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#!/bin/sh -e
# 2021 Dennis Camera ( at
# This file is part of cdist.
# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with cdist. If not, see <>.
# Determine current debconf selections' state.
# Prints one of:
# present: all selections are already set as they should.
# different: one or more of the selections have a different value.
# absent: one or more of the selections are not (currently) defined.
test -x /usr/bin/perl || {
# cannot find perl (no perl ~ no debconf)
echo 'absent'
exit 0
test -s "${linesfile}" || {
if test -s "${__object:?}/parameter/file"
echo absent
echo present
exit 0
# assert __type_explorer is set (because it is used by the Perl script)
: "${__type_explorer:?}"
/usr/bin/perl -- - "${linesfile}" <<'EOF'
use strict;
use warnings "all";
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use Debconf::Db;
use Debconf::Question;
# Extract @known... arrays from debconf-set-selections
# These values are required to distinguish flags and values in the given lines.
# DC: I couldn't think of a more ugly solution to the problem…
my @knownflags;
my @knowntypes;
my $debconf_set_selections = '/usr/bin/debconf-set-selections';
if (-e $debconf_set_selections) {
my $sed_known = 's/^my \(@known\(flags\|types\) = qw([a-z ]*);\).*$/\1/p';
eval `sed -n '$sed_known' '$debconf_set_selections'`;
sub mungeline ($) {
my $line = shift;
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\r$//;
return $line;
sub fatal { printf STDERR @_; exit 1; }
my $state = 'present';
sub state {
my $new = shift;
if ($state eq 'present'
or ($state eq 'different' and $new eq 'absent')) {
$state = $new;
# Load Debconf DB but manually lock on the state explorer script,
# because Debconf aborts immediately if executed concurrently.
# This is not really an ideal solution because the Debconf DB could be locked by
# another process (e.g. apt-get), but no way to achieve this could be found.
# If you know how to, please provide a patch.
my $lockfile = "%ENV{'__type_explorer'}/state";
if (open my $lock_fh, '+<', $lockfile) {
flock $lock_fh, LOCK_EX or die "Cannot lock $lockfile";
Debconf::Db->load(readonly => 'true');
while (<>) {
# Read and process lines (taken from debconf-set-selections)
$_ = mungeline($_);
while (/\\$/ && ! eof) {
$_ .= mungeline(<>);
next if /^\s*$/ || /^\s*\#/;
my ($owner, $label, $type, $content) = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s(.*))?/
or fatal "invalid line: %s\n", $_;
$content = '' unless defined $content;
# Compare is and should state
my $q = Debconf::Question->get($label);
unless (defined $q) {
# probably a preseed
state 'absent';
if (grep { $_ eq $q->type } @knownflags) {
# This line wants to set a flag, presumably.
if ($q->flag($q->type) ne $content) {
state 'different';
} else {
# Otherwise, it's probably a value…
if ($q->value ne $content) {
state 'different';
unless (grep { $_ eq $owner } (split /, /, $q->owners)) {
state 'different';
printf "%s\n", $state;