cdist-type__ungleich_nextcloud(7) ======================================= This type installs Nextcloud. ungleich GmbH DESCRIPTION ----------- We suggest to use our type __ungleich_nginx_app_proxy for the nginx configuration. Keep in mind, that you have to install the certificates with another type or nginx doesn't start. REQUIRED PARAMETERS ------------------- domain where Nextcloud runs DEFAULT PARAMETERS ------------------- admin-pass Nextcloud default admin passwort: nextcloud admin-user Nextcloud default admin user: nextcloud db-name Nextcloud default database name: nextcloud db-pass Nextcloud default password: nextcloud db-user Nextcloud default database user: nextcloud uri Nextcloud default Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): version Nextcloud default version: 11.0.1 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ------------------- admin-pass Nextcloud admin password admin-user Nextcloud user password db-name Nextcloud database name db-pass Nextcloud password db-user Nextcloud database user ssl-cert Define the path where the ssl-cert is on the $host ssl-key Define the path where the ssl-key is on the $host uri Nextcloud Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) version Nextcloud version If not set the type uses the default parameters. BOOLEAN PARAMETERS ------------------ ssl Enable if you want to use SSL ssl-no-redirect Enable if you don't want a redirect to https custom-config-from-stdin Insert this configuration from stdin after the generic part EXAMPLES -------- .. code-block:: sh # only required __ungleich_nextcloud --domain # set a different admin-user and db-user; ssl is needed __ungleich_nextcloud --ssl --admin-user ungleich --db-user ungleich --domain # custom config __ungleich_nextcloud --domain --custom-config-from-stdin << eof # some aditional nginx config eof SEE ALSO -------- - `cdist-type(7) `_ COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2017 ungleich GmbH ( Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).