cdist-type__package_dpkg(7) =========================== NAME ---- cdist-type__package_dpkg - Manage packages with dpkg DESCRIPTION ----------- This type is used on Debian and variants (like Ubuntu) to install packages that are provided locally as \*.deb files. The object given to this type must be the name of the deb package. The filename of the deb package has to follow Debian naming conventions, i.e. `${binary:Package}_${Version}_${Architecture}.deb` (see `dpkg-query(1)` for details). OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ------------------- state `present` or `absent`, defaults to `present`. REQUIRED PARAMETERS ------------------- source path to the \*.deb package BOOLEAN PARAMETERS ------------------ purge-if-absent If this parameter is given when state is `absent`, the package is purged from the system (using `--purge`). EXPLORER -------- pkg_state Returns the full package name if package is installed, empty otherwise. MESSAGES -------- installed The deb-file was installed. removed (--remove) The package was removed, keeping config. removed (--purge) The package was removed including config (purged). EXAMPLES -------- .. code-block:: sh # Install foo and bar packages __package_dpkg foo_0.1_all.deb --source /tmp/foo_0.1_all.deb __package_dpkg bar_1.4.deb --source $__type/files/bar_1.4.deb # uninstall baz: __package_dpkg baz_1.4_amd64.deb \ --source $__type/files/baz_1.4_amd64.deb \ --state "absent" # uninstall baz and also purge config-files: __package_dpkg baz_1.4_amd64.deb \ --source $__type/files/baz_1.4_amd64.deb \ --purge-if-absent \ --state "absent" # if dpkg-deb is available and your local package does not have (or can't have) the Debian naming conventions, you can do it this way: __package_dpkg "$(dpkg-deb --show --showformat='${binary:Package}_${Version}_${Architecture}.deb\n' "baz.deb")" \ --source $__type/files/baz.deb \ --state "absent" SEE ALSO -------- :strong:`cdist-type__package`\ (7), :strong:`dpkg-query`\ (1) AUTHORS ------- | Tomas Pospisek | Thomas Eckert COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2013 Tomas Pospisek. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This type is based on __package_apt.