import de from './de'; export default {, AppMenu: { title: ' and Found', contribute: 'Contribute', about: 'Info', footer_phrase: 'Bring life to our collection!', title_big_line1: 'Lost &', title_big_line2: 'Found', title_small: 'Memories Office' }, HeaderTitle: { skiing: 'Skiing' }, HeaderSearchField: { search: 'Search' }, DVBody: { share: 'Share', inventory_number: 'ID', category: 'Category', title: 'Title', date: 'Date', owner: 'Origin', special: 'Particulars', story: 'Story' }, StartScreen: { placeholder: 'Enter ID' }, AppContent: { nothing_found: 'No objects were found', load_more: 'Load more' }, InfoView: { welcome_title: 'Welcome to the Lost and Found Memories Office', exhibition_date: '№ 1 Skiing: 15.02.2020 – 03.10.2021', welcome_text: ` The Lost and Found Memories Office places the Swiss Alpine Museum’s own collection in the spotlight. But no collection is perfect: we need you to fill in our most critical gaps! Our collection needs to be brought to life. We’re on the hunt for your personal items and want to know about your experiences with them in the mountains.

The slogan for the first year is “Get up on the piste”. What tracks has skiing left in the snow, as it were? What stories linger? How will we ski in future? Whether you’re the terror of the slopes, a fair-weather skier, or more of a homebody, whether you picked up the gold medal or a consolation prize at ski camp: visit us at the Lost and Found Memories Office, discover the stories behind the objects, and help us close those gaps.

The Lost and Found Memories Office gives the Swiss Alpine Museum an additional exhibition space, featuring new themes every year which are explored in depth via events and tours.

`, image_legend: '© Swiss Alpine Museum, Kunstanstalt Brügger, Meiringen', about_title: 'The Swiss Alpine Museum', about_text: ` The Swiss Alpine Museum (alps) sees itself as a contemporary exhibition venue addressing present-day issues such as identity, mobility, regional development, innovation, and change. Essentially, it is all about how people relate to the mountains in practice. The project work undertaken by the Alpine Museum involves researching, collecting, documenting, and presenting materials. The museum stages exhibitions, hosts events, prepares educational materials for schools, and engages in thematically relevant partnerships with other organizations in Switzerland and abroad. ` }, ContribView: { know_more: 'Do you know more?', we_search: 'Contribute', intro_text: ` Become part of the Lost and Found Memories Office!
Ski suits from the 1970s, neon goggles from the 1980s, or Big Foots from the 1990s: tell us which of your personal skiing treasures deserve to be centre stage in the Lost and Found Memories Office. `, i_offer: 'I have', offer_object: 'Material (skis, hat, x-ray, trophy, etc.)', offer_photo: 'Photo', offer_film: 'Film', offer_story: 'Skiing story', offer_knowledge: 'Special knowledge', description: 'Description', upload: 'Upload', uploaded: 'Uploaded', first_name: 'Surname', last_name: 'First name', birth_year: 'Year of birth', address: 'Address', post_code: 'Postcode', city: 'Town', phone: 'Telephone', mail: 'Email', keep_text: 'I would like to do the following with my object / my film / my story:', give_forever: 'Donate it to the collection of the Swiss Alpine Museum.', until_2012: 'Make it available solely for the Lost and Found Memories Office until February 2021.', accept_rules_part1: 'I have read and agree with', accept_rules_part2: 'these rules', accept_rules_part3: '.', send_now: 'Send now!', noti_object_type: 'Please choose an object type.', noti_desc: 'Please choose a description.', noti_first_name: 'Please enter a first name.', noti_last_name: 'Please enter a last name.', noti_mail: 'Please enter an email address.', noti_keep: 'Please choose if we can keep your object.', noti_agb: 'Please accept the rules.', noti_close: 'close', thank_you: ` Thank you for your contribution. We received many inquiries lately and therefore ask for your patience. ` }, Sponsors: { innovation_partner: 'Innovation partner', migros_text: ` Engagement Migros, der Förderfonds der Migros-Gruppe, unterstützt das «Fundbüro für Erinnerungen» als innovatives Sammlungsprojekt: Mit dem Modellprojekt Fundbüro für Erinnerungen beschreitet das Alpine Museum der Schweiz neue Wege. Durch dieses Projekt öffnet sich das Museum seinem Publikum als ‘Experten des Alltags’ und schafft Zugänge zur Sammlung: Die Bevölkerung ist eingeladen, Objekte zur Sammlung beizusteuern und ihr Wissen und ihre Erinnerungen dazu mit dem Museum zu teilen.

