# Requirements * Docker (on \*buntu systems https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) # How To * On your local machine create */media/dcp* * copy the DCPs to */media/dcp* * run *build_script.sh* (as the correct user (e.g. on somet setups *root*)) * run *run_script.sh* (as the correct user (e.g. on some setups *root*)) * connect to the DCPValidator via *http://localhost:8080* # Update the container * Stop the docker container (*sudo docker stop dcpvalidator; sudo docker rm dcpvalidator*) * Update the git repo (*git pull*) * Get the newest .deb from https://www.zweib.com/portfolio/medienproduktion/dcp-validator/ * Move it to *./DCPValidator/* * Change the *COPY* line in the Dockerfile (*./DCPValidator/Dockerfile*) to point to the new .deb package * run *build_script.sh* * run *run_script.sh* # Hints * Docker documentation: https://docs.docker.com/ * Docker cheat sheet: https://docs.docker.com/