cat << eof

Hey hackers,

cdist has not been published, you're accessing a early in developent

Do not believe anything written in cdist, besides what's written in this file
(everything else may be future stuff for the initial release).

   -- Nico, 20101201

What you can do so far: (executed from top level directory)

The following code will get executed if you run this README:


# Tell the user what we do, so this script makes sense during execution
set -x

# prepare use:
export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd -P)/bin"

# Test first level manifest execution
__cdist_config=$(pwd -P)/conf cdist-manifest-init localhost "$object_tmp"

# See what it generated
find $object_tmp

# Run explorer on a "remote" host
__cdist_config=$(pwd -P)/conf cdist-explorer-run localhost "$explorer_tmp"

# Display result
find $explorer_tmp

# Soon working

# Generate all objects, including from types that generate objects as well
__cdist_config=$(pwd -P)/conf cdist-manifest-recursive-run localhost "$object_tmp"

# Generate code for one object
__cdist_config=$(pwd -P)/conf cdist-object-codegen localhost "$object_tmp" __file/etc-issue

# Generate code for all objects in object dir
__cdist_config=$(pwd -P)/conf cdist-code-gen-all localhost "$object_tmp"