Das Fundbüro für Erinnerungen wird in der Folge als Kollaboration mit andern Bergmuseen aufgesetzt und etabliert das Alpine Museum prototypisch als lebendiges Netzwerk mit starker Ausstrahlung. Entsprechend erhält das Fundbüro zusätzlich auch eine digitale Existenz, welche seine Strahlkraft in den digitalen Raum ausweitet.

Der Förderfonds Engagement Migros ermöglicht Pionierprojekte im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, die neue Wege beschreiten und zukunftsgerichtete Lösungen erproben. Der wirkungsorientierte Förderansatz verbindet finanzielle Unterstützung mit coachingartigen Leistungen im Pionierlab. Engagement Migros wird von den Unternehmen der Migros-Gruppe mit jährlich circa 10 Millionen Franken ermöglicht und ergänzt seit 2012 das Migros-Kulturprozent. `, project_partner: 'Project partner' }, Newsletter: { title: 'Newsletter', url_path: '/en/newsletter' }, Rules: { title: 'Fundbüro-Regeln', rule1_title: 'Rule 1: You’re the focus of attention in the Lost and Found Memories Office – even without an Olympic gold medal.', rule1_text: ` We’re interested in what the average skier has experienced on and off the slopes over the last fifty years. Anyone who would like to show a personal ski-related item in the museum and is prepared to tell their story can take part. Whether it’s a Big Foot, an x-ray, a waxing iron, an SKA hat, or an analogue photo: there are no limits to the kind of objects as long as you are happy to exhibit your treasure in the Swiss Alpine Museum for a year. The Lost and Found Memories Office opens on 15 February 2020. `, rule2_title: 'Rule 2: A formal start to our relationship – by filling out a form.', rule2_text: ` If you want to join in, just fill out the form. Just give a short description of your personal skiing objects that belong in a museum – and the memories you associate with them. We’ll look over your suggestion and get in touch with you to discuss the transfer details (contract for a loan or donation, handover date). As our space is limited, we do need to reserve the right to say no, unfortunately. And we hope you understand that we can’t accept any objects that are spontaneously brought along to the museum. `, rule3_title: 'Rule 3: You decide how you tell us your story.', rule3_text: ` Every object in the exhibition receives a label. On the rear of the label there is space for your own story. We’d like it even more if you could pop round to the Lost and Found Memories Office from February 2020 onwards and tell us your tale in our video box. As soon as your object goes on show, we’ll let you know. `, rule4_title: 'Rule 4: We decide together how long your object remains in the museum.', rule4_text: ` You have two options: either you loan us the object for the duration of the Lost and Found Memories Office (until February 2021) and pick it up again afterwards, or you donate it to the Swiss Alpine Museum and the item becomes part of our collection. We do need to reserve the right to decline a donation because of the type, size, or condition of the object. `, rule5_title: 'Rule 5: Your object should have no reservations about being touched.', rule5_text: ` Generally speaking, when an object in private ownership is transferred to a museum collection, it can only be handled with gloves and is displayed behind glass. But we’d like to do things a bit differently at the Lost and Found Memories Office: the objects there can be touched. If your object needs special protection, you should let us know. `, rule6_title: 'Rule 6: You won’t receive any unwelcome post.', rule6_text: ` Your personal details will be used exclusively for communication between the lender and the collection. If you would like to be kept up to date, just subscribe to our newsletter. ` } };