cdist-type__mail_alias(7) ========================= NAME ---- cdist-type__mail_alias - Manage mail aliases. DESCRIPTION ----------- This cdist type allows you to configure mail aliases (/etc/mail/aliases). REQUIRED PARAMETERS ------------------- None. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ------------------- state 'present' or 'absent', defaults to 'present' alias the aliases where mail for the given user should be redirected to. This parameter can be specified multiple times to redirect to more than one recipient. See the `aliases(5)` man page for the different forms this parameter can take.. BOOLEAN PARAMETERS ------------------ None. EXAMPLES -------- .. code-block:: sh # Redirect root mail to a "real" email address __mail_alias root --alias # Disable redirection of mail for joe __mail_alias joe --state absent BUGS ---- - Quoted strings are not parsed by this type. As a result, email addresses containing ``,`` (commas) are treated incorrectly (they are treated as two addresses/aliases.) Make sure that email addresses do not contain commas. SEE ALSO -------- :strong:`aliases`\ (5) AUTHORS ------- Dennis Camera COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2020 Dennis Camera. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.