export key="$(cat "$__object/parameter/key" 2>/dev/null \ || echo "$__object_id")" export state="$(cat "$__object/parameter/state")" file="$(cat "$__object/parameter/file")" export delimiter="$(cat "$__object/parameter/delimiter")" export value="$(cat "$__object/parameter/value" 2>/dev/null \ || echo "__CDIST_NOTSET__")" if [ -f "$__object/parameter/exact_delimiter" ]; then export exact_delimiter=1 else export exact_delimiter=0 fi tmpfile=$(mktemp "${file}.cdist.XXXXXXXXXX") # preserve ownership and permissions by copying existing file over tmpfile if [ -f "$file" ]; then cp -p "$file" "$tmpfile" else touch "$file" fi awk -f - "$file" >"$tmpfile" <<"AWK_EOF" BEGIN { # import variables in a secure way .. state=ENVIRON["state"] key=ENVIRON["key"] delimiter=ENVIRON["delimiter"] value=ENVIRON["value"] comment=ENVIRON["comment"] exact_delimiter=ENVIRON["exact_delimiter"] inserted=0 lastline="" lastlinepopulated=0 line=key delimiter value } # enter the main loop { # I dont use regex, this is by design, so we can match against every value without special meanings of chars ... i = index($0,key) if(i == 1) { delval = substr($0,length(key)+1) delpos = index(delval,delimiter) if(delpos > 1) { spaces = substr(delval,1,delpos-1) sub(/[ \t]*/,"",spaces) if( length(spaces) > 0 ) { # if there are not only spaces between key and delimiter, # continue since we we are on the wrong line if(lastlinepopulated == 1) { print lastline } lastline=$0 lastlinepopulated=1 next } } if(state == "absent") { if(lastline == comment) { # if comment is present, clear lastlinepopulated flag lastlinepopulated=0 } # if absent, simple yump over this line next } else { # if comment is present and not present in last line if (lastlinepopulated == 1) { print lastline if( comment != "" && lastline != comment) { print comment } lastlinepopulated=0 } inserted=1 # state is present, so insert correct line here print line lastline=line next } } else { if(lastlinepopulated == 1) { print lastline } lastline=$0 lastlinepopulated=1 } } END { if(lastlinepopulated == 1) { print lastline } if(inserted == 0 && state == "present" ) { if(comment != "" && lastline != comment){ print comment } print line } } AWK_EOF mv -f "$tmpfile" "$file"