__package_pip: updating real detection of extras

As the previous detection took the wrong values, this explorer now
checks if packages for an extra are installed or not. If not, the extra
is not installed.

Based on the information of the explorer, it will install the package
again with the absent extras.
This commit is contained in:
matze 2021-02-11 22:53:26 +01:00
parent 8dc6ab9738
commit 2db0ef7c98
2 changed files with 42 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -17,10 +17,41 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Checks if the given extras are really installed or not. It will be
# done by querring all dependencies for that extra and return it as
# "to be installed" if no dependency was found.
if [ "$distinfo_dir" ]; then
# output all extras that are installed
awk -F': ' '$1 == "Provides-Extra"{print $2}' "$distinfo_dir/METADATA"
# check if we have something to check
if [ "$distinfo_dir" ] && [ -s "$__object/parameter/extra" ]
# save cause freezing is slow
mkdir "$__object/files"
pip3 freeze > "$pip_freeze"
for extra in $(cat "$__object/parameter/extra" | tr ',' '\n')
# create a grep BRE pattern to search all packages
awk -F'(: | ; )' -v check="$extra" '
$1 == "Requires-Dist" {
split($2, r, " ");
sub("extra == ", "", $3); gsub("'"'"'", "", $3);
if($3 == check) print r[1]
}' "$distinfo_dir/METADATA" \
| sed ':a; $!N; s/\n/\\|/; ta'
# echo the extra if no packages where found for it
# if there is no pattern, we don't need to search ;-)
if [ "$grep_pattern" ] && ! grep -q "$grep_pattern" "$pip_freeze"
echo "$extra"

View file

@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
state_is=$(cat "$__object/explorer/state")
state_should="$(cat "$__object/parameter/state")"
[ "$state_is" = "$state_should" ] && exit 0
# short circuit if state is the same and no extras to install
[ "$state_is" = "$state_should" ] && ! [ -s "$__object/explorer/extras" ] \
&& exit 0
if [ -f "$nameparam" ]; then
@ -57,19 +60,11 @@ fi
case "$state_should" in
if [ -f "$__object/parameter/extra" ]
if [ -s "$__object/explorer/extras" ]
mkdir "$__object/files"
# sort and generalize all extras
sed 's/,/\n/g' "$__object/parameter/extra" | sort > "$__object/files/extras-params"
sort "$__object/explorer/extras" > "$__object/files/extras-explorer"
# assemble extras
# all extras are passed to pip in a comma-separated list
extras="$(comm -23 \
"$__object/files/extras-params" "$__object/files/extras-explorer" \
| sed ':a; $!N; s/\n/,/; ta' # loops through all input lines and add commas between them
# all extras are passed to pip in a comma-separated list in the name
# sed loops through all input lines and add commas between them
extras="$(sed ':a; $!N; s/\n/,/; ta' "$__object/explorer/extras")"