Add management command to change ch vat #15

mravi merged 3 commits from 12224-change-ch-vat into master 2023-12-25 05:59:38 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 5530b48d0d - Show all commits

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@ -64,6 +64,44 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
logger.debug("There are %s ch subscription that need VAT rate update" % len(ch_subs))
# CSV column headers
csv_headers = [
# CSV file name
csv_filename = "ch_subscriptions_change_2024.csv"
# Write subscription data to CSV file
with open(csv_filename, mode='w', newline='') as csv_file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=csv_headers)
for subscription in subscriptions:
subscription_id = subscription["id"]
customer_name = subscription.get("customer", "")
items = subscription.get("items", {}).get("data", [])
for item in items:
subscription_name = item.get("plan", {}).get("id", "")
amount = item.get("plan", {}).get("amount", "")
vat_rates = item.get("tax_rates", [])
# Convert amount to a proper format (e.g., cents to dollars)
amount_in_chf = amount / 100 # Adjust this conversion as needed
# Writing to CSV
"customer_name": customer_name,
"subscription_id": subscription_id,
"subscription_name": subscription_name,
"amount": amount_in_chf,
"vat_rate": ", ".join(vat_rates) # Fill in VAT rate if available
print("Making modifications now")
tax_rate_obj = stripe.TaxRate.create(