloud.net
-rw-r--r--  1 darko  darko  19 Jun 24 12:43 test.mycloud.net
-rw-r--r--  1 darko  darko  14 Jun 24 12:43 web1.mycloud.net
-rw-r--r--  1 darko  darko  14 Jun 24 12:43 web2.mycloud.net
$ cat test.mycloud.net
$ cat web2.mycloud.net

For more info about inventory commands and options see cdist(1).

17.7. Using external inventory

cdist can be used with any external inventory where external inventory is some storage or database from which you can get a list of hosts to configure. cdist can then be fed with this list of hosts through stdin or file using -f option. For example, if your host list is stored in sqlite3 database hosts.db and you want to select hosts which purpose is django then you can use it with cdist like:

$ sqlite3 hosts.db "select hostname from hosts where purpose = 'django';" | cdist config