ctt(1) ====== Nico Schottelius <nico-ctt--@--schottelius.org> NAME ---- ctt - time tracking for geeks SYNOPSIS -------- ctt [-h] [-d] [-v] {listprojects,track,report} ... ctt listprojects [-h] [-d] [-v] ctt track [-h] [-d] [-v] [--sd START] [--ed END] [-n] project ctt report [-h] [-d] [-v] [--sd START] [--ed END] [-a] [-e REGEXP] [-i] [-f OUTPUT_FORMAT] [-s] project DESCRIPTION ----------- ctt tracks time while you are working and stores the values in a cconfig database. GENERAL OPTIONS --------------- The following parameters are available to all subcommands: -h, --help:: show this help message and exit -d, --debug:: set log level to debug -v, --verbose:: set log level to info, be more verbose TRACK ----- Tracking is started by using the **track** subcommand. It requires the project name to track time for. Without any options it stays in the foreground and waits until enter is pressed and then prompts for a comment. Available parameters: --sd START, --start START:: start date (default: first of this month, format: Y-m-d) --ed END, --end END:: end date (default: last of this month, format: Y-m-d) -n, --no-comment:: disable comment prompting after tracking REPORT ------ Reporting is handled by the **report** subcommand. It requires the project name to report time for. It supports to filter entries using regular expressions and also allows to use a custom output format. Available parameters: --sd START, --start START:: start date (default: first of this month, format: Y-m-d) --ed END, --end END:: end date (default: last of this month, format: Y-m-d) -a, --all:: List entries for all projects -e REGEXP, --regexp REGEXP:: regular expression to match -i, --ignore-case:: ignore case distinctions -f OUTPUT_FORMAT, --format OUTPUT_FORMAT:: output format (default: {start_datetime} ({delta}): {comment}) -s, --summary:: hide project names and list time entries in chronological order Output format may reference the following fields: - start_datetime - end_datetime - delta - delta_seconds - delta_minutes - comment LISTPROJECTS ------------ The **listprojects** subcommand is used to list used projects. It does not expect any parameters. EXAMPLES -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Track some time % ctt track test Comment: Did some cool work # Track for a given time range % ctt track --sd 2013-04-29-1000 --ed 2013-05-29-1200 test Comment: Long working period # Track (keep running), but specify different start date % ctt track --sd 2013-04-29-0800 test Comment: Started early today # Track without prompting for a comment % ctt track -n test # List available projects % ctt listprojects [...] # List all entries of this month for project test % ctt report test [...] # List all entries from January % ctt report --sd 2013-01-01 --ed 2013-01-31 test # List all entries from January matching either rails ruby or cdist % ctt report --sd 2013-01-29 --ed 2013-04-29 -e "(rails|ruby|cdist)" test # The same, but case insensitive % ctt report --sd 2013-01-29 --ed 2013-04-29 -e "(rails|ruby|cdist)" -i test -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS ---- ctt is made for geeks, so it should not stand in your way. If it does, raise a bug. SEE ALSO --------- - cconfig homepage: http://www.nico.schottelius.org/docs/cconfig/ - ctt homepage: http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/ctt/ COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2013 Nico Schottelius. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).