#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # 2016 Darko Poljak (darko.poljak at gmail.com) # # This file is part of cdist. # # cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with cdist. If not, see . # # import cdist import logging import os import os.path import itertools import sys from cdist.hostsource import hostfile_process_line DIST_INVENTORY_DB_NAME = "inventory" dist_inventory_db = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(cdist.__file__), DIST_INVENTORY_DB_NAME)) def determine_default_inventory_dir(args): # The order of inventory dir setting by decreasing priority # 1. inventory_dir argument # 2. CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR env var if set # 3. ~/.cdist/inventory if HOME env var is set # 4. distribution inventory directory if not args.inventory_dir: if 'CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR' in os.environ: args.inventory_dir = os.environ['CDIST_INVENTORY_DIR'] else: home = cdist.home_dir() if home: args.inventory_dir = os.path.join(home, DIST_INVENTORY_DB_NAME) else: args.inventory_dir = dist_inventory_db def contains_all(big, little): """Return True if big contains all elements from little, False otherwise. """ return set(little).issubset(set(big)) def contains_any(big, little): """Return True if big contains any element from little, False otherwise. """ for x in little: if x in big: return True return False def check_always_true(x, y): return True def rstrip_nl(s): '''str.rstrip "\n" from s''' return str.rstrip(s, "\n") class Inventory(object): """Inventory main class""" def __init__(self, db_basedir=dist_inventory_db): self.db_basedir = db_basedir self.log = logging.getLogger("inventory") self.init_db() def init_db(self): self.log.trace("Init db: {}".format(self.db_basedir)) if not os.path.exists(self.db_basedir): os.makedirs(self.db_basedir, exist_ok=True) elif not os.path.isdir(self.db_basedir): raise cdist.Error(("Invalid inventory db basedir \'{}\'," " must be a directory").format(self.db_basedir)) @staticmethod def strlist_to_list(slist): if slist: result = [x for x in slist.split(',') if x] else: result = [] return result def _input_values(self, source): """Yield input values from source. Source can be a sequence or filename (stdin if '-'). In case of filename each line represents one input value. """ if isinstance(source, str): import fileinput try: with fileinput.FileInput(files=(source)) as f: for x in f: result = hostfile_process_line(x, strip_func=rstrip_nl) if result: yield result except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise cdist.Error("Error reading from \'{}\'".format( source)) else: if source: for x in source: if x: yield x def _host_path(self, host): hostpath = os.path.join(self.db_basedir, host) return hostpath def _all_hosts(self): return os.listdir(self.db_basedir) def _check_host(self, hostpath): if not os.path.exists(hostpath): return False else: if not os.path.isfile(hostpath): raise cdist.Error(("Host path \'{}\' exists, but is not" " a valid file").format(hostpath)) return True def _read_host_tags(self, hostpath): result = set() with open(hostpath, "rt") as f: for tag in f: tag = tag.rstrip("\n") if tag: result.add(tag) return result def _get_host_tags(self, host): hostpath = self._host_path(host) if self._check_host(hostpath): return self._read_host_tags(hostpath) else: return None def _write_host_tags(self, host, tags): hostpath = self._host_path(host) if self._check_host(hostpath): with open(hostpath, "wt") as f: for tag in tags: f.write("{}\n".format(tag)) return True else: return False @classmethod def commandline(cls, args): """Manipulate inventory db""" log = logging.getLogger("inventory") if 'taglist' in args: args.taglist = cls.strlist_to_list(args.taglist) determine_default_inventory_dir(args) log.debug("Using inventory: {}".format(args.inventory_dir)) log.trace("Inventory args: {}".format(vars(args))) log.trace("Inventory command: {}".format(args.subcommand)) if args.subcommand == "list": c = InventoryList(hosts=args.host, istag=args.tag, hostfile=args.hostfile, db_basedir=args.inventory_dir, list_only_host=args.list_only_host, has_all_tags=args.has_all_tags) elif args.subcommand == "add-host": c = InventoryHost(hosts=args.host, hostfile=args.hostfile, db_basedir=args.inventory_dir) elif args.subcommand == "del-host": c = InventoryHost(hosts=args.host, hostfile=args.hostfile, all=args.all, db_basedir=args.inventory_dir, action="del") elif args.subcommand == "add-tag": c = InventoryTag(hosts=args.host, tags=args.taglist, hostfile=args.hostfile, tagfile=args.tagfile, db_basedir=args.inventory_dir) elif args.subcommand == "del-tag": c = InventoryTag(hosts=args.host, tags=args.taglist, hostfile=args.hostfile, tagfile=args.tagfile, all=args.all, db_basedir=args.inventory_dir, action="del") else: raise cdist.Error("Unknown inventory command \'{}\'".format( args.subcommand)) c.run() class InventoryList(Inventory): def __init__(self, hosts=None, istag=False, hostfile=None, list_only_host=False, has_all_tags=False, db_basedir=dist_inventory_db): super().