diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__install_bootloader_grub/gencode-remote b/cdist/conf/type/__install_bootloader_grub/gencode-remote
index ccc38912..0ca94b90 100755
--- a/cdist/conf/type/__install_bootloader_grub/gencode-remote
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__install_bootloader_grub/gencode-remote
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# 2011-2014 Steven Armstrong (steven-cdist at armstrong.cc)
+# 2011-2015 Steven Armstrong (steven-cdist at armstrong.cc)
 # This file is part of cdist.
@@ -32,20 +32,22 @@ exec > $install_script
 # Generate script to install bootloader on distro
 printf '#!/bin/sh -l\n'
-printf 'grub-install "%s"\n' "$device"
 case "$target_os" in
+      printf 'grub-install "%s"\n' "$device"
       printf 'update-grub\n'
       # bugfix/workarround: rebuild initramfs
       # FIXME: doesn't belong here
+      printf 'grub-install "%s"\n' "$device"
       printf 'mkinitcpio -p linux\n'
       printf 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg\n'
-      :
+      printf 'grub2-install "%s"\n' "$device"
+      printf 'grub2-mkconfig --output=/boot/grub2/grub.cfg\n'
       echo "Your operating system ($os) is currently not supported by this type (${__type##*/})." >&2