cdist-type__snakeoil_cert(7) ============================ NAME ---- cdist-type__snakeoil_cert - Generate self-signed certificate DESCRIPTION ----------- The purpose of this type is to generate **self-signed** certificate and private key for **testing purposes**. Certificate will expire in 3650 days. Certificate's and key's access bits will be ``644`` and ``640`` respectively. If target system has ``ssl-cert`` group, then it will be used as key's group. Use ``require='__snakeoil_cert/...' __file ...`` to override. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ------------------- common-name Defaults to ``$__object_id``. key-path ``%s`` in path will be replaced with ``$__object_id``. Defaults to ``/etc/ssl/private/%s.pem``. key-type Possible values are ``rsa:$bits`` and ``ec:$name``. For possible EC names see ``openssl ecparam -list_curves``. Defaults to ``rsa:2048``. cert-path ``%s`` in path will be replaced with ``$__object_id``. Defaults to ``/etc/ssl/certs/%s.pem``. EXAMPLES -------- .. code-block:: sh __snakeoil_cert localhost-rsa \ --common-name localhost \ --key-type rsa:4096 __snakeoil_cert localhost-ec \ --common-name localhost \ --key-type ec:prime256v1 AUTHORS ------- Ander Punnar COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2021 Ander Punnar. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.