#!/bin/sh -e old_version="$(cat "$__object/explorer/version")" VERSION=$(cat "$__object/parameter/version") src="netbox-$VERSION" archive="v$VERSION.tar.gz" url="https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/archive/$archive" install_dir=/opt/netbox/netbox if [ "$VERSION" != "$old_version" ]; then cat << EOF # Ensure that coreutils is installed. if [ ! -x \$(which mktemp) ]; then echo "mktemp is not available on the remote host." >&2 exit 1 fi # Create temporary working directory. tmpdir=\$(mktemp -d) cd "\$tmpdir" # Download and extract sources. curl -sS -L '$url' > '$archive' tar xf '$archive' EOF # Stop everything in the pyenv to update cat << EOF # Try to kill everything in the venv systemctl -q --wait stop netbox gunicorn-netbox uwsgi-netbox || true # don't know if this is required since using --wait ps -axo pid,cmd | awk '\$2 ~ "^/opt/netbox/venv/"{print \$1}' | xargs kill || true EOF cat << EOF # backup requirement files if [ -f /opt/netbox/requirements.txt]; then cp /opt/netbox/requirements.txt /opt/netbox/old-requirements.txt else # preseve file-not-found errors and warnings touch /opt/netbox/old-requirements.txt fi cp '$src/requirements.txt' /opt/netbox/ # Deploy sources and restore configuration. rm -r '$install_dir' cp -r '$src/netbox' '$install_dir' # force links to the cdist directory ln -fs /opt/netbox/cdist/configuration.py '$install_dir/netbox/configuration.py' ln -fs /opt/netbox/cdist/ldap_config.py '$install_dir/netbox/ldap_config.py' # Setup & enter python virtualenv. # forcing python3 to be sure (till python4 gets released ..) virtualenv -p python3 /opt/netbox/venv # Uninstall packages not required anymore # if versions not shortend, they will be ignored by pip, but not by comm # all of this could be done with grep, too, but it's still must be shortend with awk awk -F== '{print $1}' '/opt/netbox/requirements.txt' | sort > "\$tmpdir/curr-reqs.txt" awk -F== '{print $1}' '/opt/netbox/old-requirements.txt' | sort > "\$tmpdir/old-reqs.txt" comm -23 "\$tmpdir/curr-reqs.txt" "\$tmpdir/old-reqs.txt" \ | xargs /opt/netbox/venv/bin/pip3 uninstall -qy # Install python dependencies. # avoid gunicorn, because it will be done in an other type grep -v "^gunicorn==" "\$tmpdir/$src/requirements.txt" \ | xargs /opt/netbox/venv/bin/pip3 install -q EOF if [ -f "$__object/parameter/ldap-server" ]; then echo "/opt/netbox/venv/bin/pip3 install -q django-auth-ldap" else echo "/opt/netbox/venv/bin/pip3 uninstall -qy django-auth-ldap" fi cat << EOF # Set final permissions. chown -R netbox /opt/netbox # NetBox manage scripts # Run database migrations. sudo -u netbox /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 /opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py migrate # Generate static assets. sudo -u netbox /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 /opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py collectstatic --no-input # Delete any stale content types sudo -u netbox /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 /opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py remove_stale_contenttypes --no-input # Delete any expired user sessions sudo -u netbox /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 /opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py clearsessions # Clear all cached data sudo -u netbox /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python3 /opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py invalidate all # Remove temporary working directory. cd / rm -rf "\$tmpdir" # Save version after successful installation printf "%s\\n" "$VERSION" > /opt/netbox/cdist/version EOF # meta printf "installed %s\n" "$VERSION" >> "$__messages_out" changes=yes fi # check if configuration changed if grep -q "^__file/opt/netbox/" "$__messages_in"; then # meta printf "configured\n" >> "$__messages_out" changes=yes fi # check for changes if [ "$changes" = "yes" ]; then # to avoid database corruption at config changes, both services must be # stopped at the same time (noted in the manual, too). cat << EOF # Restart service. All required services are included with netbox.service. systemctl restart netbox EOF fi