Lesson 2 -*- mode: org -*- * Organisation #2: Creating, managing and sharing with "magit" * Install "magit" for emacs * Bind C-x g to open magit-status in ~/.emacs * Create a new directory ~/ungleich-learning-circle/ (with emacs) * Use C-h b in dired mode to find out how to * Create a sub directory ~/ungleich-learning-circle/YOURNAME/ (with emacs) * Move your previously created learning.org file into ~/ungleich-learning-circle/YOURNAME/ (with emacs) * Initialise it with git (with magit) * Create the repo "ungleich-learning-circle" on code.ungleich.ch under your username * Add your remote on code.ungleich.ch to your local git repo with magit * Push your repo * Add a new remote of a another participant