.. _settings: Global Settings --------------- * BLOG_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE: Size of the main image when shown on the post lists; it's a dictionary with ``size``, ``crop`` and ``upscale`` keys; (default: ``{'size': '120x120', 'crop': True,'upscale': False}``) * BLOG_IMAGE_FULL_SIZE: Size of the main image when shown on the post detail; it's a dictionary with ``size``, ``crop`` and ``upscale`` keys; (default: ``{'size': '640x120', 'crop': True,'upscale': False}``) * BLOG_PAGINATION: Number of post per page; (default: ``10``) * BLOG_LATEST_POSTS: Default number of post in the **Latest post** plugin; (default: ``5``) * BLOG_POSTS_LIST_TRUNCWORDS_COUNT: Default number of words shown for abstract in the post list; (default: ``100``) * BLOG_TYPE: Generic type for the post object; (default: ``Article``) * BLOG_TYPES: Choices of available blog types; (default: to ``META_OBJECT_TYPES`` defined in `django-meta settings`_) * BLOG_FB_TYPE: Open Graph type for the post object; (default: ``Article``) * BLOG_FB_TYPES: Choices of available blog types; (default: to ``META_FB_TYPES`` defined in `django-meta settings`_) * BLOG_FB_APPID: Facebook Application ID * BLOG_FB_PROFILE_ID: Facebook profile ID of the post author * BLOG_FB_PUBLISHER: Facebook URL of the blog publisher * BLOG_FB_AUTHOR_URL: Facebook profile URL of the post author * BLOG_FB_AUTHOR: Facebook profile URL of the post author * BLOG_TWITTER_TYPE: Twitter Card type for the post object; (default: ``Summary``) * BLOG_TWITTER_TYPES: Choices of available blog types for twitter; (default: to ``META_TWITTER_TYPES`` defined in `django-meta settings`_) * BLOG_TWITTER_SITE: Twitter account of the site * BLOG_TWITTER_AUTHOR: Twitter account of the post author * BLOG_GPLUS_TYPE: Google+ Snippet type for the post object; (default: ``Blog``) * BLOG_GPLUS_TYPES: Choices of available blog types for twitter; (default: to ``META_GPLUS_TYPES`` defined in `django-meta settings`_) * BLOG_GPLUS_AUTHOR: Google+ account of the post author * BLOG_ENABLE_COMMENTS: Whether to enable comments by default on posts; while ``djangocms_blog`` does not ship any comment system, this flag can be used to control the chosen comments framework; (default: ``True``) * BLOG_USE_ABSTRACT: Use an abstract field for the post; if ``False`` no abstract field is available for every post; (default: ``True``) * BLOG_USE_PLACEHOLDER: Post content is managed via placeholder; if ``False`` a simple HTMLField is used; (default: ``True``) * BLOG_MULTISITE: Add support for multisite setup; (default: ``True``) * BLOG_AUTHOR_DEFAULT: Use a default if not specified; if set to ``True`` the current user is set as the default author, if set to ``False`` no default author is set, if set to a string the user with the provided username is used; (default: ``True``) * BLOG_DEFAULT_PUBLISHED: If posts are marked as published by default; (default: ``False``) * BLOG_ADMIN_POST_FIELDSET_FILTER: Callable function to change(add or filter) fields to fieldsets for admin post edit form; (default: ``False``). Function simple example:: def fieldset_filter_function(fsets, request, obj=None): if request.user.groups.filter(name='Editor').exists(): fsets[1][1]['fields'][0].append('author') # adding 'author' field if user is Editor return fsets * BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES: Choices of permalinks styles; * BLOG_PERMALINK_URLS: URLConf corresponding to BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES; * BLOG_DEFAULT_OBJECT_NAME: Default name for Blog item (used in django CMS Wizard); * BLOG_AUTO_SETUP: Enable the blog **Auto setup** feature; (default: ``True``) * BLOG_AUTO_HOME_TITLE: Title of the home page created by **Auto setup**; (default: ``Home``) * BLOG_AUTO_BLOG_TITLE: Title of the blog page created by **Auto setup**; (default: ``Blog``) * BLOG_AUTO_APP_TITLE: Title of the ``BlogConfig`` instance created by **Auto setup**; (default: ``Blog``) * BLOG_SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT: Default priority for sitemap items; (default: ``0.5``) * BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ: List for available changefreqs for sitemap items; (default: **always**, **hourly**, **daily**, **weekly**, **monthly**, **yearly**, **never**) * BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_DEFAULT: Default changefreq for sitemap items; (default: ``monthly``) * BLOG_CURRENT_POST_IDENTIFIER: Current post identifier in request (default ``djangocms_post_current``) * BLOG_CURRENT_NAMESPACE: Current post config identifier in request (default: ``djangocms_post_current_config``) * BLOG_ENABLE_THROUGH_TOOLBAR_MENU: Is the toolbar menu throught whole all applications (default: ``False``) * BLOG_PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME: Blog plugin module name (default: ``Blog``) * BLOG_LATEST_ENTRIES_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog latest entries plugin name (default: ``Latest Blog Articles``) * BLOG_AUTHOR_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog author posts plugin name (default: ``Author Blog Articles``) * BLOG_TAGS_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog tags plugin name (default: ``Tags``) * BLOG_CATEGORY_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog categories plugin name (default: ``Categories``) * BLOG_ARCHIVE_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog archive plugin name (default: ``Archive``) * BLOG_FEED_CACHE_TIMEOUT: Cache timeout for RSS feeds * BLOG_FEED_INSTANT_ITEMS: Number of items in Instant Article feed * BLOG_FEED_LATEST_ITEMS: Number of items in latest items feed * BLOG_FEED_TAGS_ITEMS: Number of items in per tags feed Read-only settings ++++++++++++++++++ * BLOG_MENU_TYPES: Available structures of the Blog menu; (default list **Posts and Categories**, **Categories only**, **Posts only**, **None**) * BLOG_MENU_TYPE: Structure of the Blog menu; (default: ``Posts and Categories``) Per-Apphook settings ++++++++++++++++++++ The following settings can be configured for each ``Apphook config``: the settings above will be used as defaults. * application title: Free text title that can be used as title in templates; * object name: Free text label for Blog items in django CMS Wizard; * Post published by default: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_DEFAULT_PUBLISHED; * Permalink structure: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES; * Use placeholder and plugins for article body: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_USE_PLACEHOLDER; * Use abstract field: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_USE_ABSTRACT; * Set author: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AUTHOR_DEFAULT; * Paginate sizePer-Apphook setting for BLOG_PAGINATION; * Template prefix: Alternative directory to load the blog templates from; * Menu structure: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_MENU_TYPE * Sitemap changefreq: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_DEFAULT * Sitemap priority: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT * Object type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TYPE * Facebook type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_TYPE * Facebook application ID: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_APP_ID * Facebook profile ID: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_PROFILE_ID * Facebook page URL: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_PUBLISHER * Facebook author URL: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AUTHOR_URL * Facebook author: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AUTHOR * Twitter type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TWITTER_TYPE * Twitter site handle: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TWITTER_SITE * Twitter author handle: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TWITTER_AUTHOR * Google+ type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_GPLUS_TYPE * Google+ author name: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_GPLUS_AUTHOR * Send notifications on post publish: Send desktop notifications when a post is published * Send notifications on post update: Send desktop notifications when a post is updated .. _django-meta settings: https://github.com/nephila/django-meta#settings