- check: echo without parameters == valid in posix? bin/cdist-object-run:45 and others - align messages (already in todo for steven, but makes life much easier, thus repeated) - advantage of touch/rm loop vs. y == variable? bin/cdist-object-run-all also in bin/cdist-object-run - bin/cdist-object-run-all: "->" graphic: can be useful, but if -> consistent! -> all graphics could look cool: Object foo | |--> Requires ... |--> ... but maybe bad do parse from outside - bin/cdist-object-run: type_explorer stuff: probably put into own binary - sounds like cdist-object-explorer-run is already the right executable to place such stuff into - remove enormous amount of empty lines :-) - at end of file - between [ $# -eq 2 ] || and set - after if - before fi - cdist-type-explorer-push: wherefore if [ -d "$src_dir" ];? -> does this not even hide bugs? -> not sure whether covering cdist-dir in its own script makes sense, as cdist-dir push is only a one liner -> if cdist-dir does too less, enhance it - code aus cdist-object-run-all für requirements: in cdist-object-requirements oder so auslagern? cdist-object-run-all wäre dann eine schöne zwei-zeiler-schleife - try to prefix all internal variables with __cdist! - only avoid if waayyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooo long - f.i.: cdist-object-explorer-run - cdist-object-explorer-run and bin/cdist-object-run seem to contain very very similar code regarding transfer and co. - cdist-object-manifest-run: # Tell cdist that there may be new objects -> WHO? :-) - general: cdist-object-run-all looks like a good idea!