diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/manifest b/cdist/conf/type/__jail/manifest
index 2d29e263..6df52c59 100755
--- a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/manifest
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail/manifest
@@ -37,6 +37,19 @@ jaildir="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jaildir")"
 __directory ${jaildir} --parents
+set -- "$@" "$__object_id" "--state" "$state"
+cd "$__object/parameter"
+for property in $(ls .); do
+	set -- "$@" "--$property" "$(cat "$property")"
+ver="$(cat "$__global/explorer/os_version")"
+if [ -n "$(echo "$ver" | grep '^10\.' )" ]; then   # Version is 10.x
+   __jail_freebsd10 "$@"
+   __jail_freebsd9 "$@"
 # Debug
 #set +x
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/explorer/basepresent b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/explorer/basepresent
similarity index 100%
rename from cdist/conf/type/__jail/explorer/basepresent
rename to cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/explorer/basepresent
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/explorer/present b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/explorer/present
similarity index 100%
rename from cdist/conf/type/__jail/explorer/present
rename to cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/explorer/present
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/explorer/status b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/explorer/status
similarity index 100%
rename from cdist/conf/type/__jail/explorer/status
rename to cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/explorer/status
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/gencode-local b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/gencode-local
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a88e8ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/gencode-local
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# 2012 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at eprotex.com)
+# This file is part of cdist.
+# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# The __jail type creates, configures, and deletes FreeBSD jails for use as
+#  virtual machines.
+# Debug
+exec >&2
+set -x
+jaildir="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jaildir")"
+jailbase="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jailbase")"
+state="$(cat "$__object/parameter/state")"
+if [ "$state" = "present" ] && [ -z "$jailbase" ]; then
+   exec >&2
+   echo "jailbase is a REQUIRED parameter when state=present!"
+   exit 1
+basepresent="$(cat "$__object/explorer/basepresent")"
+if [ "$state" = "present" ]; then
+   if [ "$basepresent" = "NONE" ]; then
+      echo "$__remote_copy" "${jailbase}" "$__target_host:${remotebase}"
+   fi   # basepresent=NONE
+fi   # state=present
+# Debug
+set +x
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/gencode-remote b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/gencode-remote
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ae68616d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/gencode-remote
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# 2012,2014,2016 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at jointheirstm.org)
+# This file is part of cdist.
+# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# The __jail_freebsd10 type creates, configures, and deletes FreeBSD
+#  jails for use as virtual machines on FreeBSD 10.x.
+# Debug
+#exec >&2
+#set -x
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/name" ]; then
+   name="$(cat "$__object/parameter/name")"
+   name="$__object_id"
+state="$(cat "$__object/parameter/state")"
+# If the user wants the jail gone, it implies it shouldn't be started.
+[ -f "$__object/parameter/stopped" -o "$state" = "absent" ] && started="false"
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/ip" ]; then
+   ip="$(cat "$__object/parameter/ip")"
+# IP is an optional param when $state=absent, but
+#    when $state=present, it's required. Enforce this.
+   if [ "$state" = "present" ]; then
+      exec >&2
+      echo "If --state is 'present,' --ip must be given\!"
+      exit 1
+   fi
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/hostname" ]; then
+   hostname="$(cat "$__object/parameter/hostname")"
+   hostname="$name"
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/devfs-disable" ]; then
+   devfsenable="false"
+   devfsenable="true"
+devfsruleset="$(cat "$__object/parameter/devfs-ruleset")"
+# devfs_ruleset being defined without devfs_enable being true
+#     is pointless. Treat this as an error.
