sweeper ======= Find duplicate files and perform action. Usage ===== Print duplicates .. code:: python from sweeper import file_dups dups = file_dups(['images1', 'images2']) print(dups) Remove duplicate files .. code:: python from sweeper import rm_file_dups rm_file_dups(['images']) Perform custom action .. code:: python from sweeper import iter_file_dups for f, h, dups in iter_file_dups(['images']): print('encountered {} which duplicates with already found duplicate files {} with hash {}'.format(f, dups, h)) As script:: python sweeper.py --help As installed console script:: sweeper --help Installation ============ from source:: python setup.py install or from PyPI:: pip install sweeper Documentation ============= this README.rst, code itself, docstrings sweeper can be found on github.com at: https://github.com/darko-poljak/sweeper Tested With =========== Python2.7.6, Python3.3.3