Narf, even more todo found.

This commit is contained in:
Nico Schottelius 2007-01-19 20:15:51 +01:00
parent 1bd9e89689
commit 30f9344cf8
3 changed files with 19 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- add --version, -V
- hint: : in path / sed / general problem
- hint: backuping backup
- do we want rsync -H by default?
- update documentation:
- german doc?
- exit pre/post exec -> error codes (after implementation!) (in 0.4)
- write about fast changing fs
- write mkccollectconfig (for 0.5!)
o create source configuration
o another script for changing defaults
x intervalls
x pre-/post exec
o (X)dialog based

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@ -30,4 +30,15 @@ _eecho () { _techo "ERROR $msg" }
* rm
* klonen (gibt es so ja nicht)
Wenn Summary angegeben ist am Ende ausgeben
- add --version, -V
- do we want rsync -H by default?
- hint: backuping backup
- update documentation:
- german doc?
- exit pre/post exec -> error codes (after implementation!) (in 0.4)
- write about fast changing fs

View file

@ -13,3 +13,11 @@ to have. This means I won't code them, so somebody can code them.
Including cronjob, creating configuration, displaying status of
backups, allowing manual remove, allowing manual trigger of ccollect
(with realtime message window?)?
- write mkccollectconfig (for 0.5!)
-> jchome works on it!
o create source configuration
o another script for changing defaults
x intervalls
x pre-/post exec
o (X)dialog based