{% extends "new_base_glarus.html" %} {% load staticfiles bootstrap3 i18n %} {% block content %}


Billing Adress

Your Digital Glarus Membership enables you to use our coworking space and it includes 2 working days for the month you signed up. The membership fee is a monthly subscription. Additional day costs 15CHF per day. More than 17 days a month it will charge only 290CHF/month.

Credit Card

Booking Summary

Dates {{start_date}} - {{end_date}}

Total days: {{booking_days}}


{% if membership_required_months and membership_required_months_price %}

Required Membership months: {{membership_required_months}}


{% endif %}
{% if free_days %}

Free days: {{free_days}}


{% endif %}



Digital Glarus
In der Au 7 Schwanden 8762 Switzerland
(044) 534-66-22



{% if stripe_key %} {%endif%} {% endblock %}