{% extends "digitalglarus/base.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block content %}


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Digital Glarus

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By ungleich gmbh

Build a tech valley in the heart of switzerland

Digital Glarus, this is how we call the new home for high tech companies. Located south of Zurich, it has unique features you can not find anywhere else in Switzerland.

The combination of beautiful landscape, recreational areas as well as having high speed Internet connections and huge variety of great food offers forms what we call "Digital Glarus".

The valley also known as "Glarnerland" has many gorgeous, eye-catching buildings from former industrial area.

In fact, Glarnerland may be the valley to contain most well preserved antique houses equipped with high quality old age furniture (those you always look at in expensive stores, but never buy - this is how people live here).


a new area

While you can imagine that the old factories, many of them being weaving mills, are not running anymore, their heritage suits exactly what the tech society of Switzerland requires: Great and affordable place for computer scientists.

We are building the new tech centre of Switzerland by converting old, abandoned buidings into attractive co-working spaces.

But what is attractive to a computer scientist? Pizza, Coke and fast Internet? The latter is a still true, though computer scientists in Switzerland are more orientated on living healthy, which is exactly what Glarnerland can provide.

Why would anyone be interested in it?

The current de-facto tech centre of Switzerland, Zurich, is overpopulated with an average of less than 0.1% free apartments.Crowded, expensive and loud, to be exact.. Although the density of population is helpful for businesses in finding customers, most tech companies are making their business on the Internet and are flexible in change of location. Why not start from beautiful, empty buildings so many available in Glarus? We are aware of the fact that some investment of time, money and passion will be required to be actually attractive for tech companies to come here. Nonetheless, the overall cost required will be significantly lower than staying in an already overcrowded city.

Wherewe are

The great first step we (ungleich) took is purchasing a charming old house in Schwanden, Glarus. This is our prototype for reviving Glarus and bringing in talents here. We plan to open this place up for Tech companies as a co-working space. We are working tightly with local authorities and supporters. It is crucial to build up some basic infrastructure, and also welcome early adopters. We want Glarus and the IT communities in Switzerland to get on this train, to a great journey we plan through the beautiful valley of Glarus.

Have you become interested in the project?

Contact us at

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