#!/bin/sh -e # __nextcloud/explorer/config # Checks the nextcloud configuration # Get the installdir user="$( cat "$__object/parameter/user" )" installdir="$( "$__type_explorer/installdir" )" # Check if the tools are available if [ -d "$installdir" ]; then cd "$installdir" # if those files exist, everything should be good if [ -f "occ" ] && [ -f "config/config.php" ]; then # dump out config instead of fuzz every possible option through # `occ config:system:get`. Or parse through the whole json or # yaml-like output of `occ config:list system --private`. php -r 'require("lib/private/Config.php"); $config = new OC\Config("config/"); function printv($key, $value) {printf("%s = %s\n", $key, $value);} foreach($config->getKeys() as $key){ $value = $config->getValue($key); if(is_array($value)) foreach($value as $n => $in) printv($n."|".$key, $in); else printv($key, $value); };' fi fi