[[!meta title="Puppet: The quantum effect when loading classes"]] After experiementing a bit with [puppet](http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet) I found a very interesting phenomenon: Sometimes a host fails to load a class with this error: err: Could not retrieve catalog: Could not find class common::nico_ethz at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/nico.pp:35 on node bach21.ethz.ch The strange thing is that it *does* work sometimes. After describing the situation in the [IRC channel #puppet](irc://irc.freenode.net/#puppet), I got an "interesting" explanation for that behaviour: First of all I did a mistake, because I placed the class ***common::nico_ethz*** into the file **modules/common/manifests/nico.pp** instead of **modules/common/manifests/nico_ethz.pp**. But why does it work sometimes? It works sometimes, because the ***puppetmaster*** compiles the catalog for ***all*** nodes and reuses the compiled catalog for different hosts. **If** a previous node loaded the class ***common::nico***, the complete content of **modules/common/manifests/nico.pp** is in the catalog, including ***common::nico_ethz***. This is the reason why it sometimes works and that's also the reason why I am writing this posting: * Dear other puppet users: Be aware that sometimes a class may be included indirectly and thus things work randomly (like [Schrödinger's cat](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat))! * Dear puppet developers: It would be way more helpful, if a wrong configuration **always** and not only **sometimes** fails! If you've a comment to this blog article, please redirect it to [the puppet users mailinglist](http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/GettingHelp#mailing-lists), to which I sent a notice about this article. [[!tag unix]]