__init__(db_basedir) self.hosts = hosts self.istag = istag self.hostfile = hostfile self.list_only_host = list_only_host self.has_all_tags = has_all_tags def _print(self, host, tags): if self.list_only_host: print("{}".format(host)) else: print("{} {}".format(host, ",".join(sorted(tags)))) def _do_list(self, it_tags, it_hosts, check_func): if (it_tags is not None): param_tags = set(it_tags) self.log.trace("param_tags: {}".format(param_tags)) else: param_tags = set() for host in it_hosts: self.log.trace("host: {}".format(host)) tags = self._get_host_tags(host) if tags is None: self.log.debug("Host \'{}\' not found, skipped".format(host)) continue self.log.trace("tags: {}".format(tags)) if check_func(tags, param_tags): yield host, tags def entries(self): if not self.hosts and not self.hostfile: self.log.trace("Listing all hosts") it_hosts = self._all_hosts() it_tags = None check_func = check_always_true else: it = itertools.chain(self._input_values(self.hosts), self._input_values(self.hostfile)) if self.istag: self.log.trace("Listing by tag(s)") it_hosts = self._all_hosts() it_tags = it if self.has_all_tags: check_func = contains_all else: check_func = contains_any else: self.log.trace("Listing by host(s)") it_hosts = it it_tags = None check_func = check_always_true for host, tags in self._do_list(it_tags, it_hosts, check_func): yield host, tags def host_entries(self): for host, tags in self.entries(): yield host def run(self): for host, tags in self.entries(): self._print(host, tags) class InventoryHost(Inventory): def __init__(self, hosts=None, hostfile=None, db_basedir=dist_inventory_db, all=False, action="add"): super().__init__(db_basedir) self.actions = ("add", "del") if action not in self.actions: raise cdist.Error("Invalid action \'{}\', valid actions are:" " {}\n".format(action, self.actions.keys())) self.action = action self.hosts = hosts self.hostfile = hostfile self.all = all if not self.hosts and not self.hostfile: self.hostfile = "-" def _new_hostpath(self, hostpath): # create empty file with open(hostpath, "w"): pass def _action(self, host): if self.action == "add": self.log.debug("Adding host \'{}\'".format(host)) elif self.action == "del": self.log.debug("Deleting host \'{}\'".format(host)) hostpath = self._host_path(host) self.log.trace("hostpath: {}".format(hostpath)) if self.action == "add" and not os.path.exists(hostpath): self._new_hostpath(hostpath) else: if not os.path.isfile(hostpath): raise cdist.Error(("Host path \'{}\' is" " not a valid file").format(hostpath)) if self.action == "del": os.remove(hostpath) def run(self): if self.action == "del" and self.all: self.log.trace("Doing for all hosts") it = self._all_hosts() else: self.log.trace("Doing for specified hosts") it = itertools.chain(self._input_values(self.hosts), self._input_values(self.hostfile)) for host in it: self._action(host) class InventoryTag(Inventory): def __init__(self, hosts=None, tags=None, hostfile=None, tagfile=None, db_basedir=dist_inventory_db, all=False, action="add"): super().__init__(db_basedir) self.actions = ("add", "del") if action not in self.actions: raise cdist.Error("Invalid action \'{}\', valid actions are:" " {}\n".format(action, self.actions.keys())) self.action = action self.hosts = hosts self.tags = tags self.hostfile = hostfile self.tagfile = tagfile self.all = all if not self.hosts and not self.hostfile: self.allhosts = True else: self.allhosts = False if not self.tags and not self.tagfile: self.tagfile = "-" if self.hostfile == "-" and self.tagfile == "-": raise cdist.Error("Cannot read both, hosts and tags, from stdin") def _read_input_tags(self): self.input_tags = set() for tag in itertools.chain(self._input_values(self.tags), self._input_values(self.tagfile)): self.input_tags.add(tag) def _action(self, host): host_tags = self._get_host_tags(host) if host_tags is None: print("Host \'{}\' does not exist, skipping".format(host), file=sys.stderr) return self.log.trace("existing host_tags: {}".format(host_tags)) if self.action == "del" and self.all: host_tags = set() else: for tag in self.input_tags: if self.action == "add": self.log.debug("Adding tag \'{}\' for host \'{}\'".format( tag, host)) host_tags.add(tag) elif self.action == "del": self.log.debug("Deleting tag \'{}\' for host " "\'{}\'".format(tag, host)) if tag in host_tags: host_tags.remove(tag) self.log.trace("new host tags: {}".format(host_tags)) if not self._write_host_tags(host, host_tags): self.log.trace("{} does not exist, skipped".format(host)) def run(self): if self.allhosts: self.log.trace("Doing for all hosts") it = self._all_hosts() else: self.log.trace("Doing for specified hosts") it = itertools.chain(self._input_values(self.hosts), self._input_values(self.hostfile)) if not(self.action == "del" and self.all): self._read_input_tags() for host in it: self._action(host)