Norbert Wagner ab736148c0 implement beta version of cli
relates to #2268
2021-05-04 17:55:29 +02:00

239 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env php
use rabe\Util\Settings;
use rabe\Util\SettingsWriter;
use pointybeard\Helpers\Cli\Input;
use pointybeard\Helpers\Cli\Input\AbstractInputType;
use pointybeard\Helpers\Cli\Input\AbstractInputHandler;
use pointybeard\Helpers\Cli\Colour\Colour;
use pointybeard\Helpers\Functions\Cli;
$autoloadFiles = [
__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php',
__DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php'
foreach ($autoloadFiles as $autoloadFile) {
if (file_exists($autoloadFile)) {
require_once $autoloadFile;
$version = '0.1 beta';
$actions = [ 'show', 'write' ];
$settings = ['key' => '', 'value' => ''];
/* Flags and Argument configuration {{{*/
$collection = (new Input\InputCollection())
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('LongOption')->name('help')->short('h') // {{{
->description('Display help text')
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('LongOption')->name('in')->short('i') // {{{
->flags(AbstractInputType::FLAG_OPTIONAL | Input\AbstractInputType::FLAG_VALUE_REQUIRED)
->description('Path to a json data file to to read')
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('LongOption')->name('out')->short('o') // {{{
->flags(AbstractInputType::FLAG_OPTIONAL | Input\AbstractInputType::FLAG_VALUE_REQUIRED)
->description('Path to a json file to to write to')
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('LongOption')->name('appPath')->short('a') // {{{
->flags(AbstractInputType::FLAG_OPTIONAL | Input\AbstractInputType::FLAG_VALUE_REQUIRED)
->description('Path where the config/ directory for the conf files is located, defaults to the working dir')
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('LongOption')->name('pkgPath')->short('p') // {{{
->flags(AbstractInputType::FLAG_OPTIONAL | Input\AbstractInputType::FLAG_VALUE_REQUIRED)
->description('Path where the config/ directory of the package conf files is located, defaults to the working dir')
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('Argument')->name('action') // {{{
'one of:'
."\n\t".'show reads configurations'
."\n\t".'write writes configurations'
->validator(new Input\Validator(
function (AbstractInputType $input, AbstractInputHandler $context) use ($actions)
$action = $context->find('action');
if ( !in_array($action, $actions) ) {
throw new \Exception("'$action' not found");
return $action;
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('Argument')->name('prefix') // {{{
'the settings prefix'
/* ->validator(new Input\Validator(
function (AbstractInputType $input, AbstractInputHandler $context) use ($actions)
$action = $context->find('action');
if ( !in_array($action, $actions) {
throw new \Exception("'$action' not found");
return $action;
) // }}}
->add( Input\InputTypeFactory::build('Argument')->name('setting') // {{{
'the settings you want to work on. With action "write" you can pass the value to set as JSON after an equal sign.'
->validator(new Input\Validator(
function (AbstractInputType $input, AbstractInputHandler $context)
$setting = $context->find('setting');
$action = $context->find('action');
$setting = explode('=', $setting);
$settings['key'] = $setting[0];
if ($action === 'write')
$value = $setting[1];
if (! (isset($value) || $context->find('data'))) {
throw new \Exception('You need a value to write');
$specialValues = [ 'true', 'false', 'null' ];
if (! (in_array($value, $specialValues) || is_numeric($value) || strpbrk($value, '[{":') !== false )) {
$value = "\"$value\"";
try {
$settings['value'] = json_decode($value, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
} catch (\JsonException $ex) {
throw new \Exception( sprintf(
'The value does not appear to be a valid JSON string. Returned: %s: %s',
$ex->getCode(), $ex->getMessage()
return $settings;
) // }}}
; // }}}
/* Parse Input, usage, unkown flags, Help {{{*/
$usage = Cli\manpage( basename(__FILE__), $version,
'read write settings',
$collection, Colour::FG_GREEN, Colour::FG_WHITE,
'Examples' =>
'cfg show VeruA db:host'.PHP_EOL.
'cfg write VeruA \'db:host="newHost"\''.PHP_EOL
// Get the supplied input. Passing the collection will make the handler bind values
// and validate the input according to our collection
try {
$argv = Input\InputHandlerFactory::build('Argv', $collection);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
echo $usage;
echo $ex->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
if ($argv->find( 'help' ) || $argc <= 2)
echo $usage;
$prefix = $argv->find('prefix');
echo $argv->find('action').PHP_EOL;
echo ($prefix).PHP_EOL;
echo $argv->find('setting')['key'].PHP_EOL;
echo $argv->find('setting')['value'].PHP_EOL;
// var_dump($cfg);
$appPath = $argv->find('appPath');
if (!$appPath) $appPath = getcwd().'/';
/* $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($appPath);
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file)
$configDir = $file->getPath();
if ($file->isDir() && $file->getFilename() == '.' && basename($configDir) == 'config') {
echo "found config dir: $configDir\n";
$cfg = (new Settings())->appPath($appPath)->prefix($prefix);
if ($pkgPath = $argv->find('pkgPath')) $cfg->pkgPath($pkgPath);
$result = $cfg;
$settings = $argv->find('setting') ?? $settings;
if ($settings['key'])
foreach (explode(':', $settings['key']) as $setting)
try {
$result = $result->{$setting};
catch (\OutOfRangeException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
else $result = $cfg;
if ($result instanceof Settings) $result = $result->toArray();
switch ($argv->find('action'))
case 'show':
echo json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
case 'write':
$path = explode(':', $settings['key']);
$setting2write = $settings['value'];
while ( ! empty($path))
$setting2write = [array_pop($path) => $setting2write];
if (is_readable($file = $cfg->buildFileName()))
$setting2write = array_replace_recursive(require($file), $setting2write);
$writeCfg = $cfg->create($setting2write);
// var_dump($writeCfg->toArray());
copy($file, "$file.bak");
(new SettingsWriter($writeCfg))->write();
/* jEdit buffer local properties {{{
* :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1: