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Nico Schottelius db178edafc intro => readme
Signed-off-by: Nico Schottelius <>
2010-09-19 14:36:20 +02:00
bin support pacman packaging system 2010-09-19 14:34:11 +02:00
conf support pacman packaging system 2010-09-19 14:34:11 +02:00
doc/internal internal fits better than dev 2010-09-19 14:35:29 +02:00
cdist.mdwn intro => readme 2010-09-19 14:36:20 +02:00
README intro => readme 2010-09-19 14:36:20 +02:00

cdist (=opposite to ccollect)
   aka puppet don right

   - reuse of unix, no need for perl^Wruby 
   - shell

what is puppet?

   A configuration deployment assistant,
   a DSL that allows you define the objectives.
   A webserver with fileserver capabilities.
   A client based scheduled polling infrastructure.
What do I need from puppet?

   - handling of package managers
   - Modules: Nice to put stuff together
      - and reuse
   - [LIBRARY] All the helper types like 
      - file
      - ssh_keys
      - package
      - service
      - user
   - [CONDITIONS] facter is cool
   - [PORTABILITY] clients for every unix
      - mostly ruby + facter in puppet
   - the DSL
      - with many bugs
   - templates
   - Client/Server approach is nice to have
      - Clients only get the part of the documentation, that's
        relevant to them

What do I miss from puppet?

   - speed
   - elegance
   - clean design
   - documentation
   - the "no surprise" factor
   - easy to use "data memory" (i.e. external ressources)
   - easy integration into installation process
      - copy identity to master
   - multi master setups
   - development configurations / tests
   - editing of configuration files
      - similar to cfengine
   - replace bug squasher with bug avoidance
      - qmail did not need one either
   - push infrastructure
Simple stuff done by Unix[notm]

   - DSL: Shell!
      - gives if, else and EVEN elsif for free!
      - and case
      - and and and
      - and there's no os (solaris doesn't count) without a usable /bin/sh
      - cdist defines what you can use
         - you _can_ use os specific stuff
         - but it's ugly and you shoot into your own foot
      - "manifests" (use the same name here?) will be run/sourced
         - inheritance possible via sourcing
         - cdist-lib always preloaded
      - library == functions?
   - version control via git
   - file distribution via ssh
   - authentication via ssh
   - dumb clients, similar to manifest compile in puppet
      - clients just execute commands
   - dependencies via make?
      - how to ensure sigletons / conflicting definitions?
         file { "/a":
            ensure => present,
         file { "/a":
            ensure => absent,
   - matching on explored items, not only on host name?
      - match function in host? [optional]
   - file source:
      - relative to specification
      - or absolute




      -> called by cron?
      -> no need to reimplement scheduling
   "cdist-explore" (facter replacement)
      -> running on the client