forked from ungleich-public/cdist
cdist configuration management
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## Introduction cdist configures your system. It is similar to [cfengine]( and [puppet]( It is inspired by both of those tools: * Try to redo the great power you get * But leave out the bugs you also got And cdist is UNIX: It's designed to reuse existing tools, does not require high level scripting language interpreters and is equipped with manpages. ### Architecture * KISS (keep it simple and stupid) * Allow very easy extension of cdist (creating own types for instance) * Push (server pushes configuration) and Pull (client retrieves config) supported * User defines configuration in shell scripts using cdist functions * Cdist generates internal configuration (cconfig style) and afterwards applies configuration ## Requirements ### Server * A posix like shell * SSH-Client (for push architecture) * SSH-Server (for pull architecture) ### Client * A posix like shell * SSH-Client (for pull architecture) * SSH-Server (for push architecture) ## How to get cdist git clone git:// ## How to install cdist make install ## How to use cdist man cdist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## How cdist works ### Exploring your system cdist analyses the system to apply the configuration on and selects the right backends. You can use ***cdist-explore*** to the results of the explore functions. ### Applying the configuration cdist looks for the configuration to apply on the local host and applies it using ***cdist-apply***. ### Managing many hosts Whereas ***cdist-apply*** manages one host, ***cdist-deploy*** applies the configuration on enabled hosts. ## How to use cdist? 0. Create a host specification (/etc/cdist/hosts/**hostname**) 0. Add functionalilty to add 0. Run ***cdist-apply*** ## What do I need [from puppet?] ### Abstraction of package managers I don't want to care about apt, rpm, yum, pacman, etc. I just want to ensure, some package exists or does not exist. ### Common tasks already done - [LIBRARY] All the helper types like - file - ssh_keys - package - service - user ### PORTABILITY - [PORTABILITY] clients for every unix - mostly ruby + facter in puppet ### Other - Modules: Nice to put stuff together - and reuse - [CONDITIONS] facter is cool - the DSL - with many bugs - templates - Client/Server approach is nice to have - Clients only get the part of the documentation, that's relevant to them - detect impossible/unsafe things: - creating a file twice - installing and removing a package - and report location of occurence - parse afterwards? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what is puppet? [FOR ME] A configuration deployment assistant, a DSL that allows you define the objectives. A webserver with fileserver capabilities. A client based scheduled polling infrastructure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I miss from puppet? - speed - elegance - clean design - documentation - the "no surprise" factor - easy to use "data memory" (i.e. external ressources) - easy integration into installation process - copy identity to master - multi master setups - development configurations / tests - editing of configuration files - similar to cfengine - replace bug squasher with bug avoidance - qmail did not need one either - push infrastructure - real / meaningful error messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple stuff done by Unix[notm] - DSL: Shell! - gives if, else and EVEN elsif for free! - and case - and and and - and there's no os (solaris doesn't count) without a usable /bin/sh - cdist defines what you can use - you _can_ use os specific stuff - but it's ugly and you shoot into your own foot - "manifests" (use the same name here?) will be run/sourced - inheritance possible via sourcing - cdist-lib always preloaded - library == functions? - version control via git - file distribution via ssh - authentication via ssh - dumb clients, similar to manifest compile in puppet - clients just execute commands - dependencies via make? - how to ensure sigletons / conflicting definitions? file { "/a": ensure => present, file { "/a": ensure => absent, - matching on explored items, not only on host name? - match function in host? [optional] - file source: - relative to specification - or absolute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implementation "cdist-server" -> called by cron? -> no need to reimplement scheduling "cdist-explore" (facter replacement) -> running on the client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: It MUST be incredible easy/dumb to add new types. => growable default types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## TO DOC Before initial release, document: - how to add package backends - how to write a minimal host manifest - create library with all functions (and their parameters) - cdist_package - cdist_file - cdist_dir - only do necessary work - install packages only if not existent - copy file only if different - how to write a module - module function autoloading via *.sh - module "manifest"? - create functions in *.sh - name functions "modulename_function" module hellow function kitty => hellow_kitty - you are advised (not forced) to put files to a subdirectory named "files"