Steven / Nico

   - xml/
   - parameters/
   - optional_parameters
      me: too long

User interested it type:

   - which arguments are available
   - ls /path/to/type (steven)

Steven / proposal:

   - manifest/gencode: .meta
   - attribute directly in dir

"cdist-help" <type bla>

   - if no direct path


Doc proposal (Nico):

   man cdist-type-<name>

Directory structure:
   "easy to ls -lR and understand what it does"

   ls -lR $(cdist-type-path "typename")/meta/

   ls -lR $(cdist-path type "typename")/meta/

What consumes most type?

   - Writing types, because they are functionality
   - Define attributes
      - required/optional

Type documentation

   $type/.meta/required_parameters/path contains
      "Path in which file is created"

Doc of every type:

   - required/optional parameters
   - description


! Validation of type input:

   Not only required/optional parameters:

   - handling of either content/source arguments

   - validate script in type?
   - seperate validation from manifest may be senseful

Explorer per type?

   - helpful or evil?
   - helps to summarise/get information near ressource that needs it
   - emphasises type specific explorers
      -> explorer should be reusable by everybody!
Explorer delivers facts

   - central repo
   - not being able to override 

   - may be helpful to override facts for debugging (i.e. os=redhat)
   - one explorer returns one fact
   - facts via environment variables
   - proposal steven: UPPER_CASE
      - __fact_os (Nico)

   - DEFINE path_to_explorer
   - DEFINE explorer