+if [ -n "$devfsruleset" -a "$devfsenable" = "false" ]; then
+   exec >&2
+   echo "Can't have --devfs-ruleset defined with --devfs-disable"
+   exit 1
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/onboot" ]; then
+   onboot="true"
+jaildir="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jaildir")"
+present="$(cat "$__object/explorer/present")"
+#present="$(cat "$__type/explorer/present")"
+status="$(cat "$__object/explorer/status")"
+# Handle ip="addr, addr" format
+if [ $(expr "${ip}" : ".*, .*") -gt "0" ]; then
+   IFS=", "
+   for cur_ip in ${ip}; do
+      # Just get the last IP address for SSH to listen on
+      mgmt_ip=$(echo "${ip}" | cut '-d ' -f1)   # In case using "ip netmask" format rather than CIDR
+   done
+   mgmt_ip=$(echo "${ip}" | cut '-d ' -f1) # In case using "ip netmask" format rather than CIDR
+stopJail() {
+# Check $status before issuing command
+   if [ "$status" = "STARTED" ]; then
+      echo "/etc/rc.d/jail stop ${name}"
+      echo "stop" >> "$__messages_out"
+   fi
+startJail() {
+# Check $status before issuing command
+   if [ "$status" = "NOTSTART" ]; then
+      echo "/etc/rc.d/jail start ${name}"
+      echo "start" >> "$__messages_out"
+   fi
+deleteJail() {
+# Unmount the jail's mountpoints if necessary
+   cat <<EOF
+      output="\$(mount | grep "\/${name}\/dev")" || true
+      if [ -n "\${output}" ]; then # /dev is still mounted...jail still running?
+         /etc/rc.d/jail stop "${name}"
+      fi
+      output="\$(mount | grep "\/rw\/${name}\/")" || true
+      if [ -n "\${output}" ]; then # >=1 rw mount is mounted still
+         for DIR in "${output}"; do
+            umount -F "/etc/fstab.${name}" "\$(echo "${DIR}" | awk '{print $3}')"
+         done
+      fi
+      output="\$(mount | grep "\/${name} (")" || true
+      if [ -n "\${output}" ]; then # ro mount is mounted still
+         umount -F "/etc/fstab.${name}" "\$(echo "${output}" | awk '{print $3}')"
+      fi
+# Remove the jail's rw mountpoints
+   echo "rm -rf \"${jaildir}/rw/${name}\""
+# Remove the jail directory
+   echo "rm -rf \"${jaildir}/${name}\""
+# Remove the jail's fstab
+   echo "rm -f \"/etc/fstab.${name}\""
+# Remove jail entry from jail.conf
+   cat <<EOF
+      sed -i .bak -E -e "/^${name} {\$/,/^}\\\$/d" /etc/jail.conf
+      if [ -f "/etc/jail.conf.bak" ]; then
+         rm -f "/etc/jail.conf.bak"
+      fi
+# Remove " $name " from jail_list if it's there
+   cat <<EOF
+      eval \$(grep '^jail_list=' /etc/rc.conf)
+      for JAIL in \${jail_list}; do
+         if [ ! "\${JAIL}" = "${name}" ]; then
+            new_list="\${new_list} \${JAIL}"
+         fi
+      done
+      jail_list="\${new_list}"
+      sed -i '.bak' "s/^jail_list=\".*\"/jail_list=\"\${jail_list}\"/" /etc/rc.conf
+      unset jail_list
+      if [ -f "/etc/rc.conf.bak" ]; then
+         rm -f /etc/rc.conf.bak
+      fi
+   echo "delete" >> "$__messages_out"
+createJail() {
+# Create the jail directory
+cat <<EOF
+   umask 022
+   mkdir -p ${jaildir}/${name}
+   if [ ! -d "${jaildir}/base" ]; then
+      mkdir "${jaildir}/base"
+      tar -xzf "${jaildir}/jailbase.tgz" -C "${jaildir}/base"
+      if [ ! -d "${jaildir}/base/usr/local" ]; then
+         mkdir -p "${jaildir}/base/usr/local"
+      fi
+      if [ ! -d "${jaildir}/base/usr/home" ]; then
+         mkdir -p "${jaildir}/base/usr/home"
+      fi
+      if [ ! -d "${jaildir}/base/home" ]; then
+          if [ ! -L "${jaildir}/base/home" ]; then
+             SAVE=\$PWD; cd ${jaildir}/base
+             ln -s usr/home home
+             cd \$SAVE; unset SAVE
+          fi
+      fi
+   fi
+   if [ ! -d "${jaildir}/rw" ]; then
+      mkdir "${jaildir}/rw"
+   fi
+   mkdir -p "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc"
+   cp -r ${jaildir}/base/etc/* "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/"
