not did, did not remember why I wanted to do that: - do sed-time check: 1.2. replace sed? compare timing: _echo () { echo "$name $msg" } and create _techo () { echo "$timestamp $name $msg" } perhaps create _eecho () { _techo "ERROR $msg" } ? done: add note for 09:24 < telmich> Obri: ~/.ssh/config! - implement use of different intervals as source for cloning * use 'woechentlich' if available and no backup exists for 'daily' * add 'prefer_latest' to prefer different interval, that's newer than ours * or add 'prefer_same_interval' instead? - implement detection of partial backups 3. detect unfinished backups sven / markierung - wie seht der Marker aus? -> (like the directory) --> assume incomplete, when we did not finish. --> means it's complete,when rsync was successful ---> partial implemented in 0.5.2 (commented out) - do not check by name, but by time * is ls -t posix? * also check: -p -1 - ccollect Zeitausgabe verbessern - Wofuer wie lange gebraucht * rm * klonen (gibt es so ja nicht) Wenn Summary angegeben ist am Ende ausgeben - do we want rsync -H by default? * no: takes much more memory ssh / port change: change rsync_extra format - Variables: source_$n no_sources name - changed naming of sources: YYYYMMDD-HHMM.PID (better readable) => source / backup converter! => not needed! config: set destination-base /etc/ccollect/defaults/source_config Documentation: - hint: backuping backup - update documentation: - german doc? - exit pre/post exec -> error codes (after implementation!) (in 0.4) - write about fast changing fs - delete_incomplete