Configuration ============= Description ----------- cdist obtains configuration data from the following sources in the following order: #. command-line options #. configuration file specified at command-line using -g command line option #. configuration file specified in CDIST_CONFIG_FILE environment variable #. environment variables #. user's configuration file (first one found of ~/.cdist.cfg, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cdist/cdist.cfg, in specified order) #. system-wide configuration file (/etc/cdist.cfg) if one exists. Configuration source with lower ordering number from above has a higher precedence. Configuration option value read from source with higher precedence will overwrite option value, if exists, read from source with lower precedence. That means that command-line option wins them all. Users can decide on the local conifguration file location. It can be either ~/.cdist.cfg or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cdist/cdist.cfg. Note that, if both exist, then ~/.cdist.cfg is used. For a per-project configuration, particular environment variables or better, CDIST_CONFIG_FILE environment variable or -g CONFIG_FILE command line option, can be used. Config file format ------------------ cdist configuration file is in the INI file format. Currently it supports only [GLOBAL] section. The possible keywords and their meanings are as follows: :strong:`archiving` Use specified archiving. Valid values include: 'none', 'tar', 'tgz', 'tbz2' and 'txz'. :strong:`beta` Enable beta functionality. It recognizes boolean values from 'yes'/'no', 'on'/'off', 'true'/'false' and '1'/'0'. :strong:`cache_path_pattern` Specify cache path pattern. :strong:`conf_dir` Comma separated list of configuration directories. If also specified at command line then values from command line are appended to this value. :strong:`init_manifest` Specify default initial manifest. :strong:`inventory_dir` Specify inventory directory. :strong:`jobs` Specify number of jobs for parallel processing. If -1 then the default, number of CPU's in the system is used. If 0 then parallel processing in jobs is disabled. If set to positive number then specified maximum number of processes will be used. :strong:`local_shell` Shell command used for local execution. :strong:`out_path` Directory to save cdist output in. :strong:`parallel` Process hosts in parallel. If -1 then the default, number of CPU's in the system is used. If 0 then parallel processing of hosts is disabled. If set to positive number then specified maximum number of processes will be used. :strong:`remote_copy` Command to use for remote copy (should behave like scp). :strong:`remote_exec` Command to use for remote execution (should behave like ssh). :strong:`remote_out_path` Directory to save cdist output in on the target host. :strong:`remote_shell` Shell command at remote host used for remote execution. :strong:`verbosity` Set verbosity level. Valid values are: 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'VERBOSE', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE' and 'OFF'.