+   if [ ! -f "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/resolv.conf" ]; then
+      cp /etc/resolv.conf "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/"
+   fi
+   mkdir "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/local"
+   mkdir "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/var"
+   if [ -n "\$(ls ${jaildir}/base/var)" ]; then
+      cp -r ${jaildir}/base/var/* "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/var/"
+   fi
+   chmod 755 "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/var"
+   chmod 755 "${jaildir}/base/var"
+   if [ ! -d "${jaildir}/base/var/db" ]; then
+      mkdir -p "${jaildir}/base/var/db"
+   fi
+   if [ -n "\$(ls ${jaildir}/base/var/db)" ]; then
+      chmod 755 "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/var/db"
+      chmod 755 "${jaildir}/base/var/db"
+   fi
+   mkdir "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/home"
+   if [ -n "\$(ls ${jaildir}/base/usr/home)" ]; then
+      cp -r ${jaildir}/base/usr/home/* "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/home/"
+   fi
+   mkdir "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/root"
+   if [ -n "\$(ls -A ${jaildir}/base/root)" ]; then
+      cp -r ${jaildir}/base/root/ "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/root/"
+   fi
+   echo "create" >> "$__messages_out"
+# Create the ro+rw mountpoint entries in fstab
+cat <<EOF
+   cat >/etc/fstab.${name} <<END
+${jaildir}/base			${jaildir}/${name}		nullfs	ro	0 0
+${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc	${jaildir}/${name}/etc		nullfs	rw	0 0
+${jaildir}/rw/${name}/local	${jaildir}/${name}/usr/local	nullfs	rw	0 0
+${jaildir}/rw/${name}/var		${jaildir}/${name}/var	nullfs	rw	0 0
+${jaildir}/rw/${name}/home	${jaildir}/${name}/usr/home	nullfs	rw	0 0
+${jaildir}/rw/${name}/root	${jaildir}/${name}/root		nullfs	rw	0 0
+# Add the jail configuration to jail.conf
+cat <<EOF
+   # first check to see whether jail_enable="YES" exists in rc.conf or not and add it
+   #   if necessary
+   jail_enable="\$(grep '^jail_enable=' /etc/rc.conf | cut -d= -f2)"
+   if [ -z "\$jail_enable" ]; then	# no jail_enable line in rc.conf at all
+      echo "jail_enable=\"YES\"" >>/etc/rc.conf
+   elif [ ! "\$(echo \$jail_enable | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | tr -d '"')" = "YES" ]; then	# jail_enable="NO"
+      sed -i '.bak' 's/^jail_enable=.*$/jail_enable="YES"/g' /etc/rc.conf	# fix this -^
+      rm -f /etc/rc.conf.bak
+   fi
+   jailfile=/etc/jail.conf
+   jailheader="${name} {"
+   jaildata="path=\"${jaildir}/${name}\";"
+   if [ "$devfsenable" = "true" ]; then
+      jaildata="\$jaildata
+      mount.devfs;"
+   else
+      jaildata="\$jaildata
+      mount.nodevfs;"
+   fi
+   jaildata="\$jaildata
+   host.hostname=\"${hostname}\";
+   ip4.addr=\"${ip}\";
+   exec.start=\"/bin/sh /etc/rc\";
+   exec.stop=\"/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown\";
+   exec.consolelog=\"/var/log/jail_${name}_console.log\";
+   mount.fstab=\"/etc/fstab.${name}\";
+   allow.mount;
+   exec.clean;
+   allow.set_hostname=0;
+   allow.sysvipc=0;
+   allow.raw_sockets=0;"
+   jailtrailer="}"
+   if [ "$devfsenable" = "true" ] && [ "${devfsruleset}" = "jailrules" ]; then   # The default ruleset is to be used
+      if [ ! -f /etc/devfs.rules ]; then
+         touch /etc/devfs.rules
+      fi
+      if [ -z "\$(grep '\[jailrules=' /etc/devfs.rules)" ]; then   # The default ruleset doesn't exist
+         # Get the highest-numbered ruleset
+         highest="\$(sed -n 's/\[.*=\([0-9]*\)\]/\1/pg' /etc/devfs.rules | sort -u | tail -n 1)" || true
+         # increment by 1
+         [ -z "\$highest" ] && highest=10
+         let num="\${highest}+1" 2>&1 >/dev/null   # Close the FD==fail...
