[[!meta title="cdist - configuration management"]] .. . .x+=:. s dF @88> z` ^% :8 '88bu. %8P . origin/ # Stay on version 1.0 git checkout -b 1.0 origin/1.0 ### Update To upgrade cdist in the current branch use git pull # Also update the manpages make man export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$(pwd -P)/doc/man The version branches are designed to change if there are incompatibilities. Or the other way round: As long as you stay on 1.0 and do git pull, nothing should break. ## Support ### IRC You can join the development ***IRC channel*** [#cLinux on irc.freenode.org](irc://irc.freenode.org/#cLinux). ### Mailing list Bug reports, questions, patches, etc. should be send to the [cdist mailing list](http://l.schottelius.org/mailman/listinfo/cdist). ## Used by If you're using cdist, feel free to send a report to the mailing list. Interesting information are for instance * Which services do you manage? * How many machines do you manage? * What are the pros/cons you see in cdist? * General comments/critics ### Nico Schottelius, Systems Group ETH Zurich Yes, I'm actually eating my own dogfood and currently managing * [plone](http://plone.org/) (cms) * [moinmoin](http://moinmo.in/) (wiki) * [apache](http://httpd.apache.org/) (webserver) * [kerberos (mit)](http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/) (authentication) * [ircd-hybrid](http://www.ircd-hybrid.org/) (chat) * [stunnel](http://stunnel.mirt.net/) (SSL tunnel) with cdist on a total of **3** production servers of the [Systems Group](http://www.systems.ethz.ch) at the [ETH Zurich](http://www.ethz.ch).