# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from copy import deepcopy from cmsplugin_filer_image.models import ThumbnailOption from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from djangocms_helper.base_test import BaseTestCase from parler.utils.context import smart_override from djangocms_blog.cms_appconfig import BlogConfig from djangocms_blog.models import BlogCategory, Post User = get_user_model() def _get_cat_pk(lang, name): return lambda: BlogCategory.objects.translated(lang, name=name).get().pk class BaseTest(BaseTestCase): """ Base class with utility function """ category_1 = None thumb_1 = None thumb_2 = None _pages_data = ( {'en': {'title': 'page one', 'template': 'blog.html', 'publish': True}, 'fr': {'title': 'page un', 'publish': True}, 'it': {'title': 'pagina uno', 'publish': True}}, {'en': {'title': 'page two', 'template': 'blog.html', 'publish': True, 'apphook': 'BlogApp', 'apphook_namespace': 'sample_app'}, 'fr': {'title': 'page deux', 'publish': True}, 'it': {'title': 'pagina due', 'publish': True}}, {'en': {'title': 'page three', 'template': 'blog.html', 'publish': True, 'apphook': 'BlogApp', 'apphook_namespace': 'sample_app2'}, 'fr': {'title': 'page trois', 'publish': True}, 'it': {'title': 'pagina tre', 'publish': True}}, ) _post_data = ( {'en': {'title': 'First post', 'abstract': '
first line
', 'description': 'This is the description', 'keywords': 'keyword1, keyword2', 'text': 'Post text', 'app_config': 'sample_app', 'publish': True}, 'it': {'title': 'Primo post', 'abstract': 'prima riga
', 'description': 'Questa รจ la descrizione', 'keywords': 'keyword1, keyword2', 'text': 'Testo del post'}, }, {'en': {'title': 'Second post', 'abstract': 'second post first line
', 'description': 'Second post description', 'keywords': 'keyword3, keyword4', 'text': 'Second post text', 'app_config': 'sample_app', 'publish': False}, 'it': {'title': 'Secondo post', 'abstract': 'prima riga del secondo post
', 'description': 'Descrizione del secondo post', 'keywords': 'keyword3, keyword4', 'text': 'Testo del secondo post', 'app_config': 'sample_app'}, }, {'en': {'title': 'Third post', 'abstract': 'third post first line
', 'description': 'third post description', 'keywords': 'keyword5, keyword6', 'text': 'Third post text', 'app_config': 'sample_app', 'publish': False}, 'it': {'title': 'Terzo post', 'abstract': 'prima riga del terzo post
', 'description': 'Descrizione del terzo post', 'keywords': 'keyword5, keyword6', 'text': 'Testo del terzo post'}, }, {'en': {'title': 'Different appconfig', 'abstract': 'Different appconfig first line
', 'description': 'Different appconfig description', 'keywords': 'keyword5, keyword6', 'text': 'Different appconfig text', 'app_config': 'sample_app2', 'publish': True}, 'it': {'title': 'Altro appconfig', 'abstract': 'prima riga del Altro appconfig
', 'description': 'Descrizione Altro appconfig', 'keywords': 'keyword5, keyword6', 'text': 'Testo del Altro appconfig'}, }, ) _categories_data = ( {'en': {'name': 'Very loud', 'app_config': 'sample_app'}, 'it': {'name': 'Fortissimo'}, }, {'en': {'name': 'Very very silent', 'app_config': 'sample_app'}, 'it': {'name': 'Pianississimo'}, }, {'en': {'name': 'Almost', 'app_config': 'sample_app'}, 'it': {'name': 'Mezzo'}, }, {'en': {'name': 'Loud', 'parent_id': _get_cat_pk('en', 'Almost'), 'app_config': 'sample_app'}, 'it': {'name': 'Forte', 'parent_id': _get_cat_pk('it', 'Mezzo')}, }, {'en': {'name': 'Silent', 'parent_id': _get_cat_pk('en', 'Almost'), 'app_config': 'sample_app'}, }, {'en': {'name': 'Drums', 'app_config': 'sample_app2'}, 'it': {'name': 'Tamburi'}, }, {'en': {'name': 'Guitars', 'app_config': 'sample_app2'}, 'it': {'name': 'Chitarre'}, }, ) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(BaseTest, cls).setUpClass() cls.thumb_1 = ThumbnailOption.objects.create( name='base', width=100, height=100, crop=True, upscale=False ) cls.thumb_2 = ThumbnailOption.objects.create( name='main', width=200, height=200, crop=False, upscale=False ) cls.app_config_1 = BlogConfig.objects.create( namespace='sample_app', app_title='app1' ) cls.app_config_2 = BlogConfig.objects.create( namespace='sample_app2', app_title='app2' ) cls.app_config_1.app_data.config.paginate_by = 1 cls.app_config_1.save() cls.app_config_2.app_data.config.paginate_by = 2 cls.app_config_2.save() cls.app_configs = { 'sample_app': cls.app_config_1, 'sample_app2': cls.app_config_2, } cls.category_1 = BlogCategory.objects.create(name='category 1', app_config=cls.app_config_1) cls.category_1.set_current_language('it', initialize=True) cls.category_1.name = 'categoria 1' cls.category_1.save() cls.site_2 = Site.objects.create(domain='http://example2.com', name='example 2') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(BaseTest, cls).tearDownClass() BlogConfig.objects.all().delete() BlogCategory.objects.all().delete() ThumbnailOption.objects.all().delete() def _get_category(self, data, category=None, lang='en'): data = deepcopy(data) for k, v in data.items(): if hasattr(v, '__call__'): data[k] = v() if not category: with smart_override(lang): data['app_config'] = self.app_configs[data['app_config']] category = BlogCategory.objects.create(**data) else: category.set_current_language(lang, initialize=True) for attr, val in data.items(): setattr(category, attr, val) category.save() return category def _get_post(self, data, post=None, lang='en', sites=None): if not post: post_data = { 'author': self.user, 'title': data['title'], 'abstract': data['abstract'], 'meta_description': data['description'], 'meta_keywords': data['keywords'], 'app_config': self.app_configs[data['app_config']] } post = Post.objects.create(**post_data) else: post.create_translation( lang, title=data['title'], abstract=data['abstract'], meta_description=data['description'], meta_keywords=data['keywords'] ) post = self.reload_model(post) post.categories.add(self.category_1) if sites: for site in sites: post.sites.add(site) return post def get_posts(self, sites=None): posts = [] for post in self._post_data: post1 = self._get_post(post['en'], sites=sites) post1 = self._get_post(post['it'], post=post1, lang='it') post1.publish = post['en']['publish'] post1.main_image = self.create_filer_image_object() post1.save() posts.append(post1) return posts