+         # add default ruleset
+         cat >>/etc/devfs.rules <<END
+add include \\\$devfsrules_hide_all
+add include \\\$devfsrules_unhide_basic
+add include \\\$devfsrules_unhide_login
+      fi
+      devfsruleset_num=\$(grep "\[${devfsruleset}=" /etc/devfs.rules | sed -n 's/\[.*=\([0-9]*\)\]/\1/pg')
+      if [ -n "\$devfsruleset_num" ]; then
+         jaildata="\$jaildata
+         devfs_ruleset=\"\${devfsruleset_num}\";"
+      fi
+   fi
+   echo "printf \"%s\\n%s\n%s\n\" \"\$jailheader\" \"\$jaildata\" \"\$jailtrailer\" >>\"\$jailfile\""
+# Add $name to jail_list if $onboot=yes
+if [ "$onboot" = "yes" ]; then
+   # first check to see whether jail_enable="YES" exists in rc.conf or not and add it
+   #   if necessary
+   cat <<EOF
+      eval "\$(grep '^jail_list=' /etc/rc.conf)"
+      if [ -z "\$jail_list" ]; then	# no jail_list line in rc.conf at all
+         echo "jail_list=\"${name}\"" >>/etc/rc.conf
+      else
+         jail_list="\${jail_list} ${name}"
+         sed -i '.bak' "s/^jail_list=\".*\"/jail_list=\"\${jail_list}\"/" /etc/rc.conf
+         rm -f /etc/rc.conf.bak
+      fi
+      unset jail_list
+   echo "onboot" >> "$__messages_out"
+# Add the normal entries into the jail's rc.conf
+cat <<EOF
+echo hostname=\"${hostname}\" >"${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/rc.conf"
+echo sshd_enable=\"YES\" >>"${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/rc.conf"
+echo sendmail_enable=\"NONE\" >>"${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/rc.conf"
+echo syslogd_enable=\"YES\" >>"${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/rc.conf"
+echo syslogd_flags=\"-ss\" >>"${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/rc.conf"
+# Configure SSHd's listening address
+cat <<EOF
+mgmt_ip="$(echo "$mgmt_ip" | sed -E -e 's#/[0-9]*$##g')"
+sed -E -i '.bak' -e "s/#?ListenAddress \${mgmt_ip}/" "${jaildir}/rw/${name}/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
+if [ "$present" = "EXISTS" ]; then   # The jail currently exists
+   if [ "$state" = "present" ]; then   # The jail is supposed to exist
+      if [ "$started" = "true" ]; then   # The jail is supposed to be started
+         startJail
+      else   # The jail is not supposed to be started
+         stopJail
+      fi
+      exit 0
+   else   # The jail is not supposed to exist
+      stopJail
+      deleteJail
+      exit 0
+   fi
+else   # The jail does not currently exist
+   if [ "$state" = "absent" ]; then   # The jail is not supposed to be present
+      exit 0
+   else   # The jail is supposed to exist
+      createJail
+      [ "$started" = "true" ] && startJail
+      exit 0
+   fi
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/man.text b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/man.text
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5df9d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/man.text
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Jake Guffey <jake.guffey--@--jointheirstm.org>
+cdist-type__jail_freebsd_10 - Manage FreeBSD jails
+This type is used on FreeBSD 10.x to manage jails.
+   Either "present" or "absent", defaults to "present".
+   The location of the .tgz archive containing the base fs for your jails.
+   The name of the jail. Default is to use the object_id as the jail name.
+   The ifconfig style IP/netmask combination to use for the jail guest. If
+   the state parameter is "present," this parameter is required.
