[[!meta title="cdist - usable configuration management"]] .. . .x+=:. s dF @88> z` ^% :8 '88bu. %8P . origin/ # Stay on a specific version git checkout -b 1.3 origin/1.3 ### Mirrors * git://github.com/telmich/cdist.git ([github](https://github.com/telmich/cdist)) * git://git.sans.ethz.ch/cdist ([sans](http://git.sans.ethz.ch/?p=cdist;a=summary)) ## Update To upgrade cdist in the current branch use git pull # Also update the manpages make man export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(pwd -P)/doc/man If you stay on a version branche (i.e. 1.0, 1.1., ...), nothing should break. The master branch on the other hand is the development branch and may not be working, break your setup or eat the tree in your garden. ### Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3 Rename **gencode** of every type to **gencode-remote**. ### Upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2 No incompatiblities. ### Upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1 In 1.1 the type **\_\_file** was split into **\_\_directory**, **\_\_file** and **\_\_link**. The parameter **--type** was removed from **\_\_file**. Thus you need to replace **\_\_file** calls in your manifests: * Remove --type from all \_\_file calls * If type was symlink, use \_\_link and --type symbolic * If type was directory, use \_\_directory ## Support ### IRC You can join the development ***IRC channel*** [#cLinux on irc.freenode.org](irc://irc.freenode.org/#cLinux). ### Mailing list Bug reports, questions, patches, etc. should be send to the [cdist mailing list](http://l.schottelius.org/mailman/listinfo/cdist). ## Commercial support You can request commercial support for cdist from [my company](http://firma.schottelius.org/english/). ## Used by If you're using cdist, feel free to send a report to the mailing list. Interesting information are for instance * Which services do you manage? * How many machines do you manage? * What are the pros/cons you see in cdist? * General comments/critics ### Nico Schottelius, Systems Group ETH Zurich Yes, I'm actually eating my own dogfood and currently managing * [plone](http://plone.org/) (cms) * [moinmoin](http://moinmo.in/) (wiki) * [apache](http://httpd.apache.org/) (webserver) * [kerberos (mit)](http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/) (authentication) * [ircd-hybrid](http://www.ircd-hybrid.org/) (chat) * [stunnel](http://stunnel.mirt.net/) (SSL tunnel) * [mercurial-server](http://www.lshift.net/mercurial-server.html) (version control) * [xfce](http://www.xfce.org/) (lightweight desktop environment) * [slim](http://slim.berlios.de/) (graphical login manager for X11) with cdist on a total of **5** production machines of the [Systems Group](http://www.systems.ethz.ch) at the [ETH Zurich](http://www.ethz.ch). ### Steven Armstrong, CBRG ETH Zurich The CBRG is managing most of their compute clusters with cdist.