diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 786a584..cbb171f 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -7,3 +7,20 @@ log.txt test.py STRIPE venv/ + +uncloud/docs/build +logs.txt + +uncloud.egg-info + +# run artefacts +default.etcd +__pycache__ + +# build artefacts +uncloud/version.py +build/ +venv/ +dist/ + +*.iso diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index a84d2ee..758f435 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ stages: - lint - test -# TODO: deploy runners for this project. run-tests: stage: test image: fedora:latest @@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ run-tests: before_script: - dnf install -y python3-devel python3-pip libpq-devel openldap-devel gcc script: - - cd uncloud + - cd uncloud_django_based/uncloud - pip install -r requirements.txt - cp uncloud/secrets_sample.py uncloud/secrets.py - coverage run --source='.' ./manage.py test diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f288702 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e32f57 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# ucloud + +Checkout https://ungleich.ch/ucloud/ for the documentation of ucloud. diff --git a/meow-payv1/ldaptest.py b/meow-payv1/ldaptest.py deleted file mode 100644 index eb5a5be..0000000 --- a/meow-payv1/ldaptest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -import ldap3 -from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ObjectDef, Reader, ALL -import os -import sys - -def is_valid_ldap_user(username, password): - server = Server("ldaps://ldap1.ungleich.ch") - is_valid = False - - try: - conn = Connection(server, 'cn={},ou=users,dc=ungleich,dc=ch'.format(username), password, auto_bind=True) - is_valid = True - except Exception as e: - print("user: {}".format(e)) - - try: - conn = Connection(server, 'uid={},ou=customer,dc=ungleich,dc=ch'.format(username), password, auto_bind=True) - is_valid = True - except Exception as e: - print("customer: {}".format(e)) - - - return is_valid - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - print(is_valid_ldap_user(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])) diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/migrate-one-vm-to-regular.py b/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/migrate-one-vm-to-regular.py deleted file mode 100644 index 68cf1f2..0000000 --- a/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/migrate-one-vm-to-regular.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -from datetime import datetime - -from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand -from django.utils import timezone - -from opennebula.models import VM as VMModel -from uncloud_vm.models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMNetworkCard, VMDiskImageProduct, VMDiskProduct -from uncloud_pay.models import Order - - -def convert_mac_to_int(mac_address: str): - # Remove octet connecting characters - mac_address = mac_address.replace(':', '') - mac_address = mac_address.replace('.', '') - mac_address = mac_address.replace('-', '') - mac_address = mac_address.replace(' ', '') - - # Parse the resulting number as hexadecimal - mac_address = int(mac_address, base=16) - - return mac_address - - -def get_vm_price(core, ram, storage, n_of_ipv4, n_of_ipv6): - storage = storage / 10 # Division by 10 because our base storage unit is 10 GB - total = 3 * core + 4 * ram + 3.5 * storage + 8 * n_of_ipv4 + 0 * n_of_ipv6 - - # TODO: Find some reason about the following magical subtraction. - total -= 8 - - return total - - -def create_nics(one_vm, vm_product): - for nic in one_vm.nics: - mac_address = convert_mac_to_int(nic.get('MAC')) - ip_address = nic.get('IP', None) or nic.get('IP6_GLOBAL', None) - - VMNetworkCard.objects.update_or_create( - mac_address=mac_address, vm=vm_product, defaults={'ip_address': ip_address} - ) - - -def create_disk_and_image(one_vm, vm_product): - for disk in one_vm.disks: - owner = one_vm.owner - name = disk.get('image') - - # TODO: Fix the following hard coded values - is_os_image, is_public, status = True, True, 'active' - - image_size_in_gb = disk.get('image_size_in_gb') - disk_size_in_gb = disk.get('size_in_gb') - storage_class = disk.get('pool_name') - image_source = disk.get('source') - image_source_type = disk.get('source_type') - - image, _ = VMDiskImageProduct.objects.update_or_create( - name=name, - defaults={ - 'owner': owner, - 'is_os_image': is_os_image, - 'is_public': is_public, - 'size_in_gb': image_size_in_gb, - 'storage_class': storage_class, - 'image_source': image_source, - 'image_source_type': image_source_type, - 'status': status - } - ) - VMDiskProduct.objects.update_or_create( - owner=owner, vm=vm_product, - defaults={ - 'image': image, - 'size_in_gb': disk_size_in_gb - } - ) - - -class Command(BaseCommand): - help = 'Migrate Opennebula VM to regular (uncloud) vm' - - def handle(self, *args, **options): - for one_vm in VMModel.objects.all(): - # Host on which the VM is currently residing - host = VMHost.objects.filter(vms__icontains=one_vm.vmid).first() - - # VCPU, RAM, Owner, Status - # TODO: Set actual status instead of hard coded 'active' - vm_id, cores, ram_in_gb = one_vm.vmid, one_vm.cores, one_vm.ram_in_gb - owner, status = one_vm.owner, 'active' - - # Total Amount of SSD Storage - # TODO: What would happen if the attached storage is not SSD but HDD? - total_storage_in_gb = sum([disk['size_in_gb'] for disk in one_vm.disks]) - - # List of IPv4 addresses and Global IPv6 addresses - ipv4, ipv6 = one_vm.ips - - # TODO: Insert actual/real creation_date, starting_date, ending_date - # instead of pseudo one we are putting currently - creation_date = starting_date = ending_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - - # Price calculation - - # TODO: Make the following non-hardcoded - one_time_price = 0 - recurring_period = 'per_month' - - recurring_price = get_vm_price(cores, ram_in_gb, total_storage_in_gb, len(ipv4), len(ipv6)) - try: - vm_product = VMProduct.objects.get(vmid=vm_id) - except VMProduct.DoesNotExist: - order = Order.objects.create( - owner=one_vm.owner, - creation_date=creation_date, - starting_date=starting_date, - ending_date=ending_date, - one_time_price=one_time_price, - recurring_price=recurring_price, - recurring_period=recurring_period - ) - vm_product, _ = VMProduct.objects.update_or_create( - vmid=vm_id, - defaults={ - 'cores': cores, - 'ram_in_gb': ram_in_gb, - 'owner': owner, - 'vmhost': host, - 'order': order, - 'status': status - } - ) - - # Create VMNetworkCards - create_nics(one_vm, vm_product) - - # Create VMDiskImageProduct and VMDiskProduct - create_disk_and_image(one_vm, vm_product) diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/views.py b/uncloud/opennebula/views.py deleted file mode 100644 index 61ed5a4..0000000 --- a/uncloud/opennebula/views.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -from rest_framework import viewsets, permissions -from rest_framework.response import Response -from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 - -from .models import VM -from .serializers import VMSerializer, OpenNebulaVMSerializer - - -class RawVMViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): - queryset = VM.objects.all() - serializer_class = VMSerializer - permission_classes = [permissions.IsAdminUser] - - -class VMViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet): - permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] - - def list(self, request): - queryset = VM.objects.filter(owner=request.user) - serializer = OpenNebulaVMSerializer(queryset, many=True, context={'request': request}) - return Response(serializer.data) - - def retrieve(self, request, pk=None): - queryset = VM.objects.filter(owner=request.user) - vm = get_object_or_404(queryset, pk=pk) - serializer = OpenNebulaVMSerializer(vm, context={'request': request}) - return Response(serializer.data) diff --git a/uncloud/requirements.txt b/uncloud/requirements.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b78abf5..0000000 --- a/uncloud/requirements.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -django -djangorestframework -django-auth-ldap -stripe -xmltodict -psycopg2 -parsedatetime -coverage diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/models.py b/uncloud/uncloud_auth/models.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3d30525..0000000 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/models.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser - - -class User(AbstractUser): - pass diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_net/models.py b/uncloud/uncloud_net/models.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6d0c742..0000000 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_net/models.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -from django.db import models - -class MACAdress(models.Model): - prefix = 0x420000000000 diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/views.py b/uncloud/uncloud_storage/views.py deleted file mode 100644 index 91ea44a..0000000 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/views.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -from django.shortcuts import render - -# Create your views here. diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/management/commands/vm.py b/uncloud/uncloud_vm/management/commands/vm.py deleted file mode 100644 index c0e2783..0000000 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/management/commands/vm.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -import json - -import uncloud.secrets as secrets - -from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand -from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model - -from uncloud_vm.models import VMProduct, VMHost - -class Command(BaseCommand): - help = 'Select VM Host for VMs' - - def add_arguments(self, parser): - parser.add_argument('--schedule-vms', action='store_true') - parser.add_argument('--start-vms-here', action='store_true') - parser.add_argument('--check-health', action='store_true') - parser.add_argument('--vmhostname') - print(parser) - - - def handle(self, *args, **options): - print(args) - print(options) - - if options['schedule_vms']: - self.schedule_vms(args, option) - if options['start_vms_here']: - if not options['vmhostname']: - raise Exception("Argument vmhostname is required to know which vmhost we are on") - self.start_vms(args, options) - if options['check_health']: - self.check_health(args, option) - - def start_vms(self, *args, **options): - vmhost = VMHost.objects.get(status='active', - hostname=options['vmhostname']) - - if not vmhost: - print("No active vmhost {} exists".format(options['vmhostname'])) - return - - vms_to_start = VMProduct.objects.filter(vmhost=vmhost, - status='creating') - for vm in vms_to_start: - - """ run qemu: - check if VM is not already active / qemu running - prepare / create the Qemu arguments - - - """ - - def schedule_vms(self, *args, **options)): - pending_vms = VMProduct.objects.filter(vmhost__isnull=True) - vmhosts = VMHost.objects.filter(status='active') - - for vm in pending_vms: - print(vm) - - found_vmhost = False - for vmhost in vmhosts: - if vmhost.available_cores >= vm.cores and vmhost.available_ram_in_gb >= vm.ram_in_gb: - vm.vmhost = vmhost - vm.status = "creating" - vm.save() - found_vmhost = True - print("Scheduled VM {} on VMHOST {}".format(vm, vmhost)) - break - - if not found_vmhost: - print("Error: cannot schedule VM {}, no suitable host found".format(vm)) - - def check_health(self, *args, **options): - pending_vms = VMProduct.objects.filter(vmhost__isnull=True) - vmhosts = VMHost.objects.filter(status='active') - - # 1. Check that all active hosts reported back N seconds ago - # 2. Check that no VM is running on a dead host - # 3. Migrate VMs if necessary - # 4. Check that no VMs have been pending for longer than Y seconds - - # If VM snapshots exist without a VM -> notify user (?) - - - print("Nothing is good, you should implement me") diff --git a/abk-hacks.py b/uncloud_django_based/abk-hacks.py similarity index 100% rename from abk-hacks.py rename to uncloud_django_based/abk-hacks.py diff --git a/abkhack/opennebula_hacks.py b/uncloud_django_based/abkhack/opennebula_hacks.py similarity index 100% rename from abkhack/opennebula_hacks.py rename to uncloud_django_based/abkhack/opennebula_hacks.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/README.md b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/README.md similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/README.md rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/README.md diff --git a/meow-payv1/config.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/config.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/config.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/config.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/hack-a-vpn.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/hack-a-vpn.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/hack-a-vpn.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/hack-a-vpn.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/helper.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/helper.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/helper.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/helper.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-django.json b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-django.json similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-django.json rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-django.json diff --git a/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vm.json b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vm.json similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vm.json rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vm.json diff --git a/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vpn.json b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vpn.json similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vpn.json rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6-only-vpn.json diff --git a/meow-payv1/products/ipv6box.json b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6box.json similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/products/ipv6box.json rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/ipv6box.json diff --git a/meow-payv1/products/membership.json b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/membership.json similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/products/membership.json rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/products/membership.json diff --git a/meow-payv1/requirements.txt b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/requirements.txt similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/requirements.txt rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/requirements.txt diff --git a/meow-payv1/sample-pay.conf b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/sample-pay.conf similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/sample-pay.conf rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/sample-pay.conf diff --git a/meow-payv1/schemas.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/schemas.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/schemas.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/schemas.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/stripe_hack.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/stripe_hack.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/stripe_hack.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/stripe_hack.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/stripe_utils.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/stripe_utils.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/stripe_utils.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/stripe_utils.py diff --git a/meow-payv1/ucloud_pay.py b/uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/ucloud_pay.py similarity index 100% rename from meow-payv1/ucloud_pay.py rename to uncloud_django_based/meow-payv1/ucloud_pay.py diff --git a/notes-abk.md b/uncloud_django_based/notes-abk.md similarity index 100% rename from notes-abk.md rename to uncloud_django_based/notes-abk.md diff --git a/notes-nico.org b/uncloud_django_based/notes-nico.org similarity index 100% rename from notes-nico.org rename to uncloud_django_based/notes-nico.org diff --git a/plan.org b/uncloud_django_based/plan.org similarity index 100% rename from plan.org rename to uncloud_django_based/plan.org diff --git a/uncloud/.gitignore b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/.gitignore rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/.gitignore diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-how-to-configure-remote-uncloud-clients.org b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-how-to-configure-remote-uncloud-clients.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7217e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-how-to-configure-remote-uncloud-clients.org @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +* What is a remote uncloud client? +** Systems that configure themselves for the use with uncloud +** Examples are VMHosts, VPN Servers, cdist control server, etc. +* Which access do these clients need? +** They need read / write access to the database +* Possible methods +** Overview +| | pros | cons | +| SSL based | Once setup, can access all django parts natively, locally | X.509 infrastructure | +| SSH -L tunnel | All nodes can use [::1]:5432 | SSH setup can be fragile | +| ssh djangohost manage.py | All DB ops locally | Code is only executed on django host | +| https + token | Rest alike / consistent access | Code is only executed on django host | +** remote vs. local Django code execution + - If manage.py is executed locally (= on the client), it can + check/modify local configs + - However local execution requires a pyvenv + packages + db access + - Local execution also *could* make use of postgresql notify for + triggering actions (which is quite neat) + - Remote execution (= on the primary django host) can acess the db + via unix socket + - However remote execution cannot check local state diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-how-to-create-a-product.md b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-how-to-create-a-product.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ddd1fa --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-how-to-create-a-product.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +## Introduction + +This document describes how to create a product and use it. + +A product (like a VMSnapshotproduct) creates an order when ordered. +The "order" is used to combine products together. + +Sub-products or related products link to the same order. +Each product has one (?) orderrecord diff --git a/uncloud/README-object-relations.md b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-object-relations.md similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/README-object-relations.md rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-object-relations.md diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-postgresql.org b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-postgresql.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e5cc10 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-postgresql.org @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +* uncloud clients access the data base from a variety of outside hosts +* So the postgresql data base needs to be remotely accessible +* Instead of exposing the tcp socket, we make postgresql bind to localhost via IPv6 +** ::1, port 5432 +* Then we remotely connect to the database server with ssh tunneling +** ssh -L5432:localhost:5432 uncloud-database-host +* Configuring your database for SSH based remote access +** host all all ::1/128 trust diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-vpn.org b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-vpn.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7255d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README-vpn.org @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +* How to add a new VPN Host +** Install wireguard to the host +** Install uncloud to the host +** Add `python manage.py vpn --hostname fqdn-of-this-host` to the crontab +** Use the CLI to configure one or more VPN Networks for this host +* Example of adding a VPN host at ungleich +** Create a new dual stack alpine VM +** Add it to DNS as vpn-XXX.ungleich.ch +** Route a /40 network to its IPv6 address +** Install wireguard on it +** TODO Enable wireguard on boot +** TODO Create a new VPNPool on uncloud with +*** the network address (selecting from our existing pool) +*** the network size (/...) +*** the vpn host that provides the network (selecting the created VM) +*** the wireguard private key of the vpn host (using wg genkey) +*** http command +``` +http -a nicoschottelius:$(pass + ungleich.ch/nico.schottelius@ungleich.ch) + http://localhost:8000/admin/vpnpool/ network=2a0a:e5c1:200:: \ + network_size=40 subnetwork_size=48 + vpn_hostname=vpn-2a0ae5c1200.ungleich.ch + wireguard_private_key=... +``` diff --git a/uncloud/README.md b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README.md similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/README.md rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/doc/README.md diff --git a/uncloud/manage.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/manage.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/manage.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/manage.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/models.dot b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/models.dot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0adfba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/models.dot @@ -0,0 +1,1482 @@ +digraph model_graph { + // Dotfile by Django-Extensions graph_models + // Created: 2020-03-17 12:30 + // Cli Options: -a + + fontname = "Roboto" + fontsize = 8 + splines = true + + node [ + fontname = "Roboto" + fontsize = 8 + shape = "plaintext" + ] + + edge [ + fontname = "Roboto" + fontsize = 8 + ] + + // Labels + + + django_contrib_admin_models_LogEntry [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + LogEntry +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ content_type + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ user + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ action_flag + + PositiveSmallIntegerField +
+ action_time + + DateTimeField +
+ change_message + + TextField +
+ object_id + + TextField +
+ object_repr + + CharField +
+ >] + + + + + django_contrib_auth_models_Permission [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Permission +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ content_type + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ codename + + CharField +
+ name + + CharField +
+ >] + + django_contrib_auth_models_Group [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Group +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ name + + CharField +
+ >] + + + + + django_contrib_contenttypes_models_ContentType [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + ContentType +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ app_label + + CharField +
+ model + + CharField +
+ >] + + + + + django_contrib_sessions_base_session_AbstractBaseSession [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + AbstractBaseSession +
+ expire_date + + DateTimeField +
+ session_data + + TextField +
+ >] + + django_contrib_sessions_models_Session [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Session
<AbstractBaseSession> +
+ session_key + + CharField +
+ expire_date + + DateTimeField +
+ session_data + + TextField +
+ >] + + + + + uncloud_pay_models_StripeCustomer [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + StripeCustomer +
+ owner + + OneToOneField (id) +
+ stripe_id + + CharField +
+ >] + + uncloud_pay_models_Payment [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Payment +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ amount + + DecimalField +
+ source + + CharField +
+ timestamp + + DateTimeField +
+ >] + + uncloud_pay_models_PaymentMethod [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + PaymentMethod +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ description + + TextField +
+ primary + + BooleanField +
+ source + + CharField +
+ stripe_card_id + + CharField +
+ >] + + uncloud_pay_models_Bill [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Bill +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ creation_date + + DateTimeField +
+ due_date + + DateField +
+ ending_date + + DateTimeField +
+ starting_date + + DateTimeField +
+ valid + + BooleanField +
+ >] + + uncloud_pay_models_Order [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Order +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ creation_date + + DateTimeField +
+ ending_date + + DateTimeField +
+ recurring_period + + CharField +
+ starting_date + + DateTimeField +
+ >] + + uncloud_pay_models_OrderRecord [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + OrderRecord +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ order + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ description + + TextField +
+ one_time_price + + DecimalField +
+ recurring_price + + DecimalField +
+ >] + + + + + django_contrib_auth_models_AbstractUser [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + AbstractUser
<AbstractBaseUser,PermissionsMixin> +
+ date_joined + + DateTimeField +
+ email + + EmailField +
+ first_name + + CharField +
+ is_active + + BooleanField +
+ is_staff + + BooleanField +
+ is_superuser + + BooleanField +
+ last_login + + DateTimeField +
+ last_name + + CharField +
+ password + + CharField +
+ username + + CharField +
+ >] + + uncloud_auth_models_User [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + User
<AbstractUser> +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ date_joined + + DateTimeField +
+ email + + EmailField +
+ first_name + + CharField +
+ is_active + + BooleanField +
+ is_staff + + BooleanField +
+ is_superuser + + BooleanField +
+ last_login + + DateTimeField +
+ last_name + + CharField +
+ password + + CharField +
+ username + + CharField +
+ >] + + + + + uncloud_pay_models_Product [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Product +
+ order + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ status + + CharField +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMHost [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VMHost +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ hostname + + CharField +
+ physical_cores + + IntegerField +
+ status + + CharField +
+ usable_cores + + IntegerField +
+ usable_ram_in_gb + + FloatField +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VMProduct
<Product> +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ order + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ vmhost + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ cores + + IntegerField +
+ name + + CharField +
+ ram_in_gb + + FloatField +
+ status + + CharField +
+ vmid + + IntegerField +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMWithOSProduct [label=< + + + + + + + +
+ + VMWithOSProduct +
+ vmproduct_ptr + + OneToOneField (uuid) +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskImageProduct [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VMDiskImageProduct +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ image_source + + CharField +
+ image_source_type + + CharField +
+ import_url + + URLField +
+ is_os_image + + BooleanField +
+ is_public + + BooleanField +
+ name + + CharField +
+ size_in_gb + + FloatField +
+ status + + CharField +
+ storage_class + + CharField +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskProduct [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VMDiskProduct +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ image + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ vm + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ size_in_gb + + FloatField +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMNetworkCard [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VMNetworkCard +
+ id + + AutoField +
+ vm + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ ip_address + + GenericIPAddressField +
+ mac_address + + BigIntegerField +
+ >] + + uncloud_vm_models_VMSnapshotProduct [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VMSnapshotProduct
<Product> +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ order + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ vm + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ gb_hdd + + FloatField +
+ gb_ssd + + FloatField +
+ status + + CharField +
+ >] + + + + + uncloud_pay_models_Product [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Product +
+ order + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ status + + CharField +
+ >] + + ungleich_service_models_MatrixServiceProduct [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + MatrixServiceProduct
<Product> +
+ uuid + + UUIDField +
+ order + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ vm + + ForeignKey (uuid) +
+ domain + + CharField +
+ status + + CharField +
+ >] + + + + + opennebula_models_VM [label=< + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + VM +
+ vmid + + IntegerField +
+ owner + + ForeignKey (id) +
+ data + + JSONField +
+ >] + + + + + // Relations + + django_contrib_admin_models_LogEntry -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" user (logentry)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + django_contrib_admin_models_LogEntry -> django_contrib_contenttypes_models_ContentType + [label=" content_type (logentry)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + + django_contrib_auth_models_Permission -> django_contrib_contenttypes_models_ContentType + [label=" content_type (permission)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + django_contrib_auth_models_Group -> django_contrib_auth_models_Permission + [label=" permissions (group)"] [arrowhead=dot arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + + + django_contrib_sessions_models_Session -> django_contrib_sessions_base_session_AbstractBaseSession + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + + uncloud_pay_models_StripeCustomer -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (stripecustomer)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_Payment -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (payment)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_PaymentMethod -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (paymentmethod)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_Bill -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (bill)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_Order -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (order)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_Order -> uncloud_pay_models_Bill + [label=" bill (order)"] [arrowhead=dot arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_OrderRecord -> uncloud_pay_models_Order + [label=" order (orderrecord)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + django_contrib_auth_base_user_AbstractBaseUser [label=< + + +
+ AbstractBaseUser +
+ >] + django_contrib_auth_models_AbstractUser -> django_contrib_auth_base_user_AbstractBaseUser + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + django_contrib_auth_models_PermissionsMixin [label=< + + +
+ PermissionsMixin +
+ >] + django_contrib_auth_models_AbstractUser -> django_contrib_auth_models_PermissionsMixin + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + uncloud_auth_models_User -> django_contrib_auth_models_Group + [label=" groups (user)"] [arrowhead=dot arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_auth_models_User -> django_contrib_auth_models_Permission + [label=" user_permissions (user)"] [arrowhead=dot arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_auth_models_User -> django_contrib_auth_models_AbstractUser + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + + uncloud_pay_models_Product -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (product)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_Product -> uncloud_pay_models_Order + [label=" order (product)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct -> uncloud_vm_models_VMHost + [label=" vmhost (vmproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct -> uncloud_pay_models_Product + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMWithOSProduct -> uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct + [label=" multi-table\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskImageProduct -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (vmdiskimageproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskProduct -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (vmdiskproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskProduct -> uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct + [label=" vm (vmdiskproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskProduct -> uncloud_vm_models_VMDiskImageProduct + [label=" image (vmdiskproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMNetworkCard -> uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct + [label=" vm (vmnetworkcard)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMSnapshotProduct -> uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct + [label=" vm (vmsnapshotproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_vm_models_VMSnapshotProduct -> uncloud_pay_models_Product + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + + uncloud_pay_models_Product -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (product)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + uncloud_pay_models_Product -> uncloud_pay_models_Order + [label=" order (product)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + ungleich_service_models_MatrixServiceProduct -> uncloud_vm_models_VMProduct + [label=" vm (matrixserviceproduct)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + ungleich_service_models_MatrixServiceProduct -> uncloud_pay_models_Product + [label=" abstract\ninheritance"] [arrowhead=empty, arrowtail=none, dir=both]; + + + opennebula_models_VM -> uncloud_auth_models_User + [label=" owner (vm)"] [arrowhead=none, arrowtail=dot, dir=both]; + + +} diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/models.png b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/models.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9d0c2e Binary files /dev/null and b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/models.png differ diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/synchost.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-synchosts.py similarity index 90% rename from uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/synchost.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-synchosts.py index 6e4ea0f..29f9ac1 100644 --- a/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/synchost.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-synchosts.py @@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ class Command(BaseCommand): usable_ram_in_kb = int(host_share.get('TOTAL_MEM', 0)) usable_ram_in_gb = int(usable_ram_in_kb / 2 ** 20) - vms = host.get('VMS', {}) or {} - vms = vms.get('ID', []) or [] - vms = ','.join(vms) + # vms cannot be created like this -- Nico, 2020-03-17 + # vms = host.get('VMS', {}) or {} + # vms = vms.get('ID', []) or [] + # vms = ','.join(vms) VMHost.objects.update_or_create( hostname=host_name, defaults={ 'usable_cores': usable_cores, 'usable_ram_in_gb': usable_ram_in_gb, - 'status': status, - 'vms': vms + 'status': status } ) else: diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/syncvm.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-syncvms.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/syncvm.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-syncvms.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-to-uncloud.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-to-uncloud.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..230159a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/management/commands/opennebula-to-uncloud.py @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +import sys +from datetime import datetime + +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand +from django.utils import timezone +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model + +from opennebula.models import VM as VMModel +from uncloud_vm.models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMNetworkCard, VMDiskImageProduct, VMDiskProduct + +from uncloud_pay.models import Order + +import logging + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +def convert_mac_to_int(mac_address: str): + # Remove octet connecting characters + mac_address = mac_address.replace(':', '') + mac_address = mac_address.replace('.', '') + mac_address = mac_address.replace('-', '') + mac_address = mac_address.replace(' ', '') + + # Parse the resulting number as hexadecimal + mac_address = int(mac_address, base=16) + + return mac_address + + +def get_vm_price(core, ram, ssd_size, hdd_size, n_of_ipv4, n_of_ipv6): + total = 3 * core + 4 * ram + (3.5 * ssd_size/10.) + (1.5 * hdd_size/100.) + 8 * n_of_ipv4 + 0 * n_of_ipv6 + + # TODO: Find some reason about the following magical subtraction. + total -= 8 + + return total + + +def create_nics(one_vm, vm_product): + for nic in one_vm.nics: + mac_address = convert_mac_to_int(nic.get('MAC')) + ip_address = nic.get('IP', None) or nic.get('IP6_GLOBAL', None) + + VMNetworkCard.objects.update_or_create( + mac_address=mac_address, vm=vm_product, defaults={'ip_address': ip_address} + ) + + +def sync_disk_and_image(one_vm, vm_product, disk_owner): + """ + a) Check all opennebula disk if they are in the uncloud VM, if not add + b) Check all uncloud disks and remove them if they are not in the opennebula VM + """ + + vmdisknum = 0 + + one_disks_extra_data = [] + + for disk in one_vm.disks: + vmowner = one_vm.owner + name = disk.get('image') + vmdisknum += 1 + + log.info("Checking disk {} for VM {}".format(name, one_vm)) + + is_os_image, is_public, status = True, False, 'active' + + image_size_in_gb = disk.get('image_size_in_gb') + disk_size_in_gb = disk.get('size_in_gb') + storage_class = disk.get('storage_class') + image_source = disk.get('source') + image_source_type = disk.get('source_type') + + image, _ = VMDiskImageProduct.objects.update_or_create( + name=name, + defaults={ + 'owner': disk_owner, + 'is_os_image': is_os_image, + 'is_public': is_public, + 'size_in_gb': image_size_in_gb, + 'storage_class': storage_class, + 'image_source': image_source, + 'image_source_type': image_source_type, + 'status': status + } + ) + + # identify vmdisk from opennebula - primary mapping key + extra_data = { + 'opennebula_vm': one_vm.vmid, + 'opennebula_size_in_gb': disk_size_in_gb, + 'opennebula_source': disk.get('opennebula_source'), + 'opennebula_disk_num': vmdisknum + } + # Save for comparing later + one_disks_extra_data.append(extra_data) + + try: + vm_disk = VMDiskProduct.objects.get(extra_data=extra_data) + except VMDiskProduct.DoesNotExist: + vm_disk = VMDiskProduct.objects.create( + owner=vmowner, + vm=vm_product, + image=image, + size_in_gb=disk_size_in_gb, + extra_data=extra_data + ) + + # Now remove all disks that are not in above extra_data list + for disk in VMDiskProduct.objects.filter(vm=vm_product): + extra_data = disk.extra_data + if not extra_data in one_disks_extra_data: + log.info("Removing disk {} from VM {}".format(disk, vm_product)) + disk.delete() + + disks = [ disk.extra_data for disk in VMDiskProduct.objects.filter(vm=vm_product) ] + log.info("VM {} has disks: {}".format(vm_product, disks)) + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = 'Migrate Opennebula VM to regular (uncloud) vm' + + def add_arguments(self, parser): + parser.add_argument('--disk-owner', required=True, help="The user who owns the the opennebula disks") + + def handle(self, *args, **options): + log.debug("{} {}".format(args, options)) + + disk_owner = get_user_model().objects.get(username=options['disk_owner']) + + for one_vm in VMModel.objects.all(): + + if not one_vm.last_host: + log.warning("No VMHost for VM {} - VM might be on hold - skipping".format(one_vm.vmid)) + continue + + try: + vmhost = VMHost.objects.get(hostname=one_vm.last_host) + except VMHost.DoesNotExist: + log.error("VMHost {} does not exist, aborting".format(one_vm.last_host)) + raise + + cores = one_vm.cores + ram_in_gb = one_vm.ram_in_gb + owner = one_vm.owner + status = 'active' + + ssd_size = sum([ disk['size_in_gb'] for disk in one_vm.disks if disk['pool_name'] in ['ssd', 'one'] ]) + hdd_size = sum([ disk['size_in_gb'] for disk in one_vm.disks if disk['pool_name'] in ['hdd'] ]) + + # List of IPv4 addresses and Global IPv6 addresses + ipv4, ipv6 = one_vm.ips + + # TODO: Insert actual/real creation_date, starting_date, ending_date + # instead of pseudo one we are putting currently + creation_date = starting_date = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) + + # Price calculation based on datacenterlight.ch + one_time_price = 0 + recurring_period = 'per_month' + recurring_price = get_vm_price(cores, ram_in_gb, + ssd_size, hdd_size, + len(ipv4), len(ipv6)) + + try: + vm_product = VMProduct.objects.get(extra_data__opennebula_id=one_vm.vmid) + except VMProduct.DoesNotExist: + order = Order.objects.create( + owner=owner, + creation_date=creation_date, + starting_date=starting_date + ) + vm_product = VMProduct( + extra_data={ 'opennebula_id': one_vm.vmid }, + name=one_vm.uncloud_name, + order=order + ) + + # we don't use update_or_create, as filtering by json AND setting json + # at the same time does not work + + vm_product.vmhost = vmhost + vm_product.owner = owner + vm_product.cores = cores + vm_product.ram_in_gb = ram_in_gb + vm_product.status = status + + vm_product.save() + + # Create VMNetworkCards + create_nics(one_vm, vm_product) + + # Create VMDiskImageProduct and VMDiskProduct + sync_disk_and_image(one_vm, vm_product, disk_owner=disk_owner) diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0001_initial.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0001_initial.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0001_initial.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0001_initial.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0002_auto_20200225_1335.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0002_auto_20200225_1335.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0002_auto_20200225_1335.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0002_auto_20200225_1335.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0003_auto_20200225_1428.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0003_auto_20200225_1428.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0003_auto_20200225_1428.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0003_auto_20200225_1428.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0004_auto_20200225_1816.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0004_auto_20200225_1816.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0004_auto_20200225_1816.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/0004_auto_20200225_1816.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/migrations/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/migrations/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/models.py similarity index 87% rename from uncloud/opennebula/models.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/models.py index 0748ff5..826b615 100644 --- a/uncloud/opennebula/models.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/models.py @@ -3,15 +3,21 @@ from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField +# ungleich specific +storage_class_mapping = { + 'one': 'ssd', + 'ssd': 'ssd', + 'hdd': 'hdd' +} class VM(models.Model): vmid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) owner = models.ForeignKey(get_user_model(), on_delete=models.CASCADE) data = JSONField() - def save(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.id = 'opennebula' + str(self.data.get("ID")) - super().save(*args, **kwargs) + @property + def uncloud_name(self): + return "opennebula-{}".format(self.vmid) @property def cores(self): @@ -48,7 +54,8 @@ class VM(models.Model): 'pool_name': d['POOL_NAME'], 'image': d['IMAGE'], 'source': d['SOURCE'], - 'source_type': d['TM_MAD'] + 'source_type': d['TM_MAD'], + 'storage_class': storage_class_mapping[d['POOL_NAME']] } for d in disks diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/serializers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/serializers.py similarity index 54% rename from uncloud/opennebula/serializers.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/serializers.py index 64fe005..cd00622 100644 --- a/uncloud/opennebula/serializers.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/serializers.py @@ -2,13 +2,9 @@ from rest_framework import serializers from opennebula.models import VM -class VMSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): - class Meta: - model = VM - fields = '__all__' - - class OpenNebulaVMSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): class Meta: model = VM - fields = '__all__' + fields = [ 'vmid', 'owner', 'data', + 'uncloud_name', 'cores', 'ram_in_gb', + 'disks', 'nics', 'ips' ] diff --git a/uncloud/opennebula/tests.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/tests.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/opennebula/tests.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/tests.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/views.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89b1a52 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/opennebula/views.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +from rest_framework import viewsets, permissions + +from .models import VM +from .serializers import OpenNebulaVMSerializer + +class VMViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): + permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] + serializer_class = OpenNebulaVMSerializer + + def get_queryset(self): + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = VM.objects.all() + else: + obj = VM.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + + return obj diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/requirements.txt b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c77db20 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +django +djangorestframework +django-auth-ldap +stripe +xmltodict +psycopg2 + +parsedatetime + +# Follow are for creating graph models +pyparsing +pydot +django-extensions + +# PDF creating +django-hardcopy diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/.gitignore b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud/.gitignore rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/.gitignore diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e2545a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# Define DecimalField properties, used to represent amounts of money. +# Used in pay and auth +AMOUNT_MAX_DIGITS=10 +AMOUNT_DECIMALS=2 diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/asgi.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/asgi.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud/asgi.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/asgi.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/management/commands/uncloud.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/management/commands/uncloud.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd47c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/management/commands/uncloud.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import sys +from datetime import datetime + +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand + +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model + +from opennebula.models import VM as VMModel +from uncloud_vm.models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMNetworkCard, VMDiskImageProduct, VMDiskProduct, VMCluster + +import logging +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = 'General uncloud commands' + + def add_arguments(self, parser): + parser.add_argument('--bootstrap', action='store_true', help='Bootstrap a typical uncloud installation') + + def handle(self, *args, **options): + + if options['bootstrap']: + self.bootstrap() + + def bootstrap(self): + default_cluster = VMCluster.objects.get_or_create(name="default") +# local_host = diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd7a931 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/models.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +from django.db import models +from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField +from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ + +class UncloudModel(models.Model): + """ + This class extends the standard model with an + extra_data field that can be used to include public, + but internal information. + + For instance if you migrate from an existing virtualisation + framework to uncloud. + + The extra_data attribute should be considered a hack and whenever + data is necessary for running uncloud, it should **not** be stored + in there. + + """ + + extra_data = JSONField(editable=False, blank=True, null=True) + + class Meta: + abstract = True + +# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#field-choices-enum-types +class UncloudStatus(models.TextChoices): + PENDING = 'PENDING', _('Pending') + AWAITING_PAYMENT = 'AWAITING_PAYMENT', _('Awaiting payment') + BEING_CREATED = 'BEING_CREATED', _('Being created') + SCHEDULED = 'SCHEDULED', _('Scheduled') # resource selected, waiting for dispatching + ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE', _('Active') + MODIFYING = 'MODIFYING', _('Modifying') # Resource is being changed + DELETED = 'DELETED', _('Deleted') # Resource has been deleted + DISABLED = 'DISABLED', _('Disabled') # Is usable, but cannot be used for new things + UNUSABLE = 'UNUSABLE', _('Unusable'), # Has some kind of error diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/secrets_sample.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/secrets_sample.py similarity index 77% rename from uncloud/uncloud/secrets_sample.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/secrets_sample.py index bc9cd38..150fefb 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud/secrets_sample.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/secrets_sample.py @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -# Live/test key from stripe -STRIPE_KEY = '' +from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key # XML-RPC interface of opennebula OPENNEBULA_URL = 'https://opennebula.ungleich.ch:2634/RPC2' @@ -18,4 +17,5 @@ LDAP_SERVER_URI = "" STRIPE_KEY="" STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY="" -SECRET_KEY="dx$iqt=lc&yrp^!z5$ay^%g5lhx1y3bcu=jg(jx0yj0ogkfqvf" +# The django secret key +SECRET_KEY=get_random_secret_key() diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/settings.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/settings.py similarity index 94% rename from uncloud/uncloud/settings.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/settings.py index 77cc20f..c1eaab2 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud/settings.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/settings.py @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ except ModuleNotFoundError: 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': uncloud.secrets.POSTGRESQL_DB_NAME, - 'HOST': os.environ.get('DATABASE_HOST'), - 'USER': os.environ.get('DATABASE_USER'), + 'HOST': os.environ.get('DATABASE_HOST', '::1'), + 'USER': os.environ.get('DATABASE_USER', 'postgres'), } } @@ -59,9 +59,12 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', + 'django_extensions', 'rest_framework', + 'uncloud', 'uncloud_pay', 'uncloud_auth', + 'uncloud_net', 'uncloud_storage', 'uncloud_vm', 'ungleich_service', @@ -172,5 +175,5 @@ USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/howto/static-files/ - STATIC_URL = '/static/' +STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static") ] diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/urls.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/urls.py similarity index 73% rename from uncloud/uncloud/urls.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/urls.py index e42bb7e..07c538d 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud/urls.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/urls.py @@ -13,68 +13,67 @@ Including another URLconf 1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls')) """ + from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include +from django.conf import settings +from django.conf.urls.static import static + from rest_framework import routers -from uncloud_vm import views as vmviews -from uncloud_pay import views as payviews +from opennebula import views as oneviews +from uncloud_auth import views as authviews +from uncloud_net import views as netviews +from uncloud_pay import views as payviews +from uncloud_vm import views as vmviews from ungleich_service import views as serviceviews -from opennebula import views as oneviews router = routers.DefaultRouter() # VM router.register(r'vm/snapshot', vmviews.VMSnapshotProductViewSet, basename='vmsnapshotproduct') +router.register(r'vm/diskimage', vmviews.VMDiskImageProductViewSet, basename='vmdiskimageproduct') router.register(r'vm/disk', vmviews.VMDiskProductViewSet, basename='vmdiskproduct') -router.register(r'vm/image/mine', vmviews.VMDiskImageProductMineViewSet, basename='vmdiskimagemineproduct') -router.register(r'vm/image/public', vmviews.VMDiskImageProductPublicViewSet, basename='vmdiskimagepublicproduct') - -# images the provider provides :-) -# router.register(r'vm/image/official', vmviews.VMDiskImageProductPublicViewSet, basename='vmdiskimagepublicproduct') - - - - router.register(r'vm/vm', vmviews.VMProductViewSet, basename='vmproduct') - -# TBD -#router.register(r'vm/disk', vmviews.VMDiskProductViewSet, basename='vmdiskproduct') - # creates VM from os image #router.register(r'vm/ipv6onlyvm', vmviews.VMProductViewSet, basename='vmproduct') # ... AND adds IPv4 mapping #router.register(r'vm/dualstackvm', vmviews.VMProductViewSet, basename='vmproduct') -# allow vm creation from own images - - # Services router.register(r'service/matrix', serviceviews.MatrixServiceProductViewSet, basename='matrixserviceproduct') +# Net +router.register(r'net/vpn', netviews.VPNNetworkViewSet, basename='vpnnet') + # Pay -router.register(r'user', payviews.UserViewSet, basename='user') router.register(r'payment-method', payviews.PaymentMethodViewSet, basename='payment-method') router.register(r'bill', payviews.BillViewSet, basename='bill') router.register(r'order', payviews.OrderViewSet, basename='order') router.register(r'payment', payviews.PaymentViewSet, basename='payment') -# VMs -router.register(r'vm/vm', vmviews.VMProductViewSet, basename='vm') # admin/staff urls router.register(r'admin/bill', payviews.AdminBillViewSet, basename='admin/bill') router.register(r'admin/payment', payviews.AdminPaymentViewSet, basename='admin/payment') router.register(r'admin/order', payviews.AdminOrderViewSet, basename='admin/order') router.register(r'admin/vmhost', vmviews.VMHostViewSet) +router.register(r'admin/vmcluster', vmviews.VMClusterViewSet) +router.register(r'admin/vpnpool', netviews.VPNPoolViewSet) + router.register(r'admin/opennebula', oneviews.VMViewSet, basename='opennebula') -router.register(r'admin/opennebula_raw', oneviews.RawVMViewSet, basename='opennebula_raw') + +# User/Account +router.register(r'user', authviews.UserViewSet, basename='user') urlpatterns = [ path('', include(router.urls)), + # web/ = stuff to view in the browser + + path('web/pdf/', payviews.MyPDFView.as_view(), name='pdf'), path('api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')) # for login to REST API ] diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/wsgi.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/wsgi.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud/wsgi.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud/wsgi.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_auth/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_auth/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0001_initial.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0001_initial.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0001_initial.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0001_initial.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0002_auto_20200318_1343.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0002_auto_20200318_1343.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad2654f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0002_auto_20200318_1343.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-18 13:43 + +import django.core.validators +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_auth', '0001_initial'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AddField( + model_name='user', + name='amount', + field=models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0.0, max_digits=10, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(0)]), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='user', + name='maximum_credit', + field=models.FloatField(default=0), + preserve_default=False, + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0003_auto_20200318_1345.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0003_auto_20200318_1345.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31b1717 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/0003_auto_20200318_1345.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-18 13:45 + +import django.core.validators +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_auth', '0002_auto_20200318_1343'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.RemoveField( + model_name='user', + name='amount', + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='user', + name='maximum_credit', + field=models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0.0, max_digits=10, validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(0)]), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_auth/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3a0912 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/models.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser +from django.db import models +from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator + +from uncloud import AMOUNT_DECIMALS, AMOUNT_MAX_DIGITS + +from uncloud_pay.models import get_balance_for_user + +class User(AbstractUser): + """ + We use the standard user and add a maximum credit that is allowed + to be accumulated. After that we need to have warnings, cancellation, etc. + """ + + maximum_credit = models.DecimalField( + default=0.0, + max_digits=AMOUNT_MAX_DIGITS, + decimal_places=AMOUNT_DECIMALS, + validators=[MinValueValidator(0)]) + + @property + def balance(self): + return get_balance_for_user(self) diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/serializers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/serializers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de369c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/serializers.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model +from rest_framework import serializers + +from uncloud import AMOUNT_DECIMALS, AMOUNT_MAX_DIGITS + +class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): + + class Meta: + model = get_user_model() + fields = ['username', 'email', 'balance', 'maximum_credit' ] + + + + balance = serializers.DecimalField(max_digits=AMOUNT_MAX_DIGITS, + decimal_places=AMOUNT_DECIMALS) diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/views.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f78e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_auth/views.py @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +from rest_framework import viewsets, permissions, status +from .serializers import * + +class UserViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): + serializer_class = UserSerializer + permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] + + def get_queryset(self): + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = get_user_model().objects.all() + else: + # This is a bit stupid: we have a user, we create a queryset by + # matching on the username. But I don't know a "nicer" way. + # Nico, 2020-03-18 + obj = get_user_model().objects.filter(username=self.request.user.username) + + return obj diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_auth/migrations/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_net/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_net/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_net/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_net/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/management/commands/vpn.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/management/commands/vpn.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d717b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/management/commands/vpn.py @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +import sys +from datetime import datetime + +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand + +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model + +from opennebula.models import VM as VMModel +from uncloud_vm.models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMNetworkCard, VMDiskImageProduct, VMDiskProduct, VMCluster + +import logging +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +wireguard_template=""" +[Interface] +ListenPort = 51820 +PrivateKey = {privatekey} +""" + +peer_template=""" +# {username} +[Peer] +PublicKey = {public_key} +AllowedIPs = {vpnnetwork} +""" + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = 'General uncloud commands' + + def add_arguments(self, parser): + parser.add_argument('--hostname', + action='store_true', + help='Name of this VPN Host', + required=True) + + def handle(self, *args, **options): + if options['bootstrap']: + self.bootstrap() + + self.create_vpn_config(options['hostname']) + + def create_vpn_config(self, hostname): + configs = [] + + for pool in VPNPool.objects.filter(vpn_hostname=hostname): + pool_config = { + 'private_key': pool.wireguard_private_key, + 'subnetwork_size': pool.subnetwork_size, + 'config_file': '/etc/wireguard/{}.conf'.format(pool.network), + 'peers': [] + } + + for vpnnetwork in VPNNetworkReservation.objects.filter(vpnpool=pool): + pool_config['peers'].append({ + 'vpnnetwork': "{}/{}".format(vpnnetwork.address, + pool_config['subnetwork_size']), + 'public_key': vpnnetwork.wireguard_public_key, + } + ) + + configs.append(pool_config) + + print(configs) diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/migrations/0001_initial.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/migrations/0001_initial.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..940d63f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/migrations/0001_initial.py @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.5 on 2020-04-06 21:38 + +from django.conf import settings +import django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb +import django.core.validators +from django.db import migrations, models +import django.db.models.deletion +import uuid + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + initial = True + + dependencies = [ + migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), + ('uncloud_pay', '0001_initial'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.CreateModel( + name='MACAdress', + fields=[ + ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), + ], + ), + migrations.CreateModel( + name='VPNPool', + fields=[ + ('extra_data', django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True)), + ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), + ('network', models.GenericIPAddressField(unique=True)), + ('network_size', models.IntegerField(validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(0), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(128)])), + ('subnetwork_size', models.IntegerField(validators=[django.core.validators.MinValueValidator(0), django.core.validators.MaxValueValidator(128)])), + ('vpn_hostname', models.CharField(max_length=256)), + ('wireguard_private_key', models.CharField(max_length=48)), + ], + options={ + 'abstract': False, + }, + ), + migrations.CreateModel( + name='VPNNetworkReservation', + fields=[ + ('extra_data', django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True)), + ('address', models.GenericIPAddressField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)), + ('vpnpool', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='uncloud_net.VPNPool')), + ], + options={ + 'abstract': False, + }, + ), + migrations.CreateModel( + name='VPNNetwork', + fields=[ + ('extra_data', django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True)), + ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), + ('status', models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('MODIFYING', 'Modifying'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32)), + ('wireguard_public_key', models.CharField(max_length=48)), + ('network', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='uncloud_net.VPNNetworkReservation')), + ('order', models.ForeignKey(editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='uncloud_pay.Order')), + ('owner', models.ForeignKey(editable=False, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), + ], + options={ + 'abstract': False, + }, + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_net/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/migrations/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_net/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/migrations/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/models.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2eaf92d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/models.py @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +import uuid + +from django.db import models +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model +from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator, MaxValueValidator + + +from uncloud_pay.models import Product, RecurringPeriod +from uncloud.models import UncloudModel, UncloudStatus + + +class MACAdress(models.Model): + default_prefix = 0x420000000000 + +class VPNPool(UncloudModel): + """ + Network address pools from which VPNs can be created + """ + + uuid = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) + + network = models.GenericIPAddressField(unique=True) + network_size = models.IntegerField(validators=[MinValueValidator(0), + MaxValueValidator(128)]) + + subnetwork_size = models.IntegerField(validators=[ + MinValueValidator(0), + MaxValueValidator(128) + ]) + + vpn_hostname = models.CharField(max_length=256) + + wireguard_private_key = models.CharField(max_length=48) + + @property + def num_maximum_networks(self): + """ + sample: + network_size = 40 + subnetwork_size = 48 + maximum_networks = 2^(48-40) + + 2nd sample: + network_size = 8 + subnetwork_size = 24 + maximum_networks = 2^(24-8) + """ + + return 2**(subnetwork_size - network_size) + + @property + def used_networks(self): + return self.vpnnetworkreservation_set.objects.filter(vpnpool=self, status='used') + + @property + def num_used_networks(self): + return len(self.used_networks) + + @property + def num_free_networks(self): + return self.num_maximum_networks - self.num_used_networks + + @property + def next_free_network(self): + free_net = self.vpnnetworkreservation_set.objects.filter(vpnpool=self, + status='free') + + last_net = self.vpnnetworkreservation_set.objects.filter(vpnpool=self, + status='used') + + if num_free_networks == 0: + raise Exception("No free networks") + + if len(free_net) > 0: + return free_net[0].address + + if len(used_net) > 0: + """ + sample: + + pool = 2a0a:e5c1:200::/40 + last_used = 2a0a:e5c1:204::/48 + + next: + """ + + last_ip = last_net.address +# next_ip = + + + + + +class VPNNetworkReservation(UncloudModel): + """ + This class tracks the used VPN networks. It will be deleted, when the product is cancelled. + """ + vpnpool = models.ForeignKey(VPNPool, + on_delete=models.CASCADE) + address = models.GenericIPAddressField(primary_key=True) + + status = models.CharField(max_length=256, + choices = ( + ('used', 'used'), + ('free', 'free') + ) + ) + + +class VPNNetwork(Product): + """ + A selected network. Used for tracking reservations / used networks + """ + network = models.ForeignKey(VPNNetworkReservation, + on_delete=models.CASCADE, + editable=False) + + wireguard_public_key = models.CharField(max_length=48) diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/serializers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/serializers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c7b4a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/serializers.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import base64 + +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model +from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ +from rest_framework import serializers + +from .models import * + +class VPNPoolSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): + class Meta: + model = VPNPool + fields = '__all__' + +class VPNNetworkSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): + class Meta: + model = VPNNetwork + fields = '__all__' + + # This is required for finding the VPN pool, but does not + # exist in the model + network_size = serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0, + max_value=128) + + def validate_wireguard_public_key(self, value): + msg = _("Supplied key is not a valid wireguard public key") + + """ FIXME: verify that this does not create broken wireguard config files, + i.e. contains \n or similar! + We might even need to be more strict to not break wireguard... + """ + print(value) + + try: + base64.standard_b64decode(value) + except Exception as e: + raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) + + if '\n' in value: + raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) + + return value + + def validate(self, data): + + # FIXME: filter for status = active or similar + all_pools = VPNPool.objects.all() + sizes = [ p.subnetwork_size for p in all_pools ] + + pools = VPNPool.objects.filter(subnetwork_size=data['network_size']) + + if len(pools) == 0: + msg = _("No pool available for networks with size = {}. Available are: {}".format(data['network_size'], sizes)) + raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) + + return data + + def create(self, validated_data): + """ + Creating a new vpnnetwork - there are a couple of race conditions, + especially when run in parallel. + """ + pools = VPNPool.objects.filter(subnetwork_size=data['network_size']) + + found_pool = False + for pool in pools: + if pool.num_free_networks > 0: + found_pool = True +# address = pool. +# reservation = VPNNetworkReservation(vpnpool=pool, + + + pool = VPNPool.objects.first(subnetwork_size=data['network_size']) + + + return VPNNetwork(**validated_data) diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_net/tests.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/tests.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_net/tests.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/tests.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/views.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f5284 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_net/views.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + +from django.shortcuts import render + +from rest_framework import viewsets, permissions + + +from .models import * +from .serializers import * + + +class VPNPoolViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): + serializer_class = VPNPoolSerializer + permission_classes = [permissions.IsAdminUser] + queryset = VPNPool.objects.all() + + +class VPNNetworkViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): + serializer_class = VPNNetworkSerializer + permission_classes = [permissions.IsAdminUser] + + def get_queryset(self): + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = VPNNetwork.objects.all() + else: + obj = VPNNetwork.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + + return obj diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/helpers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/helpers.py similarity index 85% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/helpers.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/helpers.py index d02b916..f791564 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/helpers.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/helpers.py @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ def end_of_month(year, month): hour=23, minute=59, second=59, tzinfo=tz) class ProductViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin, - mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, - mixins.ListModelMixin, - GenericViewSet): + mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, + mixins.ListModelMixin, + GenericViewSet): """ A customer-facing viewset that provides default `create()`, `retrieve()` and `list()`. diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/charge-negative-balance.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/charge-negative-balance.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/charge-negative-balance.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/charge-negative-balance.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/generate-bills.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/generate-bills.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/generate-bills.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/generate-bills.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/handle-overdue-bills.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/handle-overdue-bills.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/handle-overdue-bills.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/management/commands/handle-overdue-bills.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0001_initial.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0001_initial.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0001_initial.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0001_initial.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1524.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1524.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1524.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1524.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0003_auto_20200305_1354.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0003_auto_20200305_1354.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4157732 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/0003_auto_20200305_1354.py @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-05 13:54 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_pay', '0002_auto_20200305_1524'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='paymentmethod', + name='primary', + field=models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/migrations/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/models.py similarity index 96% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/models.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/models.py index 65bf6ef..e751334 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/models.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/models.py @@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.utils import timezone -from django.dispatch import receiver from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist -import django.db.models.signals as signals import uuid import logging @@ -15,8 +13,12 @@ from math import ceil from datetime import timedelta from calendar import monthrange +from decimal import Decimal + import uncloud_pay.stripe from uncloud_pay.helpers import beginning_of_month, end_of_month +from uncloud import AMOUNT_DECIMALS, AMOUNT_MAX_DIGITS +from uncloud.models import UncloudModel, UncloudStatus from decimal import Decimal import decimal @@ -45,18 +47,9 @@ class RecurringPeriod(models.TextChoices): PER_HOUR = 'HOUR', _('Per Hour') PER_SECOND = 'SECOND', _('Per Second') -# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#field-choices-enum-types -class ProductStatus(models.TextChoices): - PENDING = 'PENDING', _('Pending') - AWAITING_PAYMENT = 'AWAITING_PAYMENT', _('Awaiting payment') - BEING_CREATED = 'BEING_CREATED', _('Being created') - ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE', _('Active') - DELETED = 'DELETED', _('Deleted') -### -# Users. -def get_balance_for(user): +def get_balance_for_user(user): bills = reduce( lambda acc, entry: acc + entry.total, Bill.objects.filter(owner=user), @@ -125,7 +118,7 @@ class PaymentMethod(models.Model): ), default='stripe') description = models.TextField() - primary = models.BooleanField(default=True) + primary = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) # Only used for "Stripe" source stripe_payment_method_id = models.CharField(max_length=32, blank=True, null=True) @@ -168,6 +161,15 @@ class PaymentMethod(models.Model): else: raise Exception('This payment method is unsupported/cannot be charged.') + def set_as_primary_for(self, user): + methods = PaymentMethod.objects.filter(owner=user, primary=True) + for method in methods: + print(method) + method.primary = False + method.save() + + self.primary = True + self.save() def get_primary_for(user): methods = PaymentMethod.objects.filter(owner=user) @@ -502,6 +504,7 @@ class OrderRecord(models.Model): description = models.TextField() + @property def recurring_period(self): return self.order.recurring_period @@ -520,7 +523,7 @@ class OrderRecord(models.Model): # Abstract (= no database representation) class used as parent for products # (e.g. uncloud_vm.models.VMProduct). -class Product(models.Model): +class Product(UncloudModel): uuid = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) owner = models.ForeignKey(get_user_model(), on_delete=models.CASCADE, @@ -529,8 +532,8 @@ class Product(models.Model): description = "" status = models.CharField(max_length=32, - choices=ProductStatus.choices, - default=ProductStatus.PENDING) + choices=UncloudStatus.choices, + default=UncloudStatus.PENDING) order = models.ForeignKey(Order, on_delete=models.CASCADE, diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/serializers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/serializers.py similarity index 88% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/serializers.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/serializers.py index 64fcb68..f408d1b 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/serializers.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/serializers.py @@ -2,20 +2,6 @@ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import serializers from .models import * -### -# Users. - -class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): - class Meta: - model = get_user_model() - fields = ['username', 'email', 'balance'] - - # Display current 'balance' - balance = serializers.SerializerMethodField('get_balance') - - def get_balance(self, user): - return get_balance_for(user) - ### # Payments and Payment Methods. diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/stripe.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/stripe.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/stripe.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/stripe.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/bill.html b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/bill.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f6c217 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/bill.html @@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@ +{% load static %} + + + + + + + + + Bill name + + + + + + +
+ +
+ ungleich glarus ag +
Bahnhofstrasse 1 +
8783 Linthal +
Switzerland +
+ Faeh+Faeh GmbH +
Pascal Faeh + <pascal@faehundfaeh.ch> +
Via Nova +
7017 Flims +
+ Rechnungsdatum: +
Rechnungsnummer +
Zahlbar bis + +
+ 2018-04-21
+ 20180421FAEH1
+ 2018-05-20 +



+ Beschreibung + Netto CHF +


+ NAS Synology DS1817+ + 1234.56 +


+ 10Gbit/s card Synology E10G17-F2 + 345.67 +

+ + +

+ 1OGbit/s switch HP + 567.89 +


+ Festplatten 10 TB NAS RED Pro + 3456.78 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Synology + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ NAS Synology DS1817+ + 1234.56 +


+ 10Gbit/s card Synology E10G17-F2 + 345.67 +

+ + +

+ 1OGbit/s switch HP + 567.89 +


+ Festplatten 10 TB NAS RED Pro + 3456.78 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Synology + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +


+ 10Gbit/s Transceiver Switch kompatibel + 123.45 +

+ +

+ Total + 12345.67 +


+ 7.70% Mehrwertsteuer + 891.00 +


+ Gesamtbetrag + 23456.78 +

+ + + + diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/error.html.j2 b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/error.html.j2 similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/error.html.j2 rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/error.html.j2 diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/stripe-payment.html.j2 b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/stripe-payment.html.j2 similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/stripe-payment.html.j2 rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/templates/stripe-payment.html.j2 diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/tests.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/tests.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/tests.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/tests.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/views.py similarity index 89% rename from uncloud/uncloud_pay/views.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/views.py index 32350ff..b64981f 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_pay/views.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_pay/views.py @@ -15,16 +15,6 @@ from .serializers import * from datetime import datetime import uncloud_pay.stripe as uncloud_stripe -### -# Users. - -class UserViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): - serializer_class = UserSerializer - permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] - - def get_queryset(self): - return get_user_model().objects.all() - ### # Payments and Payment Methods. @@ -35,6 +25,13 @@ class PaymentViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): def get_queryset(self): return Payment.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) +class OrderViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): + serializer_class = OrderSerializer + permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] + + def get_queryset(self): + return Order.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + class PaymentMethodViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] @@ -57,6 +54,10 @@ class PaymentMethodViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer = self.get_serializer(data=request.data) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) + # Set newly created method as primary if no other method is. + if PaymentMethod.get_primary_for(request.user) == None: + serializer.validated_data['primary'] = True + if serializer.validated_data['source'] == "stripe": # Retrieve Stripe customer ID for user. customer_id = uncloud_stripe.get_customer_id_for(request.user) @@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ class PaymentMethodViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): @action(detail=True, methods=['get'], url_path='register-stripe-cc', renderer_classes=[TemplateHTMLRenderer]) def register_stripe_cc(self, request, pk=None): payment_method = self.get_object() + if payment_method.source != 'stripe': return Response( {'error': 'This is not a Stripe-based payment method.'}, @@ -156,6 +158,14 @@ class PaymentMethodViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): error = 'Could not fetch payment method from stripe. Please try again.' return Response({'error': error}) + @action(detail=True, methods=['post'], url_path='set-as-primary') + def set_as_primary(self, request, pk=None): + payment_method = self.get_object() + payment_method.set_as_primary_for(request.user) + + serializer = self.get_serializer(payment_method) + return Response(serializer.data) + ### # Bills and Orders. @@ -220,3 +230,12 @@ class AdminOrderViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): def get_queryset(self): return Order.objects.all() + +# PDF tests +from django.views.generic import TemplateView +from hardcopy.views import PDFViewMixin, PNGViewMixin + +class MyPDFView(PDFViewMixin, TemplateView): + template_name = "bill.html" + # def get_filename(self): + # return "my_file_{}.pdf".format(now().strftime('Y-m-d')) diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_storage/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_storage/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_storage/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/models.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_storage/models.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/models.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_storage/tests.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/tests.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_storage/tests.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/tests.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_net/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/views.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_net/views.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_storage/views.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/management/commands/vm.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/management/commands/vm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..667c5ad --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/management/commands/vm.py @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +import json + +import uncloud.secrets as secrets + +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand +from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model + +from uncloud_vm.models import VMSnapshotProduct, VMProduct, VMHost +from datetime import datetime + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = 'Select VM Host for VMs' + + def add_arguments(self, parser): + parser.add_argument('--this-hostname', required=True) + parser.add_argument('--this-cluster', required=True) + + parser.add_argument('--create-vm-snapshots', action='store_true') + parser.add_argument('--schedule-vms', action='store_true') + parser.add_argument('--start-vms', action='store_true') + + + def handle(self, *args, **options): + for cmd in [ 'create_vm_snapshots', 'schedule_vms', 'start_vms' ]: + if options[cmd]: + f = getattr(self, cmd) + f(args, options) + + def schedule_vms(self, *args, **options): + for pending_vm in VMProduct.objects.filter(status='PENDING'): + cores_needed = pending_vm.cores + ram_needed = pending_vm.ram_in_gb + + # Database filtering + possible_vmhosts = VMHost.objects.filter(physical_cores__gte=cores_needed) + + # Logical filtering + possible_vmhosts = [ vmhost for vmhost in possible_vmhosts + if vmhost.available_cores >=cores_needed + and vmhost.available_ram_in_gb >= ram_needed ] + + if not possible_vmhosts: + log.error("No suitable Host found - cannot schedule VM {}".format(pending_vm)) + continue + + vmhost = possible_vmhosts[0] + pending_vm.vmhost = vmhost + pending_vm.status = 'SCHEDULED' + pending_vm.save() + + print("Scheduled VM {} on VMHOST {}".format(pending_vm, pending_vm.vmhost)) + + print(self) + + def start_vms(self, *args, **options): + vmhost = VMHost.objects.get(hostname=options['this_hostname']) + + if not vmhost: + raise Exception("No vmhost {} exists".format(options['vmhostname'])) + + # not active? done here + if not vmhost.status = 'ACTIVE': + return + + vms_to_start = VMProduct.objects.filter(vmhost=vmhost, + status='SCHEDULED') + for vm in vms_to_start: + """ run qemu: + check if VM is not already active / qemu running + prepare / create the Qemu arguments + """ + print("Starting VM {}".format(VM)) + + def check_vms(self, *args, **options): + """ + Check if all VMs that are supposed to run are running + """ + + def modify_vms(self, *args, **options): + """ + Check all VMs that are requested to be modified and restart them + """ + + def create_vm_snapshots(self, *args, **options): + this_cluster = VMCluster(option['this_cluster']) + + for snapshot in VMSnapshotProduct.objects.filter(status='PENDING', + cluster=this_cluster): + if not snapshot.extra_data: + snapshot.extra_data = {} + + # TODO: implement locking here + if 'creating_hostname' in snapshot.extra_data: + pass + + snapshot.extra_data['creating_hostname'] = options['this_hostname'] + snapshot.extra_data['creating_start'] = str(datetime.now()) + snapshot.save() + + # something on the line of: + # for disk im vm.disks: + # rbd snap create pool/image-name@snapshot name + # snapshot.extra_data['snapshots'] + # register the snapshot names in extra_data (?) + + print(snapshot) + + def check_health(self, *args, **options): + pending_vms = VMProduct.objects.filter(status='PENDING') + vmhosts = VMHost.objects.filter(status='active') + + # 1. Check that all active hosts reported back N seconds ago + # 2. Check that no VM is running on a dead host + # 3. Migrate VMs if necessary + # 4. Check that no VMs have been pending for longer than Y seconds + + # If VM snapshots exist without a VM -> notify user (?) + + print("Nothing is good, you should implement me") diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0001_initial.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0001_initial.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0001_initial.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0001_initial.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1321.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1321.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1321.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0002_auto_20200305_1321.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0003_remove_vmhost_vms.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0003_remove_vmhost_vms.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0003_remove_vmhost_vms.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0003_remove_vmhost_vms.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0004_remove_vmproduct_vmid.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0004_remove_vmproduct_vmid.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f44b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0004_remove_vmproduct_vmid.py @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-17 14:40 + +from django.db import migrations + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_vm', '0003_remove_vmhost_vms'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.RemoveField( + model_name='vmproduct', + name='vmid', + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0005_auto_20200321_1058.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0005_auto_20200321_1058.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3799e6a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0005_auto_20200321_1058.py @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-21 10:58 + +import django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb +from django.db import migrations, models +import django.db.models.deletion + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_vm', '0004_remove_vmproduct_vmid'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmdiskimageproduct', + name='extra_data', + field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmdiskproduct', + name='extra_data', + field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmhost', + name='extra_data', + field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmproduct', + name='extra_data', + field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmsnapshotproduct', + name='extra_data', + field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmdiskproduct', + name='vm', + field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='disks', to='uncloud_vm.VMProduct'), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmsnapshotproduct', + name='vm', + field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='snapshots', to='uncloud_vm.VMProduct'), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0006_auto_20200322_1758.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0006_auto_20200322_1758.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7726c9b --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0006_auto_20200322_1758.py @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-22 17:58 + +import django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb +from django.db import migrations, models +import django.db.models.deletion +import uuid + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_vm', '0005_auto_20200321_1058'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.CreateModel( + name='VMCluster', + fields=[ + ('extra_data', django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True)), + ('uuid', models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False)), + ('name', models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)), + ], + options={ + 'abstract': False, + }, + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmdiskimageproduct', + name='is_public', + field=models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmdiskimageproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmhost', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmsnapshotproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmproduct', + name='vmcluster', + field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='uncloud_vm.VMCluster'), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0007_vmhost_vmcluster.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0007_vmhost_vmcluster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6766dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0007_vmhost_vmcluster.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-22 18:09 + +from django.db import migrations, models +import django.db.models.deletion + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_vm', '0006_auto_20200322_1758'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AddField( + model_name='vmhost', + name='vmcluster', + field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='uncloud_vm.VMCluster'), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0008_auto_20200403_1727.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0008_auto_20200403_1727.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f4b494 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/0008_auto_20200403_1727.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.5 on 2020-04-03 17:27 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('uncloud_vm', '0007_vmhost_vmcluster'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmdiskimageproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('MODIFYING', 'Modifying'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmhost', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('MODIFYING', 'Modifying'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('MODIFYING', 'Modifying'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='vmsnapshotproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('MODIFYING', 'Modifying'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/migrations/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/models.py similarity index 80% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/models.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/models.py index 573b5f5..5b80b8f 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/models.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/models.py @@ -3,31 +3,27 @@ import uuid from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model -# Uncomment if you override model's clean method -# from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError - from uncloud_pay.models import Product, RecurringPeriod +from uncloud.models import UncloudModel, UncloudStatus + import uncloud_pay.models as pay_models import uncloud_storage.models -STATUS_CHOICES = ( - ('pending', 'Pending'), # Initial state - ('creating', 'Creating'), # Creating VM/image/etc. - ('active', 'Active'), # Is usable / active - ('disabled', 'Disabled'), # Is usable, but cannot be used for new things - ('unusable', 'Unusable'), # Has some kind of error - ('deleted', 'Deleted'), # Does not exist anymore, only DB entry as a log -) - -STATUS_DEFAULT = 'pending' +class VMCluster(UncloudModel): + uuid = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) + name = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True) -class VMHost(models.Model): +class VMHost(UncloudModel): uuid = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) # 253 is the maximum DNS name length hostname = models.CharField(max_length=253, unique=True) + vmcluster = models.ForeignKey( + VMCluster, on_delete=models.CASCADE, editable=False, blank=True, null=True + ) + # indirectly gives a maximum number of cores / VM - f.i. 32 physical_cores = models.IntegerField(default=0) @@ -38,16 +34,20 @@ class VMHost(models.Model): usable_ram_in_gb = models.FloatField(default=0) status = models.CharField( - max_length=32, choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=STATUS_DEFAULT + max_length=32, choices=UncloudStatus.choices, default=UncloudStatus.PENDING ) @property def vms(self): return VMProduct.objects.filter(vmhost=self) + @property + def used_ram_in_gb(self): + return sum([vm.ram_in_gb for vm in VMProduct.objects.filter(vmhost=self)]) + @property def available_ram_in_gb(self): - return self.usable_ram_in_gb - sum([vm.ram_in_gb for vm in self.vms ]) + return self.usable_ram_in_gb - self.used_ram_in_gb @property def available_cores(self): @@ -59,12 +59,16 @@ class VMProduct(Product): VMHost, on_delete=models.CASCADE, editable=False, blank=True, null=True ) + vmcluster = models.ForeignKey( + VMCluster, on_delete=models.CASCADE, editable=False, blank=True, null=True + ) + # VM-specific. The name is only intended for customers: it's a pain to # remember IDs (speaking from experience as ungleich customer)! name = models.CharField(max_length=32, blank=True, null=True) cores = models.IntegerField() ram_in_gb = models.FloatField() - vmid = models.IntegerField(null=True) + def recurring_price(self, recurring_period=RecurringPeriod.PER_MONTH): # TODO: move magic numbers in variables @@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ class VMWithOSProduct(VMProduct): pass -class VMDiskImageProduct(models.Model): +class VMDiskImageProduct(UncloudModel): """ Images are used for cloning/linking. @@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ class VMDiskImageProduct(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=256) is_os_image = models.BooleanField(default=False) - is_public = models.BooleanField(default=False) + is_public = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) # only allow admins to set this size_in_gb = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True) import_url = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True) @@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ class VMDiskImageProduct(models.Model): default = uncloud_storage.models.StorageClass.SSD) status = models.CharField( - max_length=32, choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=STATUS_DEFAULT + max_length=32, choices=UncloudStatus.choices, default=UncloudStatus.PENDING ) def __str__(self): @@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ class VMDiskImageProduct(models.Model): -class VMDiskProduct(models.Model): +class VMDiskProduct(UncloudModel): """ The VMDiskProduct is attached to a VM. @@ -151,7 +155,9 @@ class VMDiskProduct(models.Model): on_delete=models.CASCADE, editable=False) - vm = models.ForeignKey(VMProduct, on_delete=models.CASCADE) + vm = models.ForeignKey(VMProduct, + related_name='disks', + on_delete=models.CASCADE) image = models.ForeignKey(VMDiskImageProduct, on_delete=models.CASCADE) size_in_gb = models.FloatField(blank=True) @@ -185,4 +191,6 @@ class VMSnapshotProduct(Product): gb_ssd = models.FloatField(editable=False) gb_hdd = models.FloatField(editable=False) - vm = models.ForeignKey(VMProduct, on_delete=models.CASCADE) + vm = models.ForeignKey(VMProduct, + related_name='snapshots', + on_delete=models.CASCADE) diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/serializers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/serializers.py similarity index 74% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/serializers.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/serializers.py index c92f108..c0cca48 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/serializers.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/serializers.py @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import serializers -from .models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMSnapshotProduct, VMDiskProduct, VMDiskImageProduct +from .models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMSnapshotProduct, VMDiskProduct, VMDiskImageProduct, VMCluster from uncloud_pay.models import RecurringPeriod GB_SSD_PER_DAY=0.012 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ GB_SSD_PER_DAY=0.012 GB_HDD_PER_DAY=0.0006 -class VMHostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): +class VMHostSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): vms = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(many=True, read_only=True) class Meta: @@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ class VMHostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): fields = '__all__' read_only_fields = [ 'vms' ] +class VMClusterSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): + class Meta: + model = VMCluster + fields = '__all__' + class VMDiskProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: @@ -31,16 +36,6 @@ class VMDiskImageProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): model = VMDiskImageProduct fields = '__all__' -class VMProductSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): - # Custom field used at creation (= ordering) only. - recurring_period = serializers.ChoiceField( - choices=VMProduct.allowed_recurring_periods()) - - class Meta: - model = VMProduct - fields = ['uuid', 'order', 'owner', 'status', 'name', \ - 'cores', 'ram_in_gb', 'recurring_period'] - read_only_fields = ['uuid', 'order', 'owner', 'status'] class DCLVMProductSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer): @@ -88,3 +83,22 @@ class VMSnapshotProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): pricing['per_gb_ssd'] = 0.012 pricing['per_gb_hdd'] = 0.0006 pricing['recurring_period'] = 'per_day' + +class VMProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): + class Meta: + model = VMProduct + fields = ['uuid', 'order', 'owner', 'status', 'name', + 'cores', 'ram_in_gb', 'recurring_period', + 'snapshots', 'disks', + 'extra_data' ] + read_only_fields = ['uuid', 'order', 'owner', 'status' ] + + # Custom field used at creation (= ordering) only. + recurring_period = serializers.ChoiceField( + choices=VMProduct.allowed_recurring_periods()) + + snapshots = VMSnapshotProductSerializer(many=True, + read_only=True) + + disks = VMDiskProductSerializer(many=True, + read_only=True) diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/tests.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/tests.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/tests.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/tests.py diff --git a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/views.py similarity index 80% rename from uncloud/uncloud_vm/views.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/views.py index c0828d1..e6bf1e2 100644 --- a/uncloud/uncloud_vm/views.py +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/uncloud_vm/views.py @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from rest_framework import viewsets, permissions from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError -from .models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMSnapshotProduct, VMDiskProduct, VMDiskImageProduct +from .models import VMHost, VMProduct, VMSnapshotProduct, VMDiskProduct, VMDiskImageProduct, VMCluster from uncloud_pay.models import Order from .serializers import * @@ -22,12 +22,23 @@ class VMHostViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = VMHost.objects.all() permission_classes = [permissions.IsAdminUser] -class VMDiskImageProductMineViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): +class VMClusterViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): + serializer_class = VMClusterSerializer + queryset = VMCluster.objects.all() + permission_classes = [permissions.IsAdminUser] + +class VMDiskImageProductViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated] serializer_class = VMDiskImageProductSerializer def get_queryset(self): - return VMDiskImageProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = VMDiskImageProduct.objects.all() + else: + obj = VMDiskImageProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) | VMDiskImageProduct.objects.filter(is_public=True) + + return obj + def create(self, request): serializer = VMDiskImageProductSerializer(data=request.data, context={'request': request}) @@ -57,7 +68,12 @@ class VMDiskProductViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer_class = VMDiskProductSerializer def get_queryset(self): - return VMDiskProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = VMDiskProduct.objects.all() + else: + obj = VMDiskProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + + return obj def create(self, request): serializer = VMDiskProductSerializer(data=request.data, context={'request': request}) @@ -83,7 +99,12 @@ class VMProductViewSet(ProductViewSet): serializer_class = VMProductSerializer def get_queryset(self): - return VMProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = VMProduct.objects.all() + else: + obj = VMProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + + return obj # Use a database transaction so that we do not get half-created structure # if something goes wrong. @@ -117,7 +138,12 @@ class VMSnapshotProductViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer_class = VMSnapshotProductSerializer def get_queryset(self): - return VMSnapshotProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + if self.request.user.is_superuser: + obj = VMSnapshotProduct.objects.all() + else: + obj = VMSnapshotProduct.objects.filter(owner=self.request.user) + + return obj def create(self, request): serializer = VMSnapshotProductSerializer(data=request.data, context={'request': request}) @@ -125,9 +151,10 @@ class VMSnapshotProductViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): # This verifies that the VM belongs to the request user serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) - disks = VMDiskProduct.objects.filter(vm=serializer.validated_data['vm']) - ssds_size = sum([d.size_in_gb for d in disks if d.storage_class == 'ssd']) - hdds_size = sum([d.size_in_gb for d in disks if d.storage_class == 'hdd']) + vm = vm=serializer.validated_data['vm'] + disks = VMDiskProduct.objects.filter(vm=vm) + ssds_size = sum([d.size_in_gb for d in disks if d.image.storage_class == 'ssd']) + hdds_size = sum([d.size_in_gb for d in disks if d.image.storage_class == 'hdd']) recurring_price = serializer.pricing['per_gb_ssd'] * ssds_size + serializer.pricing['per_gb_hdd'] * hdds_size recurring_period = serializer.pricing['recurring_period'] @@ -135,12 +162,11 @@ class VMSnapshotProductViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): # Create order now = datetime.datetime.now() order = Order(owner=request.user, - creation_date=now, - starting_date=now, - recurring_price=recurring_price, - one_time_price=0, recurring_period=recurring_period) order.save() + order.add_record(one_time_price=0, + recurring_price=recurring_price, + description="Snapshot of VM {} from {}".format(vm, now)) serializer.save(owner=request.user, order=order, diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/admin.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/admin.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/admin.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/admin.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/apps.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/apps.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/apps.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/apps.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0001_initial.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0001_initial.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0001_initial.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0001_initial.py diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0002_matrixserviceproduct_extra_data.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0002_matrixserviceproduct_extra_data.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f755ddb --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0002_matrixserviceproduct_extra_data.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-21 10:58 + +import django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb +from django.db import migrations + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('ungleich_service', '0001_initial'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AddField( + model_name='matrixserviceproduct', + name='extra_data', + field=django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb.JSONField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0003_auto_20200322_1758.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0003_auto_20200322_1758.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73dbd6a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0003_auto_20200322_1758.py @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.3 on 2020-03-22 17:58 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('ungleich_service', '0002_matrixserviceproduct_extra_data'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='matrixserviceproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0004_auto_20200403_1727.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0004_auto_20200403_1727.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eed8d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/0004_auto_20200403_1727.py @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Generated by Django 3.0.5 on 2020-04-03 17:27 + +from django.db import migrations, models + + +class Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('ungleich_service', '0003_auto_20200322_1758'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.AlterField( + model_name='matrixserviceproduct', + name='status', + field=models.CharField(choices=[('PENDING', 'Pending'), ('AWAITING_PAYMENT', 'Awaiting payment'), ('BEING_CREATED', 'Being created'), ('SCHEDULED', 'Scheduled'), ('ACTIVE', 'Active'), ('MODIFYING', 'Modifying'), ('DELETED', 'Deleted'), ('DISABLED', 'Disabled'), ('UNUSABLE', 'Unusable')], default='PENDING', max_length=32), + ), + ] diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/__init__.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/__init__.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/migrations/__init__.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/models.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/models.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/models.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/models.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/serializers.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/serializers.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/serializers.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/serializers.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/tests.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/tests.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/tests.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/tests.py diff --git a/uncloud/ungleich_service/views.py b/uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/views.py similarity index 100% rename from uncloud/ungleich_service/views.py rename to uncloud_django_based/uncloud/ungleich_service/views.py diff --git a/vat_rates.csv b/uncloud_django_based/vat_rates.csv similarity index 100% rename from vat_rates.csv rename to uncloud_django_based/vat_rates.csv diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/gen-version b/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/gen-version new file mode 100755 index 0000000..06c3e22 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/gen-version @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2019-2020 Nico Schottelius (nico-uncloud at schottelius.org) +# +# This file is part of uncloud. +# +# uncloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# uncloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with uncloud. If not, see . +# +# + + +# Wrapper for real script to allow execution from checkout +dir=${0%/*} + +# Ensure version is present - the bundled/shipped version contains a static version, +# the git version contains a dynamic version +printf "VERSION = \"%s\"\n" "$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)" > ${dir}/../uncloud/version.py diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/uncloud b/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/uncloud new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1c572d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/uncloud @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2012-2019 Nico Schottelius (nico-ucloud at schottelius.org) +# +# This file is part of ucloud. +# +# ucloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# ucloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with ucloud. If not, see . +# +# + +# Wrapper for real script to allow execution from checkout +dir=${0%/*} + +# Ensure version is present - the bundled/shipped version contains a static version, +# the git version contains a dynamic version +${dir}/gen-version + +libdir=$(cd "${dir}/../" && pwd -P) +export PYTHONPATH="${libdir}" + +"$dir/../scripts/uncloud" "$@" diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/uncloud-run-reinstall b/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/uncloud-run-reinstall new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b211613 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/bin/uncloud-run-reinstall @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2012-2019 Nico Schottelius (nico-ucloud at schottelius.org) +# +# This file is part of ucloud. +# +# ucloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# ucloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with ucloud. If not, see . +# +# + +# Wrapper for real script to allow execution from checkout +dir=${0%/*} + +${dir}/gen-version; +pip uninstall -y uncloud >/dev/null +python setup.py install >/dev/null +${dir}/uncloud "$@" diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/conf/uncloud.conf b/uncloud_etcd_based/conf/uncloud.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a1b500 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/conf/uncloud.conf @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[etcd] +url = localhost +port = 2379 +base_prefix = / +ca_cert +cert_cert +cert_key + +[client] +name = replace_me +realm = replace_me +seed = replace_me +api_server = http://localhost:5000 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/Makefile b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..246b56c --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation +# + +# You can set these variables from the command line, and also +# from the environment for the first two. +SPHINXOPTS ?= +SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build +SOURCEDIR = source/ +BUILDDIR = build/ +DESTINATION=root@staticweb.ungleich.ch:/home/services/www/ungleichstatic/staticcms.ungleich.ch/www/uncloud/ + +.PHONY: all build clean + +publish: build permissions + rsync -av $(BUILDDIR) $(DESTINATION) + +permissions: build + find $(BUILDDIR) -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; + find $(BUILDDIR) -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; + +build: + $(SPHINXBUILD) "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" + +clean: + rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/README.md b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5afbaa --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# uncloud docs + +## Requirements +1. Python3 +2. Sphinx + +## Usage +Run `make build` to build docs. + +Run `make clean` to remove build directory. + +Run `make publish` to push build dir to https://ungleich.ch/ucloud/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/admin-guide.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/admin-guide.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b62808d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/admin-guide.rst @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +.. _admin-guide: + + +Usage Guide For Administrators +============================== + +Start API +---------- + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud api + +Host Creation +------------- + +Currently, we don't have any host (that runs virtual machines). +So, we need to create it by executing the following command + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli host create --hostname ungleich.ch --cpu 32 --ram '32GB' --os-ssd '32GB' + +You should see something like the following + +.. code-block:: json + + { + "message": "Host Created" + } + +Start Scheduler +--------------- +Scheduler is responsible for scheduling VMs on appropriate host. + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud scheduler + +Start Host +---------- +Host is responsible for handling the following actions + +* Start VM. +* Stop VM. +* Create VM. +* Delete VM. +* Migrate VM. +* Manage Network Resources needed by VMs. + +It uses a hypervisor such as QEMU to perform these actions. + +To start host we created earlier, execute the following command + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud host ungleich.ch + +File & image scanners +-------------------------- + +Let's assume we have uploaded an *alpine-uploaded.qcow2* disk images to our +uncloud server. Currently, our *alpine-untouched.qcow2* is not tracked by +ucloud. We can only make images from tracked files. So, we need to track the +file by running File Scanner + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud filescanner + +File Scanner would run, scan your uploaded image and track it. You can check whether your image +is successfully tracked by executing the :code:`ucloud-cli user files`, It will return something like the following + +.. _list-user-files: + +.. code-block:: json + + { + "message": [ + { + "filename": "alpine-untouched.qcow2", + "uuid": "3f75bd20-45d6-4013-89c4-7fceaedc8dda" + } + ] + } + +Our file is now being tracked by ucloud. Lets create an OS image using the uploaded file. + +An image belongs to an image store. There are two types of store + +* Public Image Store +* Private Image Store (Not Implemented Yet) + +.. note:: + **Quick Quiz** Have we created an image store yet? + +The answer is **No, we haven't**. Creating a sample image store is very easy. +Just execute the following command + +.. code-block:: sh + + (cd ~/ucloud && pipenv run python api/create_image_store.py) + +An image store (with name = "images") would be created. Now, we are fully ready for creating our +very own image. Executing the following command to create image using the file uploaded earlier + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli image create-from-file --name alpine --uuid 3f75bd20-45d6-4013-89c4-7fceaedc8dda --image-store-name images + +Please note that your **uuid** would be different. See :ref:`List of user files `. + +Now, ucloud have received our request to create an image from file. We have to run Image Scanner to make the image. + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud imagescanner + +To make sure, that our image is create run :code:`ucloud-cli image list --public`. You would get +output something like the following + +.. code-block:: json + + { + "images": [ + { + "name": "images:alpine", + "status": "CREATED" + } + ] + } diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/conf.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8138a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. +# +# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full +# list see the documentation: +# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html + +# -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the +# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. +# +# import os +# import sys +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) + + +# -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- + +project = "uncloud" +copyright = "2019, ungleich" +author = "ungleich" + +# -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be +# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom +# ones. +extensions = [ + "sphinx.ext.autodoc", + "sphinx_rtd_theme", +] + +# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. +templates_path = ["_templates"] + +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and +# directories to ignore when looking for source files. +# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path. +exclude_patterns = [] + +# -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- + +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for +# a list of builtin themes. +# + +html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ["_static"] diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/diagram-code/ucloud b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/diagram-code/ucloud new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e73b3d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/diagram-code/ucloud @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +graph LR + style ucloud fill:#FFD2FC + style cron fill:#FFF696 + style infrastructure fill:#BDF0FF + subgraph ucloud[ucloud] + ucloud-cli[CLI]-->ucloud-api[API] + ucloud-api-->ucloud-scheduler[Scheduler] + ucloud-api-->ucloud-imagescanner[Image Scanner] + ucloud-api-->ucloud-host[Host] + ucloud-scheduler-->ucloud-host + + ucloud-host-->need-networking{VM need Networking} + need-networking-->|Yes| networking-scripts + need-networking-->|No| VM[Virtual Machine] + need-networking-->|SLAAC?| radvd + networking-scripts-->VM + networking-scripts--Create Networks Devices-->networking-scripts + subgraph cron[Cron Jobs] + ucloud-imagescanner + ucloud-filescanner[File Scanner] + ucloud-filescanner--Track User files-->ucloud-filescanner + end + subgraph infrastructure[Infrastructure] + radvd + etcd + networking-scripts[Networking Scripts] + ucloud-imagescanner-->image-store + image-store{Image Store} + image-store-->|CEPH| ceph + image-store-->|FILE| file-system + ceph[CEPH] + file-system[File System] + end +subgraph virtual-machine[Virtual Machine] + VM + VM-->ucloud-init + +end + +subgraph metadata-group[Metadata Server] +metadata-->ucloud-init +ucloud-init<-->metadata +end +end diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/hacking.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/hacking.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c750d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/hacking.rst @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +Hacking +======= +Using uncloud in hacking (aka development) mode. + + +Get the code +------------ +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + git clone https://code.ungleich.ch/uncloud/uncloud.git + + + +Install python requirements +--------------------------- +You need to have python3 installed. + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + cd uncloud! + python -m venv venv + . ./venv/bin/activate + ./bin/uncloud-run-reinstall + + + +Install os requirements +----------------------- +Install the following software packages: **dnsmasq**. + +If you already have a working IPv6 SLAAC and DNS setup, +this step can be skipped. + +Note that you need at least one /64 IPv6 network to run uncloud. diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/images/ucloud.svg b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/images/ucloud.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7e33f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/images/ucloud.svg @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +
Cron Jobs
Virtual Machine
Metadata Server
Create Networks Devices
Track User files
Image Scanner
VM need Networking
Networking Scripts
Virtual Machine
Image Store
File System
File Scanner
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/index.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fad1f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. ucloud documentation master file, created by + sphinx-quickstart on Mon Nov 11 19:08:16 2019. + You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least + contain the root `toctree` directive. + +Welcome to ucloud's documentation! +================================== + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + :caption: Contents: + + introduction + setup-install + vm-images + user-guide + admin-guide + troubleshooting + hacking + +Indices and tables +================== + +* :ref:`genindex` +* :ref:`modindex` +* :ref:`search` diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/introduction.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/introduction.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22a8ba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/introduction.rst @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +Introduction +============ + +ucloud is a modern, IPv6 first virtual machine management system. +It is an alternative to `OpenNebula `_, +`OpenStack `_ or +`Cloudstack `_. + +ucloud is the first cloud management system that puts IPv6 +first. ucloud also has an integral ordering process that we missed in +existing solutions. + +The ucloud documentation is separated into various sections for the +different use cases: + +* :ref:`The user guide ` describes how to use an existing + ucloud installation +* There are :ref:`setup instructions ` which describe on how to setup a new + ucloud instance +* :ref:`The admin guide ` describe on how to + administrate ucloud + + +Architecture +------------ +We try to reuse existing components for ucloud. Generally speaking, +ucloud consist of a variety of daemons who handle specific tasks and +connect to a shared database. + +All interactions with the clients are done through an API. + +ucloud consists of the following components: + +* API +* Scheduler +* Host +* File Scanner +* Image Scanner +* Metadata Server +* VM Init Scripts (dubbed as ucloud-init)How does ucloud work? + + +Tech Stack +---------- +The following technologies are utilised: + +* Python 3 +* Flask +* QEMU as hypervisor +* etcd (key/value store) +* radvd for Router Advertisement + + +Optional components: + +* CEPH for distributed image storage +* uotp for user authentication +* netbox for IPAM diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/misc/todo.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/misc/todo.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d932b70 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/misc/todo.rst @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +TODO +==== + +Security +-------- + +* **Check Authentication:** Nico reported that some endpoints + even work without providing token. (e.g ListUserVM) + +Refactoring/Feature +------------------- + +* Put overrides for **IMAGE_BASE**, **VM_BASE** in **ImageStorageHandler**. +* Expose more details in ListUserFiles. +* Throw KeyError instead of returning None when some key is not found in etcd. +* Create Network Manager + * That would handle tasks like up/down an interface + * Create VXLANs, Bridges, TAPs. + * Remove them when they are no longer used. + +Reliability +----------- + +* What to do if some command hangs forever? e.g CEPH commands + :code:`rbd ls ssd` etc. hangs forever if CEPH isn't running + or not responding. +* What to do if etcd goes down? + +Misc. +----- + +* Put "Always use only one StorageHandler" diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/setup-install.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/setup-install.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..421e6c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/setup-install.rst @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +.. _setup-install: + +Installation of ucloud +====================== +To install ucloud, you will first need to install the requirements and +then ucloud itself. + +We describe the installation in x sections: + +* Installation overview +* Requirements on Alpine +* Installation on Arch Linux + + +Installation overview +--------------------- + +ucloud requires the following components to run: + +* python3 +* an etcd cluster + + +Installation on Arch Linux +-------------------------- + +In Arch Linux, some packages can be installed from the regular +repositories, some packages need to be installed from AUR. + + +System packages +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + pacman -Syu qemu + + +AUR packages +~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Use your favorite AUR manager to install the following packages: + +* etcd + + +Alpine +------ + +.. note:: + Python Wheel (Binary) Packages does not support Alpine Linux as it is + using musl libc instead of glibc. Therefore, expect longer installation + times than other linux distributions. + +Enable Edge Repos, Update and Upgrade +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. warning:: + The below commands would overwrite your repositories sources and + upgrade all packages and their dependencies to match those available + in edge repos. **So, be warned** + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + cat > /etc/apk/repositories << EOF + http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main + http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community + http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing + EOF + + apk update + apk upgrade + + reboot + + +Install Dependencies +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +.. note:: + The installation and configuration of a production grade etcd cluster + is out of scope of this manual. So, we will install etcd with default + configuration. + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + apk add git python3 alpine-sdk python3-dev etcd etcd-ctl openntpd \ + libffi-dev openssl-dev make py3-protobuf py3-tempita chrony + + pip3 install pipenv + + +**Install QEMU (For Filesystem based Installation)** + +.. code-block:: sh + + apk add qemu qemu-system-x86_64 qemu-img + +**Install QEMU/CEPH/radvd (For CEPH based Installation)** + +.. code-block:: sh + + $(git clone https://code.ungleich.ch/ahmedbilal/qemu-with-rbd-alpine.git && cd qemu-with-rbd-alpine && apk add apks/*.apk --allow-untrusted) + apk add ceph radvd + +Syncronize Date/Time +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + service chronyd start + rc-update add chronyd + + +Start etcd and enable it +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. note:: + The following :command:`curl` statement shouldn't be run once + etcd is fixed in alpine repos. + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/etcd-io/etcd/release-3.4/etcd.conf.yml.sample -o /etc/etcd/conf.yml + service etcd start + rc-update add etcd + + +Install uotp +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + git clone https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/uotp.git + cd uotp + mv .env.sample .env + + pipenv --three --site-packages + pipenv install + pipenv run python app.py + +Run :code:`$(cd scripts && pipenv run python get-admin.py)` to get +admin seed. A sample output + +.. code-block:: json + + { + "seed": "FYTVQ72A2CJJ4TB4", + "realm": ["ungleich-admin"] + } + +Now, run :code:`pipenv run python scripts/create-auth.py FYTVQ72A2CJJ4TB4` +(Replace **FYTVQ72A2CJJ4TB4** with your admin seed obtained in previous step). +A sample output is as below. It shows seed of auth. + +.. code-block:: json + + { + "message": "Account Created", + "name": "auth", + "realm": ["ungleich-auth"], + "seed": "XZLTUMX26TRAZOXC" + } + +.. note:: + Please note both **admin** and **auth** seeds as we would need them in setting up ucloud. + + +Install and configure ucloud +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + git clone https://code.ungleich.ch/ucloud/ucloud.git + cd ucloud + + pipenv --three --site-packages + pipenv install + +**Filesystem based Installation** + +You just need to update **AUTH_SEED** in the below code to match your auth's seed. + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + mkdir /etc/ucloud + + cat > /etc/ucloud/ucloud.conf << EOF + AUTH_NAME=auth + AUTH_SEED=XZLTUMX26TRAZOXC + AUTH_REALM=ungleich-auth + + REALM_ALLOWED = ["ungleich-admin", "ungleich-user"] + + OTP_SERVER="" + + ETCD_URL=localhost + + STORAGE_BACKEND=filesystem + + BASE_DIR=/var/www + IMAGE_DIR=/var/image + VM_DIR=/var/vm + + VM_PREFIX=/v1/vm/ + HOST_PREFIX=/v1/host/ + REQUEST_PREFIX=/v1/request/ + FILE_PREFIX=/v1/file/ + IMAGE_PREFIX=/v1/image/ + IMAGE_STORE_PREFIX=/v1/image_store/ + USER_PREFIX=/v1/user/ + NETWORK_PREFIX=/v1/network/ + + ssh_username=meow + ssh_pkey="~/.ssh/id_rsa" + + VXLAN_PHY_DEV="eth0" + + EOF + + + +**CEPH based Installation** +You need to update the following + +* **AUTH_SEED** +* **NETBOX_URL** +* **NETBOX_TOKEN** +* **PREFIX** +* **PREFIX_LENGTH** + + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + mkdir /etc/ucloud + + cat > /etc/ucloud/ucloud.conf << EOF + AUTH_NAME=auth + AUTH_SEED=XZLTUMX26TRAZOXC + AUTH_REALM=ungleich-auth + + REALM_ALLOWED = ["ungleich-admin", "ungleich-user"] + + OTP_SERVER="" + + ETCD_URL=localhost + + STORAGE_BACKEND=ceph + + BASE_DIR=/var/www + IMAGE_DIR=/var/image + VM_DIR=/var/vm + + VM_PREFIX=/v1/vm/ + HOST_PREFIX=/v1/host/ + REQUEST_PREFIX=/v1/request/ + FILE_PREFIX=/v1/file/ + IMAGE_PREFIX=/v1/image/ + IMAGE_STORE_PREFIX=/v1/image_store/ + USER_PREFIX=/v1/user/ + NETWORK_PREFIX=/v1/network/ + + ssh_username=meow + ssh_pkey="~/.ssh/id_rsa" + + VXLAN_PHY_DEV="eth0" + + NETBOX_URL="" + NETBOX_TOKEN="netbox-token" + PREFIX="your-prefix" + PREFIX_LENGTH="64" + EOF + + +Install and configure ucloud-cli +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +.. code-block:: sh + :linenos: + + git clone https://code.ungleich.ch/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git + cd ucloud-cli + pipenv --three --site-packages + pipenv install + + cat > ~/.ucloud.conf << EOF + UCLOUD_API_SERVER=http://localhost:5000 + EOF + + mkdir /var/www/ + +**Only for Filesystem Based Installation** + +.. code-block:: sh + + mkdir /var/image/ + mkdir /var/vm/ + + +Environment Variables and aliases +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +To ease usage of ucloud and its various components put the following in +your shell profile e.g *~/.profile* + +.. code-block:: sh + + export OTP_NAME=admin + export OTP_REALM=ungleich-admin + export OTP_SEED=FYTVQ72A2CJJ4TB4 + + alias ucloud='cd /root/ucloud/ && pipenv run python ucloud.py' + alias ucloud-cli='cd /root/ucloud-cli/ && pipenv run python ucloud-cli.py' + alias uotp='cd /root/uotp/ && pipenv run python app.py' + +and run :code:`source ~/.profile` diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/theory/summary.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/theory/summary.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..864a797 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/theory/summary.rst @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +Summary +======= + +.. image:: /images/ucloud.svg + +.. code-block:: + + + | + | + | + +------------------------- + | | + | |```````````````|```````````````| + | | | | + | + | | + | | + +------------------------- + | + | + | + Virtual Machine------------ + + + +**ucloud-cli** interact with **ucloud-api** to do the following operations: + +- Create/Delete/Start/Stop/Migrate/Probe (Status of) Virtual Machines +- Create/Delete Networks +- Add/Get/Delete SSH Keys +- Create OS Image out of a file (tracked by file_scanner) +- List User's files/networks/vms +- Add Host + +ucloud can currently stores OS-Images on + +* File System +* `CEPH `_ + + +**ucloud-api** in turns creates appropriate Requests which are taken +by suitable components of ucloud. For Example, if user uses ucloud-cli +to create a VM, **ucloud-api** would create a **ScheduleVMRequest** containing +things like pointer to VM's entry which have specs, networking +configuration of VMs. + +**ucloud-scheduler** accepts requests for VM's scheduling and +migration. It finds a host from a list of available host on which +the incoming VM can run and schedules it on that host. + +**ucloud-host** runs on host servers i.e servers that +actually runs virtual machines, accepts requests +intended only for them. It creates/delete/start/stop/migrate +virtual machines. It also arrange network resources needed for the +incoming VM. + +**ucloud-filescanner** keep tracks of user's files which would be needed +later for creating OS Images. + +**ucloud-imagescanner** converts images files from qcow2 format to raw +format which would then be imported into image store. + +* In case of **File System**, the converted image would be copied to + :file:`/var/image/` or the path referred by :envvar:`IMAGE_PATH` + environement variable mentioned in :file:`/etc/ucloud/ucloud.conf`. + +* In case of **CEPH**, the converted image would be imported into + specific pool (it depends on the image store in which the image + belongs) of CEPH Block Storage. + +**ucloud-metadata** provides metadata which is used to contextualize +VMs. When, the VM is created, it is just clone (duplicate) of OS +image from which it is created. So, to differentiate between my +VM and your VM, the VM need to be contextualized. This works +like the following + +.. note:: + Actually, ucloud-init makes the GET request. You can also try it + yourself using curl but ucloud-init does that for yourself. + +* VM make a GET requests http://metadata which resolves to actual + address of metadata server. The metadata server looks at the IPv6 + Address of the requester and extracts the MAC Address which is possible + because the IPv6 address is + `IPv6 EUI-64 `_. + Metadata use this MAC address to find the actual VM to which it belongs + and its owner, ssh-keys and much more. Then, metadata return these + details back to the calling VM in JSON format. These details are + then used be the **ucloud-init** which is explained next. + +**ucloud-init** gets the metadata from **ucloud-metadata** to contextualize +the VM. Specifically, it gets owner's ssh keys (or any other keys the +owner of VM added to authorized keys for this VM) and put them to ssh +server's (installed on VM) authorized keys so that owner can access +the VM using ssh. It also install softwares that are needed for correct +behavior of VM e.g rdnssd (needed for `SLAAC `_). + diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/troubleshooting.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/troubleshooting.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d9dda4 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/troubleshooting.rst @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Installation Troubleshooting +============================ + +etcd doesn't start +------------------ + +.. code-block:: sh + + [root@archlinux ~]# systemctl start etcd + Job for etcd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. + See "systemctl status etcd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details + +possible solution +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Try :code:`cat /etc/hosts` if its output contain the following + +.. code-block:: sh + + localhost.localdomain localhost + ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain + + +then unfortunately, we can't help you. But, if it doesn't contain the +above you can put the above in :file:`/etc/hosts` to fix the issue. diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/user-guide.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/user-guide.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4ce935 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/user-guide.rst @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +.. _user-guide: + +User Guide +========== + +Create VM +--------- + +The following command would create a Virtual Machine (name: meow) +with following specs + +* CPU: 1 +* RAM: 1GB +* OS-SSD: 4GB +* OS: Alpine Linux + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli vm create --vm-name meow --cpu 1 --ram '1gb' --os-ssd '4gb' --image images:alpine + + +.. _how-to-check-vm-status: + +Check VM Status +--------------- + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli vm status --vm-name meow + +.. code-block:: json + + { + "hostname": "/v1/host/74c21c332f664972bf5078e8de080eea", + "image_uuid": "3f75bd20-45d6-4013-89c4-7fceaedc8dda", + "in_migration": null, + "log": [ + "2019-11-12T09:11:09.800798 - Started successfully" + ], + "metadata": { + "ssh-keys": [] + }, + "name": "meow", + "network": [], + "owner": "admin", + "owner_realm": "ungleich-admin", + "specs": { + "cpu": 1, + "hdd": [], + "os-ssd": "4.0 GB", + "ram": "1.0 GB" + }, + "status": "RUNNING", + "vnc_socket": "/tmp/tmpj1k6sdo_" + } + + +Connect to VM using VNC +----------------------- + +We would need **socat** utility and a remote desktop client +e.g Remmina, KRDC etc. We can get the vnc socket path by getting +its status, see :ref:`how-to-check-vm-status`. + + +.. code-block:: sh + + socat TCP-LISTEN:1234,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/tmp/tmpj1k6sdo_ + + +Then, launch your remote desktop client and connect to vnc://localhost:1234. + +Create Network +-------------- + +Layer 2 Network with sample IPv6 range fd00::/64 (without IPAM and routing) +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli network create --network-name mynet --network-type vxlan + + +Layer 2 Network with /64 network with automatic IPAM +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli network create --network-name mynet --network-type vxlan --user True + +Attach Network to VM +-------------------- + +Currently, user can only attach network to his/her VM at +the time of creation. A sample command to create VM with +a network is as follow + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli vm create --vm-name meow2 --cpu 1 --ram '1gb' --os-ssd '4gb' --image images:alpine --network mynet + +.. _get-list-of-hosts: + +Get List of Hosts +----------------- + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli host list + + +Migrate VM +---------- + +.. code-block:: sh + + ucloud-cli vm migrate --vm-name meow --destination server1.place10 + + +.. option:: --destination + + The name of destination host. You can find a list of host + using :ref:`get-list-of-hosts` diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/user-guide/how-to-create-an-os-image-for-ucloud.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/user-guide/how-to-create-an-os-image-for-ucloud.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dad5f41 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/user-guide/how-to-create-an-os-image-for-ucloud.rst @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +How to create VM images for ucloud +================================== + +Overview +--------- + +ucloud tries to be least invasise towards VMs and only require +strictly necessary changes for running in a virtualised +environment. This includes configurations for: + +* Configuring the network +* Managing access via ssh keys +* Resizing the attached disk(s) + + +Network configuration +--------------------- +All VMs in ucloud are required to support IPv6. The primary network +configuration is always done using SLAAC. A VM thus needs only to be +configured to + +* accept router advertisements on all network interfaces +* use the router advertisements to configure the network interfaces +* accept the DNS entries from the router advertisements + + +Configuring SSH keys +-------------------- + +To be able to access the VM, ucloud support provisioning SSH keys. + +To accept ssh keys in your VM, request the URL +*http://metadata/ssh_keys*. Add the content to the appropriate user's +**authorized_keys** file. Below you find sample code to accomplish +this task: + +.. code-block:: sh + + tmp=$(mktemp) + curl -s http://metadata/ssk_keys > "$tmp" + touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # ensure it exists + cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >> "$tmp" + sort "$tmp" | uniq > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys + + +Disk resize +----------- +In virtualised environments, the disk sizes might grow. The operating +system should detect disks that are bigger than the existing partition +table and resize accordingly. This task is os specific. + +ucloud does not support shrinking disks due to the complexity and +intra OS dependencies. diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/vm-images.rst b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/vm-images.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b2758a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/docs/source/vm-images.rst @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +VM images +================================== + +Overview +--------- + +ucloud tries to be least invasise towards VMs and only require +strictly necessary changes for running in a virtualised +environment. This includes configurations for: + +* Configuring the network +* Managing access via ssh keys +* Resizing the attached disk(s) + +Upstream images +--------------- + +The 'official' uncloud images are defined in the `uncloud/images +`_ repository. + +How to make you own Uncloud images +---------------------------------- + +.. note:: + It is fairly easy to create your own images for uncloud, as the common + operations (which are detailed below) can be automatically handled by the + `uncloud/uncloud-init `_ tool. + +Network configuration +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +All VMs in ucloud are required to support IPv6. The primary network +configuration is always done using SLAAC. A VM thus needs only to be +configured to + +* accept router advertisements on all network interfaces +* use the router advertisements to configure the network interfaces +* accept the DNS entries from the router advertisements + + +Configuring SSH keys +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +To be able to access the VM, ucloud support provisioning SSH keys. + +To accept ssh keys in your VM, request the URL +*http://metadata/ssh_keys*. Add the content to the appropriate user's +**authorized_keys** file. Below you find sample code to accomplish +this task: + +.. code-block:: sh + + tmp=$(mktemp) + curl -s http://metadata/ssk_keys > "$tmp" + touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys # ensure it exists + cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >> "$tmp" + sort "$tmp" | uniq > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys + + +Disk resize +~~~~~~~~~~~ +In virtualised environments, the disk sizes might grow. The operating +system should detect disks that are bigger than the existing partition +table and resize accordingly. This task is os specific. + +ucloud does not support shrinking disks due to the complexity and +intra OS dependencies. diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/scripts/uncloud b/uncloud_etcd_based/scripts/uncloud new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9517b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/scripts/uncloud @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +import logging +import sys +import importlib +import argparse +import os + +from etcd3.exceptions import ConnectionFailedError + +from uncloud.common import settings +from uncloud import UncloudException +from uncloud.common.cli import resolve_otp_credentials + +# Components that use etcd +ETCD_COMPONENTS = ['api', 'scheduler', 'host', 'filescanner', + 'imagescanner', 'metadata', 'configure', 'hack'] + +ALL_COMPONENTS = ETCD_COMPONENTS.copy() +ALL_COMPONENTS.append('oneshot') +#ALL_COMPONENTS.append('cli') + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + subparsers = arg_parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') + + parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) + parent_parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', default=False, + help='More verbose logging') + parent_parser.add_argument('--conf-dir', '-c', help='Configuration directory', + default=os.path.expanduser('~/uncloud')) + + etcd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) + etcd_parser.add_argument('--etcd-host') + etcd_parser.add_argument('--etcd-port') + etcd_parser.add_argument('--etcd-ca-cert', help='CA that signed the etcd certificate') + etcd_parser.add_argument('--etcd-cert-cert', help='Path to client certificate') + etcd_parser.add_argument('--etcd-cert-key', help='Path to client certificate key') + + for component in ALL_COMPONENTS: + mod = importlib.import_module('uncloud.{}.main'.format(component)) + parser = getattr(mod, 'arg_parser') + + if component in ETCD_COMPONENTS: + subparsers.add_parser(name=parser.prog, parents=[parser, parent_parser, etcd_parser]) + else: + subparsers.add_parser(name=parser.prog, parents=[parser, parent_parser]) + + arguments = vars(arg_parser.parse_args()) + etcd_arguments = [key for key, value in arguments.items() if key.startswith('etcd_') and value] + etcd_arguments = { + 'etcd': { + key.replace('etcd_', ''): arguments[key] + for key in etcd_arguments + } + } + if not arguments['command']: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + # Initializing Settings and resolving otp_credentials + # It is neccessary to resolve_otp_credentials after argument parsing is done because + # previously we were reading config file which was fixed to ~/uncloud/uncloud.conf and + # providing the default values for --name, --realm and --seed arguments from the values + # we read from file. But, now we are asking user about where the config file lives. So, + # to providing default value is not possible before parsing arguments. So, we are doing + # it after.. +# settings.settings = settings.Settings(arguments['conf_dir'], seed_value=etcd_arguments) +# resolve_otp_credentials(arguments) + + name = arguments.pop('command') + mod = importlib.import_module('uncloud.{}.main'.format(name)) + main = getattr(mod, 'main') + + if arguments['debug']: + logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) + else: + logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) + + log = logging.getLogger() + + try: + main(arguments) + except UncloudException as err: + log.error(err) + sys.exit(1) +# except ConnectionFailedError as err: +# log.error('Cannot connect to etcd: {}'.format(err)) + except Exception as err: + log.exception(err) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/setup.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/setup.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5e0718 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import os + +from setuptools import setup, find_packages + +with open("README.md", "r") as fh: + long_description = fh.read() + +try: + import uncloud.version + + version = uncloud.version.VERSION +except: + import subprocess + + c = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe"]) + version = c.decode("utf-8").strip() + + +setup( + name="uncloud", + version=version, + description="uncloud cloud management", + url="https://code.ungleich.ch/uncloud/uncloud", + long_description=long_description, + long_description_content_type="text/markdown", + classifiers=[ + "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", + "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", + ], + author="ungleich", + author_email="technik@ungleich.ch", + packages=find_packages(), + install_requires=[ + "requests", + "Flask>=1.1.1", + "flask-restful", + "bitmath", + "pyotp", + "pynetbox", + "colorama", + "etcd3 @ https://github.com/kragniz/python-etcd3/tarball/master#egg=etcd3", + "marshmallow", + "ldap3" + ], + scripts=["scripts/uncloud"], + data_files=[ + (os.path.expanduser("~/uncloud/"), ["conf/uncloud.conf"]) + ], + zip_safe=False, +) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/test/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/test/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/test/test_mac_local.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/test/test_mac_local.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a4ac3a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/test/test_mac_local.py @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +import unittest +from unittest.mock import Mock + +from uncloud.hack.mac import MAC +from uncloud import UncloudException + +class TestMacLocal(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.config = Mock() + self.config.arguments = {"no_db":True} + self.mac = MAC(self.config) + self.mac.create() + + def testMacInt(self): + self.assertEqual(self.mac.__int__(), int("0x420000000001",0), "wrong first MAC index") + + def testMacRepr(self): + self.assertEqual(self.mac.__repr__(), '420000000001', "wrong first MAC index") + + def testMacStr(self): + self.assertEqual(self.mac.__str__(), '42:00:00:00:00:01', "wrong first MAC index") + + def testValidationRaise(self): + with self.assertRaises(UncloudException): + self.mac.validate_mac("2") + + def testValidation(self): + self.assertTrue(self.mac.validate_mac("42:00:00:00:00:01"), "Validation of a given MAC not working properly") + + def testNextMAC(self): + self.mac.create() + self.assertEqual(self.mac.__repr__(), '420000000001', "wrong second MAC index") + self.assertEqual(self.mac.__int__(), int("0x420000000001",0), "wrong second MAC index") + self.assertEqual(self.mac.__str__(), '42:00:00:00:00:01', "wrong second MAC index") + +if __name__ == '__main__': + unittest.main() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2920f47 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +class UncloudException(Exception): + pass diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/README.md b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/README.md new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e28d676 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# ucloud-api +[![Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.](https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/wip.svg)](https://www.repostatus.org/#wip) + +## Installation + +**Make sure you have Python >= 3.5 and Pipenv installed.** + +1. Clone the repository and `cd` into it. +2. Run the following commands + - `pipenv install` + - `pipenv shell` + - `python main.py` diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/common_fields.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/common_fields.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ba9fb37 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/common_fields.py @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +import os + +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + + +class Optional: + pass + + +class Field: + def __init__(self, _name, _type, _value=None): + self.name = _name + self.value = _value + self.type = _type + self.__errors = [] + + def validation(self): + return True + + def is_valid(self): + if self.value == KeyError: + self.add_error( + "'{}' field is a required field".format(self.name) + ) + else: + if isinstance(self.value, Optional): + pass + elif not isinstance(self.value, self.type): + self.add_error( + "Incorrect Type for '{}' field".format(self.name) + ) + else: + self.validation() + + if self.__errors: + return False + return True + + def get_errors(self): + return self.__errors + + def add_error(self, error): + self.__errors.append(error) + + +class VmUUIDField(Field): + def __init__(self, data): + self.uuid = data.get("uuid", KeyError) + + super().__init__("uuid", str, self.uuid) + + self.validation = self.vm_uuid_validation + + def vm_uuid_validation(self): + r = shared.etcd_client.get( + os.path.join(shared.settings["etcd"]["vm_prefix"], self.uuid) + ) + if not r: + self.add_error("VM with uuid {} does not exists".format(self.uuid)) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/create_image_store.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/create_image_store.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..90e0f92 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/create_image_store.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import json +import os + +from uuid import uuid4 + +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + +data = { + 'is_public': True, + 'type': 'ceph', + 'name': 'images', + 'description': 'first ever public image-store', + 'attributes': {'list': [], 'key': [], 'pool': 'images'}, +} + +shared.etcd_client.put( + os.path.join(shared.settings['etcd']['image_store_prefix'], uuid4().hex), + json.dumps(data), +) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/helper.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/helper.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8ceb3a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/helper.py @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +import binascii +import ipaddress +import random +import logging +import requests + +from pyotp import TOTP + +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +def check_otp(name, realm, token): + try: + data = { + "auth_name": shared.settings["otp"]["auth_name"], + "auth_token": TOTP(shared.settings["otp"]["auth_seed"]).now(), + "auth_realm": shared.settings["otp"]["auth_realm"], + "name": name, + "realm": realm, + "token": token, + } + except binascii.Error as err: + logger.error( + "Cannot compute OTP for seed: {}".format( + shared.settings["otp"]["auth_seed"] + ) + ) + return 400 + + response = requests.post( + shared.settings["otp"]["verification_controller_url"], json=data + ) + return response.status_code + + +def resolve_vm_name(name, owner): + """Return UUID of Virtual Machine of name == name and owner == owner + + Input: name of vm, owner of vm. + Output: uuid of vm if found otherwise None + """ + result = next( + filter( + lambda vm: vm.value["owner"] == owner + and vm.value["name"] == name, + shared.vm_pool.vms, + ), + None, + ) + if result: + return result.key.split("/")[-1] + + return None + + +def resolve_image_name(name, etcd_client): + """Return image uuid given its name and its store + + * If the provided name is not in correct format + i.e {store_name}:{image_name} return ValueError + * If no such image found then return KeyError + + """ + + seperator = ":" + + # Ensure, user/program passed valid name that is of type string + try: + store_name_and_image_name = name.split(seperator) + + """ + Examples, where it would work and where it would raise exception + "images:alpine" --> ["images", "alpine"] + + "images" --> ["images"] it would raise Exception as non enough value to unpack + + "images:alpine:meow" --> ["images", "alpine", "meow"] it would raise Exception + as too many values to unpack + """ + store_name, image_name = store_name_and_image_name + except Exception: + raise ValueError( + "Image name not in correct format i.e {store_name}:{image_name}" + ) + + images = etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings["etcd"]["image_prefix"], value_in_json=True + ) + + # Try to find image with name == image_name and store_name == store_name + try: + image = next( + filter( + lambda im: im.value["name"] == image_name + and im.value["store_name"] == store_name, + images, + ) + ) + except StopIteration: + raise KeyError("No image with name {} found.".format(name)) + else: + image_uuid = image.key.split("/")[-1] + + return image_uuid + + +def random_bytes(num=6): + return [random.randrange(256) for _ in range(num)] + + +def generate_mac(uaa=False, multicast=False, oui=None, separator=":", byte_fmt="%02x"): + mac = random_bytes() + if oui: + if type(oui) == str: + oui = [int(chunk) for chunk in oui.split(separator)] + mac = oui + random_bytes(num=6 - len(oui)) + else: + if multicast: + mac[0] |= 1 # set bit 0 + else: + mac[0] &= ~1 # clear bit 0 + if uaa: + mac[0] &= ~(1 << 1) # clear bit 1 + else: + mac[0] |= 1 << 1 # set bit 1 + return separator.join(byte_fmt % b for b in mac) + + +def mac2ipv6(mac, prefix): + # only accept MACs separated by a colon + parts = mac.split(":") + + # modify parts to match IPv6 value + parts.insert(3, "ff") + parts.insert(4, "fe") + parts[0] = "%x" % (int(parts[0], 16) ^ 2) + + # format output + ipv6_parts = [str(0)] * 4 + for i in range(0, len(parts), 2): + ipv6_parts.append("".join(parts[i : i + 2])) + + lower_part = ipaddress.IPv6Address(":".join(ipv6_parts)) + prefix = ipaddress.IPv6Address(prefix) + return str(prefix + int(lower_part)) + diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73e8e21 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,600 @@ +import json +import pynetbox +import logging +import argparse + +from uuid import uuid4 +from os.path import join as join_path + +from flask import Flask, request +from flask_restful import Resource, Api +from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException + +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + +from uncloud.common import counters +from uncloud.common.vm import VMStatus +from uncloud.common.request import RequestEntry, RequestType +from uncloud.api import schemas +from uncloud.api.helper import generate_mac, mac2ipv6 +from uncloud import UncloudException + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +app = Flask(__name__) +api = Api(app) +app.logger.handlers.clear() + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('api', add_help=False) +arg_parser.add_argument('--port', '-p') + + +@app.errorhandler(Exception) +def handle_exception(e): + app.logger.error(e) + # pass through HTTP errors + if isinstance(e, HTTPException): + return e + + # now you're handling non-HTTP exceptions only + return {'message': 'Server Error'}, 500 + + +class CreateVM(Resource): + """API Request to Handle Creation of VM""" + + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.CreateVMSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + vm_uuid = uuid4().hex + vm_key = join_path(shared.settings['etcd']['vm_prefix'], vm_uuid) + specs = { + 'cpu': validator.specs['cpu'], + 'ram': validator.specs['ram'], + 'os-ssd': validator.specs['os-ssd'], + 'hdd': validator.specs['hdd'], + } + macs = [generate_mac() for _ in range(len(data['network']))] + tap_ids = [ + counters.increment_etcd_counter( + shared.etcd_client, shared.settings['etcd']['tap_counter'] + ) + for _ in range(len(data['network'])) + ] + vm_entry = { + 'name': data['vm_name'], + 'owner': data['name'], + 'owner_realm': data['realm'], + 'specs': specs, + 'hostname': '', + 'status': VMStatus.stopped, + 'image_uuid': validator.image_uuid, + 'log': [], + 'vnc_socket': '', + 'network': list(zip(data['network'], macs, tap_ids)), + 'metadata': {'ssh-keys': []}, + 'in_migration': False, + } + shared.etcd_client.put(vm_key, vm_entry, value_in_json=True) + + # Create ScheduleVM Request + r = RequestEntry.from_scratch( + type=RequestType.ScheduleVM, + uuid=vm_uuid, + request_prefix=shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], + ) + shared.request_pool.put(r) + + return {'message': 'VM Creation Queued'}, 200 + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class VmStatus(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.VMStatusSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + vm = shared.vm_pool.get( + join_path(shared.settings['etcd']['vm_prefix'], data['uuid']) + ) + vm_value = vm.value.copy() + vm_value['ip'] = [] + for network_mac_and_tap in vm.network: + network_name, mac, tap = network_mac_and_tap + network = shared.etcd_client.get( + join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['network_prefix'], + data['name'], + network_name, + ), + value_in_json=True, + ) + ipv6_addr = ( + network.value.get('ipv6').split('::')[0] + '::' + ) + vm_value['ip'].append(mac2ipv6(mac, ipv6_addr)) + vm.value = vm_value + return vm.value + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class CreateImage(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.CreateImageSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + file_entry = shared.etcd_client.get( + join_path(shared.settings['etcd']['file_prefix'], data['uuid']) + ) + file_entry_value = json.loads(file_entry.value) + + image_entry_json = { + 'status': 'TO_BE_CREATED', + 'owner': file_entry_value['owner'], + 'filename': file_entry_value['filename'], + 'name': data['name'], + 'store_name': data['image_store'], + 'visibility': 'public', + } + shared.etcd_client.put( + join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['image_prefix'], data['uuid'] + ), + json.dumps(image_entry_json), + ) + + return {'message': 'Image queued for creation.'} + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class ListPublicImages(Resource): + @staticmethod + def get(): + images = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings['etcd']['image_prefix'], value_in_json=True + ) + r = {'images': []} + for image in images: + image_key = '{}:{}'.format( + image.value['store_name'], image.value['name'] + ) + r['images'].append( + {'name': image_key, 'status': image.value['status']} + ) + return r, 200 + + +class VMAction(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.VmActionSchema(data) + + if validator.is_valid(): + vm_entry = shared.vm_pool.get( + join_path(shared.settings['etcd']['vm_prefix'], data['uuid']) + ) + action = data['action'] + + if action == 'start': + action = 'schedule' + + if action == 'delete' and vm_entry.hostname == '': + if shared.storage_handler.is_vm_image_exists( + vm_entry.uuid + ): + r_status = shared.storage_handler.delete_vm_image( + vm_entry.uuid + ) + if r_status: + shared.etcd_client.client.delete(vm_entry.key) + return {'message': 'VM successfully deleted'} + else: + logger.error( + 'Some Error Occurred while deleting VM' + ) + return {'message': 'VM deletion unsuccessfull'} + else: + shared.etcd_client.client.delete(vm_entry.key) + return {'message': 'VM successfully deleted'} + + r = RequestEntry.from_scratch( + type='{}VM'.format(action.title()), + uuid=data['uuid'], + hostname=vm_entry.hostname, + request_prefix=shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], + ) + shared.request_pool.put(r) + return ( + {'message': 'VM {} Queued'.format(action.title())}, + 200, + ) + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class VMMigration(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.VmMigrationSchema(data) + + if validator.is_valid(): + vm = shared.vm_pool.get(data['uuid']) + r = RequestEntry.from_scratch( + type=RequestType.InitVMMigration, + uuid=vm.uuid, + hostname=join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['host_prefix'], + validator.destination.value, + ), + request_prefix=shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], + ) + + shared.request_pool.put(r) + return ( + {'message': 'VM Migration Initialization Queued'}, + 200, + ) + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class ListUserVM(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.OTPSchema(data) + + if validator.is_valid(): + vms = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings['etcd']['vm_prefix'], value_in_json=True + ) + return_vms = [] + user_vms = filter( + lambda v: v.value['owner'] == data['name'], vms + ) + for vm in user_vms: + return_vms.append( + { + 'name': vm.value['name'], + 'vm_uuid': vm.key.split('/')[-1], + 'specs': vm.value['specs'], + 'status': vm.value['status'], + 'hostname': vm.value['hostname'], + 'vnc_socket': vm.value.get('vnc_socket', None), + } + ) + if return_vms: + return {'message': return_vms}, 200 + return {'message': 'No VM found'}, 404 + + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class ListUserFiles(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.OTPSchema(data) + + if validator.is_valid(): + files = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings['etcd']['file_prefix'], value_in_json=True + ) + return_files = [] + user_files = [f for f in files if f.value['owner'] == data['name']] + for file in user_files: + file_uuid = file.key.split('/')[-1] + file = file.value + file['uuid'] = file_uuid + + file.pop('sha512sum', None) + file.pop('owner', None) + + return_files.append(file) + return {'message': return_files}, 200 + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class CreateHost(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.CreateHostSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + host_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['host_prefix'], uuid4().hex + ) + host_entry = { + 'specs': data['specs'], + 'hostname': data['hostname'], + 'status': 'DEAD', + 'last_heartbeat': '', + } + shared.etcd_client.put( + host_key, host_entry, value_in_json=True + ) + + return {'message': 'Host Created'}, 200 + + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class ListHost(Resource): + @staticmethod + def get(): + hosts = shared.host_pool.hosts + r = { + host.key: { + 'status': host.status, + 'specs': host.specs, + 'hostname': host.hostname, + } + for host in hosts + } + return r, 200 + + +class GetSSHKeys(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.GetSSHSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + if not validator.key_name.value: + + # {user_prefix}/{realm}/{name}/key/ + etcd_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['user_prefix'], + data['realm'], + data['name'], + 'key', + ) + etcd_entry = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + etcd_key, value_in_json=True + ) + + keys = { + key.key.split('/')[-1]: key.value + for key in etcd_entry + } + return {'keys': keys} + else: + + # {user_prefix}/{realm}/{name}/key/{key_name} + etcd_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['user_prefix'], + data['realm'], + data['name'], + 'key', + data['key_name'], + ) + etcd_entry = shared.etcd_client.get( + etcd_key, value_in_json=True + ) + + if etcd_entry: + return { + 'keys': { + etcd_entry.key.split('/')[ + -1 + ]: etcd_entry.value + } + } + else: + return {'keys': {}} + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class AddSSHKey(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.AddSSHSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + + # {user_prefix}/{realm}/{name}/key/{key_name} + etcd_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['user_prefix'], + data['realm'], + data['name'], + 'key', + data['key_name'], + ) + etcd_entry = shared.etcd_client.get( + etcd_key, value_in_json=True + ) + if etcd_entry: + return { + 'message': 'Key with name "{}" already exists'.format( + data['key_name'] + ) + } + else: + # Key Not Found. It implies user' haven't added any key yet. + shared.etcd_client.put( + etcd_key, data['key'], value_in_json=True + ) + return {'message': 'Key added successfully'} + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class RemoveSSHKey(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.RemoveSSHSchema(data) + if validator.is_valid(): + + # {user_prefix}/{realm}/{name}/key/{key_name} + etcd_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['user_prefix'], + data['realm'], + data['name'], + 'key', + data['key_name'], + ) + etcd_entry = shared.etcd_client.get( + etcd_key, value_in_json=True + ) + if etcd_entry: + shared.etcd_client.client.delete(etcd_key) + return {'message': 'Key successfully removed.'} + else: + return { + 'message': 'No Key with name "{}" Exists at all.'.format( + data['key_name'] + ) + } + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class CreateNetwork(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.CreateNetwork(data) + + if validator.is_valid(): + + network_entry = { + 'id': counters.increment_etcd_counter( + shared.etcd_client, shared.settings['etcd']['vxlan_counter'] + ), + 'type': data['type'], + } + if validator.user.value: + try: + nb = pynetbox.api( + url=shared.settings['netbox']['url'], + token=shared.settings['netbox']['token'], + ) + nb_prefix = nb.ipam.prefixes.get( + prefix=shared.settings['network']['prefix'] + ) + prefix = nb_prefix.available_prefixes.create( + data={ + 'prefix_length': int( + shared.settings['network']['prefix_length'] + ), + 'description': '{}\'s network "{}"'.format( + data['name'], data['network_name'] + ), + 'is_pool': True, + } + ) + except Exception as err: + app.logger.error(err) + return { + 'message': 'Error occured while creating network.' + } + else: + network_entry['ipv6'] = prefix['prefix'] + else: + network_entry['ipv6'] = 'fd00::/64' + + network_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['network_prefix'], + data['name'], + data['network_name'], + ) + shared.etcd_client.put( + network_key, network_entry, value_in_json=True + ) + return {'message': 'Network successfully added.'} + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +class ListUserNetwork(Resource): + @staticmethod + def post(): + data = request.json + validator = schemas.OTPSchema(data) + + if validator.is_valid(): + prefix = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['network_prefix'], data['name'] + ) + networks = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + prefix, value_in_json=True + ) + user_networks = [] + for net in networks: + net.value['name'] = net.key.split('/')[-1] + user_networks.append(net.value) + return {'networks': user_networks}, 200 + else: + return validator.get_errors(), 400 + + +api.add_resource(CreateVM, '/vm/create') +api.add_resource(VmStatus, '/vm/status') + +api.add_resource(VMAction, '/vm/action') +api.add_resource(VMMigration, '/vm/migrate') + +api.add_resource(CreateImage, '/image/create') +api.add_resource(ListPublicImages, '/image/list-public') + +api.add_resource(ListUserVM, '/user/vms') +api.add_resource(ListUserFiles, '/user/files') +api.add_resource(ListUserNetwork, '/user/networks') + +api.add_resource(AddSSHKey, '/user/add-ssh') +api.add_resource(RemoveSSHKey, '/user/remove-ssh') +api.add_resource(GetSSHKeys, '/user/get-ssh') + +api.add_resource(CreateHost, '/host/create') +api.add_resource(ListHost, '/host/list') + +api.add_resource(CreateNetwork, '/network/create') + + +def main(arguments): + debug = arguments['debug'] + port = arguments['port'] + + try: + image_stores = list( + shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings['etcd']['image_store_prefix'], value_in_json=True + ) + ) + except KeyError: + image_stores = False + + # Do not inject default values that might be very wrong + # fail when required, not before + # + # if not image_stores: + # data = { + # 'is_public': True, + # 'type': 'ceph', + # 'name': 'images', + # 'description': 'first ever public image-store', + # 'attributes': {'list': [], 'key': [], 'pool': 'images'}, + # } + + # shared.etcd_client.put( + # join_path( + # shared.settings['etcd']['image_store_prefix'], uuid4().hex + # ), + # json.dumps(data), + # ) + + try: + app.run(host='::', port=port, debug=debug) + except OSError as e: + raise UncloudException('Failed to start Flask: {}'.format(e)) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/schemas.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/schemas.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..87f20c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/api/schemas.py @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +""" +This module contain classes thats validates and intercept/modify +data coming from uncloud-cli (user) + +It was primarily developed as an alternative to argument parser +of Flask_Restful which is going to be deprecated. I also tried +marshmallow for that purpose but it was an overkill (because it +do validation + serialization + deserialization) and little +inflexible for our purpose. +""" + +# TODO: Fix error message when user's mentioned VM (referred by name) +# does not exists. +# +# Currently, it says uuid is a required field. + +import json +import os + +import bitmath + +from uncloud.common.host import HostStatus +from uncloud.common.vm import VMStatus +from uncloud.common.shared import shared +from . import helper, logger +from .common_fields import Field, VmUUIDField +from .helper import check_otp, resolve_vm_name + + +class BaseSchema: + def __init__(self, data, fields=None): + _ = data # suppress linter warning + self.__errors = [] + if fields is None: + self.fields = [] + else: + self.fields = fields + + def validation(self): + # custom validation is optional + return True + + def is_valid(self): + for field in self.fields: + field.is_valid() + self.add_field_errors(field) + + for parent in self.__class__.__bases__: + try: + parent.validation(self) + except AttributeError: + pass + if not self.__errors: + self.validation() + + if self.__errors: + return False + return True + + def get_errors(self): + return {"message": self.__errors} + + def add_field_errors(self, field: Field): + self.__errors += field.get_errors() + + def add_error(self, error): + self.__errors.append(error) + + +class OTPSchema(BaseSchema): + def __init__(self, data: dict, fields=None): + self.name = Field("name", str, data.get("name", KeyError)) + self.realm = Field("realm", str, data.get("realm", KeyError)) + self.token = Field("token", str, data.get("token", KeyError)) + + _fields = [self.name, self.realm, self.token] + if fields: + _fields += fields + super().__init__(data=data, fields=_fields) + + def validation(self): + if ( + check_otp( + self.name.value, self.realm.value, self.token.value + ) + != 200 + ): + self.add_error("Wrong Credentials") + + +########################## Image Operations ############################################### + + +class CreateImageSchema(BaseSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + # Fields + self.uuid = Field("uuid", str, data.get("uuid", KeyError)) + self.name = Field("name", str, data.get("name", KeyError)) + self.image_store = Field( + "image_store", str, data.get("image_store", KeyError) + ) + + # Validations + self.uuid.validation = self.file_uuid_validation + self.image_store.validation = self.image_store_name_validation + + # All Fields + fields = [self.uuid, self.name, self.image_store] + super().__init__(data, fields) + + def file_uuid_validation(self): + file_entry = shared.etcd_client.get( + os.path.join( + shared.shared.shared.shared.shared.settings["etcd"]["file_prefix"], self.uuid.value + ) + ) + if file_entry is None: + self.add_error( + "Image File with uuid '{}' Not Found".format( + self.uuid.value + ) + ) + + def image_store_name_validation(self): + image_stores = list( + shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.shared.shared.shared.shared.settings["etcd"]["image_store_prefix"] + ) + ) + + image_store = next( + filter( + lambda s: json.loads(s.value)["name"] + == self.image_store.value, + image_stores, + ), + None, + ) + if not image_store: + self.add_error( + "Store '{}' does not exists".format( + self.image_store.value + ) + ) + + +# Host Operations + + +class CreateHostSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + # Fields + self.specs = Field("specs", dict, data.get("specs", KeyError)) + self.hostname = Field( + "hostname", str, data.get("hostname", KeyError) + ) + + # Validation + self.specs.validation = self.specs_validation + + fields = [self.hostname, self.specs] + + super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) + + def specs_validation(self): + ALLOWED_BASE = 10 + + _cpu = self.specs.value.get("cpu", KeyError) + _ram = self.specs.value.get("ram", KeyError) + _os_ssd = self.specs.value.get("os-ssd", KeyError) + _hdd = self.specs.value.get("hdd", KeyError) + + if KeyError in [_cpu, _ram, _os_ssd, _hdd]: + self.add_error( + "You must specify CPU, RAM and OS-SSD in your specs" + ) + return None + try: + parsed_ram = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_ram) + parsed_os_ssd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_os_ssd) + + if parsed_ram.base != ALLOWED_BASE: + self.add_error( + "Your specified RAM is not in correct units" + ) + if parsed_os_ssd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: + self.add_error( + "Your specified OS-SSD is not in correct units" + ) + + if _cpu < 1: + self.add_error("CPU must be atleast 1") + + if parsed_ram < bitmath.GB(1): + self.add_error("RAM must be atleast 1 GB") + + if parsed_os_ssd < bitmath.GB(10): + self.add_error("OS-SSD must be atleast 10 GB") + + parsed_hdd = [] + for hdd in _hdd: + _parsed_hdd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(hdd) + if _parsed_hdd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: + self.add_error( + "Your specified HDD is not in correct units" + ) + break + else: + parsed_hdd.append(str(_parsed_hdd)) + + except ValueError: + # TODO: Find some good error message + self.add_error("Specs are not correct.") + else: + if self.get_errors(): + self.specs = { + "cpu": _cpu, + "ram": str(parsed_ram), + "os-ssd": str(parsed_os_ssd), + "hdd": parsed_hdd, + } + + def validation(self): + if self.realm.value != "ungleich-admin": + self.add_error( + "Invalid Credentials/Insufficient Permission" + ) + + +# VM Operations + + +class CreateVMSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + # Fields + self.specs = Field("specs", dict, data.get("specs", KeyError)) + self.vm_name = Field( + "vm_name", str, data.get("vm_name", KeyError) + ) + self.image = Field("image", str, data.get("image", KeyError)) + self.network = Field( + "network", list, data.get("network", KeyError) + ) + + # Validation + self.image.validation = self.image_validation + self.vm_name.validation = self.vm_name_validation + self.specs.validation = self.specs_validation + self.network.validation = self.network_validation + + fields = [self.vm_name, self.image, self.specs, self.network] + + super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) + + def image_validation(self): + try: + image_uuid = helper.resolve_image_name( + self.image.value, shared.etcd_client + ) + except Exception as e: + logger.exception( + "Cannot resolve image name = %s", self.image.value + ) + self.add_error(str(e)) + else: + self.image_uuid = image_uuid + + def vm_name_validation(self): + if resolve_vm_name( + name=self.vm_name.value, owner=self.name.value + ): + self.add_error( + 'VM with same name "{}" already exists'.format( + self.vm_name.value + ) + ) + + def network_validation(self): + _network = self.network.value + + if _network: + for net in _network: + network = shared.etcd_client.get( + os.path.join( + shared.shared.shared.shared.shared.settings["etcd"]["network_prefix"], + self.name.value, + net, + ), + value_in_json=True, + ) + if not network: + self.add_error( + "Network with name {} does not exists".format( + net + ) + ) + + def specs_validation(self): + ALLOWED_BASE = 10 + + _cpu = self.specs.value.get("cpu", KeyError) + _ram = self.specs.value.get("ram", KeyError) + _os_ssd = self.specs.value.get("os-ssd", KeyError) + _hdd = self.specs.value.get("hdd", KeyError) + + if KeyError in [_cpu, _ram, _os_ssd, _hdd]: + self.add_error( + "You must specify CPU, RAM and OS-SSD in your specs" + ) + return None + try: + parsed_ram = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_ram) + parsed_os_ssd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_os_ssd) + + if parsed_ram.base != ALLOWED_BASE: + self.add_error( + "Your specified RAM is not in correct units" + ) + if parsed_os_ssd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: + self.add_error( + "Your specified OS-SSD is not in correct units" + ) + + if int(_cpu) < 1: + self.add_error("CPU must be atleast 1") + + if parsed_ram < bitmath.GB(1): + self.add_error("RAM must be atleast 1 GB") + + if parsed_os_ssd < bitmath.GB(1): + self.add_error("OS-SSD must be atleast 1 GB") + + parsed_hdd = [] + for hdd in _hdd: + _parsed_hdd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(hdd) + if _parsed_hdd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: + self.add_error( + "Your specified HDD is not in correct units" + ) + break + else: + parsed_hdd.append(str(_parsed_hdd)) + + except ValueError: + # TODO: Find some good error message + self.add_error("Specs are not correct.") + else: + if self.get_errors(): + self.specs = { + "cpu": _cpu, + "ram": str(parsed_ram), + "os-ssd": str(parsed_os_ssd), + "hdd": parsed_hdd, + } + + +class VMStatusSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + data["uuid"] = ( + resolve_vm_name( + name=data.get("vm_name", None), + owner=( + data.get("in_support_of", None) + or data.get("name", None) + ), + ) + or KeyError + ) + self.uuid = VmUUIDField(data) + + fields = [self.uuid] + + super().__init__(data, fields) + + def validation(self): + vm = shared.vm_pool.get(self.uuid.value) + if not ( + vm.value["owner"] == self.name.value + or self.realm.value == "ungleich-admin" + ): + self.add_error("Invalid User") + + +class VmActionSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + data["uuid"] = ( + resolve_vm_name( + name=data.get("vm_name", None), + owner=( + data.get("in_support_of", None) + or data.get("name", None) + ), + ) + or KeyError + ) + self.uuid = VmUUIDField(data) + self.action = Field("action", str, data.get("action", KeyError)) + + self.action.validation = self.action_validation + + _fields = [self.uuid, self.action] + + super().__init__(data=data, fields=_fields) + + def action_validation(self): + allowed_actions = ["start", "stop", "delete"] + if self.action.value not in allowed_actions: + self.add_error( + "Invalid Action. Allowed Actions are {}".format( + allowed_actions + ) + ) + + def validation(self): + vm = shared.vm_pool.get(self.uuid.value) + if not ( + vm.value["owner"] == self.name.value + or self.realm.value == "ungleich-admin" + ): + self.add_error("Invalid User") + + if ( + self.action.value == "start" + and vm.status == VMStatus.running + and vm.hostname != "" + ): + self.add_error("VM Already Running") + + if self.action.value == "stop": + if vm.status == VMStatus.stopped: + self.add_error("VM Already Stopped") + elif vm.status != VMStatus.running: + self.add_error("Cannot stop non-running VM") + + +class VmMigrationSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + data["uuid"] = ( + resolve_vm_name( + name=data.get("vm_name", None), + owner=( + data.get("in_support_of", None) + or data.get("name", None) + ), + ) + or KeyError + ) + + self.uuid = VmUUIDField(data) + self.destination = Field( + "destination", str, data.get("destination", KeyError) + ) + + self.destination.validation = self.destination_validation + + fields = [self.destination] + super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) + + def destination_validation(self): + hostname = self.destination.value + host = next( + filter( + lambda h: h.hostname == hostname, shared.host_pool.hosts + ), + None, + ) + if not host: + self.add_error( + "No Such Host ({}) exists".format( + self.destination.value + ) + ) + elif host.status != HostStatus.alive: + self.add_error("Destination Host is dead") + else: + self.destination.value = host.key + + def validation(self): + vm = shared.vm_pool.get(self.uuid.value) + if not ( + vm.value["owner"] == self.name.value + or self.realm.value == "ungleich-admin" + ): + self.add_error("Invalid User") + + if vm.status != VMStatus.running: + self.add_error("Can't migrate non-running VM") + + if vm.hostname == os.path.join( + shared.shared.shared.shared.shared.settings["etcd"]["host_prefix"], self.destination.value + ): + self.add_error( + "Destination host couldn't be same as Source Host" + ) + + +class AddSSHSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + self.key_name = Field( + "key_name", str, data.get("key_name", KeyError) + ) + self.key = Field("key", str, data.get("key_name", KeyError)) + + fields = [self.key_name, self.key] + super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) + + +class RemoveSSHSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + self.key_name = Field( + "key_name", str, data.get("key_name", KeyError) + ) + + fields = [self.key_name] + super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) + + +class GetSSHSchema(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + self.key_name = Field( + "key_name", str, data.get("key_name", None) + ) + + fields = [self.key_name] + super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) + + +class CreateNetwork(OTPSchema): + def __init__(self, data): + self.network_name = Field("network_name", str, data.get("network_name", KeyError)) + self.type = Field("type", str, data.get("type", KeyError)) + self.user = Field("user", bool, bool(data.get("user", False))) + + self.network_name.validation = self.network_name_validation + self.type.validation = self.network_type_validation + + fields = [self.network_name, self.type, self.user] + super().__init__(data, fields=fields) + + def network_name_validation(self): + key = os.path.join(shared.shared.shared.shared.shared.settings["etcd"]["network_prefix"], self.name.value, self.network_name.value) + network = shared.etcd_client.get(key, value_in_json=True) + if network: + self.add_error( + "Network with name {} already exists".format( + self.network_name.value + ) + ) + + def network_type_validation(self): + supported_network_types = ["vxlan"] + if self.type.value not in supported_network_types: + self.add_error( + "Unsupported Network Type. Supported network types are {}".format( + supported_network_types + ) + ) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/helper.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/helper.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51a4355 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/helper.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +import requests +import json +import argparse +import binascii + +from pyotp import TOTP +from os.path import join as join_path +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + + +def get_otp_parser(): + otp_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('otp') + otp_parser.add_argument('--name') + otp_parser.add_argument('--realm') + otp_parser.add_argument('--seed', type=get_token, dest='token', metavar='SEED') + + return otp_parser + + +def load_dump_pretty(content): + if isinstance(content, bytes): + content = content.decode('utf-8') + parsed = json.loads(content) + return json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + + +def make_request(*args, data=None, request_method=requests.post): + try: + r = request_method(join_path(shared.settings['client']['api_server'], *args), json=data) + except requests.exceptions.RequestException: + print('Error occurred while connecting to API server.') + else: + try: + print(load_dump_pretty(r.content)) + except Exception: + print('Error occurred while getting output from api server.') + + +def get_token(seed): + if seed is not None: + try: + token = TOTP(seed).now() + except binascii.Error: + raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid seed') + else: + return token diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/host.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/host.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e912567 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/host.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import requests + +from uncloud.cli.helper import make_request, get_otp_parser +from uncloud.common.parser import BaseParser + + +class HostParser(BaseParser): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__('host') + + def create(self, **kwargs): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('create', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + p.add_argument('--hostname', required=True) + p.add_argument('--cpu', required=True, type=int) + p.add_argument('--ram', required=True) + p.add_argument('--os-ssd', required=True) + p.add_argument('--hdd', default=list()) + + def list(self, **kwargs): + self.subparser.add_parser('list', **kwargs) + + +parser = HostParser() +arg_parser = parser.arg_parser + + +def main(**kwargs): + subcommand = kwargs.pop('host_subcommand') + if not subcommand: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + request_method = requests.post + data = None + if subcommand == 'create': + kwargs['specs'] = { + 'cpu': kwargs.pop('cpu'), + 'ram': kwargs.pop('ram'), + 'os-ssd': kwargs.pop('os_ssd'), + 'hdd': kwargs.pop('hdd') + } + data = kwargs + elif subcommand == 'list': + request_method = requests.get + + make_request('host', subcommand, data=data, request_method=request_method) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/image.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/image.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f59c32 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/image.py @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import requests + +from uncloud.cli.helper import make_request +from uncloud.common.parser import BaseParser + + +class ImageParser(BaseParser): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__('image') + + def create(self, **kwargs): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('create', **kwargs) + p.add_argument('--name', required=True) + p.add_argument('--uuid', required=True) + p.add_argument('--image-store', required=True, dest='image_store') + + def list(self, **kwargs): + self.subparser.add_parser('list', **kwargs) + + +parser = ImageParser() +arg_parser = parser.arg_parser + + +def main(**kwargs): + subcommand = kwargs.pop('image_subcommand') + if not subcommand: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + data = None + request_method = requests.post + if subcommand == 'list': + subcommand = 'list-public' + request_method = requests.get + elif subcommand == 'create': + data = kwargs + + make_request('image', subcommand, data=data, request_method=request_method) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a42497 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import argparse +import importlib + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('cli', add_help=False) +subparser = arg_parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand') + +for component in ['user', 'host', 'image', 'network', 'vm']: + module = importlib.import_module('uncloud.cli.{}'.format(component)) + parser = getattr(module, 'arg_parser') + subparser.add_parser(name=parser.prog, parents=[parser]) + + +def main(arguments): + if not arguments['subcommand']: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + name = arguments.pop('subcommand') + arguments.pop('debug') + mod = importlib.import_module('uncloud.cli.{}'.format(name)) + _main = getattr(mod, 'main') + _main(**arguments) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/network.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/network.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55798bf --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/network.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +import requests + +from uncloud.cli.helper import make_request, get_otp_parser +from uncloud.common.parser import BaseParser + + +class NetworkParser(BaseParser): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__('network') + + def create(self, **kwargs): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('create', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + p.add_argument('--network-name', required=True) + p.add_argument('--network-type', required=True, dest='type') + p.add_argument('--user', action='store_true') + + +parser = NetworkParser() +arg_parser = parser.arg_parser + + +def main(**kwargs): + subcommand = kwargs.pop('network_subcommand') + if not subcommand: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + data = None + request_method = requests.post + if subcommand == 'create': + data = kwargs + + make_request('network', subcommand, data=data, request_method=request_method) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/user.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/user.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3a4cc4e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/user.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +from uncloud.cli.helper import make_request, get_otp_parser +from uncloud.common.parser import BaseParser + + +class UserParser(BaseParser): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__('user') + + def files(self, **kwargs): + self.subparser.add_parser('files', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + + def vms(self, **kwargs): + self.subparser.add_parser('vms', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + + def networks(self, **kwargs): + self.subparser.add_parser('networks', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + + def add_ssh(self, **kwargs): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('add-ssh', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + p.add_argument('--key-name', required=True) + p.add_argument('--key', required=True) + + def get_ssh(self, **kwargs): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('get-ssh', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + p.add_argument('--key-name', default='') + + def remove_ssh(self, **kwargs): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('remove-ssh', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **kwargs) + p.add_argument('--key-name', required=True) + + +parser = UserParser() +arg_parser = parser.arg_parser + + +def main(**kwargs): + subcommand = kwargs.pop('user_subcommand') + if not subcommand: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + make_request('user', subcommand, data=kwargs) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/vm.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/vm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..396530e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/cli/vm.py @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +from uncloud.common.parser import BaseParser +from uncloud.cli.helper import make_request, get_otp_parser + + +class VMParser(BaseParser): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__('vm') + + def start(self, **args): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('start', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **args) + p.add_argument('--vm-name', required=True) + + def stop(self, **args): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('stop', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **args) + p.add_argument('--vm-name', required=True) + + def status(self, **args): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('status', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **args) + p.add_argument('--vm-name', required=True) + + def delete(self, **args): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('delete', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **args) + p.add_argument('--vm-name', required=True) + + def migrate(self, **args): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('migrate', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **args) + p.add_argument('--vm-name', required=True) + p.add_argument('--destination', required=True) + + def create(self, **args): + p = self.subparser.add_parser('create', parents=[get_otp_parser()], **args) + p.add_argument('--cpu', required=True) + p.add_argument('--ram', required=True) + p.add_argument('--os-ssd', required=True) + p.add_argument('--hdd', action='append', default=list()) + p.add_argument('--image', required=True) + p.add_argument('--network', action='append', default=[]) + p.add_argument('--vm-name', required=True) + + +parser = VMParser() +arg_parser = parser.arg_parser + + +def main(**kwargs): + subcommand = kwargs.pop('vm_subcommand') + if not subcommand: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + data = kwargs + endpoint = subcommand + if subcommand in ['start', 'stop', 'delete']: + endpoint = 'action' + data['action'] = subcommand + elif subcommand == 'create': + kwargs['specs'] = { + 'cpu': kwargs.pop('cpu'), + 'ram': kwargs.pop('ram'), + 'os-ssd': kwargs.pop('os_ssd'), + 'hdd': kwargs.pop('hdd') + } + make_request('vm', endpoint, data=data) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/client/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/client/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/client/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/client/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..062308c --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/client/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import argparse +import etcd3 +from uncloud.common.etcd_wrapper import Etcd3Wrapper + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('client', add_help=False) +arg_parser.add_argument('--dump-etcd-contents-prefix', help="Dump contents below the given prefix") + +def dump_etcd_contents(prefix): + etcd = Etcd3Wrapper() + for k,v in etcd.get_prefix_raw(prefix): + k = k.decode('utf-8') + v = v.decode('utf-8') + print("{} = {}".format(k,v)) +# print("{} = {}".format(k,v)) + +# for k,v in etcd.get_prefix(prefix): +# + print("done") + + +def main(arguments): + if 'dump_etcd_contents_prefix' in arguments: + dump_etcd_contents(prefix=arguments['dump_etcd_contents_prefix']) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/classes.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/classes.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29dffd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/classes.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +from .etcd_wrapper import EtcdEntry + + +class SpecificEtcdEntryBase: + def __init__(self, e: EtcdEntry): + self.key = e.key + + for k in e.value.keys(): + self.__setattr__(k, e.value[k]) + + def original_keys(self): + r = dict(self.__dict__) + if "key" in r: + del r["key"] + return r + + @property + def value(self): + return self.original_keys() + + @value.setter + def value(self, v): + self.__dict__ = v + + def __repr__(self): + return str(dict(self.__dict__)) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/cli.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/cli.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d3c248 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/cli.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +from uncloud.common.shared import shared +from pyotp import TOTP + + +def get_token(seed): + if seed is not None: + try: + token = TOTP(seed).now() + except Exception: + raise Exception('Invalid seed') + else: + return token + + +def resolve_otp_credentials(kwargs): + d = { + 'name': shared.settings['client']['name'], + 'realm': shared.settings['client']['realm'], + 'token': get_token(shared.settings['client']['seed']) + } + + for k, v in d.items(): + if k in kwargs and kwargs[k] is None: + kwargs.update({k: v}) + + return d diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/counters.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/counters.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d4a8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/counters.py @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +from .etcd_wrapper import Etcd3Wrapper + + +def increment_etcd_counter(etcd_client: Etcd3Wrapper, key): + kv = etcd_client.get(key) + + if kv: + counter = int(kv.value) + counter = counter + 1 + else: + counter = 1 + + etcd_client.put(key, str(counter)) + return counter + + +def get_etcd_counter(etcd_client: Etcd3Wrapper, key): + kv = etcd_client.get(key) + if kv: + return int(kv.value) + return None diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/etcd_wrapper.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/etcd_wrapper.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38471ab --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/etcd_wrapper.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import etcd3 +import json + +from functools import wraps + +from uncloud import UncloudException +from uncloud.common import logger + + +class EtcdEntry: + def __init__(self, meta_or_key, value, value_in_json=False): + if hasattr(meta_or_key, 'key'): + # if meta has attr 'key' then get it + self.key = meta_or_key.key.decode('utf-8') + else: + # otherwise meta is the 'key' + self.key = meta_or_key + self.value = value.decode('utf-8') + + if value_in_json: + self.value = json.loads(self.value) + + +def readable_errors(func): + @wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + try: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + except etcd3.exceptions.ConnectionFailedError: + raise UncloudException('Cannot connect to etcd: is etcd running as configured in uncloud.conf?') + except etcd3.exceptions.ConnectionTimeoutError as err: + raise etcd3.exceptions.ConnectionTimeoutError('etcd connection timeout.') from err + except Exception: + logger.exception('Some etcd error occured. See syslog for details.') + + return wrapper + + +class Etcd3Wrapper: + @readable_errors + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.client = etcd3.client(*args, **kwargs) + + @readable_errors + def get(self, *args, value_in_json=False, **kwargs): + _value, _key = self.client.get(*args, **kwargs) + if _key is None or _value is None: + return None + return EtcdEntry(_key, _value, value_in_json=value_in_json) + + @readable_errors + def put(self, *args, value_in_json=False, **kwargs): + _key, _value = args + if value_in_json: + _value = json.dumps(_value) + + if not isinstance(_key, str): + _key = _key.decode('utf-8') + + return self.client.put(_key, _value, **kwargs) + + @readable_errors + def get_prefix(self, *args, value_in_json=False, raise_exception=True, **kwargs): + event_iterator = self.client.get_prefix(*args, **kwargs) + for e in event_iterator: + yield EtcdEntry(*e[::-1], value_in_json=value_in_json) + + @readable_errors + def watch_prefix(self, key, raise_exception=True, value_in_json=False): + event_iterator, cancel = self.client.watch_prefix(key) + for e in event_iterator: + if hasattr(e, '_event'): + e = e._event + if e.type == e.PUT: + yield EtcdEntry(e.kv.key, e.kv.value, value_in_json=value_in_json) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/host.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/host.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7bb7d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/host.py @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +import time +from datetime import datetime +from os.path import join +from typing import List + +from .classes import SpecificEtcdEntryBase + + +class HostStatus: + """Possible Statuses of uncloud host.""" + + alive = "ALIVE" + dead = "DEAD" + + +class HostEntry(SpecificEtcdEntryBase): + """Represents Host Entry Structure and its supporting methods.""" + + def __init__(self, e): + self.specs = None # type: dict + self.hostname = None # type: str + self.status = None # type: str + self.last_heartbeat = None # type: str + + super().__init__(e) + + def update_heartbeat(self): + self.status = HostStatus.alive + self.last_heartbeat = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + + def is_alive(self): + last_heartbeat = datetime.strptime( + self.last_heartbeat, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" + ) + delta = datetime.utcnow() - last_heartbeat + if delta.total_seconds() > 60: + return False + return True + + def declare_dead(self): + self.status = HostStatus.dead + self.last_heartbeat = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + + +class HostPool: + def __init__(self, etcd_client, host_prefix): + self.client = etcd_client + self.prefix = host_prefix + + @property + def hosts(self) -> List[HostEntry]: + _hosts = self.client.get_prefix(self.prefix, value_in_json=True) + return [HostEntry(host) for host in _hosts] + + def get(self, key): + if not key.startswith(self.prefix): + key = join(self.prefix, key) + v = self.client.get(key, value_in_json=True) + if v: + return HostEntry(v) + return None + + def put(self, obj: HostEntry): + self.client.put(obj.key, obj.value, value_in_json=True) + + def by_status(self, status, _hosts=None): + if _hosts is None: + _hosts = self.hosts + return list(filter(lambda x: x.status == status, _hosts)) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/network.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/network.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32f6951 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/network.py @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import subprocess as sp +import random +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +def random_bytes(num=6): + return [random.randrange(256) for _ in range(num)] + + +def generate_mac( + uaa=False, multicast=False, oui=None, separator=":", byte_fmt="%02x" +): + mac = random_bytes() + if oui: + if type(oui) == str: + oui = [int(chunk) for chunk in oui.split(separator)] + mac = oui + random_bytes(num=6 - len(oui)) + else: + if multicast: + mac[0] |= 1 # set bit 0 + else: + mac[0] &= ~1 # clear bit 0 + if uaa: + mac[0] &= ~(1 << 1) # clear bit 1 + else: + mac[0] |= 1 << 1 # set bit 1 + return separator.join(byte_fmt % b for b in mac) + + +def create_dev(script, _id, dev, ip=None): + command = [ + "sudo", + "-p", + "Enter password to create network devices for vm: ", + script, + str(_id), + dev, + ] + if ip: + command.append(ip) + try: + output = sp.check_output(command, stderr=sp.PIPE) + except Exception: + logger.exception("Creation of interface %s failed.", dev) + return None + else: + return output.decode("utf-8").strip() + + +def delete_network_interface(iface): + try: + sp.check_output( + [ + "sudo", + "-p", + "Enter password to remove {} network device: ".format( + iface + ), + "ip", + "link", + "del", + iface, + ], + stderr=sp.PIPE, + ) + except Exception: + logger.exception("Interface %s Deletion failed", iface) + diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/parser.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..576f0e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import argparse + + +class BaseParser: + def __init__(self, command): + self.arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(command, add_help=False) + self.subparser = self.arg_parser.add_subparsers(dest='{}_subcommand'.format(command)) + self.common_args = {'add_help': False} + + methods = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith('__') + and type(getattr(self, attr)).__name__ == 'method'] + for method in methods: + getattr(self, method)(**self.common_args) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/request.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/request.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb0add5 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/request.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +import json +from os.path import join +from uuid import uuid4 + +from uncloud.common.etcd_wrapper import EtcdEntry +from uncloud.common.classes import SpecificEtcdEntryBase + + +class RequestType: + CreateVM = "CreateVM" + ScheduleVM = "ScheduleVM" + StartVM = "StartVM" + StopVM = "StopVM" + InitVMMigration = "InitVMMigration" + TransferVM = "TransferVM" + DeleteVM = "DeleteVM" + + +class RequestEntry(SpecificEtcdEntryBase): + def __init__(self, e): + self.destination_sock_path = None + self.destination_host_key = None + self.type = None # type: str + self.migration = None # type: bool + self.destination = None # type: str + self.uuid = None # type: str + self.hostname = None # type: str + super().__init__(e) + + @classmethod + def from_scratch(cls, request_prefix, **kwargs): + e = EtcdEntry(meta_or_key=join(request_prefix, uuid4().hex), + value=json.dumps(kwargs).encode('utf-8'), value_in_json=True) + return cls(e) + + +class RequestPool: + def __init__(self, etcd_client, request_prefix): + self.client = etcd_client + self.prefix = request_prefix + + def put(self, obj: RequestEntry): + if not obj.key.startswith(self.prefix): + obj.key = join(self.prefix, obj.key) + + self.client.put(obj.key, obj.value, value_in_json=True) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/schemas.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/schemas.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04978a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/schemas.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +import bitmath + +from marshmallow import fields, Schema + + +class StorageUnit(fields.Field): + def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs): + return str(value) + + def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs): + return bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(value) + + +class SpecsSchema(Schema): + cpu = fields.Int() + ram = StorageUnit() + os_ssd = StorageUnit(data_key="os-ssd", attribute="os-ssd") + hdd = fields.List(StorageUnit()) + + +class VMSchema(Schema): + name = fields.Str() + owner = fields.Str() + owner_realm = fields.Str() + specs = fields.Nested(SpecsSchema) + status = fields.Str() + log = fields.List(fields.Str()) + vnc_socket = fields.Str() + image_uuid = fields.Str() + hostname = fields.Str() + metadata = fields.Dict() + network = fields.List( + fields.Tuple((fields.Str(), fields.Str(), fields.Int())) + ) + in_migration = fields.Bool() + + +class NetworkSchema(Schema): + _id = fields.Int(data_key="id", attribute="id") + _type = fields.Str(data_key="type", attribute="type") + ipv6 = fields.Str() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/settings.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/settings.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8503f42 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/settings.py @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +import configparser +import logging +import sys +import os + +from datetime import datetime +from uncloud.common.etcd_wrapper import Etcd3Wrapper +from os.path import join as join_path + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) +settings = None + + +class CustomConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser): + def __getitem__(self, key): + try: + result = super().__getitem__(key) + except KeyError as err: + raise KeyError( + 'Key \'{}\' not found in configuration. Make sure you configure uncloud.'.format( + key + ) + ) from err + else: + return result + + +class Settings(object): + def __init__(self, conf_dir, seed_value=None): + conf_name = 'uncloud.conf' + self.config_file = join_path(conf_dir, conf_name) + + # this is used to cache config from etcd for 1 minutes. Without this we + # would make a lot of requests to etcd which slows down everything. + self.last_config_update = datetime.fromtimestamp(0) + + self.config_parser = CustomConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) + self.config_parser.add_section('etcd') + self.config_parser.set('etcd', 'base_prefix', '/') + + if os.access(self.config_file, os.R_OK): + self.config_parser.read(self.config_file) + else: + raise FileNotFoundError('Config file %s not found!', self.config_file) + self.config_key = join_path(self['etcd']['base_prefix'] + 'uncloud/config/') + + self.read_internal_values() + + if seed_value is None: + seed_value = dict() + + self.config_parser.read_dict(seed_value) + + def get_etcd_client(self): + args = tuple() + try: + kwargs = { + 'host': self.config_parser.get('etcd', 'url'), + 'port': self.config_parser.get('etcd', 'port'), + 'ca_cert': self.config_parser.get('etcd', 'ca_cert'), + 'cert_cert': self.config_parser.get('etcd', 'cert_cert'), + 'cert_key': self.config_parser.get('etcd', 'cert_key'), + } + except configparser.Error as err: + raise configparser.Error( + '{} in config file {}'.format( + err.message, self.config_file + ) + ) from err + else: + try: + wrapper = Etcd3Wrapper(*args, **kwargs) + except Exception as err: + logger.error( + 'etcd connection not successfull. Please check your config file.' + '\nDetails: %s\netcd connection parameters: %s', + err, + kwargs, + ) + sys.exit(1) + else: + return wrapper + + def read_internal_values(self): + base_prefix = self['etcd']['base_prefix'] + self.config_parser.read_dict( + { + 'etcd': { + 'file_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'files/'), + 'host_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'hosts/'), + 'image_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'images/'), + 'image_store_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'imagestore/'), + 'network_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'networks/'), + 'request_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'requests/'), + 'user_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'users/'), + 'vm_prefix': join_path(base_prefix, 'vms/'), + 'vxlan_counter': join_path(base_prefix, 'counters/vxlan'), + 'tap_counter': join_path(base_prefix, 'counters/tap') + } + } + ) + + def read_config_file_values(self, config_file): + try: + # Trying to read configuration file + with open(config_file) as config_file_handle: + self.config_parser.read_file(config_file_handle) + except FileNotFoundError: + sys.exit('Configuration file {} not found!'.format(config_file)) + except Exception as err: + logger.exception(err) + sys.exit('Error occurred while reading configuration file') + + def read_values_from_etcd(self): + etcd_client = self.get_etcd_client() + if (datetime.utcnow() - self.last_config_update).total_seconds() > 60: + config_from_etcd = etcd_client.get(self.config_key, value_in_json=True) + if config_from_etcd: + self.config_parser.read_dict(config_from_etcd.value) + self.last_config_update = datetime.utcnow() + else: + raise KeyError('Key \'{}\' not found in etcd. Please configure uncloud.'.format(self.config_key)) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + # Allow failing to read from etcd if we have + # it locally + if key not in self.config_parser.sections(): + try: + self.read_values_from_etcd() + except KeyError: + pass + return self.config_parser[key] + + +def get_settings(): + return settings diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/shared.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/shared.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aea7cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/shared.py @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +from uncloud.common.settings import get_settings +from uncloud.common.vm import VmPool +from uncloud.common.host import HostPool +from uncloud.common.request import RequestPool +import uncloud.common.storage_handlers as storage_handlers + + +class Shared: + @property + def settings(self): + return get_settings() + + @property + def etcd_client(self): + return self.settings.get_etcd_client() + + @property + def host_pool(self): + return HostPool(self.etcd_client, self.settings["etcd"]["host_prefix"]) + + @property + def vm_pool(self): + return VmPool(self.etcd_client, self.settings["etcd"]["vm_prefix"]) + + @property + def request_pool(self): + return RequestPool(self.etcd_client, self.settings["etcd"]["request_prefix"]) + + @property + def storage_handler(self): + return storage_handlers.get_storage_handler() + + +shared = Shared() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/storage_handlers.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/storage_handlers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58c2dc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/storage_handlers.py @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +import shutil +import subprocess as sp +import os +import stat + +from abc import ABC +from . import logger +from os.path import join as join_path +import uncloud.common.shared as shared + + +class ImageStorageHandler(ABC): + handler_name = "base" + + def __init__(self, image_base, vm_base): + self.image_base = image_base + self.vm_base = vm_base + + def import_image(self, image_src, image_dest, protect=False): + """Put an image at the destination + :param image_src: An Image file + :param image_dest: A path where :param src: is to be put. + :param protect: If protect is true then the dest is protect (readonly etc) + The obj must exist on filesystem. + """ + + raise NotImplementedError() + + def make_vm_image(self, image_path, path): + """Copy image from src to dest + + :param image_path: A path + :param path: A path + + src and destination must be on same storage system i.e both on file system or both on CEPH etc. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def resize_vm_image(self, path, size): + """Resize image located at :param path: + :param path: The file which is to be resized + :param size: Size must be in Megabytes + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + def delete_vm_image(self, path): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def execute_command(self, command, report=True, error_origin=None): + if not error_origin: + error_origin = self.handler_name + + command = list(map(str, command)) + try: + sp.check_output(command, stderr=sp.PIPE) + except sp.CalledProcessError as e: + _stderr = e.stderr.decode("utf-8").strip() + if report: + logger.exception("%s:- %s", error_origin, _stderr) + return False + return True + + def vm_path_string(self, path): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def qemu_path_string(self, path): + raise NotImplementedError() + + def is_vm_image_exists(self, path): + raise NotImplementedError() + + +class FileSystemBasedImageStorageHandler(ImageStorageHandler): + handler_name = "Filesystem" + + def import_image(self, src, dest, protect=False): + dest = join_path(self.image_base, dest) + try: + shutil.copy(src, dest) + if protect: + os.chmod( + dest, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH + ) + except Exception as e: + logger.exception(e) + return False + return True + + def make_vm_image(self, src, dest): + src = join_path(self.image_base, src) + dest = join_path(self.vm_base, dest) + try: + shutil.copyfile(src, dest) + except Exception as e: + logger.exception(e) + return False + return True + + def resize_vm_image(self, path, size): + path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) + command = [ + "qemu-img", + "resize", + "-f", + "raw", + path, + "{}M".format(size), + ] + if self.execute_command(command): + return True + else: + self.delete_vm_image(path) + return False + + def delete_vm_image(self, path): + path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) + try: + os.remove(path) + except Exception as e: + logger.exception(e) + return False + return True + + def vm_path_string(self, path): + return join_path(self.vm_base, path) + + def qemu_path_string(self, path): + return self.vm_path_string(path) + + def is_vm_image_exists(self, path): + path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) + command = ["ls", path] + return self.execute_command(command, report=False) + + +class CEPHBasedImageStorageHandler(ImageStorageHandler): + handler_name = "Ceph" + + def import_image(self, src, dest, protect=False): + dest = join_path(self.image_base, dest) + import_command = ["rbd", "import", src, dest] + commands = [import_command] + if protect: + snap_create_command = [ + "rbd", + "snap", + "create", + "{}@protected".format(dest), + ] + snap_protect_command = [ + "rbd", + "snap", + "protect", + "{}@protected".format(dest), + ] + commands.append(snap_create_command) + commands.append(snap_protect_command) + + result = True + for command in commands: + result = result and self.execute_command(command) + + return result + + def make_vm_image(self, src, dest): + src = join_path(self.image_base, src) + dest = join_path(self.vm_base, dest) + + command = ["rbd", "clone", "{}@protected".format(src), dest] + return self.execute_command(command) + + def resize_vm_image(self, path, size): + path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) + command = ["rbd", "resize", path, "--size", size] + return self.execute_command(command) + + def delete_vm_image(self, path): + path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) + command = ["rbd", "rm", path] + return self.execute_command(command) + + def vm_path_string(self, path): + return join_path(self.vm_base, path) + + def qemu_path_string(self, path): + return "rbd:{}".format(self.vm_path_string(path)) + + def is_vm_image_exists(self, path): + path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) + command = ["rbd", "info", path] + return self.execute_command(command, report=False) + + +def get_storage_handler(): + __storage_backend = shared.shared.settings["storage"]["storage_backend"] + if __storage_backend == "filesystem": + return FileSystemBasedImageStorageHandler( + vm_base=shared.shared.settings["storage"]["vm_dir"], + image_base=shared.shared.settings["storage"]["image_dir"], + ) + elif __storage_backend == "ceph": + return CEPHBasedImageStorageHandler( + vm_base=shared.shared.settings["storage"]["ceph_vm_pool"], + image_base=shared.shared.settings["storage"]["ceph_image_pool"], + ) + else: + raise Exception("Unknown Image Storage Handler") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/vm.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/vm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d11046d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/common/vm.py @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +from contextlib import contextmanager +from datetime import datetime +from os.path import join + +from .classes import SpecificEtcdEntryBase + + +class VMStatus: + stopped = "STOPPED" # After requested_shutdown + killed = "KILLED" # either host died or vm died itself + running = "RUNNING" + error = "ERROR" # An error occurred that cannot be resolved automatically + + +def declare_stopped(vm): + vm["hostname"] = "" + vm["in_migration"] = False + vm["status"] = VMStatus.stopped + + +class VMEntry(SpecificEtcdEntryBase): + def __init__(self, e): + self.owner = None # type: str + self.specs = None # type: dict + self.hostname = None # type: str + self.status = None # type: str + self.image_uuid = None # type: str + self.log = None # type: list + self.in_migration = None # type: bool + + super().__init__(e) + + @property + def uuid(self): + return self.key.split("/")[-1] + + def declare_killed(self): + self.hostname = "" + self.in_migration = False + if self.status == VMStatus.running: + self.status = VMStatus.killed + + def declare_stopped(self): + self.hostname = "" + self.in_migration = False + self.status = VMStatus.stopped + + def add_log(self, msg): + self.log = self.log[:5] + self.log.append( + "{} - {}".format(datetime.now().isoformat(), msg) + ) + + +class VmPool: + def __init__(self, etcd_client, vm_prefix): + self.client = etcd_client + self.prefix = vm_prefix + + @property + def vms(self): + _vms = self.client.get_prefix(self.prefix, value_in_json=True) + return [VMEntry(vm) for vm in _vms] + + def by_host(self, host, _vms=None): + if _vms is None: + _vms = self.vms + return list(filter(lambda x: x.hostname == host, _vms)) + + def by_status(self, status, _vms=None): + if _vms is None: + _vms = self.vms + return list(filter(lambda x: x.status == status, _vms)) + + def by_owner(self, owner, _vms=None): + if _vms is None: + _vms = self.vms + return list(filter(lambda x: x.owner == owner, _vms)) + + def except_status(self, status, _vms=None): + if _vms is None: + _vms = self.vms + return list(filter(lambda x: x.status != status, _vms)) + + def get(self, key): + if not key.startswith(self.prefix): + key = join(self.prefix, key) + v = self.client.get(key, value_in_json=True) + if v: + return VMEntry(v) + return None + + def put(self, obj: VMEntry): + self.client.put(obj.key, obj.value, value_in_json=True) + + @contextmanager + def get_put(self, key) -> VMEntry: + # Updates object at key on exit + obj = self.get(key) + yield obj + if obj: + self.put(obj) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/configure/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/configure/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/configure/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/configure/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87f5752 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/configure/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +import os +import argparse + +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('configure', add_help=False) +configure_subparsers = arg_parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand') + +otp_parser = configure_subparsers.add_parser('otp') +otp_parser.add_argument('--verification-controller-url', required=True, metavar='URL') +otp_parser.add_argument('--auth-name', required=True, metavar='OTP-NAME') +otp_parser.add_argument('--auth-realm', required=True, metavar='OTP-REALM') +otp_parser.add_argument('--auth-seed', required=True, metavar='OTP-SEED') + +network_parser = configure_subparsers.add_parser('network') +network_parser.add_argument('--prefix-length', required=True, type=int) +network_parser.add_argument('--prefix', required=True) +network_parser.add_argument('--vxlan-phy-dev', required=True) + +netbox_parser = configure_subparsers.add_parser('netbox') +netbox_parser.add_argument('--url', required=True) +netbox_parser.add_argument('--token', required=True) + +ssh_parser = configure_subparsers.add_parser('ssh') +ssh_parser.add_argument('--username', default='root') +ssh_parser.add_argument('--private-key-path', default=os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa'),) + +storage_parser = configure_subparsers.add_parser('storage') +storage_parser.add_argument('--file-dir', required=True) +storage_parser_subparsers = storage_parser.add_subparsers(dest='storage_backend') + +filesystem_storage_parser = storage_parser_subparsers.add_parser('filesystem') +filesystem_storage_parser.add_argument('--vm-dir', required=True) +filesystem_storage_parser.add_argument('--image-dir', required=True) + +ceph_storage_parser = storage_parser_subparsers.add_parser('ceph') +ceph_storage_parser.add_argument('--ceph-vm-pool', required=True) +ceph_storage_parser.add_argument('--ceph-image-pool', required=True) + + +def update_config(section, kwargs): + uncloud_config = shared.etcd_client.get(shared.settings.config_key, value_in_json=True) + if not uncloud_config: + uncloud_config = {} + else: + uncloud_config = uncloud_config.value + + uncloud_config[section] = kwargs + shared.etcd_client.put(shared.settings.config_key, uncloud_config, value_in_json=True) + + +def main(arguments): + subcommand = arguments['subcommand'] + if not subcommand: + arg_parser.print_help() + else: + update_config(subcommand, arguments) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/filescanner/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/filescanner/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/filescanner/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/filescanner/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/filescanner/main.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..046f915 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/filescanner/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +import glob +import os +import pathlib +import subprocess as sp +import time +import argparse +import bitmath + +from uuid import uuid4 + +from . import logger +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('filescanner', add_help=False) +arg_parser.add_argument('--hostname', required=True) + + +def sha512sum(file: str): + """Use sha512sum utility to compute sha512 sum of arg:file + + IF arg:file does not exists: + raise FileNotFoundError exception + ELSE IF sum successfully computer: + return computed sha512 sum + ELSE: + return None + """ + if not isinstance(file, str): + raise TypeError + try: + output = sp.check_output(['sha512sum', file], stderr=sp.PIPE) + except sp.CalledProcessError as e: + error = e.stderr.decode('utf-8') + if 'No such file or directory' in error: + raise FileNotFoundError from None + else: + output = output.decode('utf-8').strip() + output = output.split(' ') + return output[0] + return None + + +def track_file(file, base_dir, host): + file_path = file.relative_to(base_dir) + file_str = str(file) + # Get Username + try: + owner = file_path.parts[0] + except IndexError: + pass + else: + file_path = file_path.relative_to(owner) + creation_date = time.ctime(os.stat(file_str).st_ctime) + + entry_key = os.path.join(shared.settings['etcd']['file_prefix'], str(uuid4())) + entry_value = { + 'filename': str(file_path), + 'owner': owner, + 'sha512sum': sha512sum(file_str), + 'creation_date': creation_date, + 'size': str(bitmath.Byte(os.path.getsize(file_str)).to_MB()), + 'host': host + } + + logger.info('Tracking %s', file_str) + + shared.etcd_client.put(entry_key, entry_value, value_in_json=True) + + +def main(arguments): + hostname = arguments['hostname'] + base_dir = shared.settings['storage']['file_dir'] + # Recursively Get All Files and Folder below BASE_DIR + files = glob.glob('{}/**'.format(base_dir), recursive=True) + files = [pathlib.Path(f) for f in files if pathlib.Path(f).is_file()] + + # Files that are already tracked + tracked_files = [ + pathlib.Path(os.path.join(base_dir, f.value['owner'], f.value['filename'])) + for f in shared.etcd_client.get_prefix(shared.settings['etcd']['file_prefix'], value_in_json=True) + if f.value['host'] == hostname + ] + untracked_files = set(files) - set(tracked_files) + for file in untracked_files: + track_file(file, base_dir, hostname) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/README.org b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/README.org new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7529263 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/README.org @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +This directory contains unfinishe hacks / inspirations +* firewalling / networking in ucloud +** automatically route a network per VM - /64? +** nft: one chain per VM on each vm host (?) +*** might have scaling issues? +** firewall rules on each VM host + - mac filtering: +* To add / block +** TODO arp poisoning +** TODO ndp "poisoning" +** TODO ipv4 dhcp server +*** drop dhcpv4 requests +*** drop dhcpv4 answers diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/conf.d/ucloud-host b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/conf.d/ucloud-host new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1dd8d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/conf.d/ucloud-host @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +HOSTNAME=server1.place10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/config.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e2655d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/config.py @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2020 Nico Schottelius (nico.schottelius at ungleich.ch) +# +# This file is part of uncloud. +# +# uncloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# uncloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with uncloud. If not, see . +# +# + +class Config(object): + def __init__(self, arguments): + """ read arguments dicts as a base """ + + self.arguments = arguments + + # Split them so *etcd_args can be used and we can + # iterate over etcd_hosts + self.etcd_hosts = [ arguments['etcd_host'] ] + self.etcd_args = { + 'ca_cert': arguments['etcd_ca_cert'], + 'cert_cert': arguments['etcd_cert_cert'], + 'cert_key': arguments['etcd_cert_key'], +# 'user': None, +# 'password': None + } + self.etcd_prefix = '/nicohack/' diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/db.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/db.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d5582e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/db.py @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2020 Nico Schottelius (nico.schottelius at ungleich.ch) +# +# This file is part of uncloud. +# +# uncloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# uncloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with uncloud. If not, see . +# +# + +import etcd3 +import json +import logging +import datetime +import re + +from functools import wraps +from uncloud import UncloudException + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +def db_logentry(message): + timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() + return { + "timestamp": str(timestamp), + "message": message + } + + +def readable_errors(func): + @wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + try: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + except etcd3.exceptions.ConnectionFailedError as e: + raise UncloudException('Cannot connect to etcd: is etcd running and reachable? {}'.format(e)) + except etcd3.exceptions.ConnectionTimeoutError as e: + raise UncloudException('etcd connection timeout. {}'.format(e)) + + return wrapper + + +class DB(object): + def __init__(self, config, prefix="/"): + self.config = config + + # Root for everything + self.base_prefix= '/nicohack' + + # Can be set from outside + self.prefix = prefix + + try: + self.connect() + except FileNotFoundError as e: + raise UncloudException("Is the path to the etcd certs correct? {}".format(e)) + + @readable_errors + def connect(self): + self._db_clients = [] + for endpoint in self.config.etcd_hosts: + client = etcd3.client(host=endpoint, **self.config.etcd_args) + self._db_clients.append(client) + + def realkey(self, key): + return "{}{}/{}".format(self.base_prefix, + self.prefix, + key) + + @readable_errors + def get(self, key, as_json=False, **kwargs): + value, _ = self._db_clients[0].get(self.realkey(key), **kwargs) + + if as_json: + value = json.loads(value) + + return value + + @readable_errors + def get_prefix(self, key, as_json=False, **kwargs): + for value, meta in self._db_clients[0].get_prefix(self.realkey(key), **kwargs): + k = meta.key.decode("utf-8") + value = value.decode("utf-8") + if as_json: + value = json.loads(value) + + yield (k, value) + + + @readable_errors + def set(self, key, value, as_json=False, **kwargs): + if as_json: + value = json.dumps(value) + + log.debug("Setting {} = {}".format(self.realkey(key), value)) + # FIXME: iterate over clients in case of failure ? + return self._db_clients[0].put(self.realkey(key), value, **kwargs) + + + @readable_errors + def list_and_filter(self, key, filter_key=None, filter_regexp=None): + for k,v in self.get_prefix(key, as_json=True): + + if filter_key and filter_regexp: + if filter_key in v: + if re.match(filter_regexp, v[filter_key]): + yield v + else: + yield v + + + @readable_errors + def increment(self, key, **kwargs): + print(self.realkey(key)) + + + print("prelock") + lock = self._db_clients[0].lock('/nicohack/foo') + print("prelockacq") + lock.acquire() + print("prelockrelease") + lock.release() + + with self._db_clients[0].lock("/nicohack/mac/last_used_index") as lock: + print("in lock") + pass + +# with self._db_clients[0].lock(self.realkey(key)) as lock:# value = int(self.get(self.realkey(key), **kwargs)) +# self.set(self.realkey(key), str(value + 1), **kwargs) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + endpoints = [ "https://etcd1.ungleich.ch:2379", + "https://etcd2.ungleich.ch:2379", + "https://etcd3.ungleich.ch:2379" ] + + db = DB(url=endpoints) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/.gitignore b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ad647b --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +*.iso +radvdpid +foo diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/etcd-client.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/etcd-client.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab102a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/etcd-client.sh @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +etcdctl --cert=$HOME/vcs/ungleich-dot-cdist/files/etcd/nico.pem \ + --key=/home/nico/vcs/ungleich-dot-cdist/files/etcd/nico-key.pem \ + --cacert=$HOME/vcs/ungleich-dot-cdist/files/etcd/ca.pem \ + --endpoints https://etcd1.ungleich.ch:2379,https://etcd2.ungleich.ch:2379,https://etcd3.ungleich.ch:2379 "$@" diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/ifdown.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/ifdown.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5753099 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/ifdown.sh @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +echo $@ diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/ifup.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/ifup.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e0a3ca0 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/ifup.sh @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +dev=$1; shift + +# bridge is setup from outside +ip link set dev "$dev" master ${bridge} +ip link set dev "$dev" up diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/mac-last b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/mac-last new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c5f254 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/mac-last @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +000000000252 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/mac-prefix b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/mac-prefix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5084a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/mac-prefix @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +02:00 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/net.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/net.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4e2bfa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/net.sh @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -x + +netid=100 +dev=wlp2s0 +dev=wlp0s20f3 +#dev=wlan0 + +ip=2a0a:e5c1:111:888::48/64 +vxlandev=vxlan${netid} +bridgedev=br${netid} + +ip -6 link add ${vxlandev} type vxlan \ + id ${netid} \ + dstport 4789 \ + group ff05::${netid} \ + dev ${dev} \ + ttl 5 + +ip link set ${vxlandev} up + + +ip link add ${bridgedev} type bridge +ip link set ${bridgedev} up + +ip link set ${vxlandev} master ${bridgedev} up + +ip addr add ${ip} dev ${bridgedev} diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/nftrules b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/nftrules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..636c63d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/nftrules @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +flush ruleset + +table bridge filter { + chain prerouting { + type filter hook prerouting priority 0; + policy accept; + + ibrname br100 jump br100 + } + + chain br100 { + # Allow all incoming traffic from outside + iifname vxlan100 accept + + # Default blocks: router advertisements, dhcpv6, dhcpv4 + icmpv6 type nd-router-advert drop + ip6 version 6 udp sport 547 drop + ip version 4 udp sport 67 drop + + jump br100_vmlist + drop + } + chain br100_vmlist { + # VM1 + iifname tap1 ether saddr 02:00:f0:a9:c4:4e ip6 saddr 2a0a:e5c1:111:888:0:f0ff:fea9:c44e accept + + # VM2 + iifname v343a-0 ether saddr 02:00:f0:a9:c4:4f ip6 saddr 2a0a:e5c1:111:888:0:f0ff:fea9:c44f accept + iifname v343a-0 ether saddr 02:00:f0:a9:c4:4f ip6 saddr 2a0a:e5c1:111:1234::/64 accept + } +} diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/radvd.conf b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/radvd.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d8ce4d --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/radvd.conf @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +interface br100 +{ + AdvSendAdvert on; + MinRtrAdvInterval 3; + MaxRtrAdvInterval 5; + AdvDefaultLifetime 3600; + + prefix 2a0a:e5c1:111:888::/64 { + }; + + RDNSS 2a0a:e5c0::3 2a0a:e5c0::4 { AdvRDNSSLifetime 6000; }; + DNSSL place7.ungleich.ch { AdvDNSSLLifetime 6000; } ; +}; diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/radvd.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/radvd.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d0e7d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/radvd.sh @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +radvd -C ./radvd.conf -n -p ./radvdpid diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/vm.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/vm.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..dd9be84 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/hackcloud/vm.sh @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then +# echo "$0: owner" +# exit 1 +# fi + +qemu=/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 + +accel=kvm +#accel=tcg + +memory=1024 +cores=2 +uuid=$(uuidgen) +mac=$(./mac-gen.py) +owner=nico + +export bridge=br100 + +set -x +$qemu -name "uncloud-${uuid}" \ + -machine pc,accel=${accel} \ + -m ${memory} \ + -smp ${cores} \ + -uuid ${uuid} \ + -drive file=alpine-virt-3.11.2-x86_64.iso,media=cdrom \ + -netdev tap,id=netmain,script=./ifup.sh,downscript=./ifdown.sh \ + -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=netmain,id=net0,mac=${mac} diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/host.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/host.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06ccf98 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/host.py @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2020 Nico Schottelius (nico.schottelius at ungleich.ch) +# +# This file is part of uncloud. +# +# uncloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# uncloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with uncloud. If not, see . + +import uuid + +from uncloud.hack.db import DB +from uncloud import UncloudException + +class Host(object): + def __init__(self, config, db_entry=None): + self.config = config + self.db = DB(self.config, prefix="/hosts") + + if db_entry: + self.db_entry = db_entry + + + def list_hosts(self, filter_key=None, filter_regexp=None): + """ Return list of all hosts """ + for entry in self.db.list_and_filter("", filter_key, filter_regexp): + yield self.__class__(self.config, db_entry=entry) + + def cmdline_add_host(self): + """ FIXME: make this a bit smarter and less redundant """ + + for required_arg in [ + 'add_vm_host', + 'max_cores_per_vm', + 'max_cores_total', + 'max_memory_in_gb' ]: + if not required_arg in self.config.arguments: + raise UncloudException("Missing argument: {}".format(required_arg)) + + return self.add_host( + self.config.arguments['add_vm_host'], + self.config.arguments['max_cores_per_vm'], + self.config.arguments['max_cores_total'], + self.config.arguments['max_memory_in_gb']) + + + def add_host(self, + hostname, + max_cores_per_vm, + max_cores_total, + max_memory_in_gb): + + db_entry = {} + db_entry['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) + db_entry['hostname'] = hostname + db_entry['max_cores_per_vm'] = max_cores_per_vm + db_entry['max_cores_total'] = max_cores_total + db_entry['max_memory_in_gb'] = max_memory_in_gb + db_entry["db_version"] = 1 + db_entry["log"] = [] + + self.db.set(db_entry['uuid'], db_entry, as_json=True) + + return self.__class__(self.config, db_entry) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/mac.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/mac.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e35cd9f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/mac.