+   The FQDN to use for the jail guest. Defaults to the name parameter.
+   The name of the physical interface on the jail server to bind the jail to.
+   Defaults to the first interface found in the output of ifconfig -l.
+   The name of the devfs ruleset to associate with the jail. Defaults to
+   "jailrules." This ruleset must be copied to the server via another type.
+   To use this option, devfs-enable must be "true."
+   The location on the remote server to use for hosting jail filesystems.
+   Defaults to /usr/jail.
+   Do not start the jail
+   Whether to disallow devfs mounting within the jail
+   Whether to add the jail to rc.conf's jail_list variable. 
+This type does not currently support modification of jail options. If, for
+example a jail needs to have its IP address or netmask changed, the jail must
+be removed then re-added with the correct IP address/netmask or the appropriate
+modifications to jail.conf need to be made through alternate means.
+   The jail was started
+   The jail was stopped
+   The jail was created
+   The jail was deleted
+   The jail was configured to start on boot
+# Create a jail called www
+__jail_freebsd_10 www --state present --ip "" --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# Remove the jail called www
+__jail_freebsd_10 www --state absent --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# The jail www should not be started
+__jail_freebsd_10 www --state present --stopped \
+   --ip " netmask" \
+   --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# Use the name variable explicitly
+__jail_freebsd_10 thisjail --state present --name www \
+   --ip "" \
+   --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# Go nuts
+__jail_freebsd_10 lotsofoptions --state present --name testjail \
+   --ip " netmask" \
+   --hostname "testjail.example.com" --interface "em0" \
+   --onboot --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz --jaildir /jails
+- cdist-type(7)
+- cdist-type__jail(7)
+Copyright \(C) 2012-2016 Jake Guffey. Free use of this software is
+granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/boolean b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/boolean
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39144f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/boolean
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/devfs-ruleset b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/devfs-ruleset
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f602aa0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/devfs-ruleset
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/jailbase b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/jailbase
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b137891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/jailbase
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/jaildir b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/jaildir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec7d86c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/jaildir
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/state b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/state
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7f6134f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/default/state
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/optional b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/optional
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b36f0fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd10/parameter/optional
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/basepresent b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/basepresent
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..034128d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/basepresent
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# 2012 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at eprotex.com)
+# This file is part of cdist.
+# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# See if the jailbase.tgz or $jaildir/base dir exists
+# Debug
+#exec >&2
+#set -x
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/jaildir" ]; then
+   jaildir="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jaildir")"
+   jaildir="/usr/jail"
+for cur in $name; do
+    if [ -e "${jaildir}/$cur" ]; then
+        out="${out}:${cur}"
+    fi
+if [ -z "$out" ]; then
+    echo "NONE"
+    echo "${out}"
+# Debug
+#set +x
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/present b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/present
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ddfb805c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/present
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# 2012 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at eprotex.com)
+# This file is part of cdist.
+# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# See if the requested jail exists
+# Debug
+#exec >&2
+#set -x
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/name" ]; then
+   name="$(cat "$__object/parameter/name")"
+   name=$__object_id
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/jaildir" ]; then
+   jaildir="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jaildir")"
+   jaildir="/usr/jail"
+[ -d "${jaildir}/$name" ] && echo "EXISTS" || echo "NOTEXIST"
+#set +x
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/status b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/status
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1ceba212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/explorer/status
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# 2012 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at eprotex.com)
+# This file is part of cdist.
+# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# See if the requested jail is started
+# Debug
+#exec >&2
+#set -x
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/name" ]; then
+   name="$(cat "$__object/parameter/name")"
+   name="$__object_id"
+if [ -f "$__object/parameter/jaildir" ]; then
+   jaildir="$(cat "$__object/parameter/jaildir")"
+   jaildir="/usr/jail"
+# backslash-escaped $jaildir
+sjaildir="$(echo ${jaildir} | sed 's#/#\\/#g')"
+jls_output="$(jls | grep "[ 	]${sjaildir}\/${name}\$")" || true
+if [ -n "${jls_output}" ]; then
+   echo "STARTED"
+   echo "NOTSTART"
+# Debug
+#set +x
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/gencode-local b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/gencode-local
similarity index 100%
rename from cdist/conf/type/__jail/gencode-local
rename to cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/gencode-local
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/gencode-remote b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/gencode-remote
similarity index 98%
rename from cdist/conf/type/__jail/gencode-remote
rename to cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/gencode-remote
index c88f3361..6a4c64de 100755
--- a/cdist/conf/type/__jail/gencode-remote
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/gencode-remote
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# 2012,2014 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at eprotex.com)
+# 2012,2014,2016 Jake Guffey (jake.guffey at jointheirstm.org)
 # This file is part of cdist.
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 # along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# The __jail type creates, configures, and deletes FreeBSD jails for use as
-#  virtual machines.
+# The __jail_freebsd9 type creates, configures, and deletes FreeBSD jails
+#  for use as virtual machines on FreeBSD 9.x and before.
 # Debug
@@ -354,3 +354,4 @@ else   # The jail does not currently exist
       exit 0
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/man.text b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/man.text
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c51f326d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/man.text
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Jake Guffey <jake.guffey--@--jointheirstm.org>
+cdist-type__jail_freebsd9 - Manage FreeBSD jails
+This type is used on FreeBSD 9.x and before to manage jails.
+   Either "present" or "absent", defaults to "present".
+   The location of the .tgz archive containing the base fs for your jails.
+   The name of the jail. Default is to use the object_id as the jail name.
+   The ifconfig style IP/netmask combination to use for the jail guest. If
+   the state parameter is "present," this parameter is required.
+   The FQDN to use for the jail guest. Defaults to the name parameter.
+   The name of the physical interface on the jail server to bind the jail to.
+   Defaults to the first interface found in the output of ifconfig -l.
+   The name of the devfs ruleset to associate with the jail. Defaults to
+   "jailrules." This ruleset must be copied to the server via another type.
+   To use this option, devfs-enable must be "true."
+   The location on the remote server to use for hosting jail filesystems.
+   Defaults to /usr/jail.
+   Do not start the jail
+   Whether to disallow devfs mounting within the jail
+   Whether to add the jail to rc.conf's jail_list variable. 
+This type does not currently support modification of jail options. If, for
+example a jail needs to have its IP address or netmask changed, the jail must
+be removed then re-added with the correct IP address/netmask or the appropriate
+line (jail_<name>_ip="...") modified within rc.conf through some alternate
+   The jail was started
+   The jail was stopped
+   The jail was created
+   The jail was deleted
+   The jail was configured to start on boot
+# Create a jail called www
+__jail_freebsd9 www --state present --ip "" --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# Remove the jail called www
+__jail_freebsd9 www --state absent --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# The jail www should not be started
+__jail_freebsd9 www --state present --stopped \
+   --ip " netmask" \
+   --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# Use the name variable explicitly
+__jail_freebsd9 thisjail --state present --name www \
+   --ip "" \
+   --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz
+# Go nuts
+__jail_freebsd9 lotsofoptions --state present --name testjail \
+   --ip " netmask" \
+   --hostname "testjail.example.com" --interface "em0" \
+   --onboot --jailbase /my/jail/base.tgz --jaildir /jails
+- cdist-type(7)
+- cdist-type__jail
+Copyright \(C) 2012-2016 Jake Guffey. Free use of this software is
+granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/boolean b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/boolean
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39144f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/boolean
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/devfs-ruleset b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/devfs-ruleset
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f602aa0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/devfs-ruleset
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/jailbase b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/jailbase
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b137891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/jailbase
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/jaildir b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/jaildir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec7d86c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/jaildir
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/state b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/state
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7f6134f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/default/state
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/optional b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/optional
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b36f0fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__jail_freebsd9/parameter/optional
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/boolean b/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/boolean
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..effcb218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/boolean
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/optional b/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/optional
index d674f32e..bb3f5154 100644
--- a/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/optional
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__package/parameter/optional
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ type