#!/bin/sh # Nico Schottelius # Standard release script for dummies like me # if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "$0: ccollect dir" exit 23 fi echo "Did you change version and date information in the script?" read bla NAME=$1 TARNAME=${NAME}.tar.bz2 DHOST=nico@creme.schottelius.org DDIR=www/org/schottelius/linux/ccollect/ DESTINATION="$DHOST:$DDIR" tar cvfj "$TARNAME" \ --exclude=.git \ --exclude="conf/sources/*/destination/*" "$NAME" scp "${TARNAME}" "$DESTINATION" ssh "$DHOST" "( cd $DDIR; tar xfj \"$TARNAME\" )" echo "setting paranoid permissions to public..." ssh "$DHOST" "( cd $DDIR; find -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; )" ssh "$DHOST" "( cd $DDIR; find -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; )"