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2012 Nico Schottelius (nico-cinv at schottelius.org) +# +# This file is part of cinv. +# +# cinv is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# cinv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with cinv. If not, see . +# +# + +import argparse +import logging +import os.path +import os +import re +import json + +from uncloud import UncloudException +from uncloud.hack.db import DB + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class MAC(object): + def __init__(self, config): + self.config = config + self.no_db = self.config.arguments['no_db'] + if not self.no_db: + self.db = DB(config, prefix="/mac") + + self.prefix = 0x420000000000 + self._number = 0 # Not set by default + + @staticmethod + def validate_mac(mac): + if not re.match(r'([0-9A-F]{2}[-:]){5}[0-9A-F]{2}$', mac, re.I): + raise UncloudException("Not a valid mac address: %s" % mac) + else: + return True + + def last_used_index(self): + if not self.no_db: + value = self.db.get("last_used_index") + if not value: + self.db.set("last_used_index", "0") + value = self.db.get("last_used_index") + + else: + value = "0" + + return int(value) + + def last_used_mac(self): + return self.int_to_mac(self.prefix + self.last_used_index()) + + def to_colon_format(self): + b = self._number.to_bytes(6, byteorder="big") + return ':'.join(format(s, '02x') for s in b) + + def to_str_format(self): + b = self._number.to_bytes(6, byteorder="big") + return ''.join(format(s, '02x') for s in b) + + def create(self): + last_number = self.last_used_index() + + if last_number == int('0xffffffff', 16): + raise UncloudException("Exhausted all possible mac addresses - try to free some") + + next_number = last_number + 1 + self._number = self.prefix + next_number + + #next_number_string = "{:012x}".format(next_number) + #next_mac = self.int_to_mac(next_mac_number) + # db_entry = {} + # db_entry['vm_uuid'] = vmuuid + # db_entry['index'] = next_number + # db_entry['mac_address'] = next_mac + + # should be one transaction + # self.db.increment("last_used_index") + # self.db.set("used/{}".format(next_mac), + # db_entry, as_json=True) + + def __int__(self): + return self._number + + def __repr__(self): + return self.to_str_format() + + def __str__(self): + return self.to_colon_format() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ddd8fb --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +import argparse +import logging +import re + +import ldap3 + + +from uncloud.hack.vm import VM +from uncloud.hack.host import Host +from uncloud.hack.config import Config +from uncloud.hack.mac import MAC +from uncloud.hack.net import VXLANBridge, DNSRA + +from uncloud import UncloudException +from uncloud.hack.product import ProductOrder + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('hack', add_help=False) + #description="Commands that are unfinished - use at own risk") +arg_parser.add_argument('--last-used-mac', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--get-new-mac', action='store_true') + +arg_parser.add_argument('--init-network', help="Initialise networking", action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--create-vxlan', help="Initialise networking", action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--network', help="/64 IPv6 network") +arg_parser.add_argument('--vxlan-uplink-device', help="The VXLAN underlay device, i.e. eth0") +arg_parser.add_argument('--vni', help="VXLAN ID (decimal)", type=int) +arg_parser.add_argument('--run-dns-ra', action='store_true', + help="Provide router advertisements and DNS resolution via dnsmasq") +arg_parser.add_argument('--use-sudo', help="Use sudo for command requiring root!", action='store_true') + +arg_parser.add_argument('--create-vm', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--destroy-vm', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--get-vm-status', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--get-vm-vnc', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--list-vms', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--memory', help="Size of memory (GB)", type=int, default=2) +arg_parser.add_argument('--cores', help="Amount of CPU cores", type=int, default=1) +arg_parser.add_argument('--image', help="Path (under hackprefix) to OS image") + +arg_parser.add_argument('--image-format', help="Image format: qcow2 or raw", choices=['raw', 'qcow2']) +arg_parser.add_argument('--uuid', help="VM UUID") + +arg_parser.add_argument('--no-db', help="Disable connection to etcd. For local testing only!", action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--hackprefix', help="hackprefix, if you need it you know it (it's where the iso is located and ifup/down.sh") + +# order based commands => later to be shifted below "order" +arg_parser.add_argument('--order', action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--list-orders', help="List all orders", action='store_true') +arg_parser.add_argument('--filter-order-key', help="Which key to filter on") +arg_parser.add_argument('--filter-order-regexp', help="Which regexp the value should match") + +arg_parser.add_argument('--process-orders', help="Process all (pending) orders", action='store_true') + +arg_parser.add_argument('--product', choices=["dualstack-vm"]) +arg_parser.add_argument('--os-image-name', help="Name of OS image (successor to --image)") +arg_parser.add_argument('--os-image-size', help="Size of OS image in GB", type=int, default=10) + +arg_parser.add_argument('--username') +arg_parser.add_argument('--password') + +arg_parser.add_argument('--api', help="Run the API") +arg_parser.add_argument('--mode', + choices=["direct", "api", "client"], + default="client", + help="Directly manipulate etcd, spawn the API server or behave as a client") + + +arg_parser.add_argument('--add-vm-host', help="Add a host that can run VMs") +arg_parser.add_argument('--list-vm-hosts', action='store_true') + +arg_parser.add_argument('--max-cores-per-vm') +arg_parser.add_argument('--max-cores-total') +arg_parser.add_argument('--max-memory-in-gb') + + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +def authenticate(username, password, totp_token=None): + server = ldap3.Server("ldaps://ldap1.ungleich.ch") + dn = "uid={},ou=customer,dc=ungleich,dc=ch".format(username) + + log.debug("LDAP: connecting to {} as {}".format(server, dn)) + + try: + conn = ldap3.Connection(server, dn, password, auto_bind=True) + except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPBindError as e: + raise UncloudException("Credentials not verified by LDAP server: {}".format(e)) + + + +def order(config): + for required_arg in [ 'product', 'username', 'password' ]: + if not config.arguments[required_arg]: + raise UncloudException("Missing required argument: {}".format(required_arg)) + + if config.arguments['product'] == 'dualstack-vm': + for required_arg in [ 'cores', 'memory', 'os_image_name', 'os_image_size' ]: + if not config.arguments[required_arg]: + raise UncloudException("Missing required argument: {}".format(required_arg)) + + log.debug(config.arguments) + authenticate(config.arguments['username'], config.arguments['password']) + + # create DB entry for VM + vm = VM(config) + return vm.product.place_order(owner=config.arguments['username']) + + + + + +def main(arguments): + config = Config(arguments) + + if arguments['add_vm_host']: + h = Host(config) + h.cmdline_add_host() + + if arguments['list_vm_hosts']: + h = Host(config) + + for host in h.list_hosts(filter_key=arguments['filter_order_key'], + filter_regexp=arguments['filter_order_regexp']): + print("Host {}: {}".format(host.db_entry['uuid'], host.db_entry)) + + if arguments['order']: + print("Created order: {}".format(order(config))) + + if arguments['list_orders']: + p = ProductOrder(config) + for product_order in p.list_orders(filter_key=arguments['filter_order_key'], + filter_regexp=arguments['filter_order_regexp']): + print("Order {}: {}".format(product_order.db_entry['uuid'], product_order.db_entry)) + + if arguments['process_orders']: + p = ProductOrder(config) + p.process_orders() + + if arguments['create_vm']: + vm = VM(config) + vm.create() + + if arguments['destroy_vm']: + vm = VM(config) + vm.stop() + + if arguments['get_vm_status']: + vm = VM(config) + vm.status() + + if arguments['get_vm_vnc']: + vm = VM(config) + vm.vnc_addr() + + if arguments['list_vms']: + vm = VM(config) + vm.list() + + if arguments['last_used_mac']: + m = MAC(config) + print(m.last_used_mac()) + + if arguments['get_new_mac']: + print(MAC(config).get_next()) + + #if arguments['init_network']: + if arguments['create_vxlan']: + if not arguments['network'] or not arguments['vni'] or not arguments['vxlan_uplink_device']: + raise UncloudException("Initialising the network requires an IPv6 network and a VNI. You can use fd00::/64 and vni=1 for testing (non production!)") + vb = VXLANBridge(vni=arguments['vni'], + route=arguments['network'], + uplinkdev=arguments['vxlan_uplink_device'], + use_sudo=arguments['use_sudo']) + vb._setup_vxlan() + vb._setup_bridge() + vb._add_vxlan_to_bridge() + vb._route_network() + + if arguments['run_dns_ra']: + if not arguments['network'] or not arguments['vni']: + raise UncloudException("Providing DNS/RAs requires a /64 IPv6 network and a VNI. You can use fd00::/64 and vni=1 for testing (non production!)") + + dnsra = DNSRA(route=arguments['network'], + vni=arguments['vni'], + use_sudo=arguments['use_sudo']) + dnsra._setup_dnsmasq() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/net.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/net.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4887e04 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/net.py @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +import subprocess +import ipaddress +import logging + + +from uncloud import UncloudException + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class VXLANBridge(object): + cmd_create_vxlan = "{sudo}ip -6 link add {vxlandev} type vxlan id {vni_dec} dstport 4789 group {multicast_address} dev {uplinkdev} ttl 5" + cmd_up_dev = "{sudo}ip link set {dev} up" + cmd_create_bridge="{sudo}ip link add {bridgedev} type bridge" + cmd_add_to_bridge="{sudo}ip link set {vxlandev} master {bridgedev} up" + cmd_add_addr="{sudo}ip addr add {ip} dev {bridgedev}" + cmd_add_route_dev="{sudo}ip route add {route} dev {bridgedev}" + + # VXLAN ids are at maximum 24 bit - use a /104 + multicast_network = ipaddress.IPv6Network("ff05::/104") + max_vni = (2**24)-1 + + def __init__(self, + vni, + uplinkdev, + route=None, + use_sudo=False): + self.config = {} + + if vni > self.max_vni: + raise UncloudException("VNI must be in the range of 0 .. {}".format(self.max_vni)) + + if use_sudo: + self.config['sudo'] = 'sudo ' + else: + self.config['sudo'] = '' + + self.config['vni_dec'] = vni + self.config['vni_hex'] = "{:x}".format(vni) + self.config['multicast_address'] = self.multicast_network[vni] + + self.config['route_network'] = ipaddress.IPv6Network(route) + self.config['route'] = route + + self.config['uplinkdev'] = uplinkdev + self.config['vxlandev'] = "vx{}".format(self.config['vni_hex']) + self.config['bridgedev'] = "br{}".format(self.config['vni_hex']) + + + def setup_networking(self): + pass + + def _setup_vxlan(self): + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_create_vxlan) + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_up_dev, dev=self.config['vxlandev']) + + def _setup_bridge(self): + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_create_bridge) + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_up_dev, dev=self.config['bridgedev']) + + def _route_network(self): + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_add_route_dev) + + def _add_vxlan_to_bridge(self): + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_add_to_bridge) + + def _execute_cmd(self, cmd_string, **kwargs): + cmd = cmd_string.format(**self.config, **kwargs) + log.info("Executing: {}".format(cmd)) + subprocess.run(cmd.split()) + +class ManagementBridge(VXLANBridge): + pass + + +class DNSRA(object): + # VXLAN ids are at maximum 24 bit + max_vni = (2**24)-1 + + + # Command to start dnsmasq + cmd_start_dnsmasq="{sudo}dnsmasq --interface={bridgedev} --bind-interfaces --dhcp-range={route},ra-only,infinite --enable-ra --no-daemon" + + def __init__(self, + vni, + route=None, + use_sudo=False): + self.config = {} + + if vni > self.max_vni: + raise UncloudException("VNI must be in the range of 0 .. {}".format(self.max_vni)) + + if use_sudo: + self.config['sudo'] = 'sudo ' + else: + self.config['sudo'] = '' + + #TODO: remove if not needed + #self.config['vni_dec'] = vni + self.config['vni_hex'] = "{:x}".format(vni) + + # dnsmasq only wants the network without the prefix, therefore, cut it off + self.config['route'] = ipaddress.IPv6Network(route).network_address + self.config['bridgedev'] = "br{}".format(self.config['vni_hex']) + + def _setup_dnsmasq(self): + self._execute_cmd(self.cmd_start_dnsmasq) + + def _execute_cmd(self, cmd_string, **kwargs): + cmd = cmd_string.format(**self.config, **kwargs) + log.info("Executing: {}".format(cmd)) + print("Executing: {}".format(cmd)) + subprocess.run(cmd.split()) + +class Firewall(object): + pass diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/nftables.conf b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/nftables.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d1742e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/nftables.conf @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +flush ruleset + +table bridge filter { + chain prerouting { + type filter hook prerouting priority 0; + policy accept; + ibrname br100 jump netpublic + } + chain netpublic { + icmpv6 type {nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect } log + } +} + +table ip6 filter { + chain forward { + type filter hook forward priority 0; + + # this would be nice... + policy drop; + + ct state established,related accept; + + } + + chain prerouting { + type filter hook prerouting priority 0; + policy accept; + + # not supporting in here! + + + iifname vmXXXX jump vmXXXX + iifname vmYYYY jump vmYYYY + + iifname brXX jump brXX + + iifname vxlan100 jump vxlan100 + iifname br100 jump br100 + } + + # 1. Rules per VM (names: vmXXXXX? + # 2. Rules per network (names: vxlanXXXX, what about non vxlan?) + # 3. Rules per bridge: + # vxlanXX is inside brXX + # This is effectively a network filter + # 4. Kill all malicous traffic: + # - router advertisements from VMs in which they should not announce RAs + + + + chain vxlan100 { + icmpv6 type {nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect } log + } + chain br100 { + icmpv6 type {nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect } log + } + + chain netpublic { + # drop router advertisements that don't come from us + iifname != vxlanpublic icmpv6 type {nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect } drop + # icmpv6 type {nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect } drop + + } + + # This vlan + chain brXX { + ip6 saddr != 2001:db8:1::/64 drop; + } + + chain vmXXXX { + ether saddr != 00:0f:54:0c:11:04 drop; + ip6 saddr != 2001:db8:1:000f::540c:11ff:fe04 drop; + jump drop_from_vm_without_ipam + } + + chain net_2a0ae5c05something { + + + } + + chain drop_from_vm_without_ipam { + + } + + chain vmYYYY { + ether saddr != 00:0f:54:0c:11:05 drop; + jump drop_from_vm_with_ipam + } + + # Drop stuff from every VM + chain drop_from_vm_with_ipam { + icmpv6 type {nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect } drop + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/product.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/product.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f979268 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/product.py @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2020 Nico Schottelius (nico.schottelius at ungleich.ch) +# +# This file is part of uncloud. +# +# uncloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# uncloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with uncloud. If not, see . + +import json +import uuid +import logging +import re +import importlib + +from uncloud import UncloudException +from uncloud.hack.db import DB, db_logentry + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +class ProductOrder(object): + def __init__(self, config, product_entry=None, db_entry=None): + self.config = config + self.db = DB(self.config, prefix="/orders") + self.db_entry = {} + self.db_entry["product"] = product_entry + + # Overwrite if we are loading an existing product order + if db_entry: + self.db_entry = db_entry + + # FIXME: this should return a list of our class! + def list_orders(self, filter_key=None, filter_regexp=None): + for entry in self.db.list_and_filter("", filter_key, filter_regexp): + yield self.__class__(self.config, db_entry=entry) + + + def set_required_values(self): + """Set values that are required to make the db entry valid""" + if not "uuid" in self.db_entry: + self.db_entry["uuid"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) + if not "status" in self.db_entry: + self.db_entry["status"] = "NEW" + if not "owner" in self.db_entry: + self.db_entry["owner"] = "UNKNOWN" + if not "log" in self.db_entry: + self.db_entry["log"] = [] + if not "db_version" in self.db_entry: + self.db_entry["db_version"] = 1 + + def validate_status(self): + if "status" in self.db_entry: + if self.db_entry["status"] in [ "NEW", + "SCHEDULED", + "CREATED_ACTIVE", + "CANCELLED", + "REJECTED" ]: + return False + return True + + def order(self): + self.set_required_values() + if not self.db_entry["status"] == "NEW": + raise UncloudException("Cannot re-order same order. Status: {}".format(self.db_entry["status"])) + self.db.set(self.db_entry["uuid"], self.db_entry, as_json=True) + + return self.db_entry["uuid"] + + def process_orders(self): + """processing orders can be done stand alone on server side""" + for order in self.list_orders(): + if order.db_entry["status"] == "NEW": + log.info("Handling new order: {}".format(order)) + + # FIXME: these all should be a transactions! -> fix concurrent access! ! + if not "log" in order.db_entry: + order.db_entry['log'] = [] + + is_valid = True + # Verify the order entry + for must_attribute in [ "owner", "product" ]: + if not must_attribute in order.db_entry: + message = "Missing {} entry in order, rejecting order".format(must_attribute) + log.info("Rejecting order {}: {}".format(order.db_entry["uuid"], message)) + + order.db_entry['log'].append(db_logentry(message)) + order.db_entry['status'] = "REJECTED" + self.db.set(order.db_entry['uuid'], order.db_entry, as_json=True) + + is_valid = False + + # Rejected the order + if not is_valid: + continue + + # Verify the product entry + for must_attribute in [ "python_product_class", "python_product_module" ]: + if not must_attribute in order.db_entry['product']: + message = "Missing {} entry in product of order, rejecting order".format(must_attribute) + log.info("Rejecting order {}: {}".format(order.db_entry["uuid"], message)) + + order.db_entry['log'].append(db_logentry(message)) + order.db_entry['status'] = "REJECTED" + self.db.set(order.db_entry['uuid'], order.db_entry, as_json=True) + + is_valid = False + + # Rejected the order + if not is_valid: + continue + + print(order.db_entry["product"]["python_product_class"]) + + # Create the product + m = importlib.import_module(order.db_entry["product"]["python_product_module"]) + c = getattr(m, order.db_entry["product"]["python_product_class"]) + + product = c(config, db_entry=order.db_entry["product"]) + + # STOPPED + product.create_product() + + order.db_entry['status'] = "SCHEDULED" + self.db.set(order.db_entry['uuid'], order.db_entry, as_json=True) + + + + def __str__(self): + return str(self.db_entry) + +class Product(object): + def __init__(self, + config, + product_name, + product_class, + db_entry=None): + self.config = config + self.db = DB(self.config, prefix="/orders") + + self.db_entry = {} + self.db_entry["product_name"] = product_name + self.db_entry["python_product_class"] = product_class.__qualname__ + self.db_entry["python_product_module"] = product_class.__module__ + self.db_entry["db_version"] = 1 + self.db_entry["log"] = [] + self.db_entry["features"] = {} + + # Existing product? Read in db_entry + if db_entry: + self.db_entry = db_entry + + self.valid_periods = [ "per_year", "per_month", "per_week", + "per_day", "per_hour", + "per_minute", "per_second" ] + + def define_feature(self, + name, + one_time_price, + recurring_price, + recurring_period, + minimum_period): + + self.db_entry['features'][name] = {} + self.db_entry['features'][name]['one_time_price'] = one_time_price + self.db_entry['features'][name]['recurring_price'] = recurring_price + + if not recurring_period in self.valid_periods: + raise UncloudException("Invalid recurring period: {}".format(recurring_period)) + + self.db_entry['features'][name]['recurring_period'] = recurring_period + + if not minimum_period in self.valid_periods: + raise UncloudException("Invalid recurring period: {}".format(recurring_period)) + + recurring_index = self.valid_periods.index(recurring_period) + minimum_index = self.valid_periods.index(minimum_period) + + if minimum_index < recurring_index: + raise UncloudException("Minimum period for product '{}' feature '{}' must be shorter or equal than/as recurring period: {} > {}".format(self.db_entry['product_name'], name, minimum_period, recurring_period)) + + self.db_entry['features'][name]['minimum_period'] = minimum_period + + + def validate_product(self): + for feature in self.db_entry['features']: + pass + + def place_order(self, owner): + """ Schedule creating the product in etcd """ + order = ProductOrder(self.config, product_entry=self.db_entry) + order.db_entry["owner"] = owner + return order.order() + + def __str__(self): + return json.dumps(self.db_entry) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-api b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-api new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb7f83e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-api @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/sbin/openrc-run + +name="$RC_SVCNAME" +pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" +command="$(which pipenv)" +command_args="run python ucloud.py api" +command_background="true" +directory="/root/ucloud" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-host b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-host new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aa375f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-host @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/sbin/openrc-run + +name="$RC_SVCNAME" +pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" +command="$(which pipenv)" +command_args="run python ucloud.py host ${HOSTNAME}" +command_background="true" +directory="/root/ucloud" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-metadata b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-metadata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d41807f --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-metadata @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/sbin/openrc-run + +name="$RC_SVCNAME" +pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" +command="$(which pipenv)" +command_args="run python ucloud.py metadata" +command_background="true" +directory="/root/ucloud" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-scheduler b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-scheduler new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00c0a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/rc-scripts/ucloud-scheduler @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/sbin/openrc-run + +name="$RC_SVCNAME" +pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" +command="$(which pipenv)" +command_args="run python ucloud.py scheduler" +command_background="true" +directory="/root/ucloud" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/uncloud-hack-init-host b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/uncloud-hack-init-host new file mode 100644 index 0000000..787ff80 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/uncloud-hack-init-host @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +id=100 +rawdev=eth0 + +# create vxlan +ip -6 link add vxlan${id} type vxlan \ + id ${id} \ + dstport 4789 \ + group ff05::${id} \ + dev ${rawdev} \ + ttl 5 + +ip link set vxlan${id} up + +# create bridge +ip link set vxlan${id} up +ip link set br${id} up + +# Add vxlan into bridge +ip link set vxlan${id} master br${id} + + +# useradd -m uncloud +# [18:05] tablett.place10:~# id uncloud +# uid=1000(uncloud) gid=1000(uncloud) groups=1000(uncloud),34(kvm),36(qemu) +# apk add qemu-system-x86_64 +# also needs group netdev diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/uncloud-run-vm b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/uncloud-run-vm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33e5860 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/uncloud-run-vm @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then + echo $0 vmid + exit 1 +fi + +id=$1; shift + +memory=512 +macaddress=02:00:b9:cb:70:${id} +netname=net${id}-1 + +qemu-system-x86_64 \ + -name uncloud-${id} \ + -accel kvm \ + -m ${memory} \ + -smp 2,sockets=2,cores=1,threads=1 \ + -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,mac=$macaddress \ + -netdev tap,id=net0,ifname=${netname},script=no,downscript=no \ + -vnc [::]:0 + +# To be changed: +# -vnc to unix path +# or -spice diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/vm.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/vm.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4b0ca14 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/hack/vm.py @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# 2020 Nico Schottelius (nico.schottelius at ungleich.ch) +# +# This file is part of uncloud. +# +# uncloud is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# uncloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with uncloud. If not, see . + +# This module is directly called from the hack module, and can be used as follow: +# +# Create a new VM with default CPU/Memory. The path of the image file is relative to $hackprefix. +# `uncloud hack --hackprefix /tmp/hackcloud --create-vm --image mysuperimage.qcow2` +# +# List running VMs (returns a list of UUIDs). +# `uncloud hack --hackprefix /tmp/hackcloud --list-vms +# +# Get VM status: +# `uncloud hack --hackprefix /tmp/hackcloud --get-vm-status --uuid my-vm-uuid` +# +# Stop a VM: +# `uncloud hack --hackprefix /tmp/hackcloud --destroy-vm --uuid my-vm-uuid` +# `` + +import subprocess +import uuid +import os +import logging + +from uncloud.hack.db import DB +from uncloud.hack.mac import MAC +from uncloud.vmm import VMM +from uncloud.hack.product import Product + +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) +log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + +class VM(object): + def __init__(self, config, db_entry=None): + self.config = config + + #TODO: Enable etcd lookup + self.no_db = self.config.arguments['no_db'] + if not self.no_db: + self.db = DB(self.config, prefix="/vm") + + if db_entry: + self.db_entry = db_entry + + # General CLI arguments. + self.hackprefix = self.config.arguments['hackprefix'] + self.uuid = self.config.arguments['uuid'] + self.memory = self.config.arguments['memory'] or '1024M' + self.cores = self.config.arguments['cores'] or 1 + + if self.config.arguments['image']: + self.image = os.path.join(self.hackprefix, self.config.arguments['image']) + else: + self.image = None + + if self.config.arguments['image_format']: + self.image_format=self.config.arguments['image_format'] + else: + self.image_format='qcow2' + + # External components. + + # This one is broken: + # TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType + # Fix before re-enabling + # self.vmm = VMM(vmm_backend=self.hackprefix) + self.mac = MAC(self.config) + + # Harcoded & generated values. + self.owner = 'uncloud' + self.accel = 'kvm' + self.threads = 1 + self.ifup = os.path.join(self.hackprefix, "ifup.sh") + self.ifdown = os.path.join(self.hackprefix, "ifdown.sh") + self.ifname = "uc{}".format(self.mac.to_str_format()) + + self.vm = {} + + self.product = Product(config, product_name="dualstack-vm", + product_class=self.__class__) + self.product.define_feature(name="base", + one_time_price=0, + recurring_price=9, + recurring_period="per_month", + minimum_period="per_hour") + + + self.features = [] + + + def get_qemu_args(self): + command = ( + "-name {owner}-{name}" + " -machine pc,accel={accel}" + " -drive file={image},format={image_format},if=virtio" + " -device virtio-rng-pci" + " -m {memory} -smp cores={cores},threads={threads}" + " -netdev tap,id=netmain,script={ifup},downscript={ifdown},ifname={ifname}" + " -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=netmain,id=net0,mac={mac}" + ).format( + owner=self.owner, name=self.uuid, + accel=self.accel, + image=self.image, image_format=self.image_format, + memory=self.memory, cores=self.cores, threads=self.threads, + ifup=self.ifup, ifdown=self.ifdown, ifname=self.ifname, + mac=self.mac + ) + + return command.split(" ") + + def create_product(self): + """Find a VM host and schedule on it""" + pass + + def create(self): + # New VM: new UUID, new MAC. + self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) + self.mac=MAC(self.config) + self.mac.create() + + qemu_args = self.get_qemu_args() + log.debug("QEMU args passed to VMM: {}".format(qemu_args)) + self.vmm.start( + uuid=self.uuid, + migration=False, + *qemu_args + ) + + + self.mac.create() + self.vm['mac'] = self.mac + self.vm['ifname'] = "uc{}".format(self.mac.__repr__()) + + # FIXME: TODO: turn this into a string and THEN + # .split() it later -- easier for using .format() + #self.vm['commandline'] = [ "{}".format(self.sudo), + self.vm['commandline'] = "{sudo}{qemu} -name uncloud-{uuid} -machine pc,accel={accel} -m {memory} -smp {cores} -uuid {uuid} -drive file={os_image},media=cdrom -netdev tap,id=netmain,script={ifup},downscript={ifdown},ifname={ifname} -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=netmain,id=net0,mac={mac}" +# self.vm['commandline'] = [ "{}".format(self.sudo), +# "{}".format(self.qemu), +# "-name", "uncloud-{}".format(self.vm['uuid']), +# "-machine", "pc,accel={}".format(self.accel), +# "-m", "{}".format(self.vm['memory']), +# "-smp", "{}".format(self.vm['cores']), +# "-uuid", "{}".format(self.vm['uuid']), +# "-drive", "file={},media=cdrom".format(self.vm['os_image']), +# "-netdev", "tap,id=netmain,script={},downscript={},ifname={}".format(self.ifup, self.ifdown, self.vm['ifname']), +# "-device", "virtio-net-pci,netdev=netmain,id=net0,mac={}".format(self.vm['mac']) +# ] + + def _execute_cmd(self, cmd_string, **kwargs): + cmd = cmd_string.format(**self.vm, **kwargs) + log.info("Executing: {}".format(cmd)) + subprocess.run(cmd.split()) + + def stop(self): + if not self.uuid: + print("Please specific an UUID with the --uuid flag.") + exit(1) + + self.vmm.stop(self.uuid) + + def status(self): + if not self.uuid: + print("Please specific an UUID with the --uuid flag.") + exit(1) + + print(self.vmm.get_status(self.uuid)) + + def vnc_addr(self): + if not self.uuid: + print("Please specific an UUID with the --uuid flag.") + exit(1) + + print(self.vmm.get_vnc(self.uuid)) + + def list(self): + print(self.vmm.discover()) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/main.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f680991 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +import argparse +import multiprocessing as mp +import time + +from uuid import uuid4 + +from uncloud.common.request import RequestEntry, RequestType +from uncloud.common.shared import shared +from uncloud.common.vm import VMStatus +from uncloud.vmm import VMM +from os.path import join as join_path + +from . import virtualmachine, logger + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('host', add_help=False) +arg_parser.add_argument('--hostname', required=True) + + +def update_heartbeat(hostname): + """Update Last HeartBeat Time for :param hostname: in etcd""" + host_pool = shared.host_pool + this_host = next( + filter(lambda h: h.hostname == hostname, host_pool.hosts), None + ) + while True: + this_host.update_heartbeat() + host_pool.put(this_host) + time.sleep(10) + + +def maintenance(host): + vmm = VMM() + running_vms = vmm.discover() + for vm_uuid in running_vms: + if vmm.is_running(vm_uuid) and vmm.get_status(vm_uuid) == 'running': + logger.debug('VM {} is running on {}'.format(vm_uuid, host)) + vm = shared.vm_pool.get( + join_path(shared.settings['etcd']['vm_prefix'], vm_uuid) + ) + vm.status = VMStatus.running + vm.vnc_socket = vmm.get_vnc(vm_uuid) + vm.hostname = host + shared.vm_pool.put(vm) + + +def main(arguments): + hostname = arguments['hostname'] + host_pool = shared.host_pool + host = next(filter(lambda h: h.hostname == hostname, host_pool.hosts), None) + + # Does not yet exist, create it + if not host: + host_key = join_path( + shared.settings['etcd']['host_prefix'], uuid4().hex + ) + host_entry = { + 'specs': '', + 'hostname': hostname, + 'status': 'DEAD', + 'last_heartbeat': '', + } + shared.etcd_client.put( + host_key, host_entry, value_in_json=True + ) + + # update, get ourselves now for sure + host = next(filter(lambda h: h.hostname == hostname, host_pool.hosts), None) + + try: + heartbeat_updating_process = mp.Process(target=update_heartbeat, args=(hostname,)) + heartbeat_updating_process.start() + except Exception as e: + raise Exception('uncloud-host heartbeat updating mechanism is not working') from e + + # The below while True is neccessary for gracefully handling leadership transfer and temporary + # unavailability in etcd. Why does it work? It works because the get_prefix,watch_prefix return + # iter([]) that is iterator of empty list on exception (that occur due to above mentioned reasons) + # which ends the loop immediately. So, having it inside infinite loop we try again and again to + # get prefix until either success or deamon death comes. + while True: + for events_iterator in [ + shared.etcd_client.get_prefix(shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], value_in_json=True, + raise_exception=False), + shared.etcd_client.watch_prefix(shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], value_in_json=True, + raise_exception=False) + ]: + for request_event in events_iterator: + request_event = RequestEntry(request_event) + + maintenance(host.key) + + if request_event.hostname == host.key: + logger.debug('VM Request: %s on Host %s', request_event, host.hostname) + + shared.request_pool.client.client.delete(request_event.key) + vm_entry = shared.etcd_client.get( + join_path(shared.settings['etcd']['vm_prefix'], request_event.uuid) + ) + + logger.debug('VM hostname: {}'.format(vm_entry.value)) + + vm = virtualmachine.VM(vm_entry) + if request_event.type == RequestType.StartVM: + vm.start() + + elif request_event.type == RequestType.StopVM: + vm.stop() + + elif request_event.type == RequestType.DeleteVM: + vm.delete() + + elif request_event.type == RequestType.InitVMMigration: + vm.start(destination_host_key=host.key) + + elif request_event.type == RequestType.TransferVM: + destination_host = host_pool.get(request_event.destination_host_key) + if destination_host: + vm.migrate( + destination_host=destination_host.hostname, + destination_sock_path=request_event.destination_sock_path, + ) + else: + logger.error('Host %s not found!', request_event.destination_host_key) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/virtualmachine.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/virtualmachine.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a592efc --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/host/virtualmachine.py @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +# QEMU Manual +# https://qemu.weilnetz.de/doc/qemu-doc.html + +# For QEMU Monitor Protocol Commands Information, See +# https://qemu.weilnetz.de/doc/qemu-doc.html#pcsys_005fmonitor + +import os +import subprocess as sp +import ipaddress + +from string import Template +from os.path import join as join_path + +from uncloud.common.request import RequestEntry, RequestType +from uncloud.common.vm import VMStatus, declare_stopped +from uncloud.common.network import create_dev, delete_network_interface +from uncloud.common.schemas import VMSchema, NetworkSchema +from uncloud.host import logger +from uncloud.common.shared import shared +from uncloud.vmm import VMM + +from marshmallow import ValidationError + + +class VM: + def __init__(self, vm_entry): + self.schema = VMSchema() + self.vmm = VMM() + self.key = vm_entry.key + try: + self.vm = self.schema.loads(vm_entry.value) + except ValidationError: + logger.exception( + "Couldn't validate VM Entry", vm_entry.value + ) + self.vm = None + else: + self.uuid = vm_entry.key.split("/")[-1] + self.host_key = self.vm["hostname"] + logger.debug('VM Hostname {}'.format(self.host_key)) + + def get_qemu_args(self): + command = ( + "-drive file={file},format=raw,if=virtio" + " -device virtio-rng-pci" + " -m {memory} -smp cores={cores},threads={threads}" + " -name {owner}_{name}" + ).format( + owner=self.vm["owner"], + name=self.vm["name"], + memory=int(self.vm["specs"]["ram"].to_MB()), + cores=self.vm["specs"]["cpu"], + threads=1, + file=shared.storage_handler.qemu_path_string(self.uuid), + ) + + return command.split(" ") + + def start(self, destination_host_key=None): + migration = False + if destination_host_key: + migration = True + + self.create() + try: + network_args = self.create_network_dev() + except Exception as err: + declare_stopped(self.vm) + self.vm["log"].append("Cannot Setup Network Properly") + logger.error("Cannot Setup Network Properly for vm %s", self.uuid, exc_info=err) + else: + self.vmm.start( + uuid=self.uuid, + migration=migration, + *self.get_qemu_args(), + *network_args + ) + + status = self.vmm.get_status(self.uuid) + logger.debug('VM {} status is {}'.format(self.uuid, status)) + if status == "running": + self.vm["status"] = VMStatus.running + self.vm["vnc_socket"] = self.vmm.get_vnc(self.uuid) + elif status == "inmigrate": + r = RequestEntry.from_scratch( + type=RequestType.TransferVM, # Transfer VM + hostname=self.host_key, # Which VM should get this request. It is source host + uuid=self.uuid, # uuid of VM + destination_sock_path=join_path( + self.vmm.socket_dir, self.uuid + ), + destination_host_key=destination_host_key, # Where source host transfer VM + request_prefix=shared.settings["etcd"]["request_prefix"], + ) + shared.request_pool.put(r) + else: + self.stop() + declare_stopped(self.vm) + logger.debug('VM {} has hostname {}'.format(self.uuid, self.vm['hostname'])) + self.sync() + + def stop(self): + self.vmm.stop(self.uuid) + self.delete_network_dev() + declare_stopped(self.vm) + self.sync() + + def migrate(self, destination_host, destination_sock_path): + self.vmm.transfer( + src_uuid=self.uuid, + destination_sock_path=destination_sock_path, + host=destination_host, + ) + + def create_network_dev(self): + command = "" + for network_mac_and_tap in self.vm["network"]: + network_name, mac, tap = network_mac_and_tap + + _key = os.path.join( + shared.settings["etcd"]["network_prefix"], + self.vm["owner"], + network_name, + ) + network = shared.etcd_client.get(_key, value_in_json=True) + network_schema = NetworkSchema() + try: + network = network_schema.load(network.value) + except ValidationError: + continue + + if network["type"] == "vxlan": + tap = create_vxlan_br_tap( + _id=network["id"], + _dev=shared.settings["network"]["vxlan_phy_dev"], + tap_id=tap, + ip=network["ipv6"], + ) + + all_networks = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings["etcd"]["network_prefix"], + value_in_json=True, + ) + + if ipaddress.ip_network(network["ipv6"]).is_global: + update_radvd_conf(all_networks) + + command += ( + "-netdev tap,id=vmnet{net_id},ifname={tap},script=no,downscript=no" + " -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=vmnet{net_id},mac={mac}".format( + tap=tap, net_id=network["id"], mac=mac + ) + ) + + if command: + command = command.split(' ') + + return command + + def delete_network_dev(self): + try: + for network in self.vm["network"]: + network_name = network[0] + _ = network[1] # tap_mac + tap_id = network[2] + + delete_network_interface("tap{}".format(tap_id)) + + owners_vms = shared.vm_pool.by_owner(self.vm["owner"]) + owners_running_vms = shared.vm_pool.by_status( + VMStatus.running, _vms=owners_vms + ) + + networks = map( + lambda n: n[0], + map(lambda vm: vm.network, owners_running_vms), + ) + networks_in_use_by_user_vms = [vm[0] for vm in networks] + if network_name not in networks_in_use_by_user_vms: + network_entry = resolve_network( + network[0], self.vm["owner"] + ) + if network_entry: + network_type = network_entry.value["type"] + network_id = network_entry.value["id"] + if network_type == "vxlan": + delete_network_interface( + "br{}".format(network_id) + ) + delete_network_interface( + "vxlan{}".format(network_id) + ) + except Exception: + logger.exception("Exception in network interface deletion") + + def create(self): + if shared.storage_handler.is_vm_image_exists(self.uuid): + # File Already exists. No Problem Continue + logger.debug("Image for vm %s exists", self.uuid) + else: + if shared.storage_handler.make_vm_image( + src=self.vm["image_uuid"], dest=self.uuid + ): + if not shared.storage_handler.resize_vm_image( + path=self.uuid, + size=int(self.vm["specs"]["os-ssd"].to_MB()), + ): + self.vm["status"] = VMStatus.error + else: + logger.info("New VM Created") + + def sync(self): + shared.etcd_client.put( + self.key, self.schema.dump(self.vm), value_in_json=True + ) + + def delete(self): + self.stop() + + if shared.storage_handler.is_vm_image_exists(self.uuid): + r_status = shared.storage_handler.delete_vm_image(self.uuid) + if r_status: + shared.etcd_client.client.delete(self.key) + else: + shared.etcd_client.client.delete(self.key) + + +def resolve_network(network_name, network_owner): + network = shared.etcd_client.get( + join_path( + shared.settings["etcd"]["network_prefix"], + network_owner, + network_name, + ), + value_in_json=True, + ) + return network + + +def create_vxlan_br_tap(_id, _dev, tap_id, ip=None): + network_script_base = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "network" + ) + vxlan = create_dev( + script=os.path.join(network_script_base, "create-vxlan.sh"), + _id=_id, + dev=_dev, + ) + if vxlan: + bridge = create_dev( + script=os.path.join( + network_script_base, "create-bridge.sh" + ), + _id=_id, + dev=vxlan, + ip=ip, + ) + if bridge: + tap = create_dev( + script=os.path.join( + network_script_base, "create-tap.sh" + ), + _id=str(tap_id), + dev=bridge, + ) + if tap: + return tap + + +def update_radvd_conf(all_networks): + network_script_base = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "network" + ) + + networks = { + net.value["ipv6"]: net.value["id"] + for net in all_networks + if net.value.get("ipv6") + and ipaddress.ip_network(net.value.get("ipv6")).is_global + } + radvd_template = open( + os.path.join(network_script_base, "radvd-template.conf"), "r" + ).read() + radvd_template = Template(radvd_template) + + content = [ + radvd_template.safe_substitute( + bridge="br{}".format(networks[net]), prefix=net + ) + for net in networks + if networks.get(net) + ] + with open("/etc/radvd.conf", "w") as radvd_conf: + radvd_conf.writelines(content) + try: + sp.check_output(["systemctl", "restart", "radvd"]) + except sp.CalledProcessError: + try: + sp.check_output(["service", "radvd", "restart"]) + except sp.CalledProcessError as err: + raise err.__class__( + "Cannot start/restart radvd service", err.cmd + ) from err diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/imagescanner/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/imagescanner/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/imagescanner/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/imagescanner/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/imagescanner/main.