diff --git a/conf/type/__line/gencode-remote b/conf/type/__line/gencode-remote
index 9ca36177..75cd92b4 100755
--- a/conf/type/__line/gencode-remote
+++ b/conf/type/__line/gencode-remote
@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@
-[ -f "$__object/parameter/file" ] && file=$(cat "$__object/parameter/file")
+[ -f "$__object/parameter/file" ]  && file=$(cat "$__object/parameter/file")
+[ -f "$__object/parameter/regex" ] && regex=$(cat "$__object/parameter/regex")
 [ -f "$__object/parameter/state" ] && state_should=$(cat "$__object/parameter/state")
 state_is="$(cat "$__object/explorer/state")"
@@ -41,7 +43,18 @@ case "$state_should" in
-        echo "echo q | ex -c \"/${line}/d|w|q\" \"${file}\""
+        if [ "$regex" -a "$line" ]; then
+            echo "Mutally exclusive parameters regex and line given for state absent" >&2
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        [ "$line" ] && regex="^$line\$"
+        cat << eof
+sed '/$regex/d' "$file" > \$tmp && cat "\$tmp" > "$file" && rm -f "\$tmp"
+        #echo "echo q | ex -c \"/${line}/d|w|q\" \"${file}\""
        echo "Unknown state: $state_should" >&2
diff --git a/conf/type/__line/man.text b/conf/type/__line/man.text
index 137e31d1..e1a5941c 100644
--- a/conf/type/__line/man.text
+++ b/conf/type/__line/man.text
@@ -23,11 +23,20 @@ state::
     Specifies the line which should be absent or present
     Must be present, if state is present.
+    Must not be combined with regex, if state is absent.
-    If supplied, search for this regex.
-    Otherwise entire line must be matched.
+    If state is present, search for this pattern and add
+    given line, if the given regular expression does not match.
+    In case of absent, ensure all lines matching the
+    regular expression are absent (cannot be combined with
+    the line parameter, if state is absent).
+    If the regular expression contains / (slashes), they need
+    to be escaped with \ (backslash): / becomes \/.
     If supplied, use this as the destination file.