#!/usr/bin/env python # Author: Darko Poljak # License: GPLv3 """Sweeper. Usage: sweeper.py [options] [...] Arguments: directory path to scan for files Options: -h, --help show this screen -b , --block-size= size of block used when reading file's content [default: 4096] -d , --digest-alg= secure hash algorithm [default: md5] -a , --action= action on duplicate files (print, remove, move) [default: print] -m , --move= move duplicate files to directory (used with move action) [default: ./dups] """ __author__ = 'Darko Poljak ' __version__ = '0.2.0' __license__ = 'GPLv3' __all__ = [ 'file_dups', 'rm_file_dups', 'mv_file_dups', 'iter_file_dups' ] import sys import hashlib import os from collections import defaultdict # some differences in python versions if sys.version_info[0] == 3: def _do_encode(buf): return buf def _dict_iter_items(d): return d.items() else: def _do_encode(buf): return buf def _dict_iter_items(d): return d.iteritems() def _filehash(filepath, hashalg, block_size): """Calculate secure hash for given file content using specified hash algorithm. Use block_size block size when reading file content. """ md = hashlib.new(hashalg) with open(filepath, "rb") as f: for buf in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''): md.update(_do_encode(buf)) return md.hexdigest() def file_dups(topdirs=['./'], hashalg='md5', block_size=4096): """Find duplicate files in directory list. Return directory with keys equal to file hash value and value as list of file paths whose content is the same. """ dups = defaultdict(list) for topdir in topdirs: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(topdir): for fname in filenames: fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) hexmd = _filehash(fpath, hashalg, block_size) dups[hexmd].append(fpath) result = {k: v for k, v in _dict_iter_items(dups) if len(v) > 1} return result def rm_file_dups(topdirs=['./'], hashalg='md5', block_size=4096): """Remove duplicate files found in specified directory list. First file in list is kept. """ for files in do_with_file_dups(topdirs, hashalg, block_size): for f in files: os.remove(f) def mv_file_dups(topdirs=['./'], hashalg='md5', block_size=4096, dest_dir='dups'): """Move duplicate files found in specified directory list. First file in list is kept in the original directory. """ if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): raise OSError('%s is not a directory' % dest_dir) import shutil for files in do_with_file_dups(topdirs, hashalg, block_size): for i, f in enumerate(files): if i > 0: shutil.move(f, dest_dir) def iter_file_dups(topdirs=['./'], hashalg='md5', block_size=4096): """Yield list of duplicate files when found in specified directory list. """ dups = file_dups(topdirs, hashalg, block_size) for fpaths in dups.itervalues(): yield fpaths def main(): """Main when used as script. See usage (--help). """ import json from docopt import docopt args = docopt(__doc__) topdirs = args[''] if not topdirs: topdirs = ['./'] action = args['--action'] try: bs = int(args['--block-size']) args['--block-size'] = bs except ValueError: print('Invalid block size "%s"' % args['--block-size']) sys.exit(1) if action == 'print': dups = file_dups(topdirs, args['--digest-alg'], args['--block-size']) print(json.dumps(dict(dups), indent=4)) elif action == 'move': mv_file_dups(topdirs, args['--digest-alg'], args['--block-size'], args['--move']) elif action == 'remove': rm_file_dups(topdirs, args['--digest-alg'], args['--block-size']) else: print('Invalid action "%s"' % action) # if used as script call main function if __name__ == '__main__': main()