cdist-type__consul_template(7) ============================== Steven Armstrong NAME ---- cdist-type__consul_template - manage the consul-template service DESCRIPTION ----------- Downloads and installs the consul-template binary from Generates a global config file and creates directory for per template config files. Note that the consul-template binary is downloaded on the server (the machine running cdist) and then deployed to the target host using the __file type. REQUIRED PARAMETERS ------------------- None. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ------------------- auth:: specify a username (and password) for basic authentication. batch-size:: the size of the batch when polling multiple dependencies. consul:: the location of the Consul instance to query (may be an IP address or FQDN) with port. Defaults to 'localhost:8500'. install-to:: where to install the binary. Defaults to /usr/local/bin/consul-template max-stale:: the maximum staleness of a query. If specified, Consul will distribute work among all servers instead of just the leader. retry:: the amount of time to wait if Consul returns an error when communicating with the API. state:: either 'present' or 'absent'. Defaults to 'present' token:: the Consul API token. version:: which version of consul-template to install. See ./files/versions for a list of supported versions. Defaults to the latest known version. wait:: the minimum(:maximum) to wait before rendering a new template to disk and triggering a command, separated by a colon (:). If the optional maximum value is omitted, it is assumed to be 4x the required minimum value. BOOLEAN PARAMETERS ------------------ ssl:: use HTTPS while talking to Consul. Requires the Consul server to be configured to serve secure connections. ssl-no-verify:: ignore certificate warnings. Only used if ssl is enabled. EXAMPLES -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __consul_template \ --consul consul.service.consul:8500 \ --retry 30s # specific version __consul_template \ --version 0.6.5 \ --retry 30s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE ALSO -------- - cdist-type(7) - COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2015 Steven Armstrong. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).