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ee9da2e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/imagescanner/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +import json +import os +import argparse +import subprocess as sp + +from os.path import join as join_path +from uncloud.common.shared import shared +from uncloud.imagescanner import logger + + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('imagescanner', add_help=False) + + +def qemu_img_type(path): + qemu_img_info_command = [ + "qemu-img", + "info", + "--output", + "json", + path, + ] + try: + qemu_img_info = sp.check_output(qemu_img_info_command) + except Exception as e: + logger.exception(e) + return None + else: + qemu_img_info = json.loads(qemu_img_info.decode("utf-8")) + return qemu_img_info["format"] + + +def main(arguments): + # We want to get images entries that requests images to be created + images = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings["etcd"]["image_prefix"], value_in_json=True + ) + images_to_be_created = list( + filter(lambda im: im.value["status"] == "TO_BE_CREATED", images) + ) + + for image in images_to_be_created: + try: + image_uuid = image.key.split("/")[-1] + image_owner = image.value["owner"] + image_filename = image.value["filename"] + image_store_name = image.value["store_name"] + image_full_path = join_path( + shared.settings["storage"]["file_dir"], + image_owner, + image_filename, + ) + + image_stores = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + shared.settings["etcd"]["image_store_prefix"], + value_in_json=True, + ) + user_image_store = next( + filter( + lambda s, store_name=image_store_name: s.value[ + "name" + ] + == store_name, + image_stores, + ) + ) + + image_store_pool = user_image_store.value["attributes"][ + "pool" + ] + + except Exception as e: + logger.exception(e) + else: + # At least our basic data is available + qemu_img_convert_command = [ + "qemu-img", + "convert", + "-f", + "qcow2", + "-O", + "raw", + image_full_path, + "image.raw", + ] + + if qemu_img_type(image_full_path) == "qcow2": + try: + # Convert .qcow2 to .raw + sp.check_output(qemu_img_convert_command,) + + except sp.CalledProcessError: + logger.exception( + "Image convertion from .qcow2 to .raw failed." + ) + else: + # Import and Protect + r_status = shared.storage_handler.import_image( + src="image.raw", dest=image_uuid, protect=True + ) + if r_status: + # Everything is successfully done + image.value["status"] = "CREATED" + shared.etcd_client.put( + image.key, json.dumps(image.value) + ) + finally: + try: + os.remove("image.raw") + except Exception: + pass + + else: + # The user provided image is either not found or of invalid format + image.value["status"] = "INVALID_IMAGE" + shared.etcd_client.put( + image.key, json.dumps(image.value) + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/metadata/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/metadata/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/metadata/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/metadata/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/metadata/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..374260e --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/metadata/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +import os +import argparse + +from flask import Flask, request +from flask_restful import Resource, Api +from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException + +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + +app = Flask(__name__) +api = Api(app) + +app.logger.handlers.clear() + +DEFAULT_PORT=1234 + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('metadata', add_help=False) +arg_parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', default=DEFAULT_PORT, help='By default bind to port {}'.format(DEFAULT_PORT)) + + +@app.errorhandler(Exception) +def handle_exception(e): + app.logger.error(e) + # pass through HTTP errors + if isinstance(e, HTTPException): + return e + + # now you're handling non-HTTP exceptions only + return {"message": "Server Error"}, 500 + + +def get_vm_entry(mac_addr): + return next( + filter( + lambda vm: mac_addr in list(zip(*vm.network))[1], + shared.vm_pool.vms, + ), + None, + ) + + +# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37140846/how-to-convert-ipv6-link-local-address-to-mac-address-in-python +def ipv62mac(ipv6): + # remove subnet info if given + subnet_index = ipv6.find("/") + if subnet_index != -1: + ipv6 = ipv6[:subnet_index] + + ipv6_parts = ipv6.split(":") + mac_parts = list() + for ipv6_part in ipv6_parts[-4:]: + while len(ipv6_part) < 4: + ipv6_part = "0" + ipv6_part + mac_parts.append(ipv6_part[:2]) + mac_parts.append(ipv6_part[-2:]) + + # modify parts to match MAC value + mac_parts[0] = "%02x" % (int(mac_parts[0], 16) ^ 2) + del mac_parts[4] + del mac_parts[3] + return ":".join(mac_parts) + + +class Root(Resource): + @staticmethod + def get(): + data = get_vm_entry(ipv62mac(request.remote_addr)) + + if not data: + return ( + {"message": "Metadata for such VM does not exists."}, + 404, + ) + else: + etcd_key = os.path.join( + shared.settings["etcd"]["user_prefix"], + data.value["owner_realm"], + data.value["owner"], + "key", + ) + etcd_entry = shared.etcd_client.get_prefix( + etcd_key, value_in_json=True + ) + user_personal_ssh_keys = [key.value for key in etcd_entry] + data.value["metadata"]["ssh-keys"] += user_personal_ssh_keys + return data.value["metadata"], 200 + + +api.add_resource(Root, "/") + + +def main(arguments): + port = arguments['port'] + debug = arguments['debug'] + app.run(debug=debug, host="::", port=port) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/README b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dca25d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/README @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +The network base - experimental + + +We want to have 1 "main" network for convience. + +We want to be able to create networks automatically, once a new +customer is created -> need hooks! + + +Mapping: + +- each network is a "virtual" network. We use vxlan by default, but + could be any technology! +- we need a counter for vxlan mappings / network IDs -> cannot use + +Model in etcd: + +/v1/networks/ + + +Tests +see +https://vincent.bernat.ch/en/blog/2017-vxlan-linux + + +# local 2001:db8:1::1 \ + + +netid=100 +dev=wlp2s0 +dev=wlp0s20f3 +ip -6 link add vxlan${netid} type vxlan \ + id ${netid} \ + dstport 4789 \ + group ff05::${netid} \ + dev ${dev} \ + ttl 5 + +[root@diamond ~]# ip addr add 2a0a:e5c0:5::1/48 dev vxlan100 +root@manager:~/.ssh# ip addr add 2a0a:e5c0:5::2/48 dev vxlan100 +root@manager:~/.ssh# ping -c3 2a0a:e5c0:5::1 +PING 2a0a:e5c0:5::1(2a0a:e5c0:5::1) 56 data bytes +64 bytes from 2a0a:e5c0:5::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=15.6 ms +64 bytes from 2a0a:e5c0:5::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=30.3 ms +64 bytes from 2a0a:e5c0:5::1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=84.4 ms + +--- 2a0a:e5c0:5::1 ping statistics --- +3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms +rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 15.580/43.437/84.417/29.594 ms + +--> work even via wifi + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Creating a network: + +1) part of the initialisation / demo data (?) + +We should probably provide some demo sets that can easily be used. + +2) manual/hook based request + +- hosts might have different network interfaces (?) + -> this will make things very tricky -> don't support it +- endpoint needs only support + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +IPAM + +IP address management (IPAM) is related to networks, but needs to be +decoupled to allow pure L2 networks. + +From a customer point of view, we probably want to do something like: + +- ORDERING an IPv6 network can include creating a virtual network and + an IPAM service + +Maybe "orders" should always be the first class citizen and ucloud +internally "hooks" or binds things together. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +testing / hacking: + +- starting etcd as storage + + +[18:07] diamond:~% etcdctl put /v1/network/200 "{ some_network }" +OK +[18:08] diamond:~% etcdctl watch -w=json --prefix /v1/network +{"Header":{"cluster_id":14841639068965178418,"member_id":10276657743932975437,"revision":6,"raft_term":2},"Events":[{"kv":{"key":"L3YxL25ldHdvcmsvMjAw","create_revision":5,"mod_revision":6,"version":2,"value":"eyBzb21lX25ldHdvcmsgfQ=="}}],"CompactRevision":0,"Canceled":false,"Created":false} + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Flow for using and creating networks: + +- a network is created -> entry in etcd is created + -> we need to keep a counter/lock so that 2 processes don't create + the same network [Ahmed] + -> nothing to be done on the hosts +- a VM using a network is created +- a VM using a network is scheduled to some host +- the local "spawn a VM" process needs to check whether there is a + vxlan interface existing -> if no, create it before creating the VM. + -> if no, also create the bridge + -> possibly adjusting the MTU (??) + -> both names should be in hexadecimal (i.e. brff01 or vxlanff01) + --> this way they are consistent with the multicast ipv6 address + --> attention, ip -6 link ... id XXX expects DECIMAL input + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +If we also supply IPAM: + +- ipam needs to be created *after* the network is created +- ipam is likely to be coupled to netbox (?) + --> we need a "get next /64 prefix" function +- when an ipam service is created in etcd, we need to create a new + radvd instance on all routers (this will be a different service on + BSDs) +- we will need to create a new vxlan device on the routers +- we need to create a new / modify radvd.conf +- only after all of the routers reloaded radvd the ipam service is + available! + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +If the user requests an IPv4 VM: + +- we need to get the next free IPv4 address (again, netbox?) +- we need to create a mapping entry on the routers for NAT64 + --> this requires the VM to be in a network with IPAM + --> we always assume that the VM embeds itself using EUI64 + + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +mac address handling! + +Example + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +TODOs + +- create-vxlan-on-dev.sh -> the multicast group + needs to be ff05:: +int(vxlan_id) + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Python hints: + +>>> vxlan_id = 3400 +>>> b = ipaddress.IPv6Network("ff05::/16") +>>> b[vxlan_id] +IPv6Address('ff05::d48') + +we need / should assign hex values for vxlan ids in etcd! +--> easier to read + +>>> b[0x3400] +IPv6Address('ff05::3400') + + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Bridge names are limited to 15 characters + + +Maximum/highest number of vxlan: + +>>> 2**24 +16777216 +>>> (2**25)-1 +33554431 + +>>> b[33554431] +IPv6Address('ff05::1ff:ffff') + +Last interface: +br1ffffff +vxlan1ffffff + +root@manager:~/ucloud/network# ip -6 link add vxlan1ffffff type vxlan id 33554431 dstport 4789 group ff05::1ff:ffff dev wlp2s0 ttl 5 +Error: argument "33554431" is wrong: invalid id + +root@manager:~/ucloud/network# ip -6 link add vxlanffffff type vxlan id 16777215 dstport 4789 group ff05::ff:ffff dev wlp2s0 ttl 5 + + +# id needs to be decimal +root@manager:~# ip -6 link add vxlanff01 type vxlan id ff01 dstport 4789 group ff05::ff01 dev ttl 5 +Error: argument "ff01" is wrong: invalid id +root@manager:~# ip -6 link add vxlanff01 type vxlan id 65281 dstport 4789 group ff05::ff01 dev wlp2s0 ttl 5 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-bridge.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-bridge.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bdd8f75 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-bridge.sh @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then + echo "$0 brid dev ip" + echo "f.g. $0 100 vxlan100 fd00:/64" + echo "Missing arguments" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +brid=$1; shift +dev=$1; shift +ip=$1; shift +bridge=br${brid} + +sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > /dev/null + +if ! ip link show $bridge > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then + ip link add name $bridge type bridge + ip link set $bridge up + ip link set $dev master $bridge + ip address add $ip dev $bridge +fi + +echo $bridge \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-tap.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-tap.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4a5e470 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-tap.sh @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then + echo "$0 tapid dev" + echo "f.g. $0 100 br100" + echo "Missing arguments" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +tapid=$1; shift +bridge=$1; shift +vxlan=vxlan${tapid} +tap=tap${tapid} + +if ! ip link show $tap > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then + ip tuntap add $tap mode tap user `whoami` + ip link set $tap up + sleep 0.5s + ip link set $tap master $bridge +fi + +echo $tap \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-vxlan.sh b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-vxlan.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1a730f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/create-vxlan.sh @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then + echo "$0 vxlanid dev" + echo "f.i. $0 100 eno1" + echo "Missing arguments" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +netid=$1; shift +dev=$1; shift +vxlan=vxlan${netid} + +if ! ip link show $vxlan > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then + ip -6 link add $vxlan type vxlan \ + id $netid \ + dstport 4789 \ + group ff05::$netid \ + dev $dev \ + ttl 5 + + ip link set $dev up + ip link set $vxlan up +fi + +echo $vxlan \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/radvd-template.conf b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/radvd-template.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8afc9bd --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/network/radvd-template.conf @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +interface $bridge +{ + AdvSendAdvert on; + MinRtrAdvInterval 3; + MaxRtrAdvInterval 5; + AdvDefaultLifetime 10; + + prefix $prefix { }; + + RDNSS 2a0a:e5c0:2:1::5 2a0a:e5c0:2:1::6 { AdvRDNSSLifetime 6000; }; + DNSSL place6.ungleich.ch { AdvDNSSLLifetime 6000; } ; +}; + diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/main.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbb3b32 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +import argparse +import os + + +from pathlib import Path +from uncloud.vmm import VMM +from uncloud.host.virtualmachine import update_radvd_conf, create_vxlan_br_tap + +from . import virtualmachine, logger + +### +# Argument parser loaded by scripts/uncloud. +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('oneshot', add_help=False) + +# Actions. +arg_parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', + help='list UUID and name of running VMs') +arg_parser.add_argument('--start', nargs=4, + metavar=('NAME', 'IMAGE', 'UPSTREAM_INTERFACE', 'NETWORK'), + help='start a VM using the OS IMAGE (full path), configuring networking on NETWORK IPv6 prefix') +arg_parser.add_argument('--stop', metavar='UUID', + help='stop a VM') +arg_parser.add_argument('--get-status', metavar='UUID', + help='return the status of the VM') +arg_parser.add_argument('--get-vnc', metavar='UUID', + help='return the path of the VNC socket of the VM') +arg_parser.add_argument('--reconfigure-radvd', metavar='NETWORK', + help='regenerate and reload RADVD configuration for NETWORK IPv6 prefix') + +# Arguments. +arg_parser.add_argument('--workdir', default=Path.home(), + help='Working directory, defaulting to $HOME') +arg_parser.add_argument('--mac', + help='MAC address of the VM to create (--start)') +arg_parser.add_argument('--memory', type=int, + help='Memory (MB) to allocate (--start)') +arg_parser.add_argument('--cores', type=int, + help='Number of cores to allocate (--start)') +arg_parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, + help='Number of threads to allocate (--start)') +arg_parser.add_argument('--image-format', choices=['raw', 'qcow2'], + help='Format of OS image (--start)') +arg_parser.add_argument('--accel', choices=['kvm', 'tcg'], default='kvm', + help='QEMU acceleration to use (--start)') +arg_parser.add_argument('--upstream-interface', default='eth0', + help='Name of upstream interface (--start)') + +### +# Helpers. + +# XXX: check if it is possible to use the type returned by ETCD queries. +class UncloudEntryWrapper: + def __init__(self, value): + self.value = value + + def value(self): + return self.value + +def status_line(vm): + return "VM: {} {} {}".format(vm.get_uuid(), vm.get_name(), vm.get_status()) + +### +# Entrypoint. + +def main(arguments): + # Initialize VMM. + workdir = arguments['workdir'] + vmm = VMM(vmm_backend=workdir) + + # Harcoded debug values. + net_id = 0 + + # Build VM configuration. + vm_config = {} + vm_options = [ + 'mac', 'memory', 'cores', 'threads', 'image', 'image_format', + '--upstream_interface', 'upstream_interface', 'network', 'accel' + ] + for option in vm_options: + if arguments.get(option): + vm_config[option] = arguments[option] + + vm_config['net_id'] = net_id + + # Execute requested VM action. + if arguments['reconfigure_radvd']: + # TODO: check that RADVD is available. + prefix = arguments['reconfigure_radvd'] + network = UncloudEntryWrapper({ + 'id': net_id, + 'ipv6': prefix + }) + + # Make use of uncloud.host.virtualmachine for network configuration. + update_radvd_conf([network]) + elif arguments['start']: + # Extract from --start positional arguments. Quite fragile. + vm_config['name'] = arguments['start'][0] + vm_config['image'] = arguments['start'][1] + vm_config['network'] = arguments['start'][2] + vm_config['upstream_interface'] = arguments['start'][3] + + vm_config['tap_interface'] = "uc{}".format(len(vmm.discover())) + vm = virtualmachine.VM(vmm, vm_config) + vm.start() + elif arguments['stop']: + vm = virtualmachine.VM(vmm, {'uuid': arguments['stop']}) + vm.stop() + elif arguments['get_status']: + vm = virtualmachine.VM(vmm, {'uuid': arguments['get_status']}) + print(status_line(vm)) + elif arguments['get_vnc']: + vm = virtualmachine.VM(vmm, {'uuid': arguments['get_vnc']}) + print(vm.get_vnc_addr()) + elif arguments['list']: + vms = vmm.discover() + print("Found {} VMs.".format(len(vms))) + for uuid in vms: + vm = virtualmachine.VM(vmm, {'uuid': uuid}) + print(status_line(vm)) + else: + print('Please specify an action: --start, --stop, --list,\ +--get-status, --get-vnc, --reconfigure-radvd') diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/virtualmachine.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/virtualmachine.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5749bee --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/oneshot/virtualmachine.py @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +import uuid +import os + +from uncloud.host.virtualmachine import create_vxlan_br_tap +from uncloud.oneshot import logger + +class VM(object): + def __init__(self, vmm, config): + self.config = config + self.vmm = vmm + + # Extract VM specs/metadata from configuration. + self.name = config.get('name', 'no-name') + self.memory = config.get('memory', 1024) + self.cores = config.get('cores', 1) + self.threads = config.get('threads', 1) + self.image_format = config.get('image_format', 'qcow2') + self.image = config.get('image') + self.uuid = config.get('uuid', str(uuid.uuid4())) + self.mac = config.get('mac') + self.accel = config.get('accel', 'kvm') + + self.net_id = config.get('net_id', 0) + self.upstream_interface = config.get('upstream_interface', 'eth0') + self.tap_interface = config.get('tap_interface', 'uc0') + self.network = config.get('network') + + def get_qemu_args(self): + command = ( + "-uuid {uuid} -name {name} -machine pc,accel={accel}" + " -drive file={image},format={image_format},if=virtio" + " -device virtio-rng-pci" + " -m {memory} -smp cores={cores},threads={threads}" + " -netdev tap,id=vmnet{net_id},ifname={tap},script=no,downscript=no" + " -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=vmnet{net_id},mac={mac}" + ).format( + uuid=self.uuid, name=self.name, accel=self.accel, + image=self.image, image_format=self.image_format, + memory=self.memory, cores=self.cores, threads=self.threads, + net_id=self.net_id, tap=self.tap_interface, mac=self.mac + ) + + return command.split(" ") + + def start(self): + # Check that VM image is available. + if not os.path.isfile(self.image): + logger.error("Image {} does not exist. Aborting.".format(self.image)) + + # Create Bridge, VXLAN and tap interface for VM. + create_vxlan_br_tap( + self.net_id, self.upstream_interface, self.tap_interface, self.network + ) + + # Generate config for and run QEMU. + qemu_args = self.get_qemu_args() + logger.debug("QEMU args for VM {}: {}".format(self.uuid, qemu_args)) + self.vmm.start( + uuid=self.uuid, + migration=False, + *qemu_args + ) + + def stop(self): + self.vmm.stop(self.uuid) + + def get_status(self): + return self.vmm.get_status(self.uuid) + + def get_vnc_addr(self): + return self.vmm.get_vnc(self.uuid) + + def get_uuid(self): + return self.uuid + + def get_name(self): + success, json = self.vmm.execute_command(self.uuid, 'query-name') + if success: + return json['return']['name'] + + return None diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eea436a --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/helper.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/helper.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..79db322 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/helper.py @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +from collections import Counter +from functools import reduce + +import bitmath + +from uncloud.common.host import HostStatus +from uncloud.common.request import RequestEntry, RequestType +from uncloud.common.vm import VMStatus +from uncloud.common.shared import shared + + +def accumulated_specs(vms_specs): + if not vms_specs: + return {} + return reduce((lambda x, y: Counter(x) + Counter(y)), vms_specs) + + +def remaining_resources(host_specs, vms_specs): + # Return remaining resources host_specs - vms + + _vms_specs = Counter(vms_specs) + _remaining = Counter(host_specs) + + for component in _vms_specs: + if isinstance(_vms_specs[component], str): + _vms_specs[component] = int( + bitmath.parse_string_unsafe( + _vms_specs[component] + ).to_MB() + ) + elif isinstance(_vms_specs[component], list): + _vms_specs[component] = map( + lambda x: int(bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(x).to_MB()), + _vms_specs[component], + ) + _vms_specs[component] = reduce( + lambda x, y: x + y, _vms_specs[component], 0 + ) + + for component in _remaining: + if isinstance(_remaining[component], str): + _remaining[component] = int( + bitmath.parse_string_unsafe( + _remaining[component] + ).to_MB() + ) + elif isinstance(_remaining[component], list): + _remaining[component] = map( + lambda x: int(bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(x).to_MB()), + _remaining[component], + ) + _remaining[component] = reduce( + lambda x, y: x + y, _remaining[component], 0 + ) + + _remaining.subtract(_vms_specs) + + return _remaining + + +class NoSuitableHostFound(Exception): + """Exception when no host found that can host a VM.""" + + +def get_suitable_host(vm_specs, hosts=None): + if hosts is None: + hosts = shared.host_pool.by_status(HostStatus.alive) + + for host in hosts: + # Filter them by host_name + vms = shared.vm_pool.by_host(host.key) + + # Filter them by status + vms = shared.vm_pool.by_status(VMStatus.running, vms) + + running_vms_specs = [vm.specs for vm in vms] + + # Accumulate all of their combined specs + running_vms_accumulated_specs = accumulated_specs( + running_vms_specs + ) + + # Find out remaining resources after + # host_specs - already running vm_specs + remaining = remaining_resources( + host.specs, running_vms_accumulated_specs + ) + + # Find out remaining - new_vm_specs + remaining = remaining_resources(remaining, vm_specs) + + if all(map(lambda x: x >= 0, remaining.values())): + return host.key + + raise NoSuitableHostFound + + +def dead_host_detection(): + # Bring out your dead! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail + hosts = shared.host_pool.by_status(HostStatus.alive) + dead_hosts_keys = [] + + for host in hosts: + # Only check those who claims to be alive + if host.status == HostStatus.alive: + if not host.is_alive(): + dead_hosts_keys.append(host.key) + + return dead_hosts_keys + + +def dead_host_mitigation(dead_hosts_keys): + for host_key in dead_hosts_keys: + host = shared.host_pool.get(host_key) + host.declare_dead() + + vms_hosted_on_dead_host = shared.vm_pool.by_host(host_key) + for vm in vms_hosted_on_dead_host: + vm.status = "UNKNOWN" + shared.vm_pool.put(vm) + shared.host_pool.put(host) + + +def assign_host(vm): + vm.hostname = get_suitable_host(vm.specs) + shared.vm_pool.put(vm) + + r = RequestEntry.from_scratch( + type=RequestType.StartVM, + uuid=vm.uuid, + hostname=vm.hostname, + request_prefix=shared.settings["etcd"]["request_prefix"], + ) + shared.request_pool.put(r) + + vm.log.append("VM scheduled for starting") + return vm.hostname diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/main.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/main.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..38c07bf --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/main.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# TODO +# 1. send an email to an email address defined by env['admin-email'] +# if resources are finished +# 2. Introduce a status endpoint of the scheduler - +# maybe expose a prometheus compatible output + +import argparse + +from uncloud.common.request import RequestEntry, RequestType +from uncloud.common.shared import shared +from uncloud.scheduler import logger +from uncloud.scheduler.helper import (dead_host_mitigation, dead_host_detection, + assign_host, NoSuitableHostFound) + +arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('scheduler', add_help=False) + + +def main(arguments): + # The below while True is neccessary for gracefully handling leadership transfer and temporary + # unavailability in etcd. Why does it work? It works because the get_prefix,watch_prefix return + # iter([]) that is iterator of empty list on exception (that occur due to above mentioned reasons) + # which ends the loop immediately. So, having it inside infinite loop we try again and again to + # get prefix until either success or deamon death comes. + while True: + for request_iterator in [ + shared.etcd_client.get_prefix(shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], value_in_json=True, + raise_exception=False), + shared.etcd_client.watch_prefix(shared.settings['etcd']['request_prefix'], value_in_json=True, + raise_exception=False), + ]: + for request_event in request_iterator: + dead_host_mitigation(dead_host_detection()) + request_entry = RequestEntry(request_event) + + if request_entry.type == RequestType.ScheduleVM: + logger.debug('%s, %s', request_entry.key, request_entry.value) + + vm_entry = shared.vm_pool.get(request_entry.uuid) + if vm_entry is None: + logger.info('Trying to act on {} but it is deleted'.format(request_entry.uuid)) + continue + + shared.etcd_client.client.delete(request_entry.key) # consume Request + + try: + assign_host(vm_entry) + except NoSuitableHostFound: + vm_entry.add_log('Can\'t schedule VM. No Resource Left.') + shared.vm_pool.put(vm_entry) + + logger.info('No Resource Left. Emailing admin....') diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/test_basics.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/test_basics.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..defeb23 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/test_basics.py @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +import json +import multiprocessing +import sys +import unittest +from datetime import datetime +from os.path import dirname + +BASE_DIR = dirname(dirname(__file__)) +sys.path.insert(0, BASE_DIR) + +from main import ( + accumulated_specs, + remaining_resources, + VmPool, + main, +) + +from uncloud.config import etcd_client + + +class TestFunctions(unittest.TestCase): + @classmethod + def setUpClass(cls): + cls.client = etcd_client + cls.host_prefix = "/test/host" + cls.vm_prefix = "/test/vm" + + # These deletion could also be in + # tearDown() but it is more appropriate here + # as it enable us to check the ETCD store + # even after test is run + cls.client.client.delete_prefix(cls.host_prefix) + cls.client.client.delete_prefix(cls.vm_prefix) + cls.create_hosts(cls) + cls.create_vms(cls) + + cls.p = multiprocessing.Process( + target=main, args=[cls.vm_prefix, cls.host_prefix] + ) + cls.p.start() + + @classmethod + def tearDownClass(cls): + cls.p.terminate() + + def create_hosts(self): + host1 = { + "cpu": 32, + "ram": 128, + "hdd": 1024, + "sdd": 0, + "status": "ALIVE", + "last_heartbeat": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), + } + host2 = { + "cpu": 16, + "ram": 64, + "hdd": 512, + "sdd": 0, + "status": "ALIVE", + "last_heartbeat": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), + } + + host3 = { + "cpu": 16, + "ram": 32, + "hdd": 256, + "sdd": 256, + "status": "ALIVE", + "last_heartbeat": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), + } + with self.client.client.lock("lock"): + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/1", host1, value_in_json=True + ) + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/2", host2, value_in_json=True + ) + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/3", host3, value_in_json=True + ) + + def create_vms(self): + vm1 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 4, "ram": 8, "hdd": 100, "sdd": 256}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + vm2 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 16, "ram": 64, "hdd": 512, "sdd": 0}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + vm3 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 16, "ram": 32, "hdd": 128, "sdd": 0}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + vm4 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 16, "ram": 64, "hdd": 512, "sdd": 0}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + vm5 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 2, "ram": 2, "hdd": 10, "sdd": 0}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + vm6 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 10, "ram": 22, "hdd": 146, "sdd": 0}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + vm7 = json.dumps( + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": {"cpu": 10, "ram": 22, "hdd": 146, "sdd": 0}, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + } + ) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/1", vm1) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/2", vm2) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/3", vm3) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/4", vm4) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/5", vm5) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/6", vm6) + self.client.put(f"{self.vm_prefix}/7", vm7) + + def test_accumulated_specs(self): + vms = [ + {"ssd": 10, "cpu": 4, "ram": 8}, + {"hdd": 10, "cpu": 4, "ram": 8}, + {"cpu": 8, "ram": 32}, + ] + self.assertEqual( + accumulated_specs(vms), + {"ssd": 10, "cpu": 16, "ram": 48, "hdd": 10}, + ) + + def test_remaining_resources(self): + host_specs = {"ssd": 10, "cpu": 16, "ram": 48, "hdd": 10} + vms_specs = {"ssd": 10, "cpu": 32, "ram": 12, "hdd": 0} + resultant_specs = {"ssd": 0, "cpu": -16, "ram": 36, "hdd": 10} + self.assertEqual( + remaining_resources(host_specs, vms_specs), resultant_specs + ) + + def test_vmpool(self): + self.p.join(1) + vm_pool = VmPool(self.client, self.vm_prefix) + + # vm_pool by host + actual = vm_pool.by_host(vm_pool.vms, f"{self.host_prefix}/3") + ground_truth = [ + ( + f"{self.vm_prefix}/1", + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": { + "cpu": 4, + "ram": 8, + "hdd": 100, + "sdd": 256, + }, + "hostname": f"{self.host_prefix}/3", + "status": "SCHEDULED_DEPLOY", + }, + ) + ] + self.assertEqual(actual[0], ground_truth[0]) + + # vm_pool by status + actual = vm_pool.by_status(vm_pool.vms, "REQUESTED_NEW") + ground_truth = [ + ( + f"{self.vm_prefix}/7", + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": { + "cpu": 10, + "ram": 22, + "hdd": 146, + "sdd": 0, + }, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + }, + ) + ] + self.assertEqual(actual[0], ground_truth[0]) + + # vm_pool by except status + actual = vm_pool.except_status(vm_pool.vms, "SCHEDULED_DEPLOY") + ground_truth = [ + ( + f"{self.vm_prefix}/7", + { + "owner": "meow", + "specs": { + "cpu": 10, + "ram": 22, + "hdd": 146, + "sdd": 0, + }, + "hostname": "", + "status": "REQUESTED_NEW", + }, + ) + ] + self.assertEqual(actual[0], ground_truth[0]) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/test_dead_host_mechanism.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/test_dead_host_mechanism.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..466b9ee --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/scheduler/tests/test_dead_host_mechanism.py @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +import sys +import unittest +from datetime import datetime +from os.path import dirname + +BASE_DIR = dirname(dirname(__file__)) +sys.path.insert(0, BASE_DIR) + +from main import dead_host_detection, dead_host_mitigation, config + + +class TestDeadHostMechanism(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.client = config.etcd_client + self.host_prefix = "/test/host" + self.vm_prefix = "/test/vm" + + self.client.client.delete_prefix(self.host_prefix) + self.client.client.delete_prefix(self.vm_prefix) + + self.create_hosts() + + def create_hosts(self): + host1 = { + "cpu": 32, + "ram": 128, + "hdd": 1024, + "sdd": 0, + "status": "ALIVE", + "last_heartbeat": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), + } + host2 = { + "cpu": 16, + "ram": 64, + "hdd": 512, + "sdd": 0, + "status": "ALIVE", + "last_heartbeat": datetime(2011, 1, 1).isoformat(), + } + + host3 = {"cpu": 16, "ram": 32, "hdd": 256, "sdd": 256} + host4 = { + "cpu": 16, + "ram": 32, + "hdd": 256, + "sdd": 256, + "status": "DEAD", + "last_heartbeat": datetime(2011, 1, 1).isoformat(), + } + with self.client.client.lock("lock"): + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/1", host1, value_in_json=True + ) + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/2", host2, value_in_json=True + ) + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/3", host3, value_in_json=True + ) + self.client.put( + f"{self.host_prefix}/4", host4, value_in_json=True + ) + + def test_dead_host_detection(self): + hosts = self.client.get_prefix( + self.host_prefix, value_in_json=True + ) + deads = dead_host_detection(hosts) + self.assertEqual(deads, ["/test/host/2", "/test/host/3"]) + return deads + + def test_dead_host_mitigation(self): + deads = self.test_dead_host_detection() + dead_host_mitigation(self.client, deads) + hosts = self.client.get_prefix( + self.host_prefix, value_in_json=True + ) + deads = dead_host_detection(hosts) + self.assertEqual(deads, []) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/version.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/version.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccf3980 --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/version.py @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +VERSION = "0.0.5-30-ge91fd9e" diff --git a/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/vmm/__init__.py b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/vmm/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6db61eb --- /dev/null +++ b/uncloud_etcd_based/uncloud/vmm/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +import os +import subprocess as sp +import logging +import socket +import json +import tempfile +import time + +from contextlib import suppress +from multiprocessing import Process +from os.path import join as join_path +from os.path import isdir + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class VMQMPHandles: + def __init__(self, path): + self.path = path + self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) + self.file = self.sock.makefile() + + def __enter__(self): + self.sock.connect(self.path) + + # eat qmp greetings + self.file.readline() + + # init qmp + self.sock.sendall(b'{ "execute": "qmp_capabilities" }') + self.file.readline() + + return self.sock, self.file + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + self.file.close() + self.sock.close() + + if exc_type: + logger.error( + "Couldn't get handle for VM.", exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb + ) + raise exc_type("Couldn't get handle for VM.") from exc_type + + +class TransferVM(Process): + def __init__(self, src_uuid, dest_sock_path, host, socket_dir): + self.src_uuid = src_uuid + self.host = host + self.src_sock_path = os.path.join(socket_dir, self.src_uuid) + self.dest_sock_path = dest_sock_path + + super().__init__() + + def run(self): + with suppress(FileNotFoundError): + os.remove(self.src_sock_path) + + command = [ + "ssh", + "-nNT", + "-L", + "{}:{}".format(self.src_sock_path, self.dest_sock_path), + "root@{}".format(self.host), + ] + + try: + p = sp.Popen(command) + except Exception as e: + logger.error( + "Couldn' forward unix socks over ssh.", exc_info=e + ) + else: + time.sleep(2) + vmm = VMM() + logger.debug("Executing: ssh forwarding command: %s", command) + vmm.execute_command( + self.src_uuid, + command="migrate", + arguments={"uri": "unix:{}".format(self.src_sock_path)}, + ) + + while p.poll() is None: + success, output = vmm.execute_command(self.src_uuid, command="query-migrate") + if success: + status = output["return"]["status"] + logger.info('Migration Status: {}'.format(status)) + if status == "completed": + vmm.stop(self.src_uuid) + return + elif status in ['failed', 'cancelled']: + return + else: + logger.error("Couldn't be able to query VM {} that was in migration".format(self.src_uuid)) + return + + time.sleep(2) + + +class VMM: + # Virtual Machine Manager + def __init__( + self, + qemu_path="/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64", + vmm_backend=os.path.expanduser("~/uncloud/vmm/"), + ): + self.qemu_path = qemu_path + self.vmm_backend = vmm_backend + self.socket_dir = os.path.join(self.vmm_backend, "sock") + + if not os.path.isdir(self.vmm_backend): + logger.info( + "{} does not exists. Creating it...".format( + self.vmm_backend + ) + ) + os.makedirs(self.vmm_backend, exist_ok=True) + + if not os.path.isdir(self.socket_dir): + logger.info( + "{} does not exists. Creating it...".format( + self.socket_dir + ) + ) + os.makedirs(self.socket_dir, exist_ok=True) + + def is_running(self, uuid): + sock_path = os.path.join(self.socket_dir, uuid) + try: + sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) + sock.connect(sock_path) + recv = sock.recv(4096) + except Exception as err: + # unix sock doesn't exists or it is closed + logger.debug( + "VM {} sock either don' exists or it is closed. It mean VM is stopped.".format( + uuid + ), + exc_info=err, + ) + else: + # if we receive greetings from qmp it mean VM is running + if len(recv) > 0: + return True + + with suppress(FileNotFoundError): + os.remove(sock_path) + + return False + + def start(self, *args, uuid, migration=False): + # start --> sucess? + migration_args = () + if migration: + migration_args = ( + "-incoming", + "unix:{}".format(os.path.join(self.socket_dir, uuid)), + ) + + if self.is_running(uuid): + logger.warning("Cannot start VM. It is already running.") + else: + qmp_arg = ( + "-qmp", + "unix:{},server,nowait".format( + join_path(self.socket_dir, uuid) + ), + ) + vnc_arg = ( + "-vnc", + "unix:{}".format(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name), + ) + + command = [ + "sudo", + "-p", + "Enter password to start VM {}: ".format(uuid), + self.qemu_path, + *args, + *qmp_arg, + *migration_args, + *vnc_arg, + "-daemonize", + ] + try: + sp.check_output(command, stderr=sp.PIPE) + except sp.CalledProcessError as err: + logger.exception( + "Error occurred while starting VM.\nDetail %s", + err.stderr.decode("utf-8"), + ) + else: + sp.check_output( + ["sudo", "-p", "Enter password to correct permission for uncloud-vmm's directory", + "chmod", "-R", "o=rwx,g=rwx", self.vmm_backend] + ) + + # TODO: Find some good way to check whether the virtual machine is up and + # running without relying on non-guarenteed ways. + for _ in range(10): + time.sleep(2) + status = self.get_status(uuid) + if status in ["running", "inmigrate"]: + return status + logger.warning( + "Timeout on VM's status. Shutting down VM %s", uuid + ) + self.stop(uuid) + # TODO: What should we do more. VM can still continue to run in background. + # If we have pid of vm we can kill it using OS. + + def execute_command(self, uuid, command, **kwargs): + # execute_command -> sucess?, output + try: + with VMQMPHandles(os.path.join(self.socket_dir, uuid)) as ( + sock_handle, + file_handle, + ): + command_to_execute = {"execute": command, **kwargs} + sock_handle.sendall( + json.dumps(command_to_execute).encode("utf-8") + ) + output = file_handle.readline() + except Exception: + logger.exception( + "Error occurred while executing command and getting valid output from qmp" + ) + else: + try: + output = json.loads(output) + except Exception: + logger.exception( + "QMP Output isn't valid JSON. %s", output + ) + else: + return "return" in output, output + return False, None + + def stop(self, uuid): + success, output = self.execute_command( + command="quit", uuid=uuid + ) + return success + + def get_status(self, uuid): + success, output = self.execute_command( + command="query-status", uuid=uuid + ) + if success: + return output["return"]["status"] + else: + # TODO: Think about this for a little more + return "STOPPED" + + def discover(self): + vms = [ + uuid + for uuid in os.listdir(self.socket_dir) + if not isdir(join_path(self.socket_dir, uuid)) + ] + return vms + + def get_vnc(self, uuid): + success, output = self.execute_command( + uuid, command="query-vnc" + ) + if success: + return output["return"]["service"] + return None + + def transfer(self, src_uuid, destination_sock_path, host): + p = TransferVM( + src_uuid, + destination_sock_path, + socket_dir=self.socket_dir, + host=host, + ) + p.start() + + # TODO: the following method should clean things that went wrong + # e.g If VM migration fails or didn't start for long time + # i.e 15 minutes we should stop the waiting VM. + def maintenace(self): + pass