# # 2006-2008 Nico Schottelius (nico-ccollect at schottelius.org) # # This file is part of ccollect. # # ccollect is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ccollect is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ccollect. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Initially written on Fri Jan 13 12:13:08 CET 2006 # # FIXME: add prefix-support? # INSTALL=install CCOLLECT_SOURCE=ccollect.sh CCOLLECT_DEST=ccollect.sh LN=ln -sf ASCIIDOC=asciidoc DOCBOOKTOTEXI=docbook2x-texi DOCBOOKTOMAN=docbook2x-man XSLTPROC=xsltproc XSL=/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/html/docbook.xsl A2X=a2x prefix=/usr/packages/ccollect-git bindir=${prefix}/bin destination=${bindir}/${CCOLLECT_DEST} mandest=${prefix}/man/man1 manlink=/usr/local/man/man1 path_dir=/usr/local/bin path_destination=${path_dir}/${CCOLLECT_DEST} # where to publish host=localhost dir=/home/users/nico/privat/computer/net/netzseiten/www.nico.schottelius.org/src/software/ccollect docdir=${dir}/doc # # Asciidoc will be used to generate other formats later # MANDOCS = doc/man/ccollect.text \ doc/man/ccollect_add_source.text \ doc/man/ccollect_analyse_logs.text \ doc/man/ccollect_delete_source.text \ doc/man/ccollect_logwrapper.text \ doc/man/ccollect_list_intervals.text DOCS = ${MANDOCS} doc/ccollect.text # # Doku # HTMLDOCS = ${DOCS:.text=.html} DBHTMLDOCS = ${DOCS:.text=.htm} # texi is broken currently, don't know why xslt things complain yet TEXIDOCS = ${DOCS:.text=.texi} TEXIDOCS = # fop fails here, so disable it for now PDFDOCS = ${DOCS:.text=.pdf} PDFDOCS = MANPDOCS = ${MANDOCS:.text=.1} DOCBDOCS = ${DOCS:.text=.docbook} DOC_ALL = ${HTMLDOCS} ${DBHTMLDOCS} ${TEXIDOCS} ${MANPDOCS} ${PDFDOCS} html: ${HTMLDOCS} htm: ${DBHTMLDOCS} info: ${TEXIDOCS} man: ${MANPDOCS} pdf: ${PDFDOCS} documentation: ${DOC_ALL} # # End user targets # all: @echo "----------- ccollect make targets --------------" @echo "documentation: generate HTMl, Texinfo and manpage" @echo "html: only generate HTML" @echo "info: only generate Texinfo" @echo "man: only generate manpage{s}" @echo "install: install ccollect to ${prefix}" install: install-link install-manlink install-link: install-script ${LN} ${destination} ${path_destination} install-script: ${INSTALL} -D -m 0755 ${CCOLLECT_SOURCE} ${destination} install-man: man ${INSTALL} -d -m 0755 ${mandest} ${INSTALL} -D -m 0644 doc/man/*.1 ${mandest} install-manlink: install-man ${INSTALL} -d -m 0755 ${manlink} for man in ${mandest}/*; do ${LN} $$man ${manlink}; done # # Tools # TOOLS=ccollect_add_source.sh \ ccollect_analyse_logs.sh \ ccollect_delete_source.sh \ ccollect_list_intervals.sh \ ccollect_logwrapper.sh \ ccollect_list_intervals.sh TOOLSMAN1 = $(subst ccollect,doc/man/ccollect,$(TOOLS)) TOOLSMAN = $(subst .sh,.text,$(TOOLSMAN1)) TOOLSFP = $(subst ccollect,tools/ccollect,$(TOOLS)) #t2: $(TOOLSMAN) t2: echo $(TOOLS) - $(TOOLSMAN) - $(TOOLSFP) # docbook gets .htm, asciidoc directly .html %.htm: %.docbook ${XSLTPROC} -o $@ ${XSL} $< %.html: %.text %.docbook ${ASCIIDOC} -n -o $@ $< %.html: %.text ${ASCIIDOC} -n -o $@ $< %.docbook: %.text ${ASCIIDOC} -n -b docbook -o $@ $< %.texi: %.docbook ${DOCBOOKTOTEXI} --to-stdout $< > $@ #%.mandocbook: %.text # ${ASCIIDOC} -b docbook -d manpage -o $@ $< #%.man: %.mandocbook # ${DOCBOOKTOMAN} --to-stdout $< > $@ #%.man: %.text %.1: %.text ${A2X} -f manpage $< %.pdf: %.text ${A2X} -f pdf $< # # Developer targets # update: @git push publish-doc: documentation @echo "Transferring files to ${host}" @chmod a+r ${DOCS} ${DOC_ALL} @tar c ${DOCS} ${DOC_ALL} | ssh ${host} "cd ${dir}; tar xv" # # Distribution # clean: rm -f ${DOC_ALL} rm -f doc/man/*.[0-9] doc/man/*.xml doc/*.fo doc/man/*.fo distclean: clean rm -f ${DOCBDOCS} # # Be nice with the users and generate documentation for them # dist: distclean documentation test: ccollect.sh documentation mkdir -p /tmp/ccollect CCOLLECT_CONF=./conf ./ccollect.sh daily "source with spaces" CCOLLECT_CONF=./conf ./ccollect.sh normal 'local1